Test Realm: New Dropped Spells


New Dropped Spells

In the Wizard 101 Test Realm, 3 New Dropped Spells have been added to the Loremaster’s drop table. Storm, Myth and Fire have all gained additional drops to add to their arsenal. This article will highlight the three spells, their effects and review their potential use in 1v1 Ranked PvP.

Special thanks to Blade of W101 Central for Pictures!

Myth: Athena Battlesight


Myth’s new spell gives them a solid hard hitting spell that also leaves a -35% tower shield. This spell follows the usual dpp conventions of Lore spells of being above dpp(Minotaur deals 495 damage) while also leaving an effect. The -35% shield is useful as a pierce buffer and does offer some offensive/defensive utility that myth so desperately needs.

Fire: Hephaestus


Fire’s new spell gives them even more combo utility. It deals some damage and then leaves a 25% fire bubble. Despite being below dpp(phoenix beats it out dealing 515-595 damage) the combo utility of being able to attack and generate even more pressure cannot be ignored. This spell is the best 1v1 spell added this update but can still use some buffing on the damage for consistencies sake.

Storm: Queen Calypso

Queen Calypso

Sadly while Storm’s spell does offer a unique ability-said ability is practically useless in 1v1 PvP. The Storm spell does below dpp damage at base(Kraken does 520-580) and applies a 20% trap to the enemy team. The trap is unique as it is applied before the damage of the spell is dealt. In 1v1 PvP this effectively bumps the damage to 534-606 with no other effect. In other words Storm received a slightly stronger Kraken which while not useless, does nothing to help it in 1v1.

Will you be using these spells in PvP?


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Best Wands for Max Level PvP


Best Wands for Max Level PvP

After collecting data for about a month, I have finally come to the point where I can start writing articles, yay! Have you ever wondered what the best wands for max level PvP are? Do you know which wands prodigious overlords use? While there may be a difference between what is thought of as the best wands and what is actually being used, I think we still benefit from taking a look at what wands overlords are using right now.

The Overlords

Best Wands for Max Level PvP

I have been collecting overlords in the Arena in the period between the 16th of June and the 10th of July.

As you can see in the table, the largest group are the Prodigious overlords (100 wizards). The second largest group are the Grandmasters (88 overlords), closely followed by Legendaries (71 wizards). After that, the numbers start to dwindle.

In this guide, I am only looking at Prodigious wizards, but don’t you worry, there will be an overview for lower level wizards coming soon as well.

Please note that this information was collected before the July Test Realm, which might cause certain changes in people’s preferences.



Prodigious Overlords’ PvP Wands

For level 110 overlords, wands from packs have been very popular. Of 100 overlords, 76 used a wand from a pack. Why? The most important factor is probably the Critical and Critical Block you get from Pack wands. The may cast spells are an interesting addition as well.

1. Terror’s Hoard Pack

Terror’s Hoard pack wands are the most popular right now, as 55 overlords use one of them. To begin with, there are three options available when it comes to Terror’s Hoard wands, though their differences are minor. All three of the wands have a may cast attack astral spell, good critical and critical block, some damage and some pierce.

fortune teller's eternal gaze Best Wands for Max Level PvP

Fortune Teller’s Eternal Gaze

This wand was used by 31 wizards of level 110. One of them used the level 100+ version, while the rest has stuck to the max level version.

As you can see from the image, the Eternal Gaze wand gives 118 critical as well as 118 critical block at level 110. The 9% damage is school specific on these wands, so this is best fit for Fire, Ice and Storm wizards.

My data confirms that overlords of these three schools are indeed the ones to use this wand. This wand is used by 31 overlords, of which 3 were Storm, 11 Fire and 17 Ice.

This wand comes with the best Pierce of all three: 5%. The may cast attack spell is for the Sun school: Shift Akhtang does 1000 sun damage.

Fortune Teller's Peerless Eye Best Wands for Max Level PvP

Fortune Teller’s Peerless Eye

This wand was used by 14 overlords. Of these, 12 used the max level version, while 2 had the level 100+ version equipped.

The Peerless Eye wand gives the same amount of critical and critical block of the Eternal Gaze (118 of each).

The damage this wand gives is universal: the damage of any school will be boosted by 6%. This makes this wand suitable for wizards of all schools. This wand is the most popular among Balance wizards (10 overlords use it), but there are also 2 Fire and 2 Ice wizards using it.

Of these three, Peerless Eye has the least Pierce: only 3%. Its may cast attack spell is of the Moon school: Shift Chaney does 1000 moon damage.

Eye of the SoothSayer

Eye of the Soothsayer

This wand was the least popular of the three, with only 10 overlords using it (probably due to the lower popularity of the schools it is meant for). Of these 10, there were 8 overlords with the 110 version and 2 with the 100+ version.

This wand has a little less critical and critical block than the other two, though 110 for both is still a decent number. While this wand doesn’t give any Pierce, it does increase your Power Pip chance by 6%.

This wand gives 10% damage for the Spirit schools Life, Death and Myth. As such, it is the most useful for these three schools, which you can also see from my data: 6 Life wizards, 2 Death wizards and 2 Myth wizards carry this wand around with them.

The may cast attack spell is called Shift Blackwater and does 1000 star damage on the opponent.


2. Wands dropped by Malistaire the Undying

Staff of the Void Stalker Best Wands for Max Level PvP Malistaire’s wands are a popular alternative for Pack wands, with 23 overlords sporting one of these. These wands especially seem to appeal to Balance wizards, of which 18 use their Malistaire wand. The other overlords that use Malistaire’s wand are 2 Lifes, 1 Myth, 1 Fire and 1 Death.

As you can see from the picture, the Balance version of this wand offers 100 Critical and 95 Critical Block, as well as 11% Balance Pierce.

It’s interesting to note that, especially for Balance wizards, wands don’t seem to allow for a lot of variation: the Sorcerers that don’t use Malistaire’s wand all carry the Peerless Eye wand. It’s clear that these are the two best options for Balance at this point.

Compared to the Peerless Eye, this wand has a little less block, a lot more pierce and a loss of 6% damage. Balance wizards also lose the may cast attack when they pick the Staff of the Void Stalker over the Fortune Teller’s Peerless Eye. All in all it seems to be an okay crowns free alternative.


3. Keeper’s Lore Pack

Silver Order of the SpiralKeeper’s Lore pack wands are the second most popular group of pack wands (and the third most popular group of all wands), with 9 overlords carrying one of these around. While there are three versions of this wand as well (Silver Order of the Spiral, Order of High Glory Banner and Golden Dragon Fear Banner), only the Silver Order of the Spiral appears at max level. This is clear once you look at the difference in the stats between the three: the Silver Order has 100 Critical Block (higher than both of the others) and 24% Outgoing Healing (compared to 19% and 8%).

This last tidbit of information should give away which school uses this wand the most: Life. Of the 9 wizards using this wand, 7 were Life, 1 Death and 1 Ice. This wand doesn’t offer any Critical, so it’s not very appealing to wizards using a tactic that isn’t centered around healing.


4. Road Warrior’s Hoard Pack

Third in pack wand popularity at max level is the Road Warrior’s Hoard pack, used by 7 overlords. While this is the most recent pack (November 2016), it still doesn’t outshine the Terror’s Hoard Pack’s popularity (June 2015). Again, there are three wands to choose from. All three of them have decent critical block, and damage for 2 of the schools. They are also currently the only wands that have a socket to attach a jewel to! It’s a square slot, which traditionally gets filled with a Critical Block jewel.

Road Legend SkullRoad Legend Skull

This wand offers 115 of both Critical and Critical Block. In addition, you get 10% Ice and Myth Damage. You also get 4% Pierce.

The may cast attack spell is called Punklops, does a little bit of Myth damage and leaves a trap for both Ice and Myth. As such, it is most suitable for Ice and Myth wizards. All three of the overlords using this wand were indeed Ice.

The fact that the maycast is Myth and not of an Astral school (like the Terror Hoard’s wands), is working against these wands. It makes this wand unsuitable for Myth wizards, as they could be using all their Myth blades when they least want to.

Rapturerider's Skull

Rapturerider’s Skull

Rapturerider’s Skull offers a little bit more of both Critical and Critical Block (120 of each, which is a tiny bit more than on the more popular Terror’s Hoard wands). With this wand, you get 5% armor Piercing.

In addition, this wand gives 8% damage for Life and Storm attacks. It also has a may cast attack spell, which does a little Life damage and leaves a trap for both Life and Storm. Not surprisingly, this wand is used by 2 Life wizards and 1 Storm wizard.

Deathmetal skullDeathmetal Skull

This wand is the least popular of the three, with only one (Death) overlord using it. This is hardly surprising, since the wand gives 10% Death and Fire damage, as well as a may cast which does some Death damage and leaves a Death and Fire trap.

The wand has excellent Critical and Critical Block at 115 and offers 4% Pierce.

It’s definitely not a bad choice for Death wizards; there just happen to be so few around that this wand doesn’t appear very often. In addition, the maycast could work against a Death wizard, since it’s a Death school attack. A Death wizard could be losing precious blades. Fire wizards definitely seem to prefer the Fortune Teller’s Eternal Gaze over this wand.

5.The rest

I think we can bundle the rest of the wands under one title, since they aren’t very significant.

First off, of the 100 level 110 overlords, there were 3 carrying a Mandolin. Mandolins come from the Hoard of the Hydra Pack. As usual, there are three versions: the Levee Breaking Lute, the Mandolin of Everymore and the Misty Mountain Mandolin. There is one max level overlord in my data carrying the Mandolin of Evermore (known for its Guardian Spirit card) and two max level overlords with the Misty Mountain Mandolin. I’m not exactly sure why this wand is being used. Its greatest asset is thteeth of the lords of nighte fact that it gives 137 Critical Block, while also giving a 7% incoming and 7% outgoing healing boost.

Two people were satisfied with a Shaman’s Lore Pack wand: Teeth of the Lords of Night. This wand gives 160 Critical Block, which is actually the highest of all the wands included in this article. It has nothing else going for it. One of the wizards using it was a Death, the other a Life.

One lonely overlord was satisfied with a critical wand: the Shard Warrior’s Hammer from the Jewel Crafter’s Bundle. This wand gives +170 critical rating; more than any other wand in this article. Its block is sadly lacking: it has only 55 critical block. This wand is purely aggressive, which can also been seen by its 9% armor piercing. I don’t know if this was an overlord dressed to go farm something, or whether he just has a very aggressive play style. If anyone knows John GriffinHand, go and ask him yourself XD.



All in all, it seems we can conclude that the majority of overlords find a pack wand to be a necessity for max level PvP. Still, some credit has to be given to the 23 sporting a wand dropped by Malistaire the Undying. This last option seems to be especially viable for Balance wizards.


Which wand do you use, or which one would you like to get?

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Wizard101 – Brandon’s Make-A-Wish


Brandon’s Make-A-Wish


A new Make-a-Wish event is in-game, and it’s a real cool one. Check out the new event in-game.. for Brandon

In our latest Make-a-Wish quest chain, we meet Brandon, a mighty storm wizard, who is part of the Dragonhorn Order – on the hunt for the rumored Borealis Dragon in Polaris. The dragon is rumored to be over two millenia old, so he doesn’t have much luck, but he’d totally be interested in having you join the order. For that, you need to go over to the world of Dragonspyre and up to Dragoon’s Roost. There, you’ll meet Magister Zilant, who has a crisis on his hand. Dragonbone Hall, which is keep to many books and artificats, has been over-ran by their arch nemesis Nebyrx. It is up to you (and Brandon!) to save the information so it doesn’t fall in the hands of the Draconian. Here is what you’ll be matched up against.

Neberyx – Shadow Boss – 55,000 HP

Nodnarb – Balance Boss – 28,000 HP

Picture 2016-07-21 00-04-09

The fight itself is fairly easy, and Neberyx only has one cheat.

  • He will earthquake quite occasionally – every 2 rounds (it can be also when you blade) – so blading isn’t an optimal strategy.
  • His natural attack also leaves a virulent plague – but it isn’t a cheat.

Once you beat Neberyx – you will sucsessfully save the Hall and report back to Brandon. He tells you he just had a great encounter with the Borealis Dragon – and is now after big and mythical creatures – and officially welcomes you to the Dragonhorn Order! You get a triangle jewel which has the Brandon minion of your school!

Overall, the event is awesome – great job to Brandon and everyone at KingsIsle! Make sure to check it out once it hits live servers!

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Shadow Creatures: New Mechanics


Shadow Creatures: New Mechanics

How do they Work?

In the test realm a quiet change has come to the Shadow Creatures…a quiet change that could make them viable in PvP! For a rundown on how Shadow Creatures used to work: see our previous guide.

Shadow Creatures: New Mechanics

fiendThey Resolve in Less Time

Previously Shadow Creatures took 3 rounds to fully resolved. Now Shadow Creatures resolve themselves in only 2 rounds making you much less vulnerable in max level PvP and giving your opponent less time to react.

They Start at their Maximum Damage

Previously Shadow Spells started at 1/3 their damage and slowly built up damage as you increased likes. Now Shadow Spells start out at their max potential damage with the likes adding the buffs. This means that even with no buffs the current shadow spell’s base damage is equal to the base damage of an old creature’s base damage at maximum likes.

They Start with 20 Backlash(In 2/3 cases)

Dark Nova and Dark Fiend start at a mere 20 backlash meaning that at max likes you will take no backlash damage from these spells. Unfortunately Dark Shepard’s backlash has remained the same at 30 meaning that at max likes you will take at least 10% backlash.Nova

They all “Like” Blades, Traps and Shadow Spells and Start at their First “Like” as soon as they are Cast

Now all the Shadow Creatures like attempts to buff including Dark Shepard and Dark Fiend which previously did not like buffing attempts at all. Whether they still retain their old likes in addition to these new ones has not yet been tested. In addition to this as soon as the Shadow Spell is cast it will automatically grow to it’s first stage and gain the 40% blade. Couple this with the fact that the spells are at max damage from the get go and you are posing a solid offensive threat as soon as these are cast. 

shepardWhat does this Mean for PvP?

These changes (together with the critical system update) make shadow creatures much less dangerous to use in PvP. Previously making a 3 round commitment in this meta was ill-advised: leaving your opponent a huge amount of time to counter your strategy or offensively exert pressure. Now the shadow creature spells resolve in 2 rounds: increasing survivability and limiting your opponent’s counter options. In the prior meta with criticals able to shut you down in one hit and Shadow Enhanced Spells always presenting a OHKO threat it made no sense to use these spells. Now with a reduced critical impact and the possibility of mastery amulet use for heals it is entirely possible to run a slower tempo strategy. Of course the meta is still a lot faster than it used to be but this change moves Shadow Creatures out of the useless pile and into the realm of viability.


What do you think of these changes to Shadow Creatures? Let us know in the comments below!






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Wizard101: Summer 2016 Update – PVP Changes


Wizard101: Summer 2016 Update – PVP Changes

The Wizard101 Summer 2016 Update is finally in Test!   With it comes many fascinating changes for PVP that are truly hard to believe.  Let’s see what is in store!!!

PVP Tournaments

One of these changes is that instead of having periodic free PVP tournaments, members can now enter PVP tournaments by simply paying with gold!  22,000 K gold is really a reasonable price and can easily be obtained through gardening and/or gold farming.

Picture 2016-07-20 14-42-31


With this new gold feature, I really do see more people wanting to try out PvP since getting gear from ticket vendors will not cost people to pay for numerous tournaments with crowns or wait months for free tournament member benefits to roll around.

In additions to this, there is a new “roll again feature” where you can spend crowns after the tournament for more attempts at loot.   This works much like second chance chests at bosses, crowns costs will increase the more you “roll”.


These new features should really make tournaments feel more alive with new eager faces around.    This is very exciting and there are rumors that a new periodic membership benefit will be released to make up for the loss of the free tournament one.

Critical Hits

For PVP only, critical hits will now do 1.25x damage instead of 2x.   This right here is the most exciting of the changes.   No more losing 3/4 of your health over one lucky shadow enhanced spell critical hit! This however does NOT apply to critical heals. Getting a heal with a critical will not mean it will heal you less, in fact heals with a critical now heal with a little boost to balance the heavy damage our wizards are able to inflict. It is important to remember that criticals in PVE will remain the same as they have been since the polaris update. 

Spectator Chat

You now have the option to block both text and menu chat of pvp spectators to your duel!   No more having to turn off chat bubbles and close your chat box, Hurray!!  This is available under privacy options in your menu as “PVP Team Chat Only.” 

Picture 2016-07-20 20-50-42

Pet Cards

The Talos spell card from the Crabling pet, as well as, the Battle Cherub’s Guardian Spirit spell cards are now flagged No PvP.   Hopefully this will be a relief for the lower level pvp’ers out there.


Excited about these changes? Tell us why..

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Wizard101: New level 110 Astral Spells


Wizard101: New level 110 Astral Spells!

The summer test realm is finally open, and with the test realm of course comes changes, new activities and spells. In this update we finally receive new level 110 astral spells, with some new mechanics that are definitely interesting, and in some ways game changing.  

I will be going over their effects, as well as my personal opinion on whether they are useful or not and worth spending training points on. On a side note, please forgive me for any mistakes, as this is my first article I have ever written. Other than that I hope all you max levels have some left over training points, because some of these spells are a must have!


Picture 2016-07-20 16-08-52

First off we have Aegis. Self explanatory, basically this enchant will protect any positive charm or ward from removal by spells such as Shatter, Pierce, Disarm, and Enfeeble. While testing this spell, something very interesting happened. I had only one blade on myself enchanted with Aegis, and when Sirens was cast on me, it only removed the protection. Sirens removes 2 blades though; one would think that Sirens would remove the enchant then the blade, but this isn’t the case.

One final point is that Aegis can be enchanted on spells that give blades or shields, such as Rusalka’s Wrath or Abominable Weaver. In my personal opinion, I believe it has good, but limited use. For PvE it can only protect your non-enchanted blades and traps, but not your sharpened or potent. Along with this, is the fact that an Aegis enchanted blade, and a non-enchanted blade DO NOT stack, the same goes with traps. While for PvP it has use, although limited, to protect against storms Glowbug enfeeble effect, or a rare earthquake from a myth.

Is it worth the buy? Up to you, I personally wont be unless I feel a need for it.


 Picture 2016-07-20 16-20-33

Next off we have Indemnity. This enchant protects any negative charm or ward from being removed. This spell can be used to enchant spells that leave negative debuffs such as Brimstone and Loremaster. This protects the spell from being removed by a spell such as cleanse charm, or cleanse ward. I don’t see that much use for this spell in PvE or PvP (unless you are a juju spammer then this basically doubles your main deck juju reserve, but lets pretend that I didn’t mention that).

Is it worth the training point? Again your personal opinion, I personally wont buy it unless I feel the need.


Picture 2016-07-20 16-50-00

Finally the part we’ve probably all seen, but have been waiting for in this article. A damage enchant after 44 levels. It adds 300 damage to one spell. Is there a use for this spell? The answer is obvious. This is a MUST HAVE for any level 110 for PvE and PvP. While a +25 damage is small, in the long run with math it adds up (If anyone doubts me I will gladly make a math lesson in the comment section). I personally wish this was +325 since from Gargantuan to Colossal it was a 50 damage increase.

Would I buy it? YES, now take my training points! 


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-26

The new Primodorial of the spiral. A satyr enchanted with this equals out to over 1010 heal, sacrifice comes to 850, while availing hands comes to 145 initial, then 855 over 3 rounds. This buffs in-school heals quite a bit.  I can see this being useful for PvE, while in PvP it may or may not be used.  Schools that have in-school heals might use this depending on their opinion.

Would I buy this? In my opinion only for PvE for jading/healing purposes.


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-29

Adapt, an aura that gives a power pip for any incoming spell that costs 6 pips or more. I’d skip this personally because it’s a spell that will most likely never be used. For PvE and PvP I don’t see any use for it, but who knows maybe someone will create a use for it.

Would I buy this? No, I’d advise you to keep your training points instead of buying it.


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-31

Brace for impact! This reduces all incoming damage by 20% for 4 rounds. Self explanatory, but possibly useful. It helps tank some extra damage in PvE and PvP. Which sometimes can mean the difference between life or death.

Would I personally buy this? I may buy it mostly for PvE even though tc fortify exists. As for PvP if i feel a need for it may find a few spaces dedicated to it in my deck.


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-33

Magnify adds 20% damage to all spells for 4 rounds. Personally I’d skip over this one for PvE and PvP. The Azteca aura spells are simply better in almost every single aspect that you look at.

Would I buy this? As I said in the last sentence, I’d hold onto my training points instead of buying this.


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-35

The questionably “upgraded” version of infallible. Flawless adds 20% accuracy and 15% pierce for 4 rounds. In PvE if you need pierce or accuracy it’s more beneficial to use a tc infallible. The same case goes for PvP.

Would I buy this? I’d personally skip over this spell and save my training points.


Picture 2016-07-20 17-01-37 

The last of the new astral spells. Renew adds 25% outgoing to all heals for 4 rounds. I’d personally skip over this for PvE and PvP since Circle of life from Azteca is simply better due to the extra power pip.

Would I buy this? I’d personally skip over this spell and save my training points.

Well that brings us to the conclusion of my new astral spells guide. I hope it wasn’t too lengthy and that I provided an insightful opinion on each of the new spells. If you have an questions please let me know, I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

What do you think of the new Astral Spells?

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Wizard101 Summer Update 2016!


Wizard101’s annual summer update is here – and it’s MASSIVE. We’ll have articles for some of these changes going in a bit further, but let’s dive straight in! As always – for the full list of changes, go here – http://ift.tt/1mKGLSA


First up is a new elixir.. but not like any we’ve encountered before! A Level 50 Elixir! This elixir will automatically level you to 50, give you a gear set appropiate to the level, a mount, and a pet – as well as all the spells obtained through quests/your teacher. It’ll also give you training points and an access pass to the first three areas of Celestia. This costs 30,000 crowns.

In coordination with the elixir, there have been some modifications made to the defeat and collect quests in both Celestia and Zafaria (I’m looking at you Greyhorn Mercenaries.)

Next, we have some PvP changes. Tournaments are now for gold IF you are a member. There is now a “Roll Again” function where you can roll your rewards again for an amount of crowns, and there is also new sets of lower leveled PvP gear for stitching. You can now turn off spectator chat, and the Talos spell from the Crabling pet and Guardian Spirit card from the Cherub are both No PvP. The biggest change, however, is that now in PvP, if you get a critical strike, it will now only deal 1.25x the damage as opposed to 2x the damage (so a wand spell will do 125 now instead of 200.)


The Arcanum has a new quest for you – and it’s for astral magic! Get your hands on all these new shiny spells – for level 110 and above!

Friend List GUI has a massive update this patch. It’s now bigger and easier to use. It’ll show you what level and school your friends are – and a notification will appear when they log on! It also shows when they were last on, and how many friends you have at the moment. There also is a long requested update in now too – that is you can finally see the buffs a person has on! Just simply roll the cursor over your friend (or yourself) and you can see what you have on! Also, there is a text chat size option in the option panel as well.

There are two new fishing quests in Mooshu! Ryoshi has some new winnow spells for you as well – to isolate rank specific fishes so you can snag your prize easier! Also, there are new school-themed fishes in the school-themed houses – catch them all!

The new Make-A-Wish quest is here. You’ll go to Polaris and meet Brandon, and get a cool minion spell of himself! You can even get a cool helmet from the boss fight! Watch out, though – the boss battle is balanced in tune with a full team, so bring your buddies along!

Picture 2016-07-20 14-05-08

Daily Assignments have some various updates, there are some sound tweaks, and Bartelby will now moan less when you get the quest to go into Polaris.

Keeper Lore’s Pack and the Sprial Cup/Mystic Fishing/Polarian Bundles have all been updated for Level 110! Get that new gear!

Finally, shadow spells now have less backlash, as well as a bunch of misc. changes you can check out on the official site!

This summer update is a BIG patch, with lots of cool stuff included. 

What are you most excited about? Leave your comments down below!


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Just How Powerful are our Wizards?


It seems that recently there has been a worldwide craze about superheroes. From the vast popularity of the Marvel cinematic universe to the masterpiece that was DC’s Dark Knight, heroes have inundated our culture more so than at any point since the golden age of comics. Even TV series have joined the hero craze with shows such as Gotham, The Flash and Agents of Shield. Unfortunately in the Spiral it seems we do not have analogues to these heroic figures…Oh wait yes we do: our wizards! Our wizards are the heroes of the Spiral, defending the defenseless and standing up for truth, justice and the Ambrosian way. However, just how powerful are our wizards? How do they compare to quintessential heroes such as Spiderman or Superman? This thread will illustrate how powerful wizards are by utilizing in game evidence and lore as well as the commentary of the Wizard 101 and Pirate 101 writers.


Need to Know Information


Many wizards may be unfamiliar with some of the terms I will be using to describe various occurrences in the Spiral. This section will help to alleviate that problem.


Feats refer to actual actions that have occurred in the Story. They are direct displays of power either accomplished or witnessed by our wizards. Feats are the strongest evidence in categorizing exactly how powerful something or someone is as they are direct evidence that can easily be verified.

Malistaire Dragon Thumbnail

Word of “God”

Word of God refers to statements made by authors and developers about the relative powers of characters or the nature of the story. Word of God is also very strong evidence as well but is not as good as a feat. A word of god can be negated if it does not match up with a feat has been depicted in the story. (Example-if the writer stated that Morganthe could not possibly redirect a celestial body even though in the story she redirected the comet xibalba)

Wizard101 Dueling Diego

Size of the Spiral

One of the first things that must be established to determine how powerful Wizards are is the size of the Spiral. For example if the Spiral is the size of the conventional Universe then Grandmother Raven and  Bartleby would be some of the most powerful characters in all of fiction(able to create and destroy an entire universe) However we do have an indication of the size of the Spiral and it is nowhere near the size of a conventional universe. According to Word of God(Librarian Fitzume) the Spiral has one Sun. This means that all the current worlds of the spiral share the same stellar body. According to another Word of God(Blind Mew) the worlds of the Spiral are much closer to each other than the worlds of our Solar system. As such we can comfortably say that the Spiral is about the size of a large Solar System.


Nature of the Spiral

The Spiral has an interesting history. Initially it was one giant landmass with Bartleby, Old Cob, the Auroracle, Grandmother Raven and some other unnamed deities being the main inhabitants. They had several children namely the Elemental School of Magic’s patrons: Storm Lords/Tritons, Giants and Dragons. The children fought each other over perceived grievances eventually shattering the first world. This life wiping event was remedied by Grandmother Raven and Bartleby who let the worlds remain separate but connected them into the structure we now know as the Spiral. raven-and-sider


Nature of Summoning Creatures

When Wizards summon creatures in most cases they summon an actual creature that inhabits the spiral. According to Word of God(King Artorious) unique creatures such as the lvl 48 Titan spells are summoned as aspects of themselves instead of the actual creatures. This neatly explains how we are able to utilize the Titans to our advantage even though their true selves are still asleep. According to King Artorious; the spell circle that we Wizards utilize serves to limit the powers of the massive creatures we summon to the combatants in the circle. This also neatly explains how giant creatures such as Ra can fit neatly into a circle that is only a few dozen feet in circumference.

Wizard 101 Lore Feats

Destruction of the Spiral

Now that we know how big the Spiral is we can understand just how powerful the Titans were. Indirect infighting between the Titans caused a solar system sized super continent to fracture into the planets we know today. This is an immense amount of power and is even more impressive because it was a side effect of the fighting-not a direct effort.


Redirection of Xibalba

This feat is one of the more impressive feats in Wizard 101 accomplished by a Wizard(Morganthe). In it Morganthe redirected a comet that was orbiting the planet causing it to eventually crash to the surface and create a life wiping event.azteca1

Now to understand exactly how impressive this feat is we have to understand some physics.

-In order to cause an orbiting body to crash into a planet you would need to change it’s orbit to become eccentric enough to cause the 2 bodies to collide. Simply nudging the object closer to the planet will not cause the object to crash into the planet: instead the object will simply travel in a faster orbit.

-To understand how much force this would require we must first know how fast Xibalba was traveling and how large it was.

-As we have no way to discern the exact size and speed of Xibalba we will have to resort to a comparison: Earth’s Moon. Earth’s Moon and the Comet Xibalba have many things in common. Both are clearly visible and take up a large portion of the skyline. Both appear to be around 1/4 of the mass of the realm(judging from what we saw of the system through the telescope). As such we can say that manipulating Xibalba’s orbit would take roughly as much energy as manipulating the moon’s orbit.

-It turns out the amount of force needed to create an eccentric orbit is roughly the same as stopping the moon completely.(Full calculation here)

-The amount of energy required to do this is equivalent to 4*10^28 joules. This is equivalent to 400 billion nuclear detonations

-Thus if we assume that Xibalba and the moon are roughly the same size we have Morganthe harnessing the power of the entirety of the Earth’s nuclear arsenal, thousands of times over!

So how Powerful are our Wizards?

The evidence indicates that at max level our wizards are at the very least planetary threats. We can summon creatures that are literally the size of the Sun. We can tank both physical and magical energy delivered by God-Like entities. It is only due to the power of the spell circle that our summons don’t completely destroy the area we are doing battles. If you think that the feats above are outliers consider these facts

We were able to stand toe to toe with Aquilan Gods at full power. The Aquillan Gods are based on the Gods of Greek Mythology


Morganthe as a young wizard almost destroyed Wizard City by accident


Malistaire tore an entire school off the main island of Ravenwood

Crazy necro_School_Of_Death

Malistaire’s revival released so much potent death energy it caused a worldwide Zombie Apocalypse


In Pirate 101 it took a clan of Tengu to summon one Stormzilla and it took our Pirate in a Giant Robotic Suit to stop it. At lvl 42 our Wizards can summon and tank hits from Stormzilla


Attacks our Wizard use in one on one combat are used as attacks by entire ships in Pirate 101

Pirate ship battle

How powerful do you think our Wizards are? Let us know in the comments below!


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Summer Luau PvP Tournament



School’s out and Twizards are at it again! Ready to bring the heat with loads of summer fun, the Luau 1v1 PvP Tournament is here! Led by Michael Firehammer, this contest will be sure to test the skill of even long-time PvP players!

Ready for a Unique PvP Experience?

64 contestants will have to use their wit & creativity to be victorious. Expect the unexpected! General game rules along with 6 specific game modes have been created to turn PvP upside down. The Luau staff have thought of a few surprises to keep players on their toes. You never know what may come your way.

Sizzling Summer Prizes

At stake is an amazing prize package of 60k crowns, donated by the generous Grace Bear, artwork by the talented Elisia and a Staff of the Querent . But don’t worry if you don’t win, no one will walk away empty handed; prizes ranging from bundles, wands, tapestries, pets and more have been provided Zachary Darkflame, The Untold Spiral (Vanessa Mythdust), and Spiral Radio.

Not able to compete? Dont miss out on the excitement. ElijahYo (Nick), TheTechBoy (Ryan) and Spiral Radio will be streaming the events. Check in on the action, prizes will be awarded through out.

Be sure to watch out for our Precontests prior to the Main Event. Amber Greenstaff has an exciting Scavenger Hunt, and Grace Bear will have everyone ready for the sun & surf with her Summer Costume Contest. There will be more fun and prizes at these special events.

Sign Up Now!

This 2 day event will take place on July 27th & 28th. Contestant sign-ups are available now: Click Here! Dont miss your chance to be the Big Kahuna of Luau 2016. More information is available on the main luau site.

Eric Darkwind Arena

Special thanks to contributors and supporters including: Duelist101, Spiral Radio 101, DuelCircle, Legends of the Spiral, Frostcaller, Stephen Spiritcaller, Zachary Darkflame, Matthew Shadowblade, Michael Firehammer, Goddess Of Chibis, Jared Shadowbreaker,Emmaline, Waterangel501, Cody Shadowstaff, Kane Bearcatcher, Noah Firestone, Zyphris3130.


 Special thanks the amazing Alexandria Ravenflame who authored this post!

The post Summer Luau PvP Tournament appeared first on Duelist101.

from Duelist101 http://ift.tt/2abwToj

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Most Popular Wand Stitches Amongst Overlords


Most Popular Wand Stitches

Aaron WaterCaster

Aarron WaterCaster with his Everlasting Staff

We have many awesome wand designs in Wizard101. Can you guess which wand designs are the most popular wand stitches? Some of them are pretty obvious if you’ve spent any time in the Arena! There might be a few surprises though. Let’s take a look at what wands our overlords use! 

For this guide, I collected pictures of 389 overlords with their wands. Yes I know 389 is a weird number to end up with. I got bored at that point, okay? It happens.

Why overlords and not just anyone I ran into?

I have two reasons. First and foremost, I was actually collecting data for a different article that will take a little longer to write. For that article I specifically needed overlords, so it made sense to use the same wizards for this article as well. In addition, I feel the Arena is a very good place to collect data for a fashion article. There aren’t many places where you’ll run across an equally fashion-conscious bunch of people. I briefly considered the Wu Commons, but dismissed that idea for obvious reasons.

I’m not sure whether you’ll agree, but I’d say people in the Arena are a little bit judgemental at times. This can be aimed at gear options, but just as easily at the look someone chooses for themselves. I’ve had so many people expressing a dislike for my Ice Wizard’s hair. People are superficial! Consequently many people put a lot of thought into their fashion choices in the Arena.


Most popular wands: shape

Trophy of the Raucous Court

Trophy of the Raucous Court

Wands come in all shapes and sizes. First of all we have swords, staffs, axes, hammers and bows – the fairly normal sort of weapons. In addition, we also have flutes, skulls, floating eyes, floating books, guitars, crystals and that weird ball thing from Barkingham. Isn’t it lovely that we have such variation?

Of all the shapes of wands, swords are still the most popular, with 37 % of overlords (which means 142 wizards) being of the sword variety. Staffs are not far behind: 31 % of overlords (119 wizards) used some kind of a staff as a wand. The proud number three is what you’ve been expecting all along, I bet: 61 wizards (16 %) carried a flute.

After that, the amount of people carrying one shape of wand starts to dwindle. Only 4 % of the overlords used the floating creepy winged eye as their wand. These were usually not stitched. This is interesting, because apparently the design of this wand is attractive enough to our overlords. They leave it as is instead of stitching it to something prettier. Axes of various kinds are popular among 3 % of the population. Skulls are another popular design among 2 % of overlords, also not stitched.


Most popular wands: how they were acquired

Acquired How popular wands

Before we get into the specifics of these wands, here’s an overview of where our overlords acquired their wands.

The four most popular kinds of wands are wands that are dropped (28 %), wands that require a code (22 %) and wands from bundles (16 %) and packs (12 %).

In addition, 9 % used Arena tickets for their wand, 7 % crafted theirs and 5 % used Crowns in the Crown Shop or at a Vendor.





Dropped Wands

These are wands that are dropped somewhere in the Spiral. While most of them are no-trade, some can be sold in the Bazaar as well. These wands require a bit of farming, but the consensus amongst overlords seems to be that they’re worth it.

If we’re looking at the popularity of a single dropped wand, the two top contestants are the Avalanche’s Legendary Cutlass (12 wizards) and Redwind’s Viridian Blade (15 wizards). Both of these are very sparkly and have an unusual shape.

Nathan Shadow with

Nathan Shadow with Avalanche’s Legendary Cutlass

Nicole DarkLeaf popular wand

Nicole Darkleaf with Redwind’s Viridian Blade


Me, with Oyotomi’s Jade Blade XD

Justin Pants wih Plague Oni's Sapphire Blade

Justin Pants wih Plague Oni’s Sapphire Blade

Another type of dropped wand, however, is also pretty popular: 19 wizards chose to stitch a Mooshu wand. Of these wands, Oyotomi’s Jade Blade and Plague Oni’s Sapphire Blade were the most popular. I found this handy guide with pictures of all the Mooshu wands. I love these wands and have multiple wizards sporting one. They’re simple but elegant.

Other popular dropped wands include the Lambent’s Cane of Radiance, which you can get from Lambent Fire behind a skeleton key in the Crystal Caves (AV). A total of 6 wizards used this wand, which is not a bad amount, if you think how short of a time that boss has been around. Another 6 wizards used Malistaire’s wands. This surprised me, as I wouldn’t have thought it would have been that popular to stitch. It seems the wand’s rough look and color scheme pleases some people. Also worth mentioning are the Soulsinger’s Soulsword (dropped by Ivan Soulsinger in the Drake Hatchery) and Winged Deliverance (dropped in Mirror Lake), both of which are beautiful swords used by 5 overlords each.


Deirde with Lambent’s Cane of Radiance

Jack MoonStone with a wand from Malistaire

Jack MoonStone with a Malistaire wand

Nathan JadeFist with Winged Deliverance

Nathan JadeFist with Winged Deliverance

Victoria Ward with Soulsinger's Soulsword

Victoria Ward with Soulsinger’s Soulsword


Code Wands from Wizard101 Fansites

Code wands are wands you could originally only get by receiving a code from one of Wizard101’s official fansites. As a result, these codes were hard to get and people almost fought over them. Right now it seems like the pressure has gone down a little, because you can now fish for these wands as well! If you go to Elephant Graveyard in Zafaria, you can get these wands with a little bit of patience and luck.

FrostCaller's collection of Fansite wands :)

FrostCaller‘s collection of Fansite wands :)

Code wand name # of wizards
Staff of the Imperator 1
Warpwood Wand 1
Valor 1
Goldenbeak 2
Staff of the Querent 2
Blue Raptor 7
Umbra Blade 15
Dragonclaw Blade 17
Amaranthine Staff 18
Fog Staff 20


All duelist101 pride aside (Dragonclaw Blade in third place, yes!), this list doesn’t contain many surprises.

Of course Fog and Amaranthine are in first and second place. Blue Raptor has gained more popularity recently, giving it a solid fifth place.

Valor, while only used once, is interesting because it’s very rare. I personally love the Warpwood Wand, so I’m glad it’s present even once in this list!


Bundle Wands

Bundle wands are the third most popular group, but there is a decided of variation in this group. You guessed it, these are the flute wands from the Mega Bundle! Of the 63 bundle wand overlords I collected, 61 were sporting a flute. The other 2 had a Mystic Grimoire.

Alexandra with the black flute

Alexandra with the black&white flute

Allison Strider

Allison Strider with the black&blue flute

Angel LegendDreamer with the green&blue flute

Angel LegendDreamer with the green&blue flute

Nicholas Breeze

Nicholas Breeze with the Mystic Grimoire


Pack Wands

My 389 warlords carried a total of 46 pack wands, which came from a total of 15 different packs. The most popular pack is by far Terror’s Hoard, with 17 appearances. Second in line is Road Warrior’s Hoard, which accounts for 7 appearances.

It’s important to draw attention to the fact that this guide accounts only for the pack wands that actually LOOK like pack wands. The amount of pack wands being used is much higher than apparent from this guide. Many who do have a pack wand, stitch it to look like something entirely different. However, 17 people did seem to be fond of the floating eye look from Terror’s Hoard, while 7 didn’t mind the look of the floating skulls enough to waste crowns on stitching.

Wolf StrongHammer with

Wolf StrongHammer with Fortune Teller’s Peerless Eye

Joseph PearlDust with Eye of the Soothsayer

Joseph PearlDust with Eye of the Soothsayer

Jack Shadow

Jack Shadow with the Deathmetal Skull

Emma Jade with the Rapturerider's Skull

Emma Jade with the Rapturerider’s Skull


Arena Ticket Wands

Staff of Flashing Blades

Staff of Flashing Blades

There are currently only two wands available for Arena Tickets, so there isn’t much variation here either. The Staff of Flashing Blades looks magnificent with its turning blades. It’s of course also one of the best wand available for Legendary wizards, so no wonder it’s popular. Of the 16 people using the Staff of Flashing Blades, 11 were actually different wands, stitched to look like the Staff of Flashing Blades. The stitched ones were on wizards of all levels: from adept to prodigious.



Duelist's Dancing Blade

Duelist’s Dancing Blade

Another, slightly less popular arena ticket wand is the Duelist’s Dancing Blade, which 8 of the overlords favored. Of these, 6 were stitched. I suppose these overlords bought the level 10 version for 3000 tickets and stitched it to their actual wand.





Crafted Wands

Of the crafted wands, there are two above all that have gained popularity: the Volcanic Staff (7 overlords) and the Staff of Stasis (5 overlords). Both of these are excellent choices, especially for Fire and Balance wizards respectively. These are 2 of the 7 wands you can craft in Celestia (see our guide for more info).

In addition, five people decided to craft one of the Khrysalis wands. It seems like these wands should be more popular than they currently are. It might be that people just aren’t aware they exist yet. If so, check them out here. The issue might also be that most of these wands are staffs, while people seem to prefer swords in general.

Nicholas with

Nicholas with the Volcanic Staff

Paul StarCaller with the Staff of Stasis

Paul StarCaller with the Staff of Stasis

Ethan LegendCloud

Ethan LegendCloud with Heart of Darkness

Luis MoonTamer with Soul of Winter

Luis MoonTamer with Soul of Winter

In addition, there were two people that crafted a wand in Grizzleheim: the Hammer of the Stone Sky and Winter’s Guardian Axe. There could be on additional one still: the Blade of Storm’s Fury. This wand looks almost identical to the Galvanic Blade. Hence, I had trouble placing these two in the right category. I ended up putting them under Dropped wands, because somehow I felt people are more likely to farm for a wand than to craft it.


Crowns Wands

Crowns wands are not especially common, but one of them does stand out as fairly popular: the Cerulean Edge. This yellow blade, used by 9 overlords, looks great when contrasted with a blue outfit! I prefer the more subtle but similarly shaped Dragonclaw Blade though. Second most common, with 3 appearances, is the Talon of Pestilence. Not a bad choice for Storm wizards or those who love the color purple, I would say!

Holiday Only wands are fairly rare: only 4 people chose to stitch one of those. Two were Easter related, one sold around Christmas and one acquired from Pat o’Gold.

Aaron Breeze with the Cerulean Blade

Aaron Breeze with the Cerulean Blade

Brandon Storm with the Talon of Pestilence

Brandon Storm with the Talon of Pestilence

Ellie Bear with the Wild Hare Scepter

Ellie Bear with the Wild Hare Scepter

Wolf Vault with the Sacred Heart Staff

Wolf Vault with the Sacred Heart Staff


And now… what you’ve all been waiting for… Here’s the top 10 most popular wands!

Place Wand name # of wizards
#10 Cerulean Edge 9
#9 Fortune Teller’s Peerless Eye 11
#8 Avalanche’s Legendary Cutlass 12
#7 Redwind’s Viridian Blade 15
#6 Umbra Blade 15
#5 Dragonclaw Blade 17
#4 Amaranthine Staff 18
#3 Fog Staff 20
#2 Staff of Flashing Blades 27
#1 Flute 61


Flutes galore!

As you can see from the list, flutes are currently overwhelmingly in fashion. This is a recent thing, which, I think, was happened when Kingsisle decided to make the Fansite Code wands available by fishing. Suddenly, the Fog Staff and Amaranthine Staff (the previous most coveted wands) got a little bit too easy to get. It seems the Flute is too easy to get as well though, since everyone is using it now! I have to admit that this is a pretty awesome wand. The casting animation and the music coming from the flute were both excellent choices by the developers. Other musical instrument wands, like the guitars and the lute, never got as popular.

Flashy Blades

Our number 2 – The Staff of Flashing Blades – is interesting because not all of these wands were stitched. Sixteen of my overlords used the Staff of Flashing Blades as an actual weapon. The other eleven had stitched another weapon to look like the Staff of Flashing Blades. It seems like Kingsisle did a great job with designing this wand! People don’t always feel the need to stitch it to look prettier, and some people actually go out of their way to get the Flashing Blade look. You can buy this wand for Arena tickets.

Fansite Code Wands

Spots 3 till 6 are taken up by Fansite Code Wands: first comes the Fog Staff, used by 20 overlords. It’s near-twin, the Amaranthine Staff, follows with 18 overlords. Both of these are very similar. It has always seemed to me that those people who had Fog wanted Amaranthine, and those who wanted Amaranthine had Fog. As such, people must be very happy that these wands are more easily available nowadays. At fifth place, with 17 overlords, comes our very own Dragonclaw Blade. You can’t believe how proud I am of that! I’ve always feared that people might underestimate the quiet strength and beauty of the Duelist101 wand. Umbra Blade shines at sixth place. This has never been my favorite, but I can see how it might suit some people.

The Drake Hatchery

Seventh place goes to a wand that attracts both males and females. Redwind’s Viridian Blade is interesting enough to do well with the guys, but pretty enough to satisfy our girly overlords. The leaves streaming off its curvy blade are gorgeous. This is definitely a wand worth farming for! You can get it from Valeska Redwind, who resides in the Secure House in the Drake Hatcher (DS). Eighth place was a surprise for me. I didn’t expect to see nearly as many of the Avalanche’s Legendary Cutlass as I did. Twelve overlords decided that this was the perfect wand for them. You can farm for this one in the Drake Hatchery as well, from Avalanche in the Skythorn Tower. I wasn’t aware prior to writing this guide that Dragonspyre was in fact the source of such beautiful weaponry!

Beauty is in the Eye…

Ninth place goes to the Fortune Teller’s Peerless Eye. This one is another of those “too cool to stitch” wands. Apparently, due to its original and slightly frightening look, it is common for overlords to decide to just go with the natural look of the wand and not stitch it! However, I did run into quite a few of these stitched into other wands as well. All in all, with 11 overlords sporting it, this is nevertheless a fairly popular choice!

Yellow there!

Last but not least: in tenth place shines and sparkles the Cerulean Edge, a less subtle version of the Dragonclaw Blade. This yellow blade looks awesome when combined with a dark blue outfit, I think. Get it in the Crown Shop today!


Did I miss anything you really wanted to know?

What’s your favorite wand?


The post Most Popular Wand Stitches Amongst Overlords appeared first on Duelist101.

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