Wizard101: New level 110 Astral Spells


Wizard101: New level 110 Astral Spells!

The summer test realm is finally open, and with the test realm of course comes changes, new activities and spells. In this update we finally receive new level 110 astral spells, with some new mechanics that are definitely interesting, and in some ways game changing.  

I will be going over their effects, as well as my personal opinion on whether they are useful or not and worth spending training points on. On a side note, please forgive me for any mistakes, as this is my first article I have ever written. Other than that I hope all you max levels have some left over training points, because some of these spells are a must have!


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First off we have Aegis. Self explanatory, basically this enchant will protect any positive charm or ward from removal by spells such as Shatter, Pierce, Disarm, and Enfeeble. While testing this spell, something very interesting happened. I had only one blade on myself enchanted with Aegis, and when Sirens was cast on me, it only removed the protection. Sirens removes 2 blades though; one would think that Sirens would remove the enchant then the blade, but this isn’t the case.

One final point is that Aegis can be enchanted on spells that give blades or shields, such as Rusalka’s Wrath or Abominable Weaver. In my personal opinion, I believe it has good, but limited use. For PvE it can only protect your non-enchanted blades and traps, but not your sharpened or potent. Along with this, is the fact that an Aegis enchanted blade, and a non-enchanted blade DO NOT stack, the same goes with traps. While for PvP it has use, although limited, to protect against storms Glowbug enfeeble effect, or a rare earthquake from a myth.

Is it worth the buy? Up to you, I personally wont be unless I feel a need for it.


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Next off we have Indemnity. This enchant protects any negative charm or ward from being removed. This spell can be used to enchant spells that leave negative debuffs such as Brimstone and Loremaster. This protects the spell from being removed by a spell such as cleanse charm, or cleanse ward. I don’t see that much use for this spell in PvE or PvP (unless you are a juju spammer then this basically doubles your main deck juju reserve, but lets pretend that I didn’t mention that).

Is it worth the training point? Again your personal opinion, I personally wont buy it unless I feel the need.


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Finally the part we’ve probably all seen, but have been waiting for in this article. A damage enchant after 44 levels. It adds 300 damage to one spell. Is there a use for this spell? The answer is obvious. This is a MUST HAVE for any level 110 for PvE and PvP. While a +25 damage is small, in the long run with math it adds up (If anyone doubts me I will gladly make a math lesson in the comment section). I personally wish this was +325 since from Gargantuan to Colossal it was a 50 damage increase.

Would I buy it? YES, now take my training points! 


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The new Primodorial of the spiral. A satyr enchanted with this equals out to over 1010 heal, sacrifice comes to 850, while availing hands comes to 145 initial, then 855 over 3 rounds. This buffs in-school heals quite a bit.  I can see this being useful for PvE, while in PvP it may or may not be used.  Schools that have in-school heals might use this depending on their opinion.

Would I buy this? In my opinion only for PvE for jading/healing purposes.


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Adapt, an aura that gives a power pip for any incoming spell that costs 6 pips or more. I’d skip this personally because it’s a spell that will most likely never be used. For PvE and PvP I don’t see any use for it, but who knows maybe someone will create a use for it.

Would I buy this? No, I’d advise you to keep your training points instead of buying it.


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Brace for impact! This reduces all incoming damage by 20% for 4 rounds. Self explanatory, but possibly useful. It helps tank some extra damage in PvE and PvP. Which sometimes can mean the difference between life or death.

Would I personally buy this? I may buy it mostly for PvE even though tc fortify exists. As for PvP if i feel a need for it may find a few spaces dedicated to it in my deck.


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Magnify adds 20% damage to all spells for 4 rounds. Personally I’d skip over this one for PvE and PvP. The Azteca aura spells are simply better in almost every single aspect that you look at.

Would I buy this? As I said in the last sentence, I’d hold onto my training points instead of buying this.


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The questionably “upgraded” version of infallible. Flawless adds 20% accuracy and 15% pierce for 4 rounds. In PvE if you need pierce or accuracy it’s more beneficial to use a tc infallible. The same case goes for PvP.

Would I buy this? I’d personally skip over this spell and save my training points.


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The last of the new astral spells. Renew adds 25% outgoing to all heals for 4 rounds. I’d personally skip over this for PvE and PvP since Circle of life from Azteca is simply better due to the extra power pip.

Would I buy this? I’d personally skip over this spell and save my training points.

Well that brings us to the conclusion of my new astral spells guide. I hope it wasn’t too lengthy and that I provided an insightful opinion on each of the new spells. If you have an questions please let me know, I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

What do you think of the new Astral Spells?

The post Wizard101: New level 110 Astral Spells appeared first on Duelist101.

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