Just How Powerful are our Wizards?


It seems that recently there has been a worldwide craze about superheroes. From the vast popularity of the Marvel cinematic universe to the masterpiece that was DC’s Dark Knight, heroes have inundated our culture more so than at any point since the golden age of comics. Even TV series have joined the hero craze with shows such as Gotham, The Flash and Agents of Shield. Unfortunately in the Spiral it seems we do not have analogues to these heroic figures…Oh wait yes we do: our wizards! Our wizards are the heroes of the Spiral, defending the defenseless and standing up for truth, justice and the Ambrosian way. However, just how powerful are our wizards? How do they compare to quintessential heroes such as Spiderman or Superman? This thread will illustrate how powerful wizards are by utilizing in game evidence and lore as well as the commentary of the Wizard 101 and Pirate 101 writers.


Need to Know Information


Many wizards may be unfamiliar with some of the terms I will be using to describe various occurrences in the Spiral. This section will help to alleviate that problem.


Feats refer to actual actions that have occurred in the Story. They are direct displays of power either accomplished or witnessed by our wizards. Feats are the strongest evidence in categorizing exactly how powerful something or someone is as they are direct evidence that can easily be verified.

Malistaire Dragon Thumbnail

Word of “God”

Word of God refers to statements made by authors and developers about the relative powers of characters or the nature of the story. Word of God is also very strong evidence as well but is not as good as a feat. A word of god can be negated if it does not match up with a feat has been depicted in the story. (Example-if the writer stated that Morganthe could not possibly redirect a celestial body even though in the story she redirected the comet xibalba)

Wizard101 Dueling Diego

Size of the Spiral

One of the first things that must be established to determine how powerful Wizards are is the size of the Spiral. For example if the Spiral is the size of the conventional Universe then Grandmother Raven and  Bartleby would be some of the most powerful characters in all of fiction(able to create and destroy an entire universe) However we do have an indication of the size of the Spiral and it is nowhere near the size of a conventional universe. According to Word of God(Librarian Fitzume) the Spiral has one Sun. This means that all the current worlds of the spiral share the same stellar body. According to another Word of God(Blind Mew) the worlds of the Spiral are much closer to each other than the worlds of our Solar system. As such we can comfortably say that the Spiral is about the size of a large Solar System.


Nature of the Spiral

The Spiral has an interesting history. Initially it was one giant landmass with Bartleby, Old Cob, the Auroracle, Grandmother Raven and some other unnamed deities being the main inhabitants. They had several children namely the Elemental School of Magic’s patrons: Storm Lords/Tritons, Giants and Dragons. The children fought each other over perceived grievances eventually shattering the first world. This life wiping event was remedied by Grandmother Raven and Bartleby who let the worlds remain separate but connected them into the structure we now know as the Spiral. raven-and-sider


Nature of Summoning Creatures

When Wizards summon creatures in most cases they summon an actual creature that inhabits the spiral. According to Word of God(King Artorious) unique creatures such as the lvl 48 Titan spells are summoned as aspects of themselves instead of the actual creatures. This neatly explains how we are able to utilize the Titans to our advantage even though their true selves are still asleep. According to King Artorious; the spell circle that we Wizards utilize serves to limit the powers of the massive creatures we summon to the combatants in the circle. This also neatly explains how giant creatures such as Ra can fit neatly into a circle that is only a few dozen feet in circumference.

Wizard 101 Lore Feats

Destruction of the Spiral

Now that we know how big the Spiral is we can understand just how powerful the Titans were. Indirect infighting between the Titans caused a solar system sized super continent to fracture into the planets we know today. This is an immense amount of power and is even more impressive because it was a side effect of the fighting-not a direct effort.


Redirection of Xibalba

This feat is one of the more impressive feats in Wizard 101 accomplished by a Wizard(Morganthe). In it Morganthe redirected a comet that was orbiting the planet causing it to eventually crash to the surface and create a life wiping event.azteca1

Now to understand exactly how impressive this feat is we have to understand some physics.

-In order to cause an orbiting body to crash into a planet you would need to change it’s orbit to become eccentric enough to cause the 2 bodies to collide. Simply nudging the object closer to the planet will not cause the object to crash into the planet: instead the object will simply travel in a faster orbit.

-To understand how much force this would require we must first know how fast Xibalba was traveling and how large it was.

-As we have no way to discern the exact size and speed of Xibalba we will have to resort to a comparison: Earth’s Moon. Earth’s Moon and the Comet Xibalba have many things in common. Both are clearly visible and take up a large portion of the skyline. Both appear to be around 1/4 of the mass of the realm(judging from what we saw of the system through the telescope). As such we can say that manipulating Xibalba’s orbit would take roughly as much energy as manipulating the moon’s orbit.

-It turns out the amount of force needed to create an eccentric orbit is roughly the same as stopping the moon completely.(Full calculation here)

-The amount of energy required to do this is equivalent to 4*10^28 joules. This is equivalent to 400 billion nuclear detonations

-Thus if we assume that Xibalba and the moon are roughly the same size we have Morganthe harnessing the power of the entirety of the Earth’s nuclear arsenal, thousands of times over!

So how Powerful are our Wizards?

The evidence indicates that at max level our wizards are at the very least planetary threats. We can summon creatures that are literally the size of the Sun. We can tank both physical and magical energy delivered by God-Like entities. It is only due to the power of the spell circle that our summons don’t completely destroy the area we are doing battles. If you think that the feats above are outliers consider these facts

We were able to stand toe to toe with Aquilan Gods at full power. The Aquillan Gods are based on the Gods of Greek Mythology


Morganthe as a young wizard almost destroyed Wizard City by accident


Malistaire tore an entire school off the main island of Ravenwood

Crazy necro_School_Of_Death

Malistaire’s revival released so much potent death energy it caused a worldwide Zombie Apocalypse


In Pirate 101 it took a clan of Tengu to summon one Stormzilla and it took our Pirate in a Giant Robotic Suit to stop it. At lvl 42 our Wizards can summon and tank hits from Stormzilla


Attacks our Wizard use in one on one combat are used as attacks by entire ships in Pirate 101

Pirate ship battle

How powerful do you think our Wizards are? Let us know in the comments below!


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