Test Realm: New Dropped Spells


New Dropped Spells

In the Wizard 101 Test Realm, 3 New Dropped Spells have been added to the Loremaster’s drop table. Storm, Myth and Fire have all gained additional drops to add to their arsenal. This article will highlight the three spells, their effects and review their potential use in 1v1 Ranked PvP.

Special thanks to Blade of W101 Central for Pictures!

Myth: Athena Battlesight


Myth’s new spell gives them a solid hard hitting spell that also leaves a -35% tower shield. This spell follows the usual dpp conventions of Lore spells of being above dpp(Minotaur deals 495 damage) while also leaving an effect. The -35% shield is useful as a pierce buffer and does offer some offensive/defensive utility that myth so desperately needs.

Fire: Hephaestus


Fire’s new spell gives them even more combo utility. It deals some damage and then leaves a 25% fire bubble. Despite being below dpp(phoenix beats it out dealing 515-595 damage) the combo utility of being able to attack and generate even more pressure cannot be ignored. This spell is the best 1v1 spell added this update but can still use some buffing on the damage for consistencies sake.

Storm: Queen Calypso

Queen Calypso

Sadly while Storm’s spell does offer a unique ability-said ability is practically useless in 1v1 PvP. The Storm spell does below dpp damage at base(Kraken does 520-580) and applies a 20% trap to the enemy team. The trap is unique as it is applied before the damage of the spell is dealt. In 1v1 PvP this effectively bumps the damage to 534-606 with no other effect. In other words Storm received a slightly stronger Kraken which while not useless, does nothing to help it in 1v1.

Will you be using these spells in PvP?


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