Get a Clue #2- Arc Three

Get a Clue #2- Arc Three

It’s been a long time since you’ve gotten a clue! In our first Get A Clue article, we described some of the real life inspirations for Wizard101’s Darkmoor side world. This time, we’ll be looking at the storyline of Arc Three as a whole, with a focus on potential worlds within the Grandfather Spider Arc. Please note that this article is going to be filled with a lot of theorycrafting, or educated guesses, at where the game may be going. As the entirety of Arc Three has yet to be released, there’s no telling how accurate our theories will be. Be warned, this article may be a bit longer or wordier than usual. Without further ado, let’s get a clue!

The Main Characters

It’s no secret that the Third Arc’s main cast include Grandfather Spider and Grandmother Raven, along with their three children: Bat, Rat and Scorpion. We’ve already met both Rat (Rasputin) and Scorpion (Xerxes). It’s likely that Bat will be the next villain of the next world. The first question that should be asked is ‘Why did KingsIsle specifically choose these animals?’ Raven was a default character as we had been introduced to her long before Arc Three ever existed. The other four animals may seem random at first, with a potential theme of ‘nasty’ or ‘evil’ animals. However, that’s not quite a complete answer. Where else might the answer lie? We’ve got a clue it might lay within Australian Aboriginal culture. 

Grandfather Spider

The easiest part to prove is the relevance of Grandfather Spider. Maybe you’ve played through the Khrysalis orb quest (our guide is here) or read a little bit of the story behind Grandfather Spider. However you came at the information, you’ll know that Grandfather Spider was one of the people that wove the Spiral together, bringing it to existence. This implies that Grandfather Spider is older than the Spiral universe itself and was probably something similar to an omnipotent spirit as opposed to a physical being. He claims to have woven the stars and spiral together. This is a direct reference to the creation story involving Grandmother Spider. Grandmother Spider brought the world into creation in the same way that Grandfather Spider describes. There’s almost no doubt that Grandfather Spider represents Grandmother Spider from Aboriginal creation lore.

For more information on Grandmother Spider, check here as a starting point.

The Children

Next to identify are the children: Bat, Rat and Scorpion. There is a creation story involving the Rainbow Serpent. This is a creation deity that was said to have made the rivers, streams, ravines and mountains themselves by slithering throughout the universe. However, it is also said that a bat and a scorpion were also involved in the creation story.  Some variations claim Rainbow Serpent took on these forms, others discuss Serpent being born alongside Bat and Scorpion, a kangaroo-rat sometimes playing varying roles in the story. This means that, theoretically, all of Grandfather Spider’s children have been accounted for. The Scorpion, Bat and Kangaroo-Rat (changed to just a rat in the Wizard101 universe) all fall into the Rainbow Serpent creation story.

Alright, but that’s basing a lot off of a story about a Serpent that probably doesn’t exist in the Spiral universe. And that’s where you would be mistaken. While it’s not likely that we’ve met a Serpent character in Wizard101, players of Pirate101 may remember a certain Serpent character in Cool Ranch. Sister Snake is a spiritual being located in Cool Ranch, and asks the Pirate player to enter the spirit world. This spiritual being could very well be the ‘serpent’ figure mentioned in the story above. That, and the fact that the snake itself is tri-colored may make it seem like it is a ‘Rainbow’ Serpent. This may be a stretch, but there’s no coincidence that the snake in Pirate101 was largely spiritual with spirit world capabilities expected of a powerful being.

For more information on Rainbow Serpent, check this as a starting point.


Further Supporting Evidence and Future World?

There’s also little doubt that wizards may one day visit the world of Wallaru, Jaki Whisperwind’s home world. Balance wizards who have taken her spell quests will have come to know her upbeat Australian voiceover. If we take into account this accent, along with the rest of the decor in her room, we get an even clearer idea of how the story might fight together and what Wallaru’s inspiration may stem from. In her room at the Arcanum, we find such items as a big canoe and a dreamcatcher, as well as a natural wooden theme, with totem poles ever-present. All of these items fall into the same Aboriginal culture. Therefore, we can say that Wallaru will draw from an Australian Aboriginal culture. This would match the origin of the Spider and Serpent creation stories above.

Excuse the ‘slight’ blurriness of the photo.

This could mean that Wallaru will be one of the next worlds for wizards to explore, though it’s hard to determine where it will fall. I can say with some certainty that it doesn’t seem like it will be a side world. After all, Wallaru draws from similar aspects and origins as the main plot of the Third Arc’s storyline. Aside from that justification, it’s tough to say where in the usual slotting of 5 worlds per arc it will fall.

Plot Moving Forward

What does this mean for the Third Arc’s story? We’re not able to say for sure. There are a couple of aspects that could be useful in pinpointing potential plot points moving forward. For example, there is a story in which Spider weaves a web to save [The Hopis] from a world being flooded in water. This source here also references four lower worlds in which the Hopis cause chaos and disorder. There are two important points to draw out from this story.

Two Key Factors

  1. The mentioning of four lower worlds. Does this sound familiar to Wizard101’s storytelling? Yes, of course! It’s little secret that both the first two arcs of Wizard101 included five main worlds. Wizard City through Dragonspyre, then Celestia through Khrysalis, finally settling with Polaris and Mirage so far for the most recent arc. This is important because the story itself implies that there will be four worlds deemed as ‘lower’ sometime in our story. It doesn’t specifically mention a fifth world resolution. However, judging by Wizard101’s storytelling so far, it would be most likely that there is a fifth world culmination after these ‘four lower worlds’ have been visited and tampered with by the player. Admittedly, though, it seems as though wizards are fixing the worlds rather than tampering with them at this point in the game.
  2. The Spider saving the people from a flood. The story references people (Hopis in the story, the wizard players in Wizard101 terms) being saved by Spider during a flood. Perhaps Spider himself will save our wizard after exploring another one of these last two ‘lower’ worlds? Grandfather Spider has been known to help us before, despite his nefarious purposes. In addition, it’s strange that Grandfather Spider has done a lot of threatening to the player, but has noticeably done the wizard player little direct harm. Perhaps saving the wizard isn’t so far fetched after all. In addition, the mechanic of ‘breaking’ a world was already explored in the previous arc. Azteca becomes in the process of being destroyed by the comet Xibalba. The only world that makes sense for a watery type of breaking to me, seems like ‘The Broken Shores’. Again, it still seems very oddly similar to the Grandmother Spider story to be a coincidence.


Theories on Next World

Admittedly, there’s not a lot to go off of for trying to figure out the next two worlds. Assuming this theory is correct to some degree, we know that there are at least four worlds with a probable culmination fifth. Polaris was the first, Mirage was the second… The only names that keep repeating themselves in the Third Arc are Wallaru, Broken Shores, and Empyrea. I would argue that Wallaru will be one of the last two worlds, due to its strong ties to Australian Aboriginal culture that we’ve already discussed. As such, it seems too strong a connection to place in slot three for example. That leaves Broken Shores and Empyrea. I would say that the Broken Shores has too much mystery behind it still. I’m doubtful that that’s going to be the world’s name itself, but rather a nickname. Therefore, I’d say Empyrea is next.

We really don’t know a lot about Empyrea. Notably, it seems to be related to the sky as there is a quest in Wysteria that specifically asks for ‘Sky Squid Ink’. The only other information that we can probably assume based off name itself is that the world will be modeled after some sort of Empire. If we go off this premise, we have to consider what empires have already been covered. A quick google search of the world’s biggest empires resulted in this nifty resource showing the British Empire, the Russian Empire and the Mongol Empire. Both Britain and Russia have very distinct game equivalents, Marleybone and Polaris respectively. I believe the most likely choice is the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire was most notable for the rising of Genghis Khan himself, a figure which doesn’t seem to have an exact equivalent in the Spiral as of yet. 


There’s another reason why I believe the Mongol Empire may be what Empyrea is drawing inspiration from. A trio of characters in Mirage, Ricky, Tiki and Taffy are the only three characters of their species that we’ve met in the Spiral so far. They’re most obviously a mongoose-esque species, pointedly called ‘Mongus’ in the game (as their instance in which you fight them is called the ‘Mongu Reserve’). However, they look nothing like any of the snakes, djinnis, or anything else in Mirage. If we connect Empyrea with Empires, would it be beyond KingsIsle to use this pun and have mongoose characters called ‘Mongus’ represent the Mongolian Empire? I’m of the belief that KingsIsle would certainly do that. For further proof, take a look at some of the ‘traditional mongolian clothing‘. Don’t they seem very familiar and distinct from anything else we’ve seen in the Spiral?


Get a Clue Summary

In conclusion, there are a lot of theories bouncing around here, but many of them fall into the same general category of creation and Australian Aboriginal culture. There are just too many similarities within both the story and the worlds we’ve visited so far for it all to be a coincidence. This is a Get a Clue article because I don’t believe these are wild guesses, and that there’s a high chance that some of what was discussed was factored into KingsIsle’s writing. Moving forward, Get a Clue may in fact remain just like this. We don’t know exactly what KingsIsle draws from when writing their storylines and characters, so we can only take educated guesses. In the articles to come, we’ll do research like we’ve done here and attempt to explain potential inspirations for the game you love to play.


What do you think of the Third Arc so far? Do you think these theories are correct? What information have you seen that contradicts the arguments here? Leave a comment below!

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St. Patrick’s Day Boss Drops

St. Patrick’s Day Boss Drops

If previous years are any indicator, next week, you can expect Pat O’Gold to return to the Spiral with her St. Patrick’s Day items! Then, perhaps on the 13th, we can expect the “Save Green on Green” sale to return. This sale allows you to buy certain green items from the crown shop for 50% off! If you want a Life Mastery Amulet for half the price, your chance is coming soon!

While Pat O’Gold is conveniently situated in the Shopping District, her prices might be too high for some of us wizards. Luckily, we can also farm bosses for the items she sells! Let’s see who you should farm during the week of St. Patrick’s Day to get your favorite holiday themed items!

There are 8 different wand designs for St. Patrick’s day. The same design is sold by several different names, and also dropped with different names by different bosses. Next, you can find a picture of the wand design, with next to it a list of the different versions of that wand and information of who drops it.

Unfortunately, for many of the higher level wands, we have no information on where they are dropped. The information provided is a combination of my own drops and of the information on the wizard101 wiki. Please help us if you can! If you have any of these wands, put them in a house and have a friend use the item identifier to see where the item is dropped. We’d love to be able to offer you more complete information!


Four Leaf Clover Wands

st. patrick's day boss drops

Clover Wand (any level): Lord Nightshade (WC, Haunted Cave)

Shamrock Scepter (lvl 15+): Krokopatra (KT, Temple of Storms)

Charmed Clover Wand (lvl 15+): Krokopatra (KT, Temple of Storms)

Lucky Shamrock Wand (lvl 35+): Jade Oni (MS, Jade Palace)

Pot O’ Gold Wands

st. patrick's day boss drops

Pot O’ Gold Wand (any level): Lord Nightshade (WC, Haunted Cave)

Bountiful Wand (15+): Krokopatra (KT, Temple of Storms)

Bounty of the Rainbow (25+): Krokopatra (KT, Temple of Storms)

Wand of Wealth (35+): Jade Oni (MS, Jade Palace)

Scepter of the Shield Wands

st. patrick's day boss drops

Scepter of the Shield (any level): Lord Nightshade (WC, Haunted Cave)

Wand of the Golden Ward (lvl 25+)

Shield of the Blessed (lvl 35+)

Harp Wands

st. patrick's day boss drops

Gold-Stringed Harp (any level): Lord Nightshade (WC, Haunted Cave)

Harp of the Lucky (lvl 15+): Krokopatra (KT, Temple of Storms)

Shamrock Harp (lvl 25+)

Harp o’ the Emerald Isle (lvl 25+): Meowiarty (MB, Big Ben)


Shillelagh Staffs

st. patrick's day boss drops

Sacred Shillelagh (lvl 45+): Othin Stormfather (GH, Ravenscar)

Shillelagh of Reformation (lvl 55+)

Adventurer’s Shillelagh (lvl 65+): Mirror Lake, ZF

Curmudgeon’s Cudgel (lvl 75+)

Diviner’s Shillelagh (lvl 85+)


Scepter of the Shield Staffs

st. patrick's day boss drops

Scepter of the Red Hart (lvl 45+): Malistaire Drake (DS, The Great Spire) + Othin Stormfather

Guardian’s Wand (lvl 55+): Ptolemos (CL, Trial of the Spheres)

Sacred Heart Staff (lvl 65+): Mirror Lake, ZF

Staff of the Defender (lvl 75+)

Stave of the Protector (lvl 85+): Yacate Farwalker (AZ, Xibalba)


Pot O’ Gold Staffs

st. patrick's day boss drops

Rainbow’s Reward (lvl 45+): Malistaire Drake (DS, The Great Spire) + Othin Stormfather

End o’ the Rainbow Wand (lvl 55+)

Staff of Gracious Fortune (lvl 65+): Mirror Lake, ZF

Golden Windfall Staff (lvl 75+): Black Dragon (AV, Keep of Ganelon)

Wand of Recompense (lvl 85+)


Four Leaf Clover Staffs

Four Leaf Scepter (lvl 55+)

Clover of Prosperity (lvl 65+)

Shamrock of Spring (lvl 75+)

Shamrock of Spring (lvl 85+)



 Which St Patrick’s Day wands do you like the most?

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Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60 (Wizard101)

Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60

I loved reading Cody’s article about how much energy you can get in total at max level. However, it made me wonder what the best gear out there is for grandmasters and legendaries. I have quite a few wizards around the 50-60 mark that garden. Unfortunately most of them just garden in their questing gear, which is far from ideal.

I have a good system of planting 70% of their gardens one day, and planting the rest the following day, when the first batch doesn’t have needs yet. Here‘s a picture of day 1, when only half has been planted. This method does mean my gardens grow unevenly. It works for me, but it’s not perfect.

So how can I optimize my grandmaster and legendary gardens?


Hats, Robes and Shoes

1. Winter Wonder Land Energy Gear

Hats, robes and shoes mainly come from packs and bundles, unfortunately. The best option is more than likely the energy set from the Winter Wonder Pack. This is a christmas holiday pack. I’ve only managed to get some pieces of the gear. Do feel free to send us your pictures of the level 50 and 60 energy boots, if you can provide them! These are currently not yet available on the wiki, so I can’t give exact numbers for the amounts of energy.

At level 50:

Snowdrifter's Conical (+14 energy) Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60

Snowdrifter’s hat (+14 energy) level 50

Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60

Snowdrifter’s robes (+18 energy) level 50



Picture of lvl 50 boots



At level 60:

Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60

Snowdrifter’s hat (+16 energy) level 60

Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60

Snowdrifter’s robes (+20 energy) level 60

Snowdrifter’s boots (+16 energy) level 60


2. Second Best Options

At level 50:

  1. Wyvern Hoard Pack: The full level 50 Energetic set will give you +38 energy.
  2. Hoard of Hydra: The level 50 Pixie hat, robes and boots will get you up to +37 energy.
  3. Hive Bundle: The level 50 Stinger set will give you +18 energy.
  4. Beastmaster Set: Available to any level from the crown shop for 3500 crowns, gives you +18 energy.


At level 60:

  • Wyvern Hoard Pack: The full level 60 Energetic set will give you +42 energy.
  • Hoard of Hydra: The level 60 Pixie hat, robes and boots will get you up to +42 energy.
  • Baconator Costume: Available at level 55 from the crown shop for 7995 crowns, gives you +30 energy.
  • Hive Bundle: The level 60 Stinger set will give you +18 energy.
  • Beastmaster Set: Available to any level from the crown shop for 3500 crowns, gives you +18 energy.



3. No Crown Options

If you’re like me, you don’t want to spend crowns on these. So here’s the best non-crown option!

At level 50:

  • At level 50, your only viable option for hats, robes and boots lays with the badger in Unicorn way. Brandon Mistborn has 3 sets of energy gear, which aren’t limited to any level. The best of the three, the Seafarer’s set, gives you +24 energy. You will need to do a couple of tourneys to get enough tickets: the hat and boots cost 200 tickets each and the robe is 500 tickets.

Sold by Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way (+10)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way (+7)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way (+7)

  • If KI brings back the Super Bundle, you can also get the robe called Chieftain’s Dashiki, which gives the same amount of energy as Brandon Mistborn’s robe.
  • At level 54 and 56 you can also get some Wintertusk gear with energy. These are not really worth it, since each piece gives only +2 energy. Still, for the lazy among you, it’s convenient to get energy gear from the Bazaar. All the +2 energy boots have a name that starts with “Barbarian’s” so they’re easy to find. All the +2 energy hats have a name that starts with “Cowl of”. The +2 energy robes that I found in the Bazaar are called Raven’s Eye Raiment and Mocking Raiment.


At level 60:

  • At level 60, you can go for the same outfit as at level 50 for +24 energy, from Brandon Mistborn for 900 tickets.
  • The Super Bundle would give you the level 60 Chieftain’s Dashiki robe. If you replace Brandon Mistborn’s robe with it, you get to a total of +25 energy, since it gives one extra energy. You’ll have to hope KI brings it back though, as it is currently retired.



The Snowdrifter’s Stave might give energy at level 50 and 60, but we don’t really know how much. Let us know if you have either level’s wand!


Athames, amulets, rings and decks

Okay, next up: athames, amulets, rings and decks. If you’re into pet derby, you can get gear that gives you some energy. I will list those options below. However, the highest possible energy is not achieved through this derby gear. Instead, you can get +5 energy tear-shaped jewels and attach them to any athame, amulet, ring and deck that has a tear-shaped socket. At level 56+, you can craft a ring and athame in Vestrilund and attach jewels to these as well. More on those below.


Available to Pet Sergeants for 200 tickets (+2)

Available to Pet Veterans for 250 tickets (+3)

Available to Pet Knights for 300 tickets (+4)


Available to Pet Sergeants for 200 tickets (+2)

Available to Pet Veterans for 250 tickets (+3)

Available to Pet Knights for 300 tickets (+4)


Available to Pet Sergeants for 200 tickets (+2)

Available to Pet Veterans for 250 tickets (+3)

Available to Pet Knights for 300 tickets (+4)


Level 56 Crafted Athames

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+2)

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+2)

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+1)


Level 56 Crafted Rings

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+4)

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+4)

Recipe sold by Ingulf the Grower in Vestrilund (+3)



In addition to gear, you can get the Dapper Corgi pet of course! I suggest hatching with one to gain that extra +8 energy. Additionally, you will want to train it to ancient and affix one of these jewels to it:

Wizard101 Energy

Energy Opal (+5)

Wizard101 Energy

Big Energy Opal (+10)

Wizard101 Energy

Huge Energy Opal (+15)

Wizard101 Energy

Ultra Energy Opal (+20)


Finally, there are Cracked Energy Opals, tear-shaped jewels that give up to +5 energy. If you’re level 56+ you can socket one to your ring, amulet, athame and deck. These jewels can be found in school jewel packs or Farley’s Gardening Pack.


Let’s count it all together!

Let’s say you’re not lazy nor poor. Say you are prepared to do tourneys, pet derby AND use crowns. How much energy can you possibly get? Well, we can’t currently tell you 100% because there are numbers missing! We currently have no information on how much energy the level 50 Winter Wonder Pack boots give, so for this purpose, let’s assume they give 14 energy. We also have no data on the level 50 and 60 Winter Wonder Pack wands. We’ll just leave them out of this article until we find out.


At level 50

Your base energy at level 50 is 75. Gear and pet with jewels will get you to +94. We’re not counting the possible wand. This brings us to a total of 169 energy at level 50! Planting a 69 plant plot requires 138 energy, so we’re set on our level 50s. Too bad we don’t have Plant All TCs!

  • Winter Wonder Pack hat (+14)
  • Winter Wonder Pack robes (+18)
  • Winter Wonder Pack boots (+14)
  • Any athame with tear socket (+5)
  • Any ring with tear socket (+5)
  • Any athame with a tear socket (+5)
  • Any deck with a tear socket (+5)
  • Dapper Corgi pet (+8) with star jewel (+20)
  • Not counting possible wand


At level 60

Your base energy rises to 80. Add the 106 energy you can get from gear, and you come to a total of 186 energy at level 60! Woohoo! This includes the following items:

  • Winter Wonder Pack hat (+16)
  • Winter Wonder Pack robes (+20)
  • Winter Wonder Pack boots (+16)
  • Crafted athame (+2) with tear jewel (+5)
  • Crafted ring (+4) with tear socket (+5)
  • Any athame with a tear socket (+5)
  • Any deck with a tear socket (+5)
  • Dapper Corgi pet (+8) with star jewel (+20)
  • Not counting possible wand


Sadly, I’m lazy person who doesn’t want to learn how to derby and doesn’t want to waste crowns. I guess I’ll stick to my rotational system of planting half on day 1 and half on day 2. Good to know what I’m missing out on though!


Do you have low level gardeners?
Let us know in the comments!

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Yaargh Matey Contest Winner’s Announcement!

Yaargh Matey! Winners Announcement

Duelist 101’s Yaargh Matey Contest has come to an end and the winners have been decided! Let’s take a look at how these Pirates had fun with their Mateys!

1st Place- Golden Chrissy

Golden Christina (Me on the right) and Golden Pearl (The Golden Girls of the Spiral) getting the perfect moment with our rearing mounts in Cool Ranch.


2nd Place- Earnest Fred Ingram

My friend Cautious Boris Collins and Charming Arthur Burton (thats me) are seeking challenges along the skyways together in our ship with skull island as the background.


3rd Place – Dishonest Casper Jenkins Picture 2016-12-11 12-51-00-550.jpg

This is a screenshot of me and my friend disguised as monkeys when we were doing the main quest together. 


3rd Place – Logan MistSpear 

In this pic in the morphing tent we are expressing how we both can disagree a lot but nothing can break our long lasting friendship for 2 years now


3rd Place – Fiery Philip 

After a long day of adventuring, a pirate needs to relax. What better way to relax than with the crew and a friend at the tavern? 


Congratulations to all our Winners and their Mateys!!

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Wizard 101: One Time Use Spell Ideas

One Time Use Spell Ideas

Wizard101 Ambrose Doodle

The recent most recent Feedback Friday on the main message boards(Click Here) asked an interesting question. What if you could design a spell that could only be used once in battle? This question seems to hint at the possibility of “Ultimate Spells” in Wizard 101. Other games have successfully pulled off “Ultimate” type attacks and mechanics before. As such I have came up with some spell ideas that are powerful enough to be limited to One Use per battle while still being fairly balanced.


Name: Prism Lock

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Target cannot cast spells of their school for the next 3 rounds

Description: A powerful single use spell that severely constrains the opponent’s offensive and defensive potential for 3 rounds. While under the effects of this spell school cards are grayed out.


Name:  Soul Sapper

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Your drain spells ignore opponent’s resist for the rest of the duel

Description: A powerful tool that allows death to make better use of it’s little used core mechanic.


Name: Corrosion

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Reduce the pip cost of all spells in your hand by 1

Description: This spell further propels fire’s offense, allowing it to create even more impressive combos.


Name: Crystallize

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Negate next incoming damage spell and return spell’s base damage to health.

Description: This spell would be the most powerful defensive spell in the game while also allowing an Ice wizard to get some health back.


Name: Guardian Phalanx

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Team Manipulation

Effect: Return Self and all Teammates 20% health when defeated

Description: Single Use, Mass Guardian Spirit, ‘Nuff said


Name: Circe

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Transform Opponent into Ninja Piggle

Description: A spell that forces the opponent to polymorph. The polymorph maintains all the opponent’s stats but only has the spell “Demorph” which costs 3 pips and returns them to their normal state. In effect this spell acts as an unblockable stun with a built in mana burn. Note that “Demorph” would be a moon spell so you could not dispel lock the opponent into pig form.


Name: Reverse Polarity

Cost: 3 pips one shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Attack

Effect: Deal x Storm Damage to one opponent over 3 rounds. The base damage of this attack is equal to (Opponents health-Caster health)

Description: A powerful attack spell that turns Storm’s low health state into an advantage while giving Storm access to a long awaited DoT.

What do You Think of These Ideas? Let us Know in the Comments Below!

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Pirate 101: Yaargh Matey Friendship Festival Contest

Yaargh Matey Friendship Festival Contest

It’s contest time once again Pirates and Duelist 101 wants to know how you celebrate Friendship festival! Let’s get to it.

The Contest

The Contest is simple pirates. All you need is a screenshot! Your screenshot must meet these requirements.

-The Screenshot must include your Pirate!

-The Screenshot may be taken anywhere in the Pirate 101 Universe

-The Screenshot must be unaltered

-The Screenshot must depict you and your friend(matey) doing something fun!

-Only one entry submission per contestant

-Include a short excerpt(5 sentences maximum) describing what you and your matey are doing.

-Try to take a clean screenshot without extraneous text or distractions(use Ctrl+G if you can)

-The Contest will be judged on Creativity, Originality, and Aesthetic Charm!

More Details

-The Contest will run from 18 Feb 2017 to at 25 Feb 2017 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time

-Winners will be Announced on 26th February 2017

-To enter The Contest: email your entry to (ensure you have a parent’s or guardian’s permission if you are <13 years old)

-Ask any questions you may have in the comment section below


1st Prize    

10000 Crowns

Bunny Hug(P101)

Lovely Leopard(W101)

2nd Prize

5000 Crowns

Huggle Hoggle(P101)

Lovely Ladybug(W101)

Honorable Mentions(x3)

1000 Crowns

Friendship Grouper(P101)


What will you and your Mateys come up with Pirates?


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Wintertusk Main Quest Line Guide (Wizard101)

Wintertusk Main Quest Line Guide

In order to start with Wintertusk and get heaps of xp, you first need to complete Grizzleheim. Click here for our guide on the main quest like of Grizzleheim. Once you’ve done your quests there, you will get invited to Merle Ambrose’s office and get the quest “Cold News”.

I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss.
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.


Wintertusk is a fun world. It’s very rewarding because it gives you so much xp. However, if you’re only level 40, you’re going to have a hard time, as the enemies are pretty tough here! The experience points are worth the effort though.

Wintertusk has 52 quests in total. There is only one instance in this world: the final dungeon Nastrond. This instance is also the only main quest where you will meet cheating bosses in Wintertusk: the 4 brothers in the final battle. You will be doing 20 boss battles on your way through Wintertusk, as well as 5 mob quests and 5 D&C quests. Sounds easy, right?



  1. Cold News (talk)
  2. Times are Tough (talk)
  3. News of the North (talk + talk)
  4. A Bigger Boat (talk)


Hrundle Fjord

  1. Cold Day in Hrundle (explore + explore + talk)
  2. The Cold Gates (explore + talk)
  3. And on Drums… (D&C + talk)
  4. Hready to Hrundle (explore + explore + talk)
  5. Springtime for Hrundle (explore + boss + interact + interact + talk)
  6. Big Grandma’s House (talk)
  7. That’s So Raven (talk)
  8. Norn Time (explore + interact + interact + explore + talk + mob + talk + talk)
  9. Turn a New Leif (talk + interact + talk + talk)
  10. Tooth and Leaf (talk + collect + collect + D&C + talk + talk)
  11. Root of the Loom (interact + talk + interact + talk)


wintertusk main quest line guide


  1. Austrilund Weekend (talk)
  2. Four Challenges (talk)
  3. Board to Death (explore + boss + talk + talk + interact 3x + talk + talk)
  4. Pieces of You (D&C + talk + interact + talk + talk)
  5. Riddle Me This (talk + talk)
  6. Spear Carrier (talk + mob + talk + talk)
  7. Out Clubbing (explore + boss + talk)
  8. Enemy at the Gate (explore + interact + talk + explore + boss + explore + boss + talk + boss + talk)


wintertusk main quest line guide


  1. Into the Vestrilund (talk)
  2. Fishes  & Loaves (collect + collect + talk)
  3. Monster Mash (mob + mob + talk)
  4. Golden Axe (explore + boss + talk)
  5. Trees for the Forest (collect + talk)
  6. The Walls Have Ice (collect + talk)
  7. Key to the Kingdom (explore + talk)
  8. That Was Easy… (talk + boss + talk)
  9. Sing a Warsong (talk)
  10. Warriors Three (explore + boss + explore + boss + explore + boss + talk + talk)


wintertusk main quest line guide


  1. Su Su Sudrilund (talk + boss + talk)
  2. Calling Ketil Black (explore + boss + explore + boss + talk + interact + talk)
  3. Usein Your Illusion (collect + collect + talk)
  4. The Dragon Gate (interact + interact + talk)
  5. Golden Delicious (explore + boss + interact + talk)
  6. Weight of the Word (interact + talk + interact + talk + talk)


wintertusk main quest line guide


  1. Nordilund Exposure (talk)
  2. A Bridge Too Far (collect + interact + talk)
  3. The Riddle of the Road (explore + talk + explore + talk + talk)
  4. …A Serpent’s Tooth (interact + talk + interact + D&C + talk + interact + talk + talk)
  5. Bones of the Earth (explore)
  6. Take the Low Road (instance: talk + D&C + talk)
  7. Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em (instance: talk + interact + interact + explore + boss + talk)
  8. Bridge to Nowhere (instance:talk + boss + explore + boss + talk)
  9. A Hello to Arms (instance:talk + mob + talk)
  10. The Magic Flute (instance:talk + interact + interact + explore + quadruple boss + talk)
  11. Rune With a View (instance:talk + interact 4x + explore + quadruple cheating boss + interact 4x + explore + talk)
  12. Bones of the Earth (talk)
  13. Winter News (talk + talk)

Instance name: Nastrond (6.-11.)


Here are our other main quest line guides:


Wintertusk is shorter than I expected!
What do you think of its length?

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Updates to Water Elemental(Storm)

Updates to Water Elemental

In the recent updates, a huge change has snuck in(Click Here). The Storm school’s Water Elemental now has a natural attack! Here is the text of the update:

-The Natural Attack

Other Changes

 In addition to the natural attack there are some other changes not mentioned in the notes:

-The Water Elemental Starts with 3 normal pips when cast

-The Water Elemental learned Disarm

Impact on PvP

A buff to low and mid-level Storm

Storm has long had one of the worst minions in low and mid level PvP. The Storm minion was pretty much used as a meat puppet, purely reactive minion. Now it has a natural attack, disarm the ability to heal, shield and absorb itself and owner and the ability to buff with Storm trap. This makes it one of the most potent low-mid lvl minions allowing it to compete with the likes of the fire and ice elementals.

A potentially usable minion at all levels

Storm at all levels is in severe need of of shield breaking potential. The ability of the minion to do just that increases it’s value significantly while it’s defensive attributes help to augment Storm’s weaker defenses. This makes it a viable minion at almost all level ranges. Of course, the fast tempo of Max Lvl matches may preempt the minion from being used effectively in those matches but it is certainly worth testing in those formats.

What Do You Think of The Storm Minion Updates?




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PvP Alert: Reshuffle Change

PvP Alert: Reshuffle Change

KI has once again changed the mechanics of reshuffle. In an unpopular decision, reshuffle was changed to no longer return enchanted cards and their unenchanted copies, effectively killing Reshuffle multiplication. However, this was not the only change. Many players noticed that any discarded treasure card is no longer being returned to the sideboard even when reshuffle is used. Many players thought that this was an obvious glitch. However, this is not the case. Dworgyn recently confirmed on the main boards that any discarded tc will not return after reshuffle within the same battle.(See Post Here)

What Does This Mean for PvP?

Aggressive Cycling is Riskier– A fast cycle in the max level meta was typically the most effective ways to line up the cards you wanted. Now cycling too fast will mean you will be opting to permanently lose some resources, adding a tradeoff effect to finding your cards on time.

More Cards in Main can Mitigate this Effect at the Cost of a Slower Cycle– Adding more cards in your main can help to mitigate the effect of cycling through your sideboard too fast. However, adding more cards to your main deck makes it more clunky in effect slowing down your cycling.

Stall Strategies Benefit– Slower Strategies such as Jade Juju and Angel benefit from this change. Since they already had a conservative cycle phase based on a slow tempo this change has very little effect on them. On the other hand in cases such as Jade Juju, an opponent often has to go digging for the right cards to combo within the small openings a jade juju affords. This often means an aggressive discard and cycle phase. However, by doing this the opponent limits his/her options later in the match. In other words, this change narrows the margin of error when going against a stall strategy.

Overall Max LvL Impact– The overall impact of the Reshuffle change is actually quite limited for Max Lvl. Most max lvl matches are over long before the need for a reshuffle. However, at the higher ranks where the tempo is often slower this change will have a noticeable impact.

What do You think of The Reshuffle Change?


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Picking the Locks – Ra

Picking the Locks – Ra

Shall we take a look at yet another skeleton key boss? I picked one of the easy ones this time round. Therefore, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Let’s go all the way to Krokotopia’s very own Library and find out what lies behind this particular lock.


So it seems like everyone’s favorite and quickest spell has come to life (insert sarcasm here). Ra is one of the latest wooden skeleton key bosses to be discovered inside the Spiral. He is here to offer level 20 wizards a challenge and some rewards they might like.

First and foremost, to battle Ra you need to go to Krokotopia’s Library in the Oasis. Next, go to the side door to access the Hall of Doors. After that, enter the sigil to access Ra’s Landing, and open the lock with a wooden key to enter Ra’s Reading Room. Easy, right? It is!

Furthermore, wooden skeleton keys can be easily obtained from bosses such as:

  • Jade Oni, Oakheart and Youkai
  • Barkingham Palace bosses
  • Major bosses in Kembaalung
  • Others


What to expect


Ra – Rank 4 Balance Boss – 3,750 hp

Sia the Perceiver 1,150 hp

Hu the Commander 1,000 hp

Heka the Haruspect 1,100 hp

While the battle is fairly easy, be prepared for Ra to cast a couple elemental and spirit shields. Also, bring your best accuracy gear as he does tend to cast a few smoke screens every now and then. With the help of high level wizards this battle can be extremely short. However, if you like the challenge and are using level appropriate wizards, bring heals! These creatures do tend to hit quite often due to power play (+35% pip chance to all) that Ra cheat casts.




Firstly, at the start of the battle, Ra will interrupt and cheat cast Power Play (+35% pip chance to all).



If you try to change Power Play with another global spell, Ra will interrupt and cheat cast Power Play once more. This can be countered with a balance dispel.



Ra has a tendency to use spells that manipulate accuracy such as Guidance and Smoke Screen. As such, these are cast frequently and randomly throughout the entire battle. However, this can sometimes work in your favor as he can:

  • Cast Smoke Screen on either his enemies (you) or his allies.
  • Cast Guidance on either his enemies or his allies.



At the end of round 4, Ra will cast an Amplify on everyone in the battle (you too). Furthermore, at the end of round 8, he will cheat cast Fortify on everyone in the battle. This will keep on going on, shifting between auras every 4 rounds.



I highly recommend farming Ra if you are new to the game as his drops will give you a kick start. The gear has some interesting stats, but maybe not something you require as there are better variations out there like Kembaalung’s gear and Zeus’ Mount Olympus gear. In addition, something else that caught my eye are the mounts. So many mounts! Presently, the drop rate is moderate, which can be good for you out there looking to obtain your first mount to speed up your questing.





Find me!







Thunderous Karanahn Veil – Find me!




Nirini Helm of Scorching – Find me!



Solar Pikestaff of Anubis – Find me!



  • Wooden Skeleton Key
  • Stone Skeleton Key
  • Novice Socket Wrench
  • Adept’s Socket Wrench
  • Expert’s Socket Wrench
  • Amber
  • Mote of Wisdom / Beauty / Severity / Eternity / Transport
  • Tapestry to School of Balance
  • Tapestry to the Oasis
  • Sunions
  • Saw Palmetto




Defeating Ra for the first time will grant you the badge ‘Reading Room Roustabout‘.


Are you planning to take on this challenge? Let us know what you think and how it goes in the comments below!

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