Updates to Water Elemental(Storm)


Updates to Water Elemental

In the recent updates, a huge change has snuck in(Click Here). The Storm school’s Water Elemental now has a natural attack! Here is the text of the update:

-The Natural Attack

Other Changes

 In addition to the natural attack there are some other changes not mentioned in the notes:

-The Water Elemental Starts with 3 normal pips when cast

-The Water Elemental learned Disarm

Impact on PvP

A buff to low and mid-level Storm

Storm has long had one of the worst minions in low and mid level PvP. The Storm minion was pretty much used as a meat puppet, purely reactive minion. Now it has a natural attack, disarm the ability to heal, shield and absorb itself and owner and the ability to buff with Storm trap. This makes it one of the most potent low-mid lvl minions allowing it to compete with the likes of the fire and ice elementals.

A potentially usable minion at all levels

Storm at all levels is in severe need of of shield breaking potential. The ability of the minion to do just that increases it’s value significantly while it’s defensive attributes help to augment Storm’s weaker defenses. This makes it a viable minion at almost all level ranges. Of course, the fast tempo of Max Lvl matches may preempt the minion from being used effectively in those matches but it is certainly worth testing in those formats.

What Do You Think of The Storm Minion Updates?




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