Wizard 101: One Time Use Spell Ideas


One Time Use Spell Ideas

Wizard101 Ambrose Doodle

The recent most recent Feedback Friday on the main message boards(Click Here) asked an interesting question. What if you could design a spell that could only be used once in battle? This question seems to hint at the possibility of “Ultimate Spells” in Wizard 101. Other games have successfully pulled off “Ultimate” type attacks and mechanics before. As such I have came up with some spell ideas that are powerful enough to be limited to One Use per battle while still being fairly balanced.


Name: Prism Lock

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Target cannot cast spells of their school for the next 3 rounds

Description: A powerful single use spell that severely constrains the opponent’s offensive and defensive potential for 3 rounds. While under the effects of this spell school cards are grayed out.


Name:  Soul Sapper

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Your drain spells ignore opponent’s resist for the rest of the duel

Description: A powerful tool that allows death to make better use of it’s little used core mechanic.


Name: Corrosion

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Reduce the pip cost of all spells in your hand by 1

Description: This spell further propels fire’s offense, allowing it to create even more impressive combos.


Name: Crystallize

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Negate next incoming damage spell and return spell’s base damage to health.

Description: This spell would be the most powerful defensive spell in the game while also allowing an Ice wizard to get some health back.


Name: Guardian Phalanx

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Team Manipulation

Effect: Return Self and all Teammates 20% health when defeated

Description: Single Use, Mass Guardian Spirit, ‘Nuff said


Name: Circe

Cost: 3 pips 1 shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Manipulation

Effect: Transform Opponent into Ninja Piggle

Description: A spell that forces the opponent to polymorph. The polymorph maintains all the opponent’s stats but only has the spell “Demorph” which costs 3 pips and returns them to their normal state. In effect this spell acts as an unblockable stun with a built in mana burn. Note that “Demorph” would be a moon spell so you could not dispel lock the opponent into pig form.


Name: Reverse Polarity

Cost: 3 pips one shadow pip

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Single Target Attack

Effect: Deal x Storm Damage to one opponent over 3 rounds. The base damage of this attack is equal to (Opponents health-Caster health)

Description: A powerful attack spell that turns Storm’s low health state into an advantage while giving Storm access to a long awaited DoT.

What do You Think of These Ideas? Let us Know in the Comments Below!

The post Wizard 101: One Time Use Spell Ideas appeared first on Duelist101.

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