Pirate 101: Yaargh Matey Friendship Festival Contest


Yaargh Matey Friendship Festival Contest

It’s contest time once again Pirates and Duelist 101 wants to know how you celebrate Friendship festival! Let’s get to it.

The Contest

The Contest is simple pirates. All you need is a screenshot! Your screenshot must meet these requirements.

-The Screenshot must include your Pirate!

-The Screenshot may be taken anywhere in the Pirate 101 Universe

-The Screenshot must be unaltered

-The Screenshot must depict you and your friend(matey) doing something fun!

-Only one entry submission per contestant

-Include a short excerpt(5 sentences maximum) describing what you and your matey are doing.

-Try to take a clean screenshot without extraneous text or distractions(use Ctrl+G if you can)

-The Contest will be judged on Creativity, Originality, and Aesthetic Charm!

More Details

-The Contest will run from 18 Feb 2017 to at 25 Feb 2017 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time

-Winners will be Announced on 26th February 2017

-To enter The Contest: email your entry to duelist101contests@gmail.com (ensure you have a parent’s or guardian’s permission if you are <13 years old)

-Ask any questions you may have in the comment section below


1st Prize    

10000 Crowns

Bunny Hug(P101)

Lovely Leopard(W101)

2nd Prize

5000 Crowns

Huggle Hoggle(P101)

Lovely Ladybug(W101)

Honorable Mentions(x3)

1000 Crowns

Friendship Grouper(P101)


What will you and your Mateys come up with Pirates?


The post Pirate 101: Yaargh Matey Friendship Festival Contest appeared first on Duelist101.

from Duelist101 http://ift.tt/2lv6klm

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