Mirage Main Quest Line Guide


Mirage Main Quest Line Guide

This guide is meant as a tool to follow your progress while questing in Mirage as well as a warning for when a cheating boss is coming soon. For this guide, I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned.


I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as a quest will often require you to do multiple things.


I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Minor Cheat: Quests that require defeating a boss that cheats a little (these cheats can generally be ignored).
  • Cheat: Quests that require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay somewhat).
  • Major Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay significantly).
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
  • Solo: Quests you need to do alone.


Note that some of the quests might be labeled “defeat and collect” in game, but actually appear as mob battles in my guide. This is because many of the D&C quests in Mirage actually give you the item required on the first try. Only fights where I actually had to fight the same mob twice to get the item are labeled as D&C. The rest are labeled as mob fights. Maybe I just got lucky in some cases, so don’t hesitate to correct me in the comments if a mob quest took you multiple fights to complete!


The Arcanum

  1. Post-Polaris Prognosis (solo: talk + explore + talk 3x + explore + mob + interact + minor cheat + talk)
  2. Return from Ravenwood (talk 5x)
  3. The Sand Sea (solo: interact + explore + mob + interact + explore + minor cheat + interact + talk)
  4. Shifting Sand (interact + talk)


  1. The Tired Nomad (talk)burdie-mirage
  2. The West Road (explore + talk)
  3. Ghulture Bones (D&C + talk)
  4. Mother Ghulture (explore + major cheat + talk)
  5. To Caravan! (explore + talk + talk)
  6. The South Road (explore + talk)
  7. Rolling Thunder (mob + talk)
  8. The Jeweled Box (explore + minor cheat + interact + talk)
  9. The Talibs’ Set Up (explore + talk + talk)
  10. The North Road (explore + talk)
  11. Prickly Predicament (mob + talk)
  12. Tent City (talk + talk + talk)

Alkali Barrows

  1. The Pale Djinni (instance: talk + mob + boss + talk)
  2. Darkness in the Desert (talk)mr-clean-mirage
  3. Alkali Barrows (explore + talk)
  4. The Renegade Durvish (mob + talk)
  5. The Barracks Barrow (mob + talk)
  6. Threat of the Overlord (interact + explore + talk)
  7. A Helping Hand (instance: mob + mob + cheat + talk)
  8. Talking Head (explore + talk + mob + talk)
  9. Most Valued Treasure (instance: mob + mob + quadruple cheat + talk)
  10. Xerxes’ Wrath (instance: mob + mob + major cheat + talk)
  11. Return of the Overlord (talk + talk)


  1. Assistance from Aggrobah (explore + talk + explore + talk)
  2. Sultana Sharzad (explore + talk)
  3. The King’s Vizier (explore + mob + talk + talk)
  4. Fooling the Ferals (explore + mob + explore + mob + interact + talk)
  5. The Thuggies’ Stash (explore + mob + interact + talk)
  6. Stolen Goods, Stolen Vault (explore + mob + talk + (instance: mob + mob + interact) + talk)
  7. Fangs Reprisal (explore + talk)snake-plizkin-mirage
  8. Feral’s Alleyway (instance: mob + boss)
  9. Fangs Reprisal (explore + mob + talk)
  10. The Silent Sabers (explore)
  11. Quiet Bungalow (instance: mob + boss)?
  12. The Silent Sabers (talk)
  13. Shock the Monkey (instance: explore + mob + explore + boss + explore + talk)
  14. Snakes in a Palace (talk)
  15. Kasra Palace (instance: mob + boss + boss)
  16. Snakes in a Palace (talk + talk)
  17. Truce Talks (explore)
  18. Four Points (explore + cheat)
  19. Truce Talks (talk)

Caterwaul Canyons

  1. House Qhats (talk + talk)
  2. House Under Siege (talk + mob + talk)
  3. The Count’s Claim (talk + explore + talk)
  4. The Chosen One (explore + talk)
  5. Trial of the Sand Wurms (mob)
  6. Cavern of the Wurm (instance: mob + explore + mob + puzzle + major cheat + explore + talk)
  7. The Purrzian Vassals (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
  8. The Agouti Chronoshard (instance: mob + mob + boss + explore + interact + talk)
  9. Chronomancer Consultation (explore + interact + talk)cat-mirage
  10. Reading the Chronoshard (talk)
  11. The Claim and the Fury (explore + boss + talk)
  12. Irreverence (explore + mob + boss + major cheat + talk)

Rubal Wastes

  1. A Growing Alliance (explore + talk)
  2. House Calixco (mob + explore + talk)
  3. The Mad Baron (explore + boss + talk)
  4. Mission Impossible (instance: minor cheat + double minor cheat + tripple cheat + talk)
  5. Secret of the Snakes (talk + mob + talk + talk)


  1. Into Istanboa (talk + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)overseer-mirage
  2. Renegade Reptile (talk + mob + talk)
  3. Atrocious Architect (explore + boss + talk)
  4. Construction Junction (mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
  5. Istanboa Was Catstantinople (explore + mob + mob + talk)
  6. Hairkonnen Heiress (explore + mob + boss + talk)
  7. The Aridian Chronoshard (instance: talk + mob + boss + boss + interact + talk)
  8. Plizkin’s Promise (explore + talk)
  9. Return to Calixco Manor (explore + talk)
  10. The Baron’s Last Stand (instance: mob + boss + cheat + talk)

Yakhal Mountain

  1. Journey to Yakhal Mountain (explore + talk)
  2. Sayameez, If You Please (talk + explore + talk)
  3. Rebels with a Cause (mob + (instance: mob + boss) + talk)
  4. The Ice Kennels (talk + mob + talk)
  5. The Rebel Rouser (instance: boss + boss + boss + talk)cute-mirage
  6. The Legend of Babble (explore + talk)
  7. Rules of Babble (mob + talk)
  8. Nabopolassar (explore + talk)
  9. Halls of Confusion (instance: cheating mob + boss + boss + talk)
  10. Returner of the Lost Ark (interact + talk)
  11. Breaking the Hardline (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
  12. The Aggrobah Alliance (talk)
  13. Enemy at the Gate (cheat + talk)
  14. Thuggie Surprise (explore + boss + talk)
  15. Monkey Business (explore + interact +talk)
  16. Devinn the Drifter (D&C + talk)
  17. Devinn’s Dance Squad (interact + explore + talk)

Thieves Den

  1. Just Dance (explore + interact + talk)camel-mirage
  2. The Underden (instance: mob + cheat + boss + explore + talk)
  3. The Fortee Thieves (D&C + talk)
  4. Ali Baboon’s Last Stand (instance: boss + cheat + talk)

Aggrobah / Caravan / Eerem Palace

  1. Rescuing Istar (explore + interact + talk)
  2. The Djinn Conspiracy (explore + talk)
  3. The Eerem Tablet (instance: mob + boss + double boss + interact + talk)
  4. Home Within a Home (talk + interact + interact)
  5. Eerkala’s Secret (instance: mob + boss + boss + boss + major cheat + talk)
  6. Seeking Hope (talk)

Wizard City / Arcanum  / Caravan / Caterwaul Canyons

  1. Dispatch from Wizard City (talk)mellori-mirage
  2. The Cabal’s Code (talk + talk + talk)
  3. Darkkettle’s Dark Business (solo: explore + interact + cheat + talk)
  4. Trial of the Understudy (solo: talk + boss + talk)
  5. History of the Cabal (explore + interact + talk)
  6. Return to Mirage (talk + talk)
  7. Against Time (explore)
  8. Zruvan Grotto (instance: explore + mob + boss + mob + interact 2x + talk + cheat + explore + interact + explore)
  9. Against Time (talk)
  10. Slipping Time (talk)


  1. Just Like Old Times (explore + interact + talk)b945f275aff3c5b9ef0c27d0007ef8b9f224654e54512eacadpimgpsh_fullsize_distr
  2. Confronting the Cabal (instance: mob + cheat + interact + talk)
  3. The Sands of Time (explore + cheat + explore + major cheat + interact + talk)
  4. Showdown with Spider (explore + major cheat + talk)
  5. The Sands Restored (explore + talk)
  6. Lost and Found (talk)


You made it! Congrats!

PS: If you notice any mistakes in the quest line, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments! I only quested through once and occasionally forgot to write down the name of quests and such. To err is human; to forgive, divine!

The post Mirage Main Quest Line Guide appeared first on Duelist101.

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