Meretz: A New Way to Earn FREE Crowns!

Walking Pays off?! 

Probably the greatest thing since my discovery of Pokeman Go, Kingsisle just gave players a new and more creative way to earn free crowns!


The idea of earning crowns through simple walking is just an ingenious plan if I do so myself! I love to run, I admit I love it so much that it is the fact why I run track and field, cross country and even marathons. How does one walk for crowns you may ask….? Through a simple phone app, it’s that simple.  Link to website


Crowns  meretz


All you need to do is sign up for Mertz and download their app through the Google Playstore or the Itunes App store! Once recieving the app, it’s all a matter of learning how to use it to collect point which you can earn through walking. Metertz point is what you gather and utilties to help redeem in game rewards such as wizard101 crowns. I fully don’t understand the app since it is the first time I’ve ever used it, but I do have faith…this is a video explanation taken from the Mertz page: 



This app does currently a rating of 1.8 stars on Google Play but don’t let this discourage you from trying the app. The app is in beta so it makes sense that it still needs improvements which is where we come in. We test it out and leave feedback to help making  receiving crowns easier for all of us.’

*  The site did sell out of crown codes so meanwhile, you can earn points and expect more to get added soon *

Will you give this app a try?

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