Advanced Exalted Fire Guide (1v1)




Exalted Fire/Death Build

(And L100 Jade Gear Discussion)


“Obsidian. Forged in the fires of the gods, far below the earth. The children of the forest hunted with that, thousands of years ago.”

‒ Maester Luwin, ASoIaF


Jade Gear CutoutThere’s been talk for months about a very specific, very successful Death build. One that features full Jade Gear and Bad Juju spam to completely lock opponents down while building a stack of traps. Not long ago, one of our talented Community authors decided to divulge all the details of this build, which took him beyond 2000 rank at top level. I urge you to read his guide here, to have an understanding of what you might be facing in the Arena.

The Duelist crew had a long discussion about whether or not we should feature that article. The problem is that, long term, we think it’s bad for Wizard101 PvP. However, because we are the Duelist Team, we kill things first and discuss the details later. We decided that before we weighed in on the topic, we would try to create a counter. This Exalted Fire build is the result of that testing.

We had two main goals:

  1. Counter the Jade/Bad Juju build.
  2. Compete successfully in Ranked PvP vs normal opponents.

 Below I will detail the build, strategies, and results.

Side Note: Watching The Queue

In his article, Jonathan discusses “watching the queue”. He explains how to do it, and why he feels it is a necessary skill. I wanted to take a second to explain why this particular trick is not featured on Duelist101, in general.

Rank Matters

First, and most importantly, Jonathan’s Death Wizard has 2100 rank. The potential pool of matches for him is a bare handful of opponents. This makes it incredibly easy to know who you are facing, and “watching the queue” is much more simple. When I decided to rank to the moon years ago, by the time I was at 1800+, most of my potential matches got added to my friends list simply so I could know when it was possible for me to sign in the queue and get a match.

I explain this to point out: This technique is much less effective at lower ranks when there are so many (and such random) potential matches that you cannot know who in the queue is your potential match. Especially if you play at peak hours when there are several pages of players in the queue and the list is constantly shifting.

It is easier to pull off at low ranks if you play during off-peak hours, when the queue is very small, but still not reliable unless you’re watching the list like a hawk and have some idea of who the other people in queue are.

We Think It’s Broken

The PvP system in Wizard101 is a mess. If you know your opponent beforehand and can set your deck/gear specifically to shut them out, the ensuing PvP matches are horrible. The only thing that shelters us from this problem is the randomness of the matching system.

We do not encourage this particular activity because it pushes PvP towards a meta that is much less fun, and unplayable for many players. At Duelist, our guides get read by thousands of players. Sometimes tens of thousands. We have a responsibility to not contribute to issues which potentially turn the game into a misery for the average player. That’s why you won’t find a guide to “watching the queue” written by us.


The Build

Addressing 92% Resist

The first hurdle is getting through 92% Fire Resist and 75% Universal Resist. He keeps enough Bad Juju to shut down Shrike every single time, so it becomes important to generate Armor Piercing without Shrike. For this reason, our primary stats are Armor Piercing and Damage.

Thankfully, some advanced gear has been released which gives gobs of Armor Piercing. Unlike similar gear in the past, it also has reasonable defensive stats. This is a huge step forward in terms of countering massive resist without being forced into a specific build or strategy. Even better, some of this gear has immense Critical Block, so we don’t have to be wide open to Crit Builds.

Note: Jade Gear is an advanced build, predicated on someone spending a great deal of money on Hoard Packs. In turn, I did not just look for “a counter”, but “the best counter available.” I don’t expect everyone to have access to the gear I use here, but I felt like it was important to show the other end of the spectrum. At the very least, you should walk away with ideas on how to counter this on your own.


This hat is from the newly released Arcane Builder’s bundle.

  • Why I picked it: Armor Piercing, Damage, and Resist.
  • Drawbacks: No health, No accuracy.


This robe is from the Olympian Bundle.

  • Why I picked it: More armor piercing than the Hades robe, better all-around stats.
  • Drawbacks: No Critical Block.


These boots are from the newly released Arcane Builder’s bundle.

  • Why I picked it: Armor Piercing, Damage, and Block.
  • Drawbacks: No health, No accuracy, Low Resist.


This wand is from the newly released Arcane Builder’s bundle.

  • Why I picked it: Armor Piercing, Block, Healing Boost.
  • Drawbacks: Umm.. I guess it would be nice if it had some Crit too?

RING Duelist Daredevil Ring

This Ring is from Brandon Mistborn on Unicorn Way.

  • Why I picked it: Armor Piercing and great all-around stats.
  • Drawbacks: Costs a ton of Arena Tickets to purchase.

Wizard101 Blade of the Felled Titan

Dropped from Cronus in Tartarus.

  • Why I picked it: I needed universal damage more than the small amounts of armor piercing available from other athames.

Death Mastery Amulet

Dropped in Waterworks, but I got mine from the Crowns Shop.

  • Why I picked it: Doom, Sacrifice, and Lord of Night.


I felt like I needed Proof/Defy to make up for the lack of resist from my Boots, so I went with my trusty old beetle. The two “May Cast” blades are great in an aggressive build. Since you cast lots of damage, they trigger more often than one would think. Balanceblade is amazing. It recently got a buff and has far more triggers than other MC Blade spells now.


Solid Resist with Universal Damage to power our Fire and Death attacks. Low accuracy.


32% Armor Piercing. Delicious.


Probably the most surprising part of this build: 55% block. In all of my testing, I was only hit with a successful Critical one time. (I take this part back. I got hit with 5 or 6 Crits in two matches yesterday. It was bad luck on my part, but worth noting.)

Not shown: This build comes in at 3,710 Health. Many players assumed I was Storm.

 Deck and Training Points

Training Points

Total: 31 TP

Check out the TP Calc for more info!


This build relies heavily on crafted spells. Lord of Night and Krampus are not negotiable parts of the deck.

Deeper Thoughts on Cards and Gear

Addressing Accuracy and Resist

One of the biggest drawbacks of this build is the low accuracy. We deal with this problem and generate Armor Piercing at the same time by relying on Accuracy/Piercing buffs. If you do not have Infallible running, your Fire attacks should be enchanted with Extraordinary. If you have Infallible up, depending on the situation you’ll be able to choose between Colossal and Extraordinary.

One major benefit of training Extraordinary is that Balance players cannot lock our accuracy down with SuperNova.

Another interesting aspect of this Deck/Gear is that the damage is incredibly reliable. Since you’re not using colossal, you do less damage on average, but you will tear 70% shields down to 20%. This means that DragonGlass is slower than many current builds, but its damage is much harder to stop.

Healing Suppression is Huge

The biggest problem when facing Jade Gear is keeping their health down. That’s the primary reason this build favors the Death Amulet – to keep Doom active without depleting us of pips. Between Doom, Infection, and Lord of Night, you can juggle enough healing suppression to take a Jade player down most of the time. The major exception is when multi-heal pets decide they want to be active.

Lord of Night as the Centerpiece

LoN really shines with this build. Forcing opponents to choose between Death and Fire shields makes it harder for them to predict and stop our damage. More importantly, it’s a super efficient play. LoN simultaneously damages our opponent, adds health to us (even under Doom), and further suppresses their healing.

In this age of crazy heal boosts and over-active pets, it’s rewarding to take the healing option away from an opponent and slowly drag them down. I’m not saying this is a reason to go for a similar build, but wow, it felt good.

Balance Woes No More?

As a pleasant side effect, this build does very well against the popular Balance setups. Getting around Super Nova and cutting those Crit heals stifles their game plan. As long as you can keep them from spiking damage with a Judge, these matches become easy wins from first and second.

My only loss to Balance came on my second match against the same player, where he knew what was coming and maxed out Death shields. I went second and he managed to lock me down with Mana Burn, knowing that I would have to hit into a shield or clear the Death Shield and give him more pips to Burn away. I still had a solid shot at winning this match, but I reshuffled too late and found myself without a tower, ate a Shrike -> Judge and died.

Long Term Thoughts

If someone were to adopt this strategy long-term, I’d suggest keeping a few Poison TC in the side deck. This would eliminate the problem I mentioned above, and make it easier to clear Death shields. Our wand deals death damage, so it wasn’t much of a problem for me, but it’s worth considering.

Also worth considering Strangle (Death Dispel), if you are concerned with countering the Jade/Juju build. It’s one way to disrupt his heals and Bad Juju.

New Fangled Decks

I didn’t list a Deck in the Gear section because I do not yet own a new L95+ deck. I just used a deck which allowed 6 copies of off-school spells, because I wanted the extra Doom. The new decks offer the same space, a bigger side deck, and an extra Pip at the start of battle. Highly recommended.

Stocking the Side Deck

One of the hardest parts of setting up this build was getting enough Sacrifice and Dark Pact TC’s.  I spent a long time farming the Bazaar, and pestered my friends for ones they weren’t using.

Sacrifice can be gardened from the Ivy League plant. Dark Pact is only available as a drop, so there’s no good option besides farming the Bazaar.

MayCast Cleanse Charm

In terms of countering the Juju build, the MC Cleanse Charm talent from the Piranha Hunter pet might be worth looking into.


The Strategy

Phase 1: Jade/Juju Counter

Part of the reason Jonathan wrote his article was to help players prepare for facing it. His writing gives us insight into how it works, and therefore how it can be taken apart.

dragonglass-lookOur approach is simple and effective. Keep Doom up and suppress his healing with Infection. Use Lord of Night as our primary attack to get around his boosted resist and keep our health up. Use TC infallible to generate enough piercing that we can do solid damage while using Colossal/Gargantuan Lord of Night.

Use Extraordinary Enchanted Krampus and Elf to slice through his resist and keep our damage from being predictable. Rely on Krampus to disrupt his play and create openings for damage spikes.

Use Shrike to bait Bad Juju out of him before his Trap Stack becomes dangerous, and remove it with Dark Pact TC. Dark Pact is great because it counts as two “likes” for Shrike and buffs us. If he doesn’t have plenty of Juju in his hand, he pays a price for it. Blade+Shrike+Lord of Night hits for 1,100+ damage and debuffs the next heal.

Use Fire Minion to keep him busy, remove shields, and and hamper him with accuracy debuffs. Even under doom, you can use Sacrifice to extend the life of your minion while removing his Trap Stack. Be sure to have a shield on, as your pierce tends to make the self-damage spells hurt.

Dealing with Juju: Between five wands, four rain beetles, and five Elves, you should be set to clear Juju and Shields. The self-damage death spells are not your go-to spells for removing Juju. They are to be used when they are the most efficient play. To remove the trap stack, to please Shrike, and to gain back health when necessary. They’re important for keeping his knockout at bay, so don’t spend them too early.

Do not be afraid to discard your anti-juju spells. Rely on Reshuffle to replenish them. If you hold them too tightly, you allow your opponent to control your hand and stop you from getting critical cards by not using Bad Juju. Stay in the driver’s seat if you want to win.

Pushing luck: With Shrike up and only 1 Juju Weakness, clear it with Krampus and use the likelihood of their fizzle to buy you an opening to slide in damage with Lord of Night.

Dissecting His Build

  • He generally avoids Death players because they can easily shut down his trap stack.
    • Self-Damage spells are Kryptonite to his build.
  • His counter to Shrike is Bad Juju, every time.
    • This means a clever player can force him to Juju whenever they are ready, which makes it easier to remove the Trap Stack without damaging yourself heavily.
    • This is also one way to deprive him of pips, and push for a resource lock.
  • He will counter the resource lock with Empower, but this is still preferable to him having a rack of golden pips and having more turns to spend being counter-productive to you.
  • To kill minions, he has nothing except Wands.
    • This means that Minions generally live for a few rounds at least, and help you to control his turns.
    • This also means that using minions regularly forces him to burn through his deck faster, in search of wands.
  • The biggest hurdle, in my opinion, is his Triple Heal Pet.
    • Those pets do a stellar job of removing all types of infection.
    • This means you have to rely more heavily on Doom.
    • It also means your minion can work against you, triggering heals more often.
  • His Death counter involves locking them out of Reshuffle using Unbalance.
    • This is the only reason we have an Elemental Blade in the deck, for stripping Balance Dispels.
    • It’s probably worth adding some more protection against this lock. Like a few Balance Dispels of your own, and some more low-pip Balance spells.

Our Testing

I asked a few days ago, but have yet to receive a response from Jonathan about doing some tests together. In the absence of him personally, several people contributed to Anti-Jade testing with this build. Apollo did several matches using a regular Jade setup, and Prince of Shadows did 3 matches using a Jade/Juju build that replicated the guide as closely as we could.

The first few tests were not very promising, but adjusting the deck and dialing in the gear, we managed to succeed. I was able to effectively take out the “standard” Jade build from second, and take out the Jade/Juju build fairly easily from first.

That said, I’m not sure how well this would do vs Jonathan’s build from second with an experienced PvP’er at the helm. I don’t find that very disheartening though, because nothing does incredibly well going second to an experienced player, 90% of the time. Having a good advantage from First and any hope at all from Second is about as good as it gets, I think.

The bigger problem is that our build does less well against a Jade player that isn’t married to their traps/OHKO. Attacking regularly turns Doom against us, and it becomes a question of whether we can heal fast enough using Lord of Night. Not using Bad Juju opens them up to Shrike, but makes it much harder for us to remove traps or use other self-damage spells. Our huge armor piercing presents a problem here, hitting us fairly hard even with a shield up. This is not to say that we don’t have a shot, because we do. Just that different “Jade” playstyles fair better, even from second.

Phase 2: Rank up

Standard Matches (Moderate to Aggressive Opponents)

This is not a beginner-friendly setup, but it can rank up effectively. The most challenging aspect is that it doesn’t generate fast kills. In the current Meta, you’ll have to play well to stay in the game long enough to win.

Discarding heavily is necessary. One major drawback is that the amount of Doom, Infection, and Attacks required to take down a Jade tank is far beyond the requirements of a regular PvP match. Since the tempo is so vastly different, you’ll have to dig hard to generate critical cards against normal opponents. Shields in particular.

Since I loaded up on Infection and didn’t have room for Weakness, this deck has a real scarcity of zero pip spells. You’ll need to dig for Shields and Infallible to keep yourself busy during those turns when you can’t attack, or you’ll find yourself pip-starved constantly. Throwing up a few infections works too, but be aware that most players don’t heal frequently enough to require very many of them.

Being a true “dual school” build is one of your greatest advantages. They’ll shield against your Fire damage early, but often will not see the Death attacks coming. Don’t be afraid to bounce back and forth between damage types to keep them guessing. This will usually lead them to hold too many types of shields and clog their hand, missing critical cards in the process.

General Strategy: Deeper Thoughts

Doom is an Art Form

Timing your Doom is an art form. The better you get at timing Doom, the easier ranking up will be. You’ll need to be at a solid health advantage – Infection and Lord of Night will make this possible – and even then you’ll need to be relatively sure that your opponent can’t drop your health too quickly. That’s when Doom goes up, and you’ll start trading damage back and forth. Generally, they will damage faster, but Lord of Night will return health to you, and give you the edge. Keep a second doom in hand, in case they try to change the bubble and heal up. LoN’s infection will help minimize that risk, even from second, but you still need to be dominant with Doom when it counts. Don’t be afraid to discard a few of these early, knowing you have six in deck and won’t need them until later.

Until you are ready to lock out healing, it’s very important that you are able to heal with Sacrifice. Casting Doom and Gloom too early seals your own fate. Recognizing this turning point and capitalizing on it will be the key to your success.

A Bigger Hammer

It’s worth considering the addition of King Artorius for creating knockout combos. Having a heavy damage spell would help this build to generate faster kills, and the stun is always useful.

Non-Standard Matches (Jade Gear, Ice, Balance)

This build excels at the matches which throw a wrench in the works for normal strategies. It has no issue generating enough pierce to deal with Ice and Jade Gear. It’s even better against Ice because with TC Infallible your Death damage will cut their resist down to zero.

Against Balance, attack regularly to keep your pips out of range of Mana Burn and shut down their heals with Doom. Use Lord of Night to keep your health up, and you should not have trouble dragging their HP down before they get yours. Be sure to discard for your Towers, because it’s important that you don’t take too much damage from them.

Demo: Ranked vs Jade Balance

(Spoiler – I Lose)

What Went Right:

  • At 63% Universal Resist, I had no trouble dropping his HP.
  • Infection and Doom did a great job of stifling his heals, for the most part.
  • Lord of Night worked well for keeping my health up while keeping me out of range of Mana Burn.

Why I Lost:

  • Discarding, period. When I realized he was trying to lock me out of reshuffle and I didn’t have much to counter that with, I stopped discarding as hard.
    • This kept me from having important cards when needed.
    • One example is about 1/3 of the way through the match, I don’t pull another Doom fast enough to take down his bubble, and he heals up. 100% My fault.
    • Not finding wands fast enough to break shields for my Death attacks.
  • Cloak glitches (which we thought were addressed)
    1. Mid-way through the match I attempt to break his lock and reshuffle. I have two Balance Dispels on me.
    2. I break the first (cloaked) Balance Dispel with a (cloaked) Elemental Blade.
    3. I cast the (cloaked) Elemental blade again to pop the second dispel, but there’s a glitch. My blades cast.
    4. Assuming I’m clear of dispels, I cast Empower->Reshuffle.
    5. Visually, the Reshuffle gets dispelled by the dispel hanging over my head. I assume I am still low on cards.
    6. I completely stop discarding and use every Damage card I have, trying to bring his health to zero before I run out.
    7. I realize too late that I actually DID get reshuffled, and start discarding, but not soon enough to get the cards I need to survive.
  • Trying to get through shields since I don’t have wands, I use Shrike even though it’s totally overkill for his resist, and eat backlash. The one upside is that Shrike’s universal spears remove Balance Dispels.
  • Because I don’t discard enough, I fail to keep enough healing suppression on him.
  • I deplete my side-deck of Lord of Night early, assuming I am low on cards, so in the late game I cannot pull one when needed. 
  • Using Fire attacks instead of drains allows my health to drop, and him to win. I use Krampus hoping to make him fizzle, it doesn’t work. He judges and my health becomes too low to survive, I don’t have enough pips for a health steal.



We Hope for More Progress

I’m certain that the Jade Gear and Juju setup is a problem for the overall health of PvP, and it’s not something which requires a simple nerf, but an inspection of the underlying mechanics. I’m also certain that “watching the queue” is an issue.

Just as with my experiments in the past, anything I can build to counter Jade Gear ends up being far less reliable than Jade Gear itself in normal play. I will say that there has been progress, because this build is much more durable than my original anti-jade build. To me, this makes it obvious that the W101 crew has heard our calls and made adjustments, and even if I’m not thrilled with my current result, knowing that there has been progress feels good.

card smart full pips jadeI love that there are now Armor Piercing builds that don’t force you to rely on Critical, that have some Resist and Block. I hope this continues in the future, not just as Bundle Gear.

It worries me that Jade Gear is still causing problems in 1v1. The core issue here is that you have to counter the massive resist with spells and strategy, which are subject to being countered or locked out with spam tactics. While countering involves actual work and can be negated, the problematic resist is there by default. In this case, resist and healing are still so successful that it can become impossible to compete.

I see Jade Gear and Crit/Pierce builds as two ends of a spectrum. Where I think the problem presents itself is that the Defense end of that spectrum is far more effective. The aggressive builds follow that rule well. They can compete, but a more moderate build can get enough block to handle it. A match can go either way. With Jade Gear, however, that middle ground vanishes.

The trajectory of W101 gear at top level seems to be phasing out resist as a decisive factor. With Shrike, we often live and die by how much HP we can absorb. Maybe the game just hasn’t progressed quite far enough for Jade Gear to go totally obsolete yet. Maybe this is the last breath of a dying build. Time will tell.

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