Mirage Main Quest Line Guide


Mirage Main Quest Line Guide

This guide is meant as a tool to follow your progress while questing in Mirage as well as a warning for when a cheating boss is coming soon. For this guide, I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned.


I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as a quest will often require you to do multiple things.


I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Minor Cheat: Quests that require defeating a boss that cheats a little (these cheats can generally be ignored).
  • Cheat: Quests that require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay somewhat).
  • Major Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay significantly).
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
  • Solo: Quests you need to do alone.


Note that some of the quests might be labeled “defeat and collect” in game, but actually appear as mob battles in my guide. This is because many of the D&C quests in Mirage actually give you the item required on the first try. Only fights where I actually had to fight the same mob twice to get the item are labeled as D&C. The rest are labeled as mob fights. Maybe I just got lucky in some cases, so don’t hesitate to correct me in the comments if a mob quest took you multiple fights to complete!


The Arcanum

  1. Post-Polaris Prognosis (solo: talk + explore + talk 3x + explore + mob + interact + minor cheat + talk)
  2. Return from Ravenwood (talk 5x)
  3. The Sand Sea (solo: interact + explore + mob + interact + explore + minor cheat + interact + talk)
  4. Shifting Sand (interact + talk)


  1. The Tired Nomad (talk)burdie-mirage
  2. The West Road (explore + talk)
  3. Ghulture Bones (D&C + talk)
  4. Mother Ghulture (explore + major cheat + talk)
  5. To Caravan! (explore + talk + talk)
  6. The South Road (explore + talk)
  7. Rolling Thunder (mob + talk)
  8. The Jeweled Box (explore + minor cheat + interact + talk)
  9. The Talibs’ Set Up (explore + talk + talk)
  10. The North Road (explore + talk)
  11. Prickly Predicament (mob + talk)
  12. Tent City (talk + talk + talk)

Alkali Barrows

  1. The Pale Djinni (instance: talk + mob + boss + talk)
  2. Darkness in the Desert (talk)mr-clean-mirage
  3. Alkali Barrows (explore + talk)
  4. The Renegade Durvish (mob + talk)
  5. The Barracks Barrow (mob + talk)
  6. Threat of the Overlord (interact + explore + talk)
  7. A Helping Hand (instance: mob + mob + cheat + talk)
  8. Talking Head (explore + talk + mob + talk)
  9. Most Valued Treasure (instance: mob + mob + quadruple cheat + talk)
  10. Xerxes’ Wrath (instance: mob + mob + major cheat + talk)
  11. Return of the Overlord (talk + talk)


  1. Assistance from Aggrobah (explore + talk + explore + talk)
  2. Sultana Sharzad (explore + talk)
  3. The King’s Vizier (explore + mob + talk + talk)
  4. Fooling the Ferals (explore + mob + explore + mob + interact + talk)
  5. The Thuggies’ Stash (explore + mob + interact + talk)
  6. Stolen Goods, Stolen Vault (explore + mob + talk + (instance: mob + mob + interact) + talk)
  7. Fangs Reprisal (explore + talk)snake-plizkin-mirage
  8. Feral’s Alleyway (instance: mob + boss)
  9. Fangs Reprisal (explore + mob + talk)
  10. The Silent Sabers (explore)
  11. Quiet Bungalow (instance: mob + boss)?
  12. The Silent Sabers (talk)
  13. Shock the Monkey (instance: explore + mob + explore + boss + explore + talk)
  14. Snakes in a Palace (talk)
  15. Kasra Palace (instance: mob + boss + boss)
  16. Snakes in a Palace (talk + talk)
  17. Truce Talks (explore)
  18. Four Points (explore + cheat)
  19. Truce Talks (talk)

Caterwaul Canyons

  1. House Qhats (talk + talk)
  2. House Under Siege (talk + mob + talk)
  3. The Count’s Claim (talk + explore + talk)
  4. The Chosen One (explore + talk)
  5. Trial of the Sand Wurms (mob)
  6. Cavern of the Wurm (instance: mob + explore + mob + puzzle + major cheat + explore + talk)
  7. The Purrzian Vassals (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
  8. The Agouti Chronoshard (instance: mob + mob + boss + explore + interact + talk)
  9. Chronomancer Consultation (explore + interact + talk)cat-mirage
  10. Reading the Chronoshard (talk)
  11. The Claim and the Fury (explore + boss + talk)
  12. Irreverence (explore + mob + boss + major cheat + talk)

Rubal Wastes

  1. A Growing Alliance (explore + talk)
  2. House Calixco (mob + explore + talk)
  3. The Mad Baron (explore + boss + talk)
  4. Mission Impossible (instance: minor cheat + double minor cheat + tripple cheat + talk)
  5. Secret of the Snakes (talk + mob + talk + talk)


  1. Into Istanboa (talk + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)overseer-mirage
  2. Renegade Reptile (talk + mob + talk)
  3. Atrocious Architect (explore + boss + talk)
  4. Construction Junction (mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
  5. Istanboa Was Catstantinople (explore + mob + mob + talk)
  6. Hairkonnen Heiress (explore + mob + boss + talk)
  7. The Aridian Chronoshard (instance: talk + mob + boss + boss + interact + talk)
  8. Plizkin’s Promise (explore + talk)
  9. Return to Calixco Manor (explore + talk)
  10. The Baron’s Last Stand (instance: mob + boss + cheat + talk)

Yakhal Mountain

  1. Journey to Yakhal Mountain (explore + talk)
  2. Sayameez, If You Please (talk + explore + talk)
  3. Rebels with a Cause (mob + (instance: mob + boss) + talk)
  4. The Ice Kennels (talk + mob + talk)
  5. The Rebel Rouser (instance: boss + boss + boss + talk)cute-mirage
  6. The Legend of Babble (explore + talk)
  7. Rules of Babble (mob + talk)
  8. Nabopolassar (explore + talk)
  9. Halls of Confusion (instance: cheating mob + boss + boss + talk)
  10. Returner of the Lost Ark (interact + talk)
  11. Breaking the Hardline (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
  12. The Aggrobah Alliance (talk)
  13. Enemy at the Gate (cheat + talk)
  14. Thuggie Surprise (explore + boss + talk)
  15. Monkey Business (explore + interact +talk)
  16. Devinn the Drifter (D&C + talk)
  17. Devinn’s Dance Squad (interact + explore + talk)

Thieves Den

  1. Just Dance (explore + interact + talk)camel-mirage
  2. The Underden (instance: mob + cheat + boss + explore + talk)
  3. The Fortee Thieves (D&C + talk)
  4. Ali Baboon’s Last Stand (instance: boss + cheat + talk)

Aggrobah / Caravan / Eerem Palace

  1. Rescuing Istar (explore + interact + talk)
  2. The Djinn Conspiracy (explore + talk)
  3. The Eerem Tablet (instance: mob + boss + double boss + interact + talk)
  4. Home Within a Home (talk + interact + interact)
  5. Eerkala’s Secret (instance: mob + boss + boss + boss + major cheat + talk)
  6. Seeking Hope (talk)

Wizard City / Arcanum  / Caravan / Caterwaul Canyons

  1. Dispatch from Wizard City (talk)mellori-mirage
  2. The Cabal’s Code (talk + talk + talk)
  3. Darkkettle’s Dark Business (solo: explore + interact + cheat + talk)
  4. Trial of the Understudy (solo: talk + boss + talk)
  5. History of the Cabal (explore + interact + talk)
  6. Return to Mirage (talk + talk)
  7. Against Time (explore)
  8. Zruvan Grotto (instance: explore + mob + boss + mob + interact 2x + talk + cheat + explore + interact + explore)
  9. Against Time (talk)
  10. Slipping Time (talk)


  1. Just Like Old Times (explore + interact + talk)b945f275aff3c5b9ef0c27d0007ef8b9f224654e54512eacadpimgpsh_fullsize_distr
  2. Confronting the Cabal (instance: mob + cheat + interact + talk)
  3. The Sands of Time (explore + cheat + explore + major cheat + interact + talk)
  4. Showdown with Spider (explore + major cheat + talk)
  5. The Sands Restored (explore + talk)
  6. Lost and Found (talk)


You made it! Congrats!

PS: If you notice any mistakes in the quest line, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments! I only quested through once and occasionally forgot to write down the name of quests and such. To err is human; to forgive, divine!

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Meretz: A New Way to Earn FREE Crowns!


Walking Pays off?! 

Probably the greatest thing since my discovery of Pokeman Go, Kingsisle just gave players a new and more creative way to earn free crowns!


The idea of earning crowns through simple walking is just an ingenious plan if I do so myself! I love to run, I admit I love it so much that it is the fact why I run track and field, cross country and even marathons. How does one walk for crowns you may ask….? Through a simple phone app, it’s that simple.  Link to website


Crowns  meretz


All you need to do is sign up for Mertz and download their app through the Google Playstore or the Itunes App store! Once recieving the app, it’s all a matter of learning how to use it to collect point which you can earn through walking. Metertz point is what you gather and utilties to help redeem in game rewards such as wizard101 crowns. I fully don’t understand the app since it is the first time I’ve ever used it, but I do have faith…this is a video explanation taken from the Mertz page: 



This app does currently a rating of 1.8 stars on Google Play but don’t let this discourage you from trying the app. The app is in beta so it makes sense that it still needs improvements which is where we come in. We test it out and leave feedback to help making  receiving crowns easier for all of us.’

*  The site did sell out of crown codes so meanwhile, you can earn points and expect more to get added soon *

Will you give this app a try?

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Wintertusk Zeke Training Point Quest: The Troggs


Wintertusk Zeke Training Point Quest: The Troggs

Here’s another way to gain an extra training point! Once you finish Grizzleheim and move on to Wintertusk, you can talk to Zeke to get a new quest to find the troggs! The quest is simply called “The Trogs” and will be available once you finish the quest called “Times are Tough” in Northguard.

Hrundle Trogg

The Hrundle Fjord Trogg is located outside of the gate to Sudrilund, on the right side. The easiest way to get there would be using the green teleporter at the teleporter hub in Hrundle Fjord.

wintertusk zeke training point quest hrundlefjord


Nordrilund Trogg

To get to the Trogg in Nordrilund, you will need to go to the very back of the area. You can use the teleporter inside the area, which will take you to Nordri’s lair. Once there, go to to the left of Nordri inside the final room in this area.

wintertusk zeke training point quest nordrilund


Sudrilund Trogg

Use the teleporter to go to the entrance of Sudrilund. Once inside, turn left, go up the slope use the bridge to one level higher. The Trogg is behind a rock close to the Darkwing Hewers.



Austrilund Trogg

Next, after entering Austrilund, go up the slope on the left from the entry point. Find your way to the right side of the tent that’s furthest on the right. This is an easy one!

wintertusk zeke training point quest austrilund


Vestrilund Trogg

Go to Vestrilund. Inside, use the teleportation hub and take the yellow teleporter. Then, turn around and work your way up the slope. The Trogg is hiding on the left side of the cave where you battle Halfang.



Nastrond Trogg

Nastrond is a dungeon, but luckily you can teleport into it. If you haven’t quested this far yet, you can ask a friend to do the dungeon up to the last room. You can then teleport (e.g. in case you don’t want the xp you would get doing the dungeon). The trogg is in the final room, but you don’t have to do the final battle, because you can just walk along the edge of the room and find it that way. It’s located on the right side of the throne.

wintertusk zeke training point quest nastrond


What are you going to use your training points on?

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Zafaria Zeke Training Point Quest: Sock Monkeys


Zafaria Zeke Training Point Quest:
Sock Monkeys

Here’s another training point guide to make our collection of guides complete! Yes yes, you’re itching to see more about Mirage, we totally understand. Still, guides like these are important as well. Let’s get started!

Once you start questing in Zafaria, you can get the quest “Hey Hey It’s the Monkeys” from Zeke. First off, you can find Zeke in Baobab Crown, next to Eloise. For this Zafaria Zeke training point quest, you will need to find 7 sock monkeys.

Baobab Market

Firstly, the Baobab Market monkey is hiding close to the dock. Go past the creatures roaming around and find your way to the back of the building at the dock. Your first monkey is hiding between some boxes.

zafaria zeke training point quest baobab market



Secondly, to find the Savannah monkey, go to the Savannah area on the left of the Baobab Crossroads and take the teleporter with the picture of a tree on it to the back of this area. The sock monkey is hidden behind one of the huts. The hut is on the right when you come from the teleporter, but I suggest you take the long way around. It’s really easy to get caught when you try to pass in front of the huts on the left.

zafaria zeke training point quest savannah


Zamunda Outskirts

You can reach Zamunda Outskirts from Baobab Crossroads. To start with, locate the Longdreamer Shamans inside Zamunda Outskirts. Go past them to the pavilion near the river. The sock monkey is hiding underneath the tent behind some boxes and other stuff.

zafaria zeke training point quest zamunda outskirts


Go to Zamunda through Zamunda Outskirts. For the Zamunda Monkey you will have to use a sigil. Go to the Magician’s hut (you can teleport into this area if you haven’t unlocked the quest yet) and look to the left. The monkey is sitting on top of a shelf. You will be pulled into the battle, so you will have to defeat the boss first.

zafaria zeke training point quest zamunda


Stone Town

In Stone Town (which you can access from Baobab Crossroads with the teleporter), open your map to locate the Darajani Palace (it’s the main palace that has the queen lounging inside it). The sock monkey is inside the little courtyard surrounding the entrance of the palace. Find your sock monkey by going into the courtyard and to the left, behind the left wall.

zafaria zeke training point quest stone town



When entering Waterfront, go to the area on the left, which has Belloq’s tent at the very end of it. This area is called The Sook, you can see it on the map. The monkey is inside the tea shop, which is on the left side of this area. Go into the building and up the stairs. The Waterfront sock monkey will be sitting near Zarafa Bayleaf. You can actually do the whole of Zafaria without unlocking this tea shop. My Life doesn’t have access to the area and needed to teleport in.

zafaria zeke training point quest waterfront

Elephant Graveyard

When entering Elephant Graveyard from Drum Jungle, turn left. If you’re using the teleporter from Baobab Crossroads, you’ll actually have to turn right. Go to the very end of the area, past the Drum House. The sock monkey is hiding behind a gravestone near the river.



And that’s all of them, congratulations!


What are you going to use this training point for?

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Grizzleheim Zeke Training Point Quest: The Yardbirds


Grizzleheim Zeke Training Point Quest:
The Yardbirds

Time for a little throw-back to your noob years, in order to make sure Duelist101 has covered everything a PvPer might need! We noticed we were missing a Grizzleheim Zeke training point quest guide. This guide is meant to fill that gap! So if you need an extra training point to train infection or weakness for PvP, check whether you’ve collected the yardbirds yet!

All of these birds are in fairly easy to reach locations, so this shouldn’t be any problem. You can get this quest from Zeke in Northguard once you start questing in Grizzleheim. The quest is simply called “The Yardbirds”.

Northguard Yardbird (#1)

In Northguard go to the entrance of the wooden castle. Bojron Ironclaws is standing next to the door. You should go behind him and follow the barricade to the very end.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds northguard


Savarstaad Pass Yardbird (#2)

Use the green teleporter to Webwood. Turn around and go right past the Webwood Scuttlers and left of the Deep Woods Imps. Follow the path to just past the empty tree bark with the spiderwebs inside it. It’s right behind it.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds first savaarstad pass


Savarstaad Pass Yardbird (#3)

Firstly you should take the yellow teleporter. The second yardbird  is behind the big tent the boars patrol in front of.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds second savaarstad pass


Vigrid Roughland Yardbird (#4)

Go the the teleporter hub. Don’t use any of the teleporters, just move to the right of them. There are some trees there and a little river. The yardbird is behind one of the trees.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds vigrid roughland 4


Vigrid Roughland Yardbird (#5)

I usually find this one by running around aimlessly until I find Hans. Once you find Hans, it’s just a matter of going all the way up the curving slope behind him to the highest point.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds vigrid roughland 5


Mirkholm Keep Yardbird (#6)

Use the red teleporter and then go straight ahead across the cave. Follow the path on the right of the giant mushrooms and turn left into the first alcove you encouter. That’s where you’ll find your yardbird.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds mirkholm keep


Mirkholm Keep Yardbird (#7)

The second yardbird in Mirkholm keep is hiding in a small cozy alcove with some furniture. I’d say it’s easiest to rach by taking the yellow teleporter. It is a bit of a walk though!

grizzleheim zeke training point mirkholm keep 2 yardbird


Helgrind Warren Yardbird (#8)


To get to Helgrind Warren, go down the slope on the left side of the boat that leads to Wintertusk. Once downstairs, take the sigil on the left. You will need to do one battle in the central room to get the doors to open. The yardbird is in the room with the Storm boss. You don’t need to actually kill the Storm boss, luckily!

grizzleheim zeke training point quest yardbirds helgrin warren


Ravenscar Yardbird (#9)

Go to the yellow teleporter and then take a right turn, while staying on the left side of the cave. Next, take the little slope upwards and move to the right side of the cave area. It’s the area where there are Winterwing Wardens roaming about.

grizzleheim zeke training point yardbirds ravenscar


Tenth Ravenscar Yardbird (#10)

First take the green teleporter. Go past the Coven initiates towards the room where the final battle of Grizzleheim takes place. There is a gate, so if you haven’t done this quest yet, you will need to get a friend to teleport to. Go the left side of the Raven Fortress sigil, next to the pile of snow.

grizzleheim zeke training point ravenscar 10 yardbird


That were all ten of them! I hope you found them easily!

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Pirate101: Puppet Plays Slay


Pirate101: Puppet Plays Slay

Lest we forget.

Questing in Pirate101 can be very fun. However, like any questing, we tend to skip and forget a lot of information and jokes we learn over the course of our adventures. I’m here to shine a light on some of the more unique aspects of the game.

Puppet shows in pirate are no doubt one of my favorite things about the game. Sadly not many people really rewatch them once they view them through questing. Maybe people just forget that the option to view puppet shows exists. Regardless, not viewing them is quite a shame, considering how much important information they contain. There are two puppet shows that I really want to place a spotlights on: the advanced pet system and the introduction to the duck of death.

The Advanced Pet System

With the introduction of a more advanced pet system, pirates get a glimpse at wizard city. Whether pets matter more in Pirate101 or Wizard101 is up for debate. However, what some wizzy players might not be aware is that pirate pets is all possible thanks to wizards! Here is a video of the puppet show explaining my claim. For those who remember the puppet show really well, here is a small recap of things I find very interesting.

Pirates and wizards share the same spiral so it is possible for more future crossovers of both games! We’ve already seen this been done in the 5 boxes events as we get to see Booch Beard from pirates which is no doubt very exciting. There have also been various music scrolls that follow the theme of pirates. My favorite is the cool ranch music scroll. 

The Introduction of the Duck of Death

The second and more significant puppet show is no doubt the introduction of the Duck of Death. For our wizzy players out there, the Duck of Death is an evil duck that fled from Marleybone after going quackers. He eventually found his way to Darkmoor and sold his soul to an ancient spirit. He did this to gain the power to take revenge and in the process gain immortality.

Duck of Death

Funny enough, Pirate101 was first to introduce Darkmoor through the witch doctor trainer and through this puppet show. Pirate101 also gave us the first glimpse of the Old Cob! Which does bring some conflict to the storyline, because isn’t the old cob suppose to be locked up? Those eyes clearly belong to a spider and Old Cob is the only one who comes to mind to be evil enough to exist before time. It also brings up the question to why the Old Cob was even in Darkmoor to begin with. Regardless of his reasons, pirates can brag to fellow wizards that they spotted him first!

Old Cob

The spiral is a beautiful thing!

Have you seen any other cool references?

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Mirage Pet Bosses: Roaming the Deserts


Mirage Mirage Pet Bosses:
Roaming the deserts

Are you a pet collector? or maybe looking for a new challenge? Then I believe Mirage has something else you can try that’s different! If you’ve been questing through Mirage, you will surely have noticed the bosses running around with other mobs. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen something like this. Polaris first introduced these challenges, so I took some time to test them out and help you prepare to counter their cheats.  


Note: The cheats are all cast as interrupts and they appear to be cast from the pet tagging along with the boss as you can see in the images. Also, most of the time the cheats will be on a particular cycle.


Mirage pet bosses admiral bontauAdmiral Bontau

Firstly we have Admiral Bontau located in the middle of Alkali Barrows. This rank 16 death boss is certainly one of the easier bosses you will face in this list as his cheats are limited. 

Round 1: “Midnight, cloud their vision!” The pet will cast a -50% mantle.

Round 4: “Midnight, weaken that one!” Pet casts a -25% weakness.

These cheats will go on a cycle and repeat every 6 rounds. Granted they can be annoying combined with the increased difficulty of Mirage, but you can easily defeat this one.


On a much more interesting note! The pet that accompanies him is a possible drop as you might have guessed, and I was lucky enough to win it as a drop. The Desert Hawk!

                                      Mirage pet bosses                                mirage    


Mirage pet bosses cyphurrCyphurr

Secondly, moving on to Caterwaul Canyons, we face Cyphurr! This rank 16 ice cat can pack a punch!  It’s especially challenging when you have a full team, because then there are more storm minions at his side. The main thing you should know is that he steals blades. Luckily, this can be countered with Aegis, bladestorms and elemental/spirit blades. Cyphurr only steals charm once, from the person that receives the blade. 

Some other noteworthy cheats include:

Round 1: “I know just the trick!” Pet casts a +10% accuracy blade on the boss.

Round 2: “Grimoire! Page 87!” Pet casts Icewind.

Round 4: “Grimoire! Page 43!” Pet will interrupt and stun.

The cycle of these cheats will restart on round 7. As for the pet drop: introducing the Dusty Grimoire!


                                mirage                 mirage


Mirage pet bosses babbling meintsBabbling Meints

On the other side of Caterwaul Canyons, near the entrance to the Thieves Den, we find Babbling Meints! A rank 16 balance boss who is probably one of the the biggest pet lovers in the game! When fighting him, you will notice his cheat cycle is similar to other bosses.

His cheats are as follow:

Round 1 “Thanks, little buddy!” – Pet will cheat cast a +30% balance blade.

Round 3 “Best pet ever!” – Pet will cast a regular elemental blade.

Round 5 “Just what I need!” – Pet will cast a Donate Power that will grant the boss 3 pips.

Pet has yet to be recorded as a drop.



Mirage pet bosses endurzagaEndurzaga

Found in another desert in Mirage, you will encounter Endurzaga located in Rubal Wastes. This rank 16 myth boss is a fun one! You can find him roaming around with other genies near the entrance to Istanboa. 

His cheats (which I love) are as follows:

At the end of round 1 he will interrupt and say “You have served your purpose.” He then casts a Draw Power which will sacrifice a minion for 2 pips! This cheat will randomly keep casting throughout the battle until all minions are dead.

Also, whenever a positive ward is cast like a shield or absorb he will interrupt and say “Pet! Destroy that!” which will pierce away 1 ward.

Pet has yet to be recorded as a drop.



Mirage pet bosses cobraxasCobraxas

Finally we have Cobraxas! You can find this rank 16 storm boss slithering through the streets of Istanboa along with other vipers. 

His cheats weren’t quite as overwhelming as some of the others.

Round 1 “Prepare for a shock!” – Pet casts a poison that deals storm damage to a random target.

Round 4 “Feel your strength slip away!” – Pet will cast a -25% weakness.

Pet has yet to be recorded as a drop.


Feel free to leave a comment and post your findings of the 3 yet to be discovered pets!

The post Mirage Pet Bosses: Roaming the Deserts appeared first on Duelist101.

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Lvl 118 Spells: Mirage


Mirage Lvl 118 Spells!

lvl 118 spells

Wizard 101’s Test Realm is out and with Mirage comes some new lvl 118 spells. Let’s take a look:

Note: Special Thanks to Youtuber Mega Mikey for Video and Images! Check out his channel here






scorching scimitar






snake charmer



Divide Mechanic

Each of the new spells comes with a new mechanic known as Divide. Divide is exactly what it sounds like. Depending on the number of opponents you choose the spell will be divided equally amongst them. The formula is Damage/Number of Enemies=Damage to Each Enemy. Let’s take Iron Sultan for Example.

1 Enemy= Damage/Number of Enemies= 1152/1= 1152 Damage to each enemy

2 Enemies= Damage/Number of Enemies= 1152/2= 576 Damage to each enemy

3 Enemies= Damage/Number of Enemies= 1152/3= 384 Damage to each enemy

4 Enemies= Damage/Number of Enemies= 1152/4= 288 Damage to each enemy

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Mirage Eloise Quest: Cactus Blossom Locations


Mirage Eloise Quest:

Cactus Blossom Locations

Another world update, bringing us the Mirage Eloise quest! This time round Eloise Merryweather requires our aid in tracking the Cactus Blossoms! First of all, you should head down to Caravan and get the new quest ‘Cactus Blossom Boogie’! Be warned, a Cactus Blossoms can sting if not handled with care.

Note: As of now the quest does not give a training point as a reward (possibly a bug), but for all you explorers out there here are all the locations.

Caravan Cactus Blossom

Located near a certain genie’s tent in Caravan.

mirage eloise quest caravanmirage eloise quest caravan


Alkali Barrows Cactus Blossom

Found near the entrance to the dungeon in the giant broken statue head piece.

mirage eloise quest alkali barrowsmirage eloise quest alkali barrows


Caterwaul Canyons Cactus Blossom

In this labyrinth of a map, you can find the Cactus Blossom close to the Thieves Den. Also you can notice the top blue flower is missing. It’s a new feature KI added to let you know you’ve already interacted with it.

mirage eloise quest caterwaul canyonsmirage eloise quest caterwaul canyons


Rubal Wastes Cactus Blossom

In Rubal Wastes, possibly the largest map in Mirage, you can find the Cactus Blossom behind the tower of Bable.

mirage eloise quest rubal wastesmirage eloise quest rubal wastes


Istanboa Cactus Blossom

Hidden in plain sight! Quite literally! You can find it in the middle of Istanboa,  so it really sticks out from the environment.

mirage istanboa eloise questmirage istanboa eloise quest


That’s all 5 of them! Happy hunting and leave a comment below!

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Mirage Zeke Quest: Oasis Locations


Mirage Zeke Quest: Oasis Locations


With the addition of Mirage, comes the much expected Zeke quest we get with every world update. This time around, he tasks us with looking for the elusive Oases. Look for him in Caravan (should be easy to find, orange hair, long beard, cane in his hand?) to get the quest ‘Midday at the Oasis’.

Note: As of now the quest does not give a training point as a reward (possibly a bug), but for all the explorers out there here are all the locations.

Caravan Oasis

Take the ladder to the right of Sandiago.

1-caravanCaravan Oasis Zeke Quest Mirage


Alkali Barrows Oasis

You will find this one hiding behind the broken giant statue hand.

2-alkali-barrowsAlkali Barrows Oasis Zeke Quest Mirage


Caterwaul Canyons Oasis

Don’t let the glitched map fool you with this one! Go all the way down the canyon and take a left behind Duke Dairyus Purrzian.

4-caterwaul-canyonsCaterwaul Canyons Oasis Zeke Quest Mirage


Rubal Wastes Oasis

I’d have expected this one to be hidden anywhere in this massive desert, but it was actually on the left side of the House Calixco.

rubal wastes Mirage Zeke Quest Oasisrubal-wastes-zeke


Istanboa Oasis

Hidden near the entrance of the mysterious ruins of Catstantinople!

istanboa Mirage Zeke Quest Oasisistanboa-zeke


Yakhal Mountain Oasis

You will need a coat to get this one, unless you can take the cold! Located exactly next to the entrance of the Deer Freeze dungeon.

Note: At the moment there is a bug that makes it really hard to collect this one.

yakhal mountain Mirage Zeke Quest Oasisyakhal-mountain-zeke


Zruvan Grotto Oasis

Possibly the toughest one to get, you will find the last Oasis located in the beautiful Zruvan Grotto. Unfortunately this dungeon cannot be ported into, so you will have to go the long way round.

zruvan grotto Mirage Zeke Quest Oasiszruvan-grotto-zeke


That’s all of them, so happy exploring!

Leave us a comment below!

The post Mirage Zeke Quest: Oasis Locations appeared first on Duelist101.

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