W101 Spell Ideas: Balance- Archetype [Card Manipulation]


Balance- Archetype [Card Manipulation]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell Archetypes for each school that are related to different aspects of Direct Card Manipulation. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure 2 pip manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

This article will be a seven part series with each article focusing on a particular school. First up we have the Balance School with it’s Archetype [Card Manipulation].

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School [Card Manipulation]

Archetype [Card Manipulation]

Description: Much like Reshuffle the Balance school’s Archetype will focus on manipulation of cards both for themselves and their opponent. I chose this archetype for Balance because it has always been a school with large potential for control. These spells augment it’s ability to be more controlling while also satisfying Balance’s concept of changing the rules of combat.

Name: Obscured Vault

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 85%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 400 balance damage to a single target, place one random card 4 pips or less from opponent’s discard pile to your hand, change school symbols to balance.

Explanation: A card that allows you to take one of your opponent’s resources as your own while doing decent damage. Note that all school symbols of the stolen card(s) are changed to Balance, leading to some interesting potential.

Name: Desert Blindness

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 85%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 470 prism damage to all enemies- change all cards in opponents hand to match school of damage dealt

Explanation: A powerful AoE spell that severely curtails opponents options by making their cards into off school cards(meaning no power pip use). Prism Damage is a unique mechanic that deals damage based on the opposing school of your opponent. Meaning on a Storm opponent it will do Myth damage etc. If used on a Balance opponent it will select a Random school. If used on an Astral Monster it will change to shadow damage. If used on a Shadow Monster it will change to a Random Astral Damage. If used on a dual school monster it will change into a random school from one of the three triangles not used(elemental, spiritual or astral)

Name: Mulligan

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Discard all cards in hand, choose cards from deck to replace cards immediately. (Self Only)

Explanation: The ultimate card for setting up exactly what you need. This card lets you tailor your hand to your specifications. The turn ends after you have selected your cards. When the card is cast your deck is laid out at the side of you as a scrollable menu(names only) you select the cards from your deck and the amount till your hand is filled. You are given 40 additional seconds from time of cast when this spell is used. If you run out of time when selecting cards your hand fills as normal. Once the card is selected and amount inputed you cannot change it. This card is balanced by the fact that you must discard your entire hand before you choose and this action consumes a round. This card can also be trained by players not of the Balance school for one training point.

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!

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{CLOSED}Surprise Santa Flash Contest! 3 Random Codes!


Surprise Santa{CONTEST CLOSED}

Surprise Wizards! Santa dropped off a few goodies for Christmas and we couldn’t help but share! The first three email accounts to email us with the subject line: Surprise Santa will receive a random Wizard 101 code from Duelist 101’s code vault. Just like opening presents you won’t know what you received till you open it! Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!


-Email entries to duelist101contests@gmail.com

-Include Surprise Santa in the subject line! Failure to do this will result in entry rejection!

-Don’t be greedy! Please use one email account only! Multiple entries/email accounts will result in disqualification!

Were you fast enough to nab a Code? Let us Know what you got in the Comments Below!

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All the Zeke and Eloise quests


All the Zeke and Eloise Quests

Great news!

First of all we are happy to announce that our training point calculator is now up to date! We have now added all the new training points and training point quests to it. In addition, we of course added all the new spells as well. With this awesome tool you can check how many training points you acquire by a certain level, as well as see which spells you still need to train. You can also check how much it would cost you to buy back your training points. Just set the slider at the desired level and pick your school! So take a look here for our updated calculator!


Zeke and Eloise Training Point Quests

Now let’s move on to what this article is actually about! If you need some extra training points, you can always turn to Zeke (and in later worlds to Eloise) to get one! You can check which ones you could still do from this article! We are listing the links to ALL our training point guides for every Zeke and Eloise quests. Many of them come with a video as well as descriptions and new illustrations.

The teleporter hubs that have been added in the Spiral here and there during the last year are very useful, because you now won’t be required to do as much running now as you had to do before! Most of these Zeke quests will give you a badge with the word “explorer” in the end (Wizard City Explorer, Mooshu Explorer, etc.) So let’s get exploring!


Zeke Wizard City: Smith Training Point Guide


Zeke Krokotopia: Beetle Training Point Guide


Zeke Marleybone: Stray Cat Training Point Guide


Zeke Mooshu: Blue Oyster Training Point Guide


Zeke Wysteria: Wallflower Guide Training Point Guide

grizzleheimthumbGrizzleheim Zeke: Yardbird Training Point Guide

all the zeke and eloise quests wintertuskWintertusk Zeke: Trogg Training Point Guide

Zeke Dragonspyre: Stone Roses Training Point Guide


Zeke Celestia: Lounging Lizard Training Point Guide

Zeke Zafaria: Sock Monkeys Training Point Guide

Zeke Avalon: Black Crows Training Point Guide

Zeke Azteca: Ufo Training Point Guide



Zeke Khrysalis: Khrycket Training Point Guide

Eloise Khrysalis: Khrysantemum Training Point Guide

Zeke Polaris: Vanilla Ice Training Point Guide

Eloise Polaris: Polar Roses Training Point Guide

mirage_poster_01 all the zeke and eloise quests

Zeke Mirage: Oasis Training Point Guide

Eloise Mirage: Cactus Blossom Training Point Guide


That’s all of them so far!


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Aegis and Indemnity – PvE Benefits


In the summer update, KingsIsle introduced the Arcanum Astral professor, and a bunch of new spells, ranging from upgraded auras, to a new damage enchant, and two brand new astral spells, Aegis and Indemnity. While the initial thought of their usefulness was toward PvP, there are actually some great uses in dungeons for these new spells!

Warning: Slight plot spoilers, so if you haven’t done the Darkmoor instances, Tower of the Helephant, Overlord Xerxes or the Jabberwock/Shadowwock – be warned!

The Graveyard

Oh, Darkmoor. Who doesn’t love it? (Insert sarcasm here). Even with the nerfs KingsIsle has placed on the third part of Darkmoor, the Graveyard instance still remains one of the most unpredictable of the game. The last fight of this test plots you against a familiar foe, Malistaire the Undying! The one guy between you and your new shiny gear, he has quite the list of cheats. One of them in particular, is that you cannot use any universal traps (feint / curse) or he will remove them. So, with Indemnity, you can now successfully get one feint on him, to help speed up the process of killing him a good amount!

Tower of the Helephant

This side instance in Wysteria for wizards 60+ is still (in my opinion) the most unpredictable instance in all of Wizard101. The first floor especially is a toss-up every time, with this being one of the few instances having cheats for fizzling! A particular cheat that Ervin the Barbarian has is that he will remove any single trap you try to place on him. One way around this is using a myth dispel every time you go to trap him, but with Indemnity, you can actually get one version of a single trap on him without a dispel!

Various Mirage Bosses

Mirage – the land of sand, sand, and more sand. Also, KingsIsle has thrown cheats upon cheats on bosses. From the AoE Guardian Spirit cheat, to Baron’s invulnerable aura, Mirage brings some fresh cheats to the table. However, our favorite trap and blade removal cheats are here as well. One boss in particular, Overlord Xerxes – is a prime example. He not only sacrifices off feints, he also will steal all your blades. Both Aegis AND Indemnity can be amazing for this.

Finally, we come across a mighty foe.. the Jabberwock and his suspicious twin counterpart – Shadowwock. All joking aside, these two are essentially the same boss, and have the same trap removal cheat at the end of every 4th round. Most people aim to hit when the 200% trap is placed, but if you cannot, you can now have at least some of your traps not be removed, reliving some of the pressure of a quick hit.

These are just a few of the areas that the new astral spells can help out, but there are definitely more than just the ones listed!

Have you used these new spells in any dungeons/fights? Leave your comments down below!
(and happy holidays to everyone!!)

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An Introduction to Wizard101’s Housing Magic


Housing Magic: An Introduction

Roses are red, snow is here, we would be safe if shenlong were here. With the addition of Mirage housing magic was released giving everyone a way to more creatively express themselves! In case I stumped a few of my precious readers, Shenlong is a very huge dragon from an anime named dragon ball z….but enough of that! Today I’m showing you how to create your very own “shenlong” as well as how to add a bit of that jazz to your house through the power of magic and enlarging! In order for this to small tutorial to work it is very important that you speak to Babbage Basset in Marleybone, found near the tower in Regent Square.Complete the housing magic tutorial quest to learn the very basics of what housing magic is and get a sense to learn how to use it.

This is more of a before and after picture of what you should expect… giant mounts.

Please take notice that this guide will not only teach you how to create giant mounts, but you can also use this same information to enlarge basically any housing object you can possibly think of! To start this off, go visit Babbage Basset and buy Magic Timers under decorations and a couple of Grow Larger cards under the action spells option.

Now simple place the Timer down in your house and open up the following options…

This is the basic overview for one way you can work with housing magic since it allows for cool effects to happen! Just make sure you click on a Make Larger card to place it inside the window, next click the arrow options on top to make sure that you also set one for the option when timer ends cast spell.



Once this is done click on this little housing icon to select any housing item you would like to apply this growing affect to. The spiral is the limit, so you can potentially choose to grow a pet, mount, wand, etc.

Once this is done click on this little housing icon to select any housing item you would like to apply this growing affect to. The spiral is the limit, so you can potentially choose to grow a pet, mount, wand, etc.

I’ve chosen my dragon mount to create the effect of a huge dragon

The next step is pretty important sooo please don’t mess this up. Hit the magic timer option right on top to bring these options up


This allows you to control how fast you want your object to cast the animation and in this case, the growth speed.  Feel free to choose any number you want except zero since it will prevent any animations from occurring, I would recommend a small number like 1 or 2 seconds. Once done get out of housing options and watch as your item becomes absolutely huge!  The grow spells only grow an object 25% for one use, however by using the loop spell it will continue recasting the grow spell. The object will grow in “pulses” of 25% each
and since there is a limit to how big an object can grow it will automatically stop itself at max size! Tada you now have an easy way to supersize anything you want!

Here is a couple of things I managed to enlarge.


A lot of cool things can be done with growing items but at the same time, you can use timers for a bunch of other cool effects such as shrinking things down or creating looped spell animations. Join me next time to learn how to create wiz elevators and to learn how to improve all those blocks lying around…

What crazy ideas do you have planned?

The post An Introduction to Wizard101’s Housing Magic appeared first on Duelist101.

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Spell Changes to Improve Class Balance!


Spell Changes to Improve Class Balance!

In this article, I will be highlighting spell changes that I believe would benefit the PvP and PvE metas for all schools. I will be going through schools and highlighting buffs/nerfs that I feel will overall balance the classes a lot more than they are now. Please note that Shadow Spells will NOT be analyzed in this post, as their value and swing in matches is too high and RNG based to make effective buff/nerf decisions. Credit to Alexander Lionheart for several spell ideas and the inspiration for several of my own. Check out his youtube channel here!

General Spell Changes


Polymorphs are right up there with pacify and taunt as some of the least useful spells in the game. It simply does not make sense to trade all your stats for the piddling stats of a creature for 6 rounds. A much more useful effect would be to create a cancel polymorph option that the player could select(called Demorph). This Demorph button would replace the draw button when polymorphed and would allow a player to cancel the polymorph at any point on their round.

X Pip Spells

X pip spells fall into an interesting category in that many of them are very useful but also so inefficient that they preclude use. As such, I think a viable solution would be for players to be able to select how many pips they wish to consume at time of cast. This would make several spells much more useful and encourage diversity of play.


The Taunt and Pacify spells are an entire line with versions for each school that have absolutely no effect in PvP and no real use in PvE. As such you will likely never see these spells cast. I am willing to bet that many have forgotten that these spells even exist. To change these spells I propose making them have a one round effect. Pacify could make an opponent unable to attack you if there is another target(s) on the field. Taunt will make an opponent unable to attack anyone but you if there is another target(s) on the field. These spells would activate the round after it’s cast(meaning it’s not an auto dispel for the first turn player). Taunt and pacify would only affect spells that deal damage(debuffs/buffs etc would be unaffected). The x pip version of these spells would last a round for each pip slot used(for example if you used 14 pips it would last 7 rounds). AoEs would be unaffected. 


Berserk is one of the most poorly designed spells in the game. It gives a slight buff to your outgoing damage(only 5% more than the school specific spells) while giving an even bigger buff to damage you take. As such I believe in order to make berserk more useful, change its effect to +35% outgoing damage and +20% incoming damage.


Minions in their current form are not very useful at max level. It simply does not make sense to summon something that will likely die before it has any significant impact on the battle. As such I propose a new mechanic to minions. Allow players to load a card onto a minion that will activate upon the minion’s death. For example lets say I summon a Storm Elemental. At the time of summoning as long as I have the card I wish to load in hand, I load a healing current onto the minion(it would work similar to enhancing an attack spell in that I would lose the healing current spell and it would become attached to the minion for no additional cost). When the minion dies it will cast healing current on the user. In this way we allow minions to be a neutral tempo play rather than being a tempo loss(or possibly a tempo gain as they are at lower levels!). The ability to load minions will only be available to those who have unlocked shadow magic. Players could only load a non damaging spell onto minions and minions could only be loaded with spells that are at or below their pip cost and that match their school.

Self Hit Spells

Self hit spells are another type of spell that are useful at low level but fall out of usage at the higher levels. This is because the offensive bent of gear/stats often makes the self-hit portion of the spell too much for the benefit it imparts. As such I propose changing the spells to allow you the option of changing the self hit to backlash damage at the time of cast. Backlash damage would deal the damage printed on the card regardless of any stats while leaving any on field spells(such as blades, feints) untouched. You could also choose to have the spell act as it normally does. This adds some versatility to these spells and allows the player to choose the usage. Once again the option to convert the self hit portion to backlash damage would only be available to players who have unlocked shadow magic.

Accuracy Boosting Charm Spells

Spells such as precision, lightning strike and guidance see very little use for good reason. Even after casting these spells players have a chance to fizzle. Thus, instead of adding a percent of accuracy I propose buffing these spell’s effect to: the next spell cast will not fizzle. This makes these spells much more useful at all levels but particularly at the lower levels where accuracy is hard to come by. This even gives these spells some utility as a counter to common accuracy debuffing spells and smokescreen spam in Team PvP.

Top Tier School(s) Spell Changes



Power Play

The literal worst school bubble in the game, this spell sees little use in PvP or PvE due to it’s universally useless effect. As such I would change its effect to: Reverse Pip gains for all players. What this means is that if you would normally get a power pip you get a white pip; if you would normally get a white pip you get a power pip. This makes the spell a useful control card. It allows interesting combo plays while slowing down the tempo and improving survivability against most bosses in the later game.


Hydra as a card is underpowered and as such sees little use. It has the least dpp of any single hit off-school damage spell. Its tri-hit, while unique, isn’t very effective with such low base hits for each head. On the other hand, one of the things balance needs (until it gets Nested Fury) is an off-school AoE. As such I propose changing hydra to an AoE that does 170 damage per head. In this way, the unique mechanics are maintained while giving Balance an AoE option for the balance mobs it encounters.


There is nothing wrong per se with Samoorai, it just doesn’t accomplish anything for Balance. Both Judgment and Savage Paw match its dpp while Savage paw has the additional benefit of a blade. As such I suggest changing Samoorai into a DoT which is one tool Balance currently lacks. 300+300 Damage over 3 rounds.

Donate Power

Donate power is a good spell that has lots of potential. However, its 3 pip cost acts as a turn-off for an otherwise well-balanced spell that could possibly see more use in team play. Thus, my recommendation is to lower the cost of Donate Power to 2 pips. Give up 2 pips to donate 2 pips.

King Artorious

King Artorious’ effect is underwhelming especially when compared to the spell Efreet. It does significantly less damage than Efreet while also having a significantly less valuable weakness. I understand Efreet is a unique card and Artorious does offer a pierce blade but more can be done to help. Improve King Artorious weakness to 70%, giving Balance a reason to use its higher pip spells.


Sabertooth’s effect is a bit underwhelming when compared to the other Rank 10 spells. A spirit shield makes sense, as the spirit schools are traditionally viewed as more defensive. However, I believe Sabertooth can be improved by adding an elemental blade to the caster in addition to its spirit shield. This makes sense, as the elemental schools tend to prioritize offense. It would allow Balance to draw from aspects of all the schools with its effect.



This card has been one of the most polarizing cards since its creation. Offering above dpp damage to balance with 2 effects, this card is still far more powerful than the other Lore spells even with their buffs. As such I propose increasing the weakness to 25%, increasing the accuracy debuff to 45% and changing the effect to randomly select one OR the other, not both each cast. In this way, Loremaster is still a potent tool — offering high dpp damage and either Weaver’s or Krampus’s effect — but it is not overwhelming.


This spell allows balance to remove an opponent’s tool and deal exceedingly heavy damage, all while still remaining a neutral tempo play at 2 pips. As a result, this spell on its own often prevents other schools from even casting an Aura in the first place. My solution is to increase the pip cost to 3. In this way, it still maintains its heavy damage and utility but it is no longer a neutral tempo play. As compensation, I suggest boosting the accuracy to 75%.

Mana Burn

Mana Burn is an exceedingly powerful and meta-defining spell. Allowing Balance to maintain pip control and punish opponents for building pips while still doing impressive damage is amazing. As such I recommend these changes to the spell. Mana Burn will Cleanse one Negative Charm and then deal it’s damage while removing 2 pips from the opponent (instead of 3). In this way, Mana Burn does not destroy as many of your opponents resources while in exchange it gains some useful utility for Balance.




Scald is dealing less damage than it should as a DoT. DoTs tend to deal 25% more damage pip for pip. However, Scald bucks the trend, being slightly below dpp, while also being one of the few DoTs without an initial hit. An easy way to address it is to add 20 damage to the front of it. Thus scald becomes 20+495 fire damage over 3 rounds.


Detonate is one of the most complained about Fire spells in the history of the school and for good reason. It is a very situational spell that is impossible to use in a solo situation. Yet it has one of the most interesting potential effects in the game. My solution to make Detonate useful without being overpowered is for KI to change it from a manipulation to a trap. In this way by using proper trap stacking order, one could take advantage of Detonate. Detonate would be a unique trap in that it would absorb the entire damage of the DoT and then unleash it all at once.


Hephaestus is a great spell that has a lot of potential. However, it’s dpp is too low. Dropped spells tend to have a higher dpp and Hephaestus defies this trend. This may be due to the bubble in which case I advocate making it at least meet the dpp standards rather than exceed it. To that end, I propose buffing Hephaestus to 530-580 Damage.


Krampus falls victim to the same paradox as Hephaestus. Dropped spells tend to be above dpp with an effect, while Krampus is significantly below dpp with an effect. The effect is also a cost free action so I believe Krampus should be allowed to go above dpp. As such I propose buffing Krampus to 450-490 damage


Burning Rampage

Burning Rampage has been a problem from its creation. The ability to spike huge damage (more than Stormzilla or Catalan) with no counter from second and only class specific counters from first make it an extremely powerful spell. As such instead of nerfing its overall damage I prefer redistributing its damage. Burning Rampage should be 440+330 after 2 rounds. In this way, it is still a potent hit but its first hit can be shielded from and its second hit isn’t a gg if uncountered.



Handsome Fomori

Handsome Fomori’s 25% accuracy debuff is a joke. Today’s meta has increased the prevalence of accuracy jewels and as such 25% is not going to be doing much, if anything, to an opponent’s spells. Thus, I propose increasing the accuracy debuff to 50% making it a more realistic combo spell and a possible alternative to Winter Moon.


Ice Colossus is still dealing less damage per pip than it should even after its buff. Ice and Life spells tend to match up in dpp in comparable cases. However, Centaur outclasses Colossus for no apparent reason. As such I suggest buffing Colossus to match Centaurs damage at 515-595.


Cooldown is a pretty cool (heh puns) concept. It’s a spell that reduces one tick from all DoTs on your team. Despite being a cool concept it is rarely ever used. The simple fact is that triage is the better card in most cases as it removes the entire DoT. It is rare for a wizard to be affected by more than 2 DoTs at any one time. Thus, I don’t believe the 2 pip cost for this spell is warranted. Reduce the pip cost to 1 and call it a day.


None Needed

I can already hear the comments now. “No nerfs needed Eric? But Ice is a top tier school, have you lost your mind?!” The simple truth is that none of Ice’s non-shadow spells are OP on their own. Ice is doing so well due to a number of small factors coming together, not due to overpowered spells. Ice’s stats, spell synergies, tc availability and recent changes all come together to make it the top class without any truly overpowered spell. For more details see this article.



Goat Monk

Goat Monk is a card that doesn’t really have a justifiable use in a life deck. As such I propose making it life’s first stun spell. Add a stun to its effect. This gives life some combo utility that it currently lacks and allows them some more offensive options.

Sacred Charge

Life has been asking for a low pip AoE for a long time and sacred charge is the perfect way to do it. Simply change it to deal 360 damage to all enemies and 250 absorb to the team.


Guardian Spirit

This spell has been a polarizing one since its creation. It has the ability under certain conditions to completely reset an opponent’s mistakes over and over and over again. I believe the spell should indeed give a second chance but it should not give a guaranteed stall option. As such I propose buffing the spell to recover 30% of your max health but be unaffected by healing buffs or debuffs both statistically and on the field.

Low Tier School(s) Spell Changes



Lord of Night

Lord of Night is a great spell except for it’s piddling effect. A 25% infection is useless in PvE and accomplished almost nothing in PvP. As such I propose buffing the spell to leave a 25% death damage bubble rather than an infection. This gives death a potent offensive option that is useful in both PvP and PvE.

Dr. Von’s Monster

This card is another card that leaves a very weak infection that is not at all useful in any circumstance. As such you will almost never see this card used. As a nine pip card I believe it’s effect should be very potent. I propose replacing the infection with a -80% weakness which allows the spell to be a potent recovery and counter move for death wizards.

Mass Infection

There is no logical reason for mass infection to cost 3 pips. Doom and gloom has a stronger effect while costing a pip less and infection is a cost free card. Reduce mass infection to 1 pip to allow for more sensible usage in team settings.

King Artorious

Death’s King Artorious spell is the most disappointing of all the King Art spells. It’s effect offers yet another weakened infection that death does not need. As such I advocate changing its effect from a weakened infection to a feint. This allows death some combo utility and offers a powerful aftereffect for the class, justifying it’s use over Skeletal Dragon.


None Needed

The death school isn’t in a great place in the max level pvp meta. As such none of it’s spells require a nerf. Even Bad Juju is a well balanced spell that simply fell victim to the jade menace. The reshuffle changes significantly reduced the viability of the dreaded Jade Juju set and as such even that spell does not need a nerf.



Keeper of the Flame

Keeper of the Flame is Myth’s version of Brimstone Revenant and as a result falls quite short. Myth does not have the same trap synergy that fire has. In fact, most of myth’s signature double hit and DoT spells are very hard to use with traps. As such I propose making Keeper of the Flame a unique card that synergizes well with one of the characteristics myth is known for: stuns. Instead of leaving a myth trap change Keeper of the Flame to remove one stun defending spell. This means that instead of stunning(A 4 pip stun spell is much too spammable), it will remove one stun shield or conviction that the opponent has. This gives myth some potent combo ability and the ability to use stuns multiple times in battle.

Dimension Shift

Dimension shift as a card is just really poor in anything that is not an extremely slow tempo match.  Minions don’t last long enough for Dimension shift to work and it is a very expensive card. In order to buff it I propose changing the effect to switch all hanging effects with minion OR opponent and reducing it’s cost to 4 pips. This gives myth some more potent combo ability at low pip levels which is exactly what it needs.


None Needed

As can be seen the myth school does not need very many buffs. Similarly, it does not need any nerfs. The myth school has very potent spells. Medusa, Basilisk, King Art, Velestial Calendar are all very strong spells. The reason myth is a low tier class is because the meta is so fast many of these potent spells rarely come into play. Even shatter (which was once a very overpowered card in a meta where the neutral phase of battle dominated) is no longer overpowered. As such I can’t see any justified nerfs to myth school spells.




The disarm spell is in an interesting place as the only single removal spell with a pip cost. When both cleanse charm and cleanse ward cost 0 pips, both shatter and enfeeble cost 3 pips and both Mystic Collossus and Glowbugs costing 5 pips+shadow it makes little sense for Disarm to cost a pip when pierce costs 0 pips. As such I propose changing Disarm to cost 0 pips to match it’s ward counterpart.


Catalan’s 25% accuracy debuff is laughably bad in a meta where accuracy is very easy to come by. One of the things Storm needs is some combo utility and as such I propose changing Catalan’s accuracy debuff into a stun instead.

Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day is grossly underpowered having the lowest dpp of any Storm spell outside of low end bolts. As such I propose buffing it’s damage to meet the damage per pip standards of it’s other 5 pip counterparts. Have Catch of the Day deal 670-710 damage and remove 2 blades.

Healing Current

Healing Current is a potent Storm tool but falls victim to the fact that 66% of the time the heal is not worth using. Storm in the current meta is in great need of some reliable healing particularly since it’s health buffer is so low compared to the other schools. As such I propose changing healing current to 400, 600 or 800 heal. In this way it has more palatable low and mid level heal potential at the cost of reducing the max heal potential.

Storm Elemental

The Storm elemental is the most passive minion in the game. Boasting no attacking spells it is completely useless in most PvP environments. It does however serve a function in the low level PvE environment. As such in order to make it more viable in PvP while allowing it to function just as effectively in PvE I propose giving it a modified lightning bats. This bats would deal the same damage as the typical lightning bats but would also taunt all enemies. Minions having unique more potent attacks are not unusual(see the Ice minion which casts ice bats and ice sharks).

King Artorious

Storm’s King Artorious spell has an even worse aftereffect than Death’s. Lightning strike is near useless at the level King Artorious is received and at every higher level particularly with the jewel update. What Storm really needs is some offensive/defensive utility and King Artorious is the perfect opportunity to do so. Change the Lightning Strike effect to a -90% accuracy debuff which will allow Storm a chance to combo or to play a defensive spell.


Insane Bolt

Insane Bolt has been a polarizing spell since it came out. When it hits it can completely swing a match or end it in your favor. However, when it backfires it results in an automatic loss. As such I propose a complete revamp of the spell that reduces it’s swing factor while also making the spell less risky for the user. Change the card to 600 moon damage to opponent AND auto fizzle next outgoing spell. In this way, the spell is still very potent but less match defining while simultaneously reducing spam potential.

Questions/Comments? Let me Know in the Comments Below!


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Wizard101 Game Mechanics That Could Use a Change


Wizard101 Game Mechanics
That Could Use a Change


Every game has their own game mechanics and they each work differently. However, that doesn’t necessarily make them good. It doesn’t mean though Kingsisle shouldn’t revisit or revise these old mechanics to make them better for the future. Today we’ll be discussing game mechanics that Kingsisle should maybe revisit and fix for the future!



Death is the school full of very interesting spells. Their own original mechanic has always been the “drain” mechanic, where you deal damage with a spell and get back half the damage as health. Well, such a cool mechanic is common in games, but why is it so much weaker than normal in Wizard101? 

Kingsisle could change the drain system to match the newer and improved one that was given to Pirate101’s Witchdoctor class. Their drains work the exact same way, giving either 50% or 75% of the damage back in health. To add onto that — even if the Witchdoctor were to use a drain through a Valor’s Fort — the damage it WOULD’VE dealt without it was counted then reduced by the x0.75 or x0.5 to get how much of the damage is made into health given back to the Pirate.

Making this very simple change they’ve clearly been able to do before would make Death an extremely happy camper. It would make one of the weaker classes in the current game a lot stronger and make any spells in the future that have this mechanic all the more powerful. 



Any of you remember the Moon school? Well, I definitely do. It has the unique mechanic of changing your characters deck and stats to a specific mob’s. This mechanic — while fun — was never really useful, even for PvE. Due to this, we saw Kingsisle drop the entire idea of the class and turn the polymorphs into singular attacks later on when revisited in Khrysalis. 

If Kingsisle were to change and strengthen polymorphs to match the necessity of the meta, they could make an awesome comeback. Any of you who have played other CCG’s online probably know the card style I’m talking about.

How to make polymorphs relevant again

Wizard101 Game Mechanics That Could Use a Change polymorphsSo, what could KI do to these spells to make them worth using? Signature polymorphs for each class! Imagine if a very powerful entity were to grant you their power in exchange for your life? Well we’re wizards, anything is possible. Why not give up our character, stats, health and deck for the rest of the game to go all in on this Polymorph that grants amazing stats, its own very powerful deck to match its strengths and much more! 

These class-specific amazing spells would allow for more slow paced matches where every card counts, while giving you risk vs reward. In exchange for their power, your maximum health and resist would be reduced by half in these new forms. At the same time, your damage and pierce would be x1.5! Alongside this, you would get a deck with brand new spells. These spells would include Epic, Radical, unique character attacks that deal a load of damage allowing you to snowball the game by that pace!

You could use these cards for their insane damage or as a win condition after getting multiple shields, weakness’ and such onto the opposing player. As such, polymorphs would allow you to stay in that form for long periods of time to dwindle away at the enemy’s health. Also Jades can both utilize this and can be a threat to them. Making many annoying old strategies now have a way to win quickly as well. This would help make both popular and hated strategies be seen in a new light.

Pip cost of the new polymorphs

These spells would costing 2 Shadow Pips. As such, they would make it impossible to cast turn 1. Consequently they would allow the enemy to prepare for a barrage of powerful hits. Depending on the strength of the specific polymorph, the non-shadow pip cost could differ. Nevertheless, giving a powerful polymorph that you have to give up all your defenses stat wise for and have a turn of doing nothing but using the polymorph adds many risks and rewards to such a powerful new mechanic adaption.

Note: This polymorph idea makes the replaced character permanent so you wouldn’t change back after X amount of turns.

What mechanics would you like to see revisited/revised in the future? Tell us in the comments!

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New Winter Wonder Pack in the Crown Shop!


New Winter Wonder Pack

For 299 crowns, you can buy a new pack in wizard101: the Winter Wonder pack! So far it seems quite interesting, with a very cute mount and pet, as well as new energy gear and interesting wands!

new winter wonder pack

Some of the fabulous new items you have a chance to get this year include

Snowhoppers Pet

new winter wonder pack


Snowdrifter’s Gear


The gear gives energy, with the wand giving +12 energy at max level.


Snowdrifter’s Weapons

There is a wand that’s interesting. It has a may cast spell similar to power nova. Another wand has a may cast that frostbite AoE!


Ice Wig, Winter Antlers and Snow Crown Hairstyles

  • New Holiday Housing Items like the Ice Skating Rink and Sparkle Globe

Snowhopper Sleigh Mount

We will be adding pictures as we get more information!

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Avalon Zeke Training Point Quest: The Crows


Avalon Zeke Training Point Quest:
The Crows

The Avalon Zeke training point quest is called “Crowology” and can be acquired once you start questing in Avalon. You can find Zeke in Abbey Road. You need to find nine black crows to complete the quest.

Once you complete the quest, you will get another training point, yay! Many of these crows are hidden behind a sigil, so you will need a friend to teleport to, if you haven’t done the quests yet.


Firstly, the Calibrun Crow can be found behind the body of water in the Commons area of Avalon. You will need to enter the sigil, though it is possible to teleport to someone who has the quest if you don’t have it yourself yet. The crow is standing on the left side of the Lair of the Bane Wyrm cave. You will have to do the battle first.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow Caliburn


Abbey Road

This crow is at the front of the area. Once you enter Abbey Road, go left immediately. There’s a stone wall and a bush. The crow is behind the bush.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow Abbey Road

High Road

For the High Road Crow you will need to enter a sigil, because the crow is inside the Harlequin Tower. It’s near the entrance to Caer Lyon. Again, you can port into this area. You don’t need to fight the creature inside! Just work your way up the stairs to the highest point of the tower.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow high road


Caer Lyon

Just like the crow in High Road, the Caer Lyon crow is hidden on the highest floor of the tower. To get to the tower, take the teleporter in Caliburn, and then go straight up the stairs in front of you, circle the Night Goblins and enter Barca’s Tower. You don’t have to fight the boss to get your precious crow!

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow caer lyon


The Wild

This one is also hidden behind a sigil. Use the teleporter to the Wild and take a left turn. Go down the slope with the fire creatures and move around them. The right sigil is the first one you see. Inside of Dread Keep, it’s on your right, way in the back. You will have to fight the boss to get to the crow.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow The Wild


The Wyrd

I always go to the Wyrd through Dun Dara, though you could enter from the Wild as well. Take the teleporter to Dun Dara and work your way through the area to the Wyrd. Once you’re there, check your map for the Lost Abbey. This crow is hiding inside the abbey behind a broken pillar all way back in the building. You don’t have to fight the boss.
Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow the wyrd


Dun Dara

Next, the Dun Dara crow is inside the Lightning Lizard’s cave all way in the back of the cave. To get to Dun Dara, you can use the teleporter in Caliburn. When you exit the teleporter, turn around and go to the sigil that’s right behind it. That’s where the Lightning Lizard is hiding.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow Dun Dara


Outer Yard

To get through the Outer Yard, I suggest using the teleporter to the Catacombs in Caliburn, the go through Deepwater to Lake Shore and to the Outer Yard from there. Yes, it requires some running! You can also go through Caer Lyon! The crow can be found by going up the slope right next to Sister Constance. Go all the way up and work your way down the narrow pathway. The crow is at the very end of it.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow outer yard


Lake Shore

From Caliburn, use the teleporter to the Catacombs, head to Deepwater and exit to Lake Shore. Turn right and go towards the purple goo. It’s yet another crow hidden behind a sigil! This one is inside Black Annie’s house. This is the creepy moving house inside the purple goo. You can teleport into this instance and you don’t have to fight Black Annie.

Avalon Zeke Training Point Black Crow lake shore


That’s it! You found all nine!

Also check out our video below!


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12 Days of the Spiral 2016 Day 1!


12 Days of the Spiral 2016 – Day 1!


It’s that time of year again, the 12 days of the spiral are finally here! Wizards and Pirates alike will get to enjoy a special new surprise every single day between now and December 20th!



Day 1 brings the Krampus Holiday Dungeon to the spiral for wizards of all levels to enjoy! We get to meet a nice old lady, Oma, for a wonderful Yuletide feast. Beware though, young wizards, for not all is fine and jolly!  The menacing horned demon, Krampus, has shown up in hopes of ruining our merry holiday spirits. We get to help rescue Oma from the terrible beast, but not before having a skeleton key at the ready! Fear not though, any skeleton key will do the trick (you can get a free wooden skeleton key by clicking right >here<).

4 Locations, 1 Destination, 3 Skeleton Key doors!

You can go to ANY of the locations above and access the SAME dungeon. All three types of skeleton keys (the wood, stone and gold keys) can be used at each of the locations. There doesn’t seem to be any difference as to where you enter the dungeon. A warning in advance: Krampus does cheat! We will try to get a guide out about the cheats as soon as we can! You can access this dungeon from one of the following locations. You can click the image to see a bigger version! The entrance is where the small green arrow is located!


  krampus-ravenwood 12 Days of the Spiral 2016 Day 1

 Colossus Boulevard

colossus-boulevard-krampus  krampus-colossus-boulevard


celestia-krampus  krampus-celestia   






Pirates across the skyways get to show off their holiday spirit with a free, new permanent mount, the Yuletide Pony! You can redeem this awesome new mount for your pirate using the promo code “YULEPONY”. Don’t worry if you are reading this late, you can redeem this code until Decemeber 21st at 11:59pm central time, limit of 1 redemption per account.

12 Days of the Spiral 2016 Day 1


 This is a very nice start to the 12 days of the Spiral, isn’t it?!

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