Aegis and Indemnity – PvE Benefits

In the summer update, KingsIsle introduced the Arcanum Astral professor, and a bunch of new spells, ranging from upgraded auras, to a new damage enchant, and two brand new astral spells, Aegis and Indemnity. While the initial thought of their usefulness was toward PvP, there are actually some great uses in dungeons for these new spells!

Warning: Slight plot spoilers, so if you haven’t done the Darkmoor instances, Tower of the Helephant, Overlord Xerxes or the Jabberwock/Shadowwock – be warned!

The Graveyard

Oh, Darkmoor. Who doesn’t love it? (Insert sarcasm here). Even with the nerfs KingsIsle has placed on the third part of Darkmoor, the Graveyard instance still remains one of the most unpredictable of the game. The last fight of this test plots you against a familiar foe, Malistaire the Undying! The one guy between you and your new shiny gear, he has quite the list of cheats. One of them in particular, is that you cannot use any universal traps (feint / curse) or he will remove them. So, with Indemnity, you can now successfully get one feint on him, to help speed up the process of killing him a good amount!

Tower of the Helephant

This side instance in Wysteria for wizards 60+ is still (in my opinion) the most unpredictable instance in all of Wizard101. The first floor especially is a toss-up every time, with this being one of the few instances having cheats for fizzling! A particular cheat that Ervin the Barbarian has is that he will remove any single trap you try to place on him. One way around this is using a myth dispel every time you go to trap him, but with Indemnity, you can actually get one version of a single trap on him without a dispel!

Various Mirage Bosses

Mirage – the land of sand, sand, and more sand. Also, KingsIsle has thrown cheats upon cheats on bosses. From the AoE Guardian Spirit cheat, to Baron’s invulnerable aura, Mirage brings some fresh cheats to the table. However, our favorite trap and blade removal cheats are here as well. One boss in particular, Overlord Xerxes – is a prime example. He not only sacrifices off feints, he also will steal all your blades. Both Aegis AND Indemnity can be amazing for this.

Finally, we come across a mighty foe.. the Jabberwock and his suspicious twin counterpart – Shadowwock. All joking aside, these two are essentially the same boss, and have the same trap removal cheat at the end of every 4th round. Most people aim to hit when the 200% trap is placed, but if you cannot, you can now have at least some of your traps not be removed, reliving some of the pressure of a quick hit.

These are just a few of the areas that the new astral spells can help out, but there are definitely more than just the ones listed!

Have you used these new spells in any dungeons/fights? Leave your comments down below!
(and happy holidays to everyone!!)

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