Wizard101 Game Mechanics That Could Use a Change


Wizard101 Game Mechanics
That Could Use a Change


Every game has their own game mechanics and they each work differently. However, that doesn’t necessarily make them good. It doesn’t mean though Kingsisle shouldn’t revisit or revise these old mechanics to make them better for the future. Today we’ll be discussing game mechanics that Kingsisle should maybe revisit and fix for the future!



Death is the school full of very interesting spells. Their own original mechanic has always been the “drain” mechanic, where you deal damage with a spell and get back half the damage as health. Well, such a cool mechanic is common in games, but why is it so much weaker than normal in Wizard101? 

Kingsisle could change the drain system to match the newer and improved one that was given to Pirate101’s Witchdoctor class. Their drains work the exact same way, giving either 50% or 75% of the damage back in health. To add onto that — even if the Witchdoctor were to use a drain through a Valor’s Fort — the damage it WOULD’VE dealt without it was counted then reduced by the x0.75 or x0.5 to get how much of the damage is made into health given back to the Pirate.

Making this very simple change they’ve clearly been able to do before would make Death an extremely happy camper. It would make one of the weaker classes in the current game a lot stronger and make any spells in the future that have this mechanic all the more powerful. 



Any of you remember the Moon school? Well, I definitely do. It has the unique mechanic of changing your characters deck and stats to a specific mob’s. This mechanic — while fun — was never really useful, even for PvE. Due to this, we saw Kingsisle drop the entire idea of the class and turn the polymorphs into singular attacks later on when revisited in Khrysalis. 

If Kingsisle were to change and strengthen polymorphs to match the necessity of the meta, they could make an awesome comeback. Any of you who have played other CCG’s online probably know the card style I’m talking about.

How to make polymorphs relevant again

Wizard101 Game Mechanics That Could Use a Change polymorphsSo, what could KI do to these spells to make them worth using? Signature polymorphs for each class! Imagine if a very powerful entity were to grant you their power in exchange for your life? Well we’re wizards, anything is possible. Why not give up our character, stats, health and deck for the rest of the game to go all in on this Polymorph that grants amazing stats, its own very powerful deck to match its strengths and much more! 

These class-specific amazing spells would allow for more slow paced matches where every card counts, while giving you risk vs reward. In exchange for their power, your maximum health and resist would be reduced by half in these new forms. At the same time, your damage and pierce would be x1.5! Alongside this, you would get a deck with brand new spells. These spells would include Epic, Radical, unique character attacks that deal a load of damage allowing you to snowball the game by that pace!

You could use these cards for their insane damage or as a win condition after getting multiple shields, weakness’ and such onto the opposing player. As such, polymorphs would allow you to stay in that form for long periods of time to dwindle away at the enemy’s health. Also Jades can both utilize this and can be a threat to them. Making many annoying old strategies now have a way to win quickly as well. This would help make both popular and hated strategies be seen in a new light.

Pip cost of the new polymorphs

These spells would costing 2 Shadow Pips. As such, they would make it impossible to cast turn 1. Consequently they would allow the enemy to prepare for a barrage of powerful hits. Depending on the strength of the specific polymorph, the non-shadow pip cost could differ. Nevertheless, giving a powerful polymorph that you have to give up all your defenses stat wise for and have a turn of doing nothing but using the polymorph adds many risks and rewards to such a powerful new mechanic adaption.

Note: This polymorph idea makes the replaced character permanent so you wouldn’t change back after X amount of turns.

What mechanics would you like to see revisited/revised in the future? Tell us in the comments!

The post Wizard101 Game Mechanics That Could Use a Change appeared first on Duelist101.

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