A Guide to Medulla – Empyrea Part 1 Final Battle


A Guide to Medulla
Empyrea Part 1 Final Battle

Empyrea part 1 comes to an end with Medulla, a powerful creature unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the Spiral before. Once you have reached the brain of Sepidious, Medulla is there waiting for you… in the HEADquarters.



Not so fast! Where there is a Bat… there is a Quizzler. Before you get to face Medulla in combat you have to answer the Quizzler’s riddles. This creature is a Rank 16 Myth Elite with 4815 HP, which is also accompanied by a Globulin. No cheats were observed in this battle.



Not to worry, you only get to fight these 4 creatures together the first time only. Once you defeat your fellow companions from Empyrea, they will shake off Medulla’s mind control and help you fight at your side! You will see exactly how below…

If you try to repeat this battle these creatures won’t reappear at Medulla’s side anymore, unless someone in your team is doing this battle for the very first time. Additionally, Medulla (Rank 18 Myth Shadow Boss) will always be in this battle with 125k HP.





Casting weaknesses and traps on Medulla is redundant. He will cast off any of them, even if they are protected with Indemnity. Non-single target spells (Windstorm/Plague) AND tri-trap spells (Elemental Trap) trigger this cheat as well.


This is where it really gets interesting! Medulla will randomly cast Confusion every few rounds on a random wizard. Confusion is a new mechanic only found on this creature, that targets a single player (just like Beguile) and it makes spell casting a lot harder. Effects include casting a spell on a target that you didn’t mean to target. Passing won’t help, as it will select a random spell from your hand and cast it.

Tip: Be careful which spells you allow in your deck. You don’t know what may happen in this fight. Simply imagine a Bad Juju going wild.


Joining the battle late won’t do you any good, unless getting confused is what you’re going for. Dispelling this is also not possible due to the fact that it is cast as a shadow spell.


For a change, we get cheats that work in our favor! Pork will interrupt cast a smoke screen (-45% accuracy) at the beginning of every round. The smoke screen is removed at the end of the round, so it won’t keep stacking.


medulla guide

Sparck will cast this every 4/5 rounds. This is a hit by the cannon found behind Medulla. It utilizes Medulla’s blades to hit his side of the duel circle. Go Sparck!


Strategy Against Medulla

The best strategy for this fight is to rely mostly on blades as there is no way you can put a trap on Medulla without it being removed. Additionally, you will also want to use Aegis to protect those shiny blades as I was blessed with witnessing Medulla use Earthquake. Fun! On the other hand, you can also use global spells and auras without any risks.

Stack a bunch of blades on a single hitter in 2-3 rounds and have them hit Medulla. Repeat this as he might not go down with the first hit due to his stubborn…. head?


Cheat a Little Yourself!

There is a quick and easy way to take down Medulla currently in Test Realm. Don’t get too excited as this method may get removed before live realm (or if we are lucky they will keep it similar to how shift+detonate OHKOs Pendragon). The method involves using Medulla’s confusion mechanics to your advantage! It turns out that Medulla’s confusion will force you to cast a spell even if you pass and even if you don’t meet the spells requirements. For example- Medulla can make you cast a shadow spell in your hand at your friend even if you do not have a shadow pip!

We can turn this around on him by utilizing any of the minion sacrificing spells. If your hand is composed of spells such as sap power, take power, draw health etc, Medulla’s cheat will force you to cast the spell even if you have no minions on your side of the field. When the spell is force cast it will target the closest thing to a minion it can find in the battle circle-which just happens to be Medulla himself!

This method works particularly well since any battle with Medulla after your first encounter with him will result in Medulla appearing in the battle circle on his own without his 3 minions. This method also works in the traditional battle format of 4 wizards vs Medulla and his 3 minions. Simply have everyone on the team load up minion sacrificing cards. I recommend having someone come into the battle late as this will cause Medulla to cast confusion on the latecomer – hastening the process. Then watch as one by one your confused wizards sacrifice Pork, Beans, Sprack and finally Medulla himself. Hilarious!


Good luck! Share your thoughts
and rewards in the comments below!

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