Empyrea’s Roaming Bosses with Pets


Empyrea’s Roaming Bosses with Pets

Empyrea brought with it some new roaming bosses! In the update notes it says: “Watch out for the several new Wandering Bosses that are wandering your pathways! They have new pets and an attitude – sounds like fun!” However, as far as we can tell, theit attitude is very laid back: they don’t cheat.

The pets are also slightly problematic, since the drop rate is extremely low. We’ve managed to get one pet, despite farming each of these bosses for many hours. Our currently hypothesis is that each of these bosses drop a Wartle pet of their own school. As such, we assume there’s a Balance, Ice, Fire and Storm Wartle to be collected from these bosses.

In addition, it is likely that the Death, Myth and Life Wartles are dropped elsewhere by different bosses. The boss named Crusher in Aeriel Jungle dropped the Life Wartle, while the Myth Wartle seems to be with a side quest boss in Zanadu.

Currently, some of these roaming bosses respawn immediately (Frostbiter does), while others take more time to respawn. We’re not sure why there’s a difference between them, nor if this will also be the case once they go to the live realm. Get prepared to get stunned in every one of these battles. The minions in three of the areas are Storm, so Storm Lord stuns are very prevailent.

1. B’Rel – Aeriel Jungle

Empyrea's Roaming Bosses with Pets

  • School: Storm
  • Health: 15,000 hp
  • Cheats: Feints, blades and pet heals were fine, pet casts a myth shield
  • Minions: Ice
  • Pet: Storm Wartle

Empyrea's Roaming Bosses with Pets storm wartle


2. Trickster Jack – Zanadu

  • School: Balance
  • Health: 15,800 hp
  • Cheats:  Feints, blades and pet heals were fine
  • Minions: Storm
  • Pet: (probably a Balance Wartle)


3.  Frostbiter – Outer Athanor

Empyrea's Roaming Bosses with Pets frostbiter

  • School: Ice
  • Health: 19,000 hp
  • Cheats: Feints, blades and pet heals were fine
  • Minions: Storm
  • Pet: (probably an Ice Wartle)


4. Moltor – Inner Athanor

Empyrea's Roaming Bosses with Pets moltor

  • School: Fire
  • Health: 18,600 hp
  • Cheats: Feints, blades and pet heals were fine
  • Minions: Storm
  • Pet: (probably a Fire Wartle)


Did you get any of these pets?
Post a screenshot in the comments

and you’ll be credited in the article for your find.

The post Empyrea’s Roaming Bosses with Pets appeared first on Duelist101.

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