Empyrea Test Realm – Grandmaster Crafted Gear


Grandmaster Crafted Gear

Test realm brought us a new Revered crafting level and new legendary craftable gear. But KI snuck some other gear into the game! If you visit the Fire teacher, Ignus, in the Arcanum, you’re welcomed with over 200 pages of  recipes. All of recipes aren’t new, however there are 3 new categories for Grandmaster crafted gear:

  • Duelist’s
  • Healer’s
  • Sentry’s

As for the ingredients of the crafted gear: among the regular reagents, pieces require already existing Dragonspyre crafted gear. As a reward, we get a brand new piece with a generic look but better stats. The stats might even be good enough for starting gear, if you decide to do Grandmaster PvP! We’ve already addressed entry barriers and gear is definitely one of them. Hopefully, this update will make life for Grandmasters new to PvP a bit easier.

Be careful though, don’t let the names fool you. Duelist’s gear sounds like a good choice, but its stats are inferior when compared to Healer’s or Sentry’s. Sacrifice a few power pip chance and you’ll get Healer’s gear with extra outgoing healing or Sentry’s counterpart with universal resist. Yes! Now level 50 and above wizards of every school will be able to craft gear with universal resist.

Below, we’ll compare this gear with gear sold by Diego, Brandon Mistborn and the Shaman’s Lore pack. Warlord and Commander gear are obviously expected to be better. But things might be interesting when comparing it with other pieces. We’ll display only gear from the Sentry category because it’s the best viable choice if you’re starting with PvP. And since every piece has 7 combinations (dual school gear) we’ll cover only one. You can always check everything by visiting Ignus Ferric.


Existing Hats


New Sentry Grandmaster Crafted Hats


Existing Robes


New Sentry Grandmaster Crafted Robes


Existing Boots


New Sentry Grandmaster Crafted Boots


What gear to choose?

Obviously, Warlord and Commander gear are irreplaceable. But this crafted gear isn’t meant to replace them. Instead, we think it’s supposed to make PvP experiences better for newcomers. Apart from Warlord and Commander gear as viable PvP options, we only have Veteran gear, Duelist’s gear and Pack gear – all of those are hard to obtain. Sentry gear is comparable with gear from the Shaman’s lore pack – you mostly trade some resist for extra damage, so you can save your hard earned crowns for something else. The comparison with Duelist’s gear is bit tricky – it mostly depends on your play style. Personally, I’d prefer glass cannon duelist gear, but you can stay away from tedious tournament grinding and play more defensively with crafted gear.

Surprisingly, this gear is still as good as Veteran gear! You lose some resist, but gain a lot of health and some damage. At this point it’s a matter of preference, but if you’re short on tickets or just starting out in the Arena than you should definitely try crafted gear.


Do you think the new gear is good alternative for players who are just starting PvP?  Let us know what you think in the comments below!

The post Empyrea Test Realm – Grandmaster Crafted Gear appeared first on Duelist101.

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