Empyrea Part One – Wizard101 Fall Test Realm 2017


Another fall test realm is in our grasp! The first part to Empyrea, new shadow magic, revered crafting, bank space increase, and much, much more! Read further to discover what lies ahead of us in this new update!

For a full list of notes – go HERE 

Empyrea Part One:

A new world is upon us .. or at least part one of it! Much like Khyrsalis, Empyrea is being released in two parts – with part one in the test realm at the moment! Wizards can level to the level cap of 125!

Empyrea was created by Grandmother Raven to keep the Chaos Heart in and The Spider (Old Cob) out, but now with Mellori being captured, anything is up for grabs. The heart sits in the middle of the world, with storms that even Raven herself cannot pass through. With the help of ..well.. you, the Arcanium teachers hope you aren’t too late in saving Mellori, and the spiral.

A few notes about Empyrea, as per the patch notes:

  • Training point at 125, as long as a quest from Zeke and Eloise.
  • Eloise has new, unique stitchable gear.
  • “Within Empyrea, players who are seeking a greater challenge and excellent rewards will find both within a new side quest encounter called the Beastman Fight Club Gauntlet. Good luck! The struggle herein promises to be our hardest content to date.”
  • New roaming bosses with new pet drops.
  • As per newer world releases, the final boss will be released later in the cycle.

New Shadow Magic

Shadow Trickster is back ..and actually for real this time! Wizards who begin their quest into Empyrea will come across the infamous Shadow Trickster. After completing the quest, you will be awarded the Shadow Trickster spell and have the option to get a “Donate Shadow Pip” spell!

Revered Crafting

A new crafting title beyond Legendary has you opening your crafting book to all new sorts of ways to collect reagents! Talk to the Librarian Fitzhume to begin your adventures toward a Revered crafter! With this new rank, come many more ways and types of reagents, such as:

  • Squid Ink (A reagent found from combat in Empyrea)
  • Shiny Scales (A reagent only found in fishing chests)
  • Participation Trophy (A reagent that is purchased with arena tickets in the pet pavilion)
  • Aether ore and dust (A reagent found as a ground spawn item in the Spiral)
  • Shocked Key (A reagent only found within silver chests)

Also, if you are looking to craft higher level gear, you must seek out Loligo in Aerial Shores in Empyrea!

New Member Benefits

Not much is said about this in the patch notes itself, but it is mentioned there are a few new member benefits coming our way after this launches to the live realm, so keep an eye out for those!

Various Other Updates

Backpack elixir and bank size increase

  • Your bank space has been increased for 100 to 150! (bless wu)
  • There is an elixir for 2500 crowns that expands your backpack space by 50, 2 uses max per character.

Daily Assignment Addition

  • With Empyrea, a new classification of quests is here: Heavyweight! Also, there is a new quest once you hit day 12, so get those pekron investigations going!

Realm Locking

  • This function allows you to lock your realm, so that when you are moving around worlds, you won’t get bumped into a more busy realm!

Castle Magic

  • 36 new spells for all you enthusiastic castle magic junkies!

and much, much more! Make sure to give a look of the full list of changes!

What is your favorite part of the new update?
Are you excited for part one? Comment down below!

The post Empyrea Part One – Wizard101 Fall Test Realm 2017 appeared first on Duelist101.

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