Monstrology Bugs – Let’s find them all!

Monstrology Bugs – Let’s find them all!

This article’s purpose is to track down any remaining Monstrology bugs that are currently in the game and group them together. Unlike other articles, this one is aimed to provide constructive criticism for Kingsisle. Therefore, no negativity will be allowed in the comments section.

Monstrologists in the Spiral have probably figured out by now that we can’t complete every section of the Monstrology Tome, and hopefully this will help in fixing that. I listed every single bug I ran into and also other ideas that could help improve each section of the tome. Please, don’t hesitate one bit to post your ideas and/or findings in the comments below in a respectful and constructive manner. Afterwards, these will be posted in Wizard101’s message boards (Halston’s Laboratory) as well.

Bugs include:

  • Creatures listed under incorrect sections
  • Wrong statistics for creatures in the tome (incorrectly not/marked as a boss)
  • One time creatures in the monstrology system
  • Missing descriptions
  • Creatures that should clearly give animus but don’t

Monstrology Bugs - Extract Spells

Wizard City:

  • Spectral Guardian in Malistaire’s house gives animus but is a one time creature.
  • Simon the Sayer is not marked as a boss.
  • Creatures from Tanglewood Terror should be placed under the Dungeons section.


  • Bleys Flamerender and Randolf Spellshine are indeed repeatable creatures and should be available. 


  • Burning Flamewing is incorrectly marked as a boss.
  • Feral Lavaling in Dragonspyre’s finale is a wyrm that doesn’t give animus.
  • Nodnarb should be able to give animus since it’s a wyrm.
  • Creatures from Baddle of the Bands should be placed under the Dungeons section.


  • Creatures that should be included: Marcio, Yogash, Procyon, and Thunderfin.


  • Carrion Flower Man don’t spawn unless there are 3 wizards present in the dungeon.


  • Lambent Fire is not listed as a boss.


  • Grim Calaca is incorrectly listed as a boss.
  • Should be classified as a boss: Anacaona Black Snake, Ezhua Bad Taste, Grinning Death Moon, Mozar Turtle Hunter, Uacalxochitl Blood Eye and Storm Caiman.


  • The Tree Root elites are missing their descriptions.
  • Hebitoho Wyrmling is incorrectly listed as a boss (all 5 tiers)
  • The Tier 3 Gaikotsu Skeleton might be counting towards the total count of Khrysalis, but the creature is not in game.
  • Creatures from Midnight Sun Pagoda should either be placed under Mooshu or the Dungeons section.
  • Undead creatures that don’t give animus but should: Cree Curdwright, Deer Mouse Revenant (Balance), Laughing Calaca, Arkyn Moonblade, King Alric Fatesailor, Deer Mouse Revenant (Ice), and Wraight Knight.
  • Shadow of the Land may be classified as a treant.


  • Need to be marked as bosses: Broken Land Guardian, Shattered Sky Guardian, Sundered Seam Guardian


  • Scrollkeeper and Shrowdenger’s Qhat (Death) don’t give animus but are clearly undead.
  • Need to be marked as bosses: Achey, Chilly, Cough, Shadowbones, Sneezy.


  • Ervin the Barbarian and Kaimanite Mummy should be listed under Wysteria.

Did you find anything else that is not listed above?

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