Chess Based Turn System: Winners and Losers(Max Lvl 1v1)

Chess Based Turn System: Max Lvl 1v1 Winners and Losers 

A chess based turn has come to Wizard 101 test realm. As such, many of the spells and tactics we are used to in the current turn system are in for some major upheaval. This article will examine some of the changes to different classes of spells that will be affected by the change. Note that this article will not go into specific spells that will be affected by this change (with a few exceptions). Instead, it will look at the types of spells. Without further ado, let us take a look.


Winners in the new turn system are spells which will benefit greatly from the change in tempo and playstyle that will result in the upcoming chess based system.

Shadow Creatures

Shadow Creatures have already been buffed by being made to trigger in 2 rounds and by dealing their max potential damage regardless of how many likes you have accumulated. This new turn system further buffs shadow enhanced spells. It allows the caster to immediately counter any nonreactive measure while the shadow creature still activates in between rounds before the opponent can react! This means that there is no reason for a shadow creature to be unbuffed barring multiple shields, shadow shields or direct removal spells(such as earthquake or enfeeble)

Low Pip DoTs

In an era where you can immediately place a shield before an opponent attacks, low pip dots are set to shine. They allow continuous pressure and shield removal while being triage bait and leaving key openings for the caster to exploit.


Heals are set to make a big comeback in the chess based turn system. One of the biggest risks of healing in the aggro meta was losing tempo from an ineffective heal or heal cast when not attacked. By allowing instant reactivity- a player always knows when it is safe to heal and can thus counter most damage spells accordingly.

Special Note: Angels: This turn system does buff the angel strategy a bit as well since they now have perfect reactivity and instantly know when to heal. However, this is counterbalanced by the fact that Angels will now have a harder time both maintaining bubble control and causing huge tempo swings with shields.

Removal/Steal Spells

Spells such as disarm, steal charm, steal ward and enfeeble are going to be in great demand. Thanks to the resurgence in heals, trying for an OHKO or combo will become more mainstream and as such blades will become more common. Since the turn system allows instant reaction to blades/traps- removal and steal spells are easier to use and the caster does not run the risk of wasting a round on a used blade. The meta is still fast enough that only one or 2 blades will be used at most (barring blade-stacking strats and/or the death school) but it’s no doubt that removal spells will play a bigger role than they have before.

Combo Spells

Spells that achieve more than one thing in a round will be at a premium this meta. Both sides having perfect reactivity means that battles often become a tit for tat type deal where a move is instantly countered. Spells such as loremaster, fire beetle and the like make it harder for your opponent to perfectly counter your moves while also potentially leaving openings for you to exploit.

Special Note: Mana Burn: Mana burn’s ability to simultaneously damage the opponent and remove their pips already makes it a potent spell. However, in the upcoming meta mana burn will become even more powerful due to the turn mechanics. Now mana burn will remove three pips at all times from first and second without allowing opponents to cast a spell at the same time or to “waste” mana burn by using their pips on the round they are burned. This makes mana burn one of the best counter moves and combo moves in the upcoming meta.

Stuns/Accuracy Debuffs

One of the few ways to guarantee an open shot on the opponent in the upcoming meta is to ensure that they cannot counter your moves. As such-stuns and accuracy debuffs will become more and more important as ways to create an increasingly elusive opening in your opponent’s defense.


By allowing both competitors the ability to play before the opponent- shields will become more popular as ways to counter potential incoming damage. Due to the fact that an opponent can instantly react to shields by removing them-this will lead to people packing more shields in deck. This tit for tat will continue until one of the competitors can force an opening.

Reactive Spells

Spells that react to other spells are in for a buff due to the turn system mechanics. Triage, shift, cooldown, snowdrift, supernova etc (which are only effective when another spell is cast) can now be used to their full, devastating effect.


In a meta where counters can instantly occur- any option that offers you an extra move in a round is a good one. That is where minions come in. Acting as shield breakers, disruptors and combo setters they offer quite a bit of utility. Even the round your opponent spends taking them out is a free round for you so they will often be a good investment. Finally, as this meta will heavily rely on resource management- a minion can help you win the resource war for free (breaking your enemy’s shields so you don’t have to for example).


High Pip DoTs

Thanks to the ability to instantly react from any position, high pip DoTs are about to take a severe nerf. High pip DoTs represent a significant investment in both pip cost and set-up. However, with the ability to instantly react with triage or shift, high pip DoTs will offer a risk that will often not be worth the investment.

“Gotcha” Spells

Spells that relied on “gotcha” mechanics from first such as bad juju or shatter were nerfed in that capacity. No longer will bad juju offer a complete tempo swing from first and shatter will no longer lead to a surprise OHKO. However, both spells can still be used in other capacities-as a stall for bad juju and as a stacked shield remover for shatter.

Special Note: Burning Rampage: Burning Rampage took a heavy nerf as a gotcha spell. No longer can it be used as an unblockable combo from first and a guaranteed damage spike. However, with a little creativity, it can still be a useful spell. Use it when the fire minion is using a DoT or use it to force an opening or put your opponent in an awkward spot. Ex- will your opponent triage the rampage and leave themselves open to a hit?


In the most obvious nerf this update: dispels became a lot less effective, With an automatic dispel shield after being cast as well as a confirmed spell to be trained- it looks like simply spamming dispel until a shadow pip appears is a thing of the past. This update will still see dispel spam due to cloaked dispel bypassing the new countermeasures, however, as soon as that is fixed dispels as a staple will become a thing of the past.

Excited For the New Meta? Let us Know in the Comments Below!

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