March Test Realm- Monstrology Introductory Guide

A Monstrology Guide

What is Monstrology?

Monstrology was added in the March 2017 Update to Wizard101. It’s a fairly interesting system, and very difficult to explain in just a few words. This article will serve as your Monstrology introduction. For all intents and purposes, the system serves as a ‘bestiary’. You defeat specified mobs, the system records the total you’ve killed, and you are rewarded with badges, treasure cards and the privilege of inviting those mobs over as permanent guests in your home.

To start your experience, look for Monstrologist Burke near the Myth School at Ravenwood. You’ll find a Monstromnibus nearby to further assist you should you need any help. The system works through enchants of the Myth school. Once enchanted, your spell has a chance of collecting that creature’s Animus for each successful hit, plus a bonus if the spell defeats the target.

One of the tutorial pictures on how Monstrology works.

Why Practice Monstrology?

There are three main reasons for pursing the hobby of Monstrology. If you open your backpack and turn to the Monstrology Tome section, you’ll see three options pop up underneath each creature you have successfully identified as being either an ‘Undead’, a ‘Parrot’, a ‘Wyrm’ or a ‘Polar Bear’. [More groups will most likely be added in the future]

monstrology introduction

There are a few things we need to point out in the example above. The first is that the monsters are identified by world. This is for organizational and completion purposes. The number of enemies that can have their Animus captured per world is revealed once you hover upon their icon. For example, if you hover over the Mooshu icon, the tome will tell you that you have #/13 monsters discovered. This means that there are currently only 13 monsters in Mooshu that can have their Animus captured, with more surely on their way in future updates. As for the monsters themselves, you’ll notice three icons as mentioned earlier. These are important if you wish to:

  1. Summon them using a Treasure card.
  2. Summon a permanent housing guest version of the creature (like those we’ve been getting in packs)
  3.  Bind them to a Monstrodome duel circle.
  4. Craft Expel Monster Treasure Cards to one shot minions.

There is no limit for the amount of times you can use each feature; You simply have to collect more Animus for that monster if you run out of resources. Note that a small gold fee is required in order to use any of the three options.


Leveling up is important in the Monstrology world. Starting at Level 1, it will be very difficult for you to collect Animus from anything outside of Wizard City. The lower your rank is in comparison to the monster’s, the less chance you have at collecting any Animus for the creature. For example, it is very unlikely that a Level 1 Monstrologist will ever collect any Animus from a Rank 11 monster. Likewise, a Level 15 Monstrologist will have increased Animus gains from Rank 4 creatures.  It is wise to attempt capturing Animus from creatures around ~2 levels above or below yours for optimized leveling. 

Levels and Badges

Leveling starts out easy in Monstrology. Level 1->2 is a mere 10 XP. Level 2->3 climbs to 20. However, once you get to the higher ranks, for example, rank 15, the XP jumps drastically. From Rank 15->16, the XP needed climbs to 525 and it doesn’t stop there. As you achieve a new rank, you also gain a separate badge for your efforts. These badges are displayed separately and do not replace each other like some of the other hobby badges do (for example, PvP). Below is a list of just some of the badges obtained through leveling up:

monstrology introduction badges

Finally, there are also a number of badges that will reward you for the total amount of Animus you collect. These badges begin here with ‘Plenty of Animus’, with the second badge requiring 1,000 Animus collected.

monstrology introduction badges

Our Thoughts

Overall, the Monstrology system proves to be a very rewarding experience to those that wish to farm and grind monster fights throughout the Spiral. This hobby forces players of any level to go back and review monsters they may have faced in the past. Furthermore, if you are a housing enthusiast, you’ll probably have specific monsters in mind that really capture your house’s atmosphere in some way. They’re out there for you waiting. Go and catch them!

What do you think about the new Monstrology system? Is it good for the Spiral? What monsters would you like to capture? Let us know in the comments below.

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