Spring Update Notes 2017 – Wizard101


Spring Update Notes 2017 – Wizard101

This Spring Update will bring huge changes, brace yourselves people! The original notes can be found here


Now you can capture the “Animus” of monsters through the magic of Monstrology. Wizards level 12 and above should visit Monstrologist Burke across from the Myth School in Ravenwood to take on the quest, “Know Thine Enemy” for an introduction to the new Monstrology system in Wizard101. 

You’ll begin with a quick training session to using the Extract Animus spells which apply to damage cards in combat much like other enchantments (In other words, you apply an Extract Animus spell to your cards much like you would the Colossal spell). Use these enchanted cards during combat to extract Animus. Use Animus to then create Summon Monster Treasure Cards, create House Guests for your Castle, or create powerful Expel Monster Treasure Cards for non-boss enemies.
Press T” in game to open your Monstrology Tome to create and track these new items.

You’ll also now be earning ranks in Monstrology and earning badges for your accomplishments while you play with this new system. 

Special Notes:

  • During PvE combat, non-Myth school wizards can summon one monster through a created treasure card, but Myth players can summon up to three!
  • If the monster is one you can only ever fight once through a quest, you won’t be able to collect animus from it.









Along with the new Monstrology system also comes the Monstrodome! 

The Monstrodome is an interact-able item you either purchase through the Crown Shop or craft (See Felicia Worthington in Marleybone to purchase the recipe). You can add your minion summoning treasure cards into the Monstrodome and invite friends to come duel your devious collection of monsters from within your player housing. 

You interact with the Monstrodome much like you would other housing items. You click on the Place Object housing button, place your Monstrodome in your house, Click on your Monstrodome, and then click on the Monstrodome icon.










Skeleton Key Bosses

It’s time to face off against three all new Skeleton Key Bosses in Wizard101.

Find Sapoti in the Hall of Doors in Krokotopia (Wooden Skeleton Key Boss).

Find Captain Hockins in Zafaria’s Waterfront (Stone Skeleton Key Boss).

Find Mirage’s Verboten Mimic in Aggrobah near the river area (Gold Skeleton Key Boss).

Unique loot is waiting for you in each of these fights if you’re able to master their challenges. What new treasures will you find?










New Level 118 School Pets!

The Arcanum Scholars now have a new quest available to those who are level 118. They will summon you to talk to them in the Arcanum and will send you on a quest to earn a new school pet.










Aquila Fishing

New fish (and treasure chests) can now be found along the coast of Aquila. Fish up some great rewards and some new friends (like the Spartan Spear) for your fish tanks at home!










Crown Shop

Introducing the Jewel vault! The Jewel Vault works similarly to the seed vault, but for jewels. You place your vault in your player housing, click on it, and open your jewel vault. From here you can transfer your extra jewels into your vault. Note that a crafting recipe for the Jewel Vault is also available from Toshio.

Other Crown Shop changes are as follows:

  • For those who want to shortcut the time it takes to gather Animus, we have a brand new Animus Elixir that triples the animus collected.
  • The Ghulture’s Hoard pack now gives a level-appropriate socket wrench when one is obtained from a pack.
  • Level 115 jewels were added to the Crown Shop Jewel Packs.
  • The Marleybone Car mount is now able to be dyed.







  • Qyburn Stellargaze has a new upgraded Frenzy spell available for wizards who already own the Berserk spell.
  • Ignus Ferric now offers Link as a trainable spell.
  • Baba Yaga now offers Gobbler as a trainable spell.
  • Jacki Whisperwind now offers Precision as a trainable spell.







  • Daily Assignments should now be less likely to give you assignments for worlds you haven’t visited yet.
  • Added new Mirage daily quests.
  • Added Team up option for Stone Key Boss instances.
  • The Team up penalty will now only apply to the first person who leaves an instance early.
  • Adjusted the Young Morganthe encounter in Avalon, so it will be a little easier.
  • Reduced the health of bosses in Darkmoor’s upper halls.
  • Players should now be able to re-enter the Ghulture Nest after completing it.
  • Corrected the resistances for several enemies in Mirage.
  • All ghultures can now drop their feathers for the “Soft Spot” quest goal.
  • The Ghosts for the Packman instance now have a larger variety of spells they cast.
  • Adding a Death Dispel to the Shadowwock in Mirage will no longer cause it to not dispel the trap it places on itself.
  • Exiting Duncan’s house no longer teleports you to the wrong location.
  • Completing Zeke’s quest in Mirage now gives a badge for the achievement.
  • Being defeated in the Chapter Hall will no longer cause a reset of the dungeon.
  • Guillermel’s Nomadic Needs quest now gives more information on how to achieve the Treasure Hunter Badge.
  • Fixed quest text for the Level 118 spell quests. Players will now be directed to the Mottoman Treasure Cave in the Caravan, not Rubal Wastes.
  • The Speedy Delivery quest and the Leyden lab quest no longer show Austrilund as the goal location.
  • Players who have purchased the level 50 elixir can now also find Zeke’s Yardbirds as well as Troggs.
  • Adjusted the starting pips of Iron Paw.
  • Snowbeard will no longer respawn after defeat in multiplayer combat.
  • The Bear Market quest should no longer divert you from your main quests in Wizard City.
  • Multiple Ice Angler Bosses should no longer spawn in the Chamber of the Frozen Sun in Khrysalis.
  • The Night Dread found in the quest Tunnel Trouble should no longer continue spawning continually.
  • Fixed a bug with repeating the Zolton Zero Hour and Crimson Eagle bosses in Azteca.







  • The No Trade restriction on most rare equipment from Wizard City to Dragonspyre has now been removed. This includes lower level one-shot dungeon and ultra-dungeon equipment.
  • Decks with stats will now display those stats before they display level, trade, auction, and PvP-use information.
  • Staff of the Krampus is no longer listed as No Trade.
  • Several common drops from Mirage are now able to be auctioned in the bazaar.
  • Modified the jewels that can be obtained from common enemies in Mirage.
  • Eloise in the Caravan now offers different options for gear stitching.
  • Added Level 108 “Kataba” and “Walrusk” items to various bosses in Polaris.
  • Attempted to further clarify rounding errors with Accuracy/Precision statistics.







  • Jordo Mistborn is now located closer to his brother Brandon Mistborn.
  • Housing PvP sigils no longer allow players to join games that are in progress.
  • Fixed the incorrect amount of pierce that was being added to Quick Match Tournaments.
  • The amount of damage a critical hit can do in PVP has been increased from +25% to +30%.







  • Added new Castle Magic items and spells, including some new camera control spells! Be sure to drop by Babbage Basset to check out his new inventory.
  • A glow has been added to the Gardening Button when you have plants (that aren’t elder) ready to harvest.
  • The Faction and Arcanum apartments can now be sold.
  • Enlarging an item with castle magic will also enlarge their range if they are an interact-able housing item.
  • Increased the reliability of Castle Magic Start Detectors.
  • Using a Magic Random Reflector with a Magic timer will now provide more randomized results.


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