Kingsisle Live – Monstrology Sneak Peek

Kingsisle Live – Monstrology Sneak Peek

Article number 1500! Can you believe it? This one is filled with interesting upcoming content we’ll be seeing in the next test realm. If you haven’t watched the latest episode of KI Live, it answered some burning questions about Monstrology. It also gave us some other hints at what to expect in this next test realm which is and I quote “that close”! So, what is Monstrology and what is coming to Wizard101?

All information in this article was obtained from KI Live and there might be possible changes as the test ream hasn’t launched yet.


It’s not going to be something related to Daily Assignments (we already have Aegon Statz for that). Monstrology is going to be ‘an extension to the myth school’. Therefore, myth students are gonna get some extra perks from it. It works very similarly to Sun Magic as you use a spell to enchant a hit you will use to defeat the enemy and collect Animus. As far as we currently know, Monstrology will only work on mobs that are classified as ‘Undead‘, such as Skeletal Pirates, Rattlebones and basically every other mob found in Azteca.

Monstrology Sneak Peek
Monstrology Sneak Peek

“What is an animus? An echo of a monster’s fighting spirit”


What can I do with Monstrology?

There are 3 different uses for this new feature. First, once you collected enough Animus and gathered a few gold, you can craft a treasure card of the monster. Second, you can create a house guest of the mob. This house guest will differ from previous versions as when placed in your castle it will behave the same way pets do. Therefore you’ll be able to use it with Pet Bread Crumbs. I can already imagine Malistaire running around my house! That is yet to be confirmed, so for now we just have to wait and see. 

Last but not least, you can use Monstrology to be able to instantly one shot a mob. This will only work on minions and not bosses. The mechanic specifics of this feature are still unknown but it will definitely make our farming days easier.

Monstrology Sneak Peek


What else is coming?Monstrology Sneak Peek

Our friends at Kingsisle didn’t hesitate much with keeping secrets this time round! 

New school pets, new skeleton key bosses, the possible jewel vault, and finally the epic Monstrodome! The Monstrodome is a housing item that lets you fight monsters in it. Basically, you’ll be fighting the treasure cards of the monsters you fought. Some known facts:

  • Bosses won’t have cheats
  • The monsters you put in it will keep spawning until you remove them
  • They will have completely different loot from the originals
  • Myth wizards can summon regular minions and the tc minions at the same time
  • The Monstrodome is not limited to 4 people so you can have a party!

Monstrology Sneak Peek

Can test realm possibly get here any sooner? We can’t wait!

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