Priority: A Potential Fix to the Turn System

Priority: A Potential Fix to the Turn System

In Wizard 101 thoughout every age of PvP one constant has remained true. Whether you are a Jade Angel, a standard meta player or a level 10 starting PvP for the first time you have probably at one point or the other wanted a change to the turn system. In today’s meta, turn advantage is huge and often game deciding. The ability to hit, heal, shield and dispel before your opponent while maintaining perfect reactive potential is huge. Many have advocated for a spell to reverse turn advantage or even a complete revamp of the system. While a spell could be beneficial depending on the mechanics, it is virtually impossible for KI to completely revamp the turn system this late in the game. Thus, the idea I am proposing would be an addition to the turn system without completely revamping said system. I call this concept: Priority.

What is Priority?

The concept of priority revolves around allowing certain spells to be cast first regardless of turn order. These spells would thus have “priority”. We have seen the concept before in PvE battles with bosses who interrupt a turn cycle to cast their spells(this also means this system could more easily be implemented). Priority would work similarly to this, allowing a spell to be cast at the beginning of the round even if you have turn disadvantage. This will help to mitigate some of the pain of going second and lead to a better PvP experience if correctly implemented. 

How will Priority be Assigned?

As I envision this new system: certain rules would be applied to determine the order spells would be cast. Spells would start at 0 and gain +1 or lose -1 priority for each criterion listed below that they meet. On the turn spells are cast, the spell with the highest priority would go first. If spells are tied on priority then the spells are cast in the usual turn order. Here are my rules for assigning this feature.

1)All 0 pip debuffs/shields are given a +1 priority when cast by the second turn player

Explanation: This allows the second round player to cast defenses before the first round player’s attack mitigating the effect of taking constant open shots without appropriate countermeasures.

2)Dispels are given -1 priority when cast by the first turn player

Dispels have become an increasingly large problem ever since the meta has sped up. In the prior ages dispel spamming was ineffective due to the neutral tempo gain and necessity of an advanced set-up. In this age, shadow spells require no advanced set-up and deal massive damage for very little pips. As such the tempo neutrality that balanced dispels is no longer effective in today’s arena. By preventing dispels from being a perfect counter from first, they become more of a strategic play rather than a lock-out till shadow enhanced death.

3)All damage spells with an effect are given -1 priority. Note- Burning Rampage’s unique mechanics will be counted as an effect.

Explanation: The current meta is dominated by spells that leverage damage and an effect. Spells such as Loremaster, fire beetle and the like are very potent because they leverage damage while simultaneously granting powerful effects. By reducing the priority of these spells they are no longer an auto cast even from first and players have a small incentive to include less dominant cards in deck. 

4)All shadow enhanced spells are given terminal priority

Explanation: Shadow enhanced spells are humongous match deciders that completely dominate the meta. With no buffs a shadow enhanced spell can still take out 1/3-1/2 of a player’s health. Thus I propose giving shadow enhanced spells “terminal” priority. This means these spells will always be the last cast regardless of turn order. By assigning these spells a “terminal” designation, players will be afforded the maximum opportunity to defend from these spells or to offensively challenge these spells from second.

4)Creation of a “Prioritize” Button

Explanation: The prioritize button would be an option that appears when you select a spell on your turn. When you select a spell and the prioritize button is active you can click this button to add +1 priority to the spell you are casting. The prioritize button could only be used on the spell you selected to cast that round. The prioritize button would activate every third round for the second turn player and every fourth round for the first turn player. Note that the button cannot be accumulated. In effect, you have one activation that refreshes after a period of time if used. If you do not use it you keep it until it is used without gaining additional activations. Finally, the prioritize button is not free. Using the prioritize button from first will result in 5% of your max health backlash damage. Using it from second will result in a 2.5% backlash. A prioritized shadow enhanced spell would still cast after every other spell but would be cast before a non-prioritized shadow enhanced spell. This adds an interesting way for players to attempt to tweak the priority of cards relative to opponents while giving the second turn player some much-needed love. 

How could Priority be Implemented?

Wizard101 Dueling DiegoPriority would have to be implemented as a PvP only consideration. This will allow it to have no impact on the PvE community at large which would ease implementation. This will also allow PvE to maintain the status quo that many PvE players enjoy while also allowing that portion of the game to remain relatively simple. This system could be implemented with the start of a new age in PvP. Diego would have a tutorial explaining the basics of the new system to anyone entering the Arena.

What do you think of this Idea? Let us Know in the Comments Below!

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