Reshuffle Changes – RIP Jade Juju

Reshuffle Changes

(Spell) Reshuffle.pngWith the addition of the amazing brand new world of Mirage. Kingsisle decide to jump on board the Anti-Jade Juju train. A brand new change has been made to how the spell “Reshuffle” works. 

How it use to work:

When you would “enchant” (sun spell buff e.g. Colossal) a spell then use/discard it, it would become an individual spell when you reshuffle. For example: if I were to use an Epic enchant on a Luminous Weaver then discard/cast it, the spell would be added to my total spells next reshuffle as an already pre-enchanted Luminous Weaver. This is why Jade Juju’s were able to duplicate multiple copies of Juju with Cloak. 

How it NOW works:

“Enchanted spells no longer return to your deck after reshuffle so that you are no longer able to multiply your spells.”

This means if you cloak or enchant any spell it will no longer add the new enchanted copy as a permanent addition to your deck and pop up when you reshuffle.

How will this affect PvP?

This is probably the most important and impacting change we will see to Wizard101 pvp for awhile. This mechanic has been a part of the game ever since Sun Spell were added all the way back when Celestia was added into the game (October 2010!). With this change being made now after 6 years, pvp will not EVER be the same again.  


The infamous spell, Cloak. It had a good run but now it will forever fade away into the history of pvp going from one of the most broken spells in the game allowing you to duplicate anything and almost everything to the most useless spell in the game. 

Jade Juju

On the bright side, or dark side depending on your status on this subject… Jade Juju got a huge nerf(indirectly). Jade Juju may find a way to thrive still in the upcoming age but they will no longer be able to abuse the brand new enchant(Indemnity) that stops a single removal of it or Cloak to duplicate a great amount of Juju’s.

The Meta

The greatest change this will create is the brand new “Pure Aggro” meta. For some, a fast paced full throttle battle at each other’s throats sounds pretty good to you. While for others (like myself) this will be a disaster to some states in the meta. Due to spells like Primordial, shield duplication ability, etc getting indirectly nerfed we can no longer stall out the matches as successfully as we did before. The meta is going to take a more aggressive push as it’s much easier to throw a load of attacks at the enemy and buff them as you go then it is to buff heals while keeping a supplement supply of debuffs up to avoid death. 

An Old Strategy Returns?

The final breakdown we can discuss is, will this new change return the “Fast Shuffle” strategy? If any of you are not familiar with this old strategy: It was most prominent during the early Celestia days towards around the late days of Avalon. It fell off in popularity during the Promethean era and faded away into history since then.  The idea behind the Fast Shuffle strategy was to create a small deck and aggressively cycle through everything. This meant discarding all of your hand besides what you were casting that turn or planned to cast at most 1 turn ahead of time. Originally the idea of this strategy was to quickly duplicate cards and skip the slow building tempo phase of matches but with this new aggressive meta making our hits almost always needing an enchant forces us to go back to a small deck and focusing on simply enchanting and hitting? Will the Balance Mastery return to the front stage as the best amulet to allow us to keep up with an aggressive approach? We’ll have to wait and see.


What are your thoughts on the changes to Reshuffle? 

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