A Wizard’s Guide to Pirating: P101 Classes


A Wizard’s Guide to Pirating

P101 Classes

We all know and love Wizard101. I know myself that I was apart of the Wizard community for a long time before Pirate101 was announced. It took a lot of discussing, videos, articles and… yum… to encourage me to try out the beta which surprisingly and ironically I earned my beta key through a Duelist101 contest before I joined the crew. So, maybe you’re interested in trying out something new but familiar. Well Pirate101 is exactly what you need, so here is everything you need to know about Pirate101 and their classes to decide where to start! 

What Class Suit You?

The first major thing you will come across when starting Pirate101 is deciding what Class you will play. Well, don’t feel nervous or confused when deciding your class! To make life easier on you, I’ll tell you from a pvp standpoint what classes are similar to Wizard101’s! We’re Duelist101, so ya…. PvP is our mindset!



Witchdoctor is the long ranged fragile summoner class. They rely on AoE’s/DoT’s for hard damage in the game. They rely on minions to push back the enemy and they deal chip damage.

Death: Witchdoctor has “drains” just like the Death school on Wizard101. The difference between both games’ drains lies in their strength. Wizard101 drains steal 50% of the opponents health. In contrast, Witchdoctor drains at top tier restore 75% from each damage it deals to a unit within a 3×3 area. This is extremely powerful late game. It definitely helps Witchdoctors sustain in grind type of battles!

Myth: Alongside drains, Witchdoctors have a vast amount of summons. Their weakness is that they have low health. Due to this, Witchdoctors play exactly like Myth: they use summons to chip down their enemies and keep them as distractions.

In all, if you like the Death “drain” mechanic and/or the Myth Wizard’s play style, you will find this class to your liking.




Swashbuckler is the hard hitting glass cannon class. They rely heavily on their spike damaging combos (the Hidden line of powers and Assassin’s Strike).

Storm: Just like their description says, Swashbucklers are a very aggressive class and they deal a lot of damage very quickly. Swashbucklers even have Black Fog. This is an AoE which hides the player and their companions inside a 3×3 radius around the user which makes hits deal x2 damage. This allows Swashbucklers to deal massive amounts of pressure while also staying hidden from the opponent. With this being said if you like playing Storm on Wizard101, you might like Swashbuckler. Especially if you want to be the damage dealer in team PvP, this school is perfect for you.

Fire: Underneath the layers of the onion, just like ogres (Anyone get the Shrek reference?), Swashbucklers have a second side to them. Just like Fire, Swashbuckler has a lot of DoT’s. These Poison line of powers help deal chip damage to multiple units and wither down the enemies HP. Many of the top Swashbucklers in 1v1 play this way due to its high consistency. Do you enjoy the timing based DoT control strategy of Fire on Wizard101? Then you will enjoy the Swashbuckler class tremendously.


Icon_Class_Buccaneer A Wizard's Guide to Pirating


Buccaneer is the Tanky but Aggressive melee class. They rely on quickly pressuring you with their x2 movement (haste) powers.  These powers also have additional minor attacks/effects which trigger chains. These chains are a little like wizard101 pet heals in the sense that they occur randomly. They have certain triggers, like the enemy hitting you. These chains can help Buccaneers deal a lot of damage quickly. They also have epics that counterattack and negate enemy chains, especially Vengeance Strike 3.

Ice: As the class description shows, Buccaneer is the “Tank” class of the game. Aside from multiple shields to reduce physical attacks, their base armor is incredible. They can take many hits before they’re into yellow/red. Their powers themselves don’t deal much damage. However, they do deal a lot of damage through their basic chains, as well as doing 25% extra damage when they get to 50% health. With these, they can quickly drop an enemy from full health to nothing.

Storm: Alongside their tank-like nature, Buccaneers are the highest DPS class at the moment. In the long run, a Buccaneer can deal a lot of damage in a single turn. This is not caused by the strength of their own powers. Instead, it’s due to the vast amount of epics that can be chained to cause a snowball effect.

Buccaneer’s downside is that they don’t have many comeback mechanisms. Because of that you will always need to be ahead in the game. This makes it a difficult class to play. However, if you like playing an aggressive class and like very fast and action-packed matches, this will be a class to your liking.




Privateer is the support class. They have a lot of heals and buffs. Privateers rely on their team heavily, as they don’t have that much damage reach by themselves. They rely on slowing down the match to their pace and outvaluing their companions with heals and a load of protection. As such, they are the equivalent of a Tower Spammer in Wizard101. 

First off, I personally think that you should make this your first class if you’re starting Pirate101. Privateers are a very consistently good class. Privateer has gone through various changes and even a NERF (yes you heard me, KI even nerfed the class). Regardless, it’s still considered the most consistently good class in the game. So if you want a class to focus on that will always be good, pick this one. End of discussion.

Life: I think you saw this one coming from a mile away as soon as I said “heals”. Yes, this class has a lot of heals, both single and AoE heals. Privateer plays just like Life in the sense that their win condition is “not losing”. By this I mean the best way to win with a Privateer (specifically using Soul Shroud) is to just not die but rather outlast the enemy.

Balance: Balance on Wizard101 is just like Privateer on Pirates: a very consistent class. They’re not a “Top Tier” class, but they’re well built in the sense that they never really have gotten hurt from an update. Privateer is similar to Balance in the sense that they like to control the match very well. They have some little burst potential (bombs) but it doesn’t reach very far. Privateers plan to control and outlast their enemies. 




I left Musketeer last not because they’re the best or the worst, but because they’re the only class you really can’t attach a class to while comparing to Wizard101. Musketeers are built in a unique way with unique mechanics that are only usable in Pirate101. They were so strong that they would rule the brawling and sparring chamber by far, if the companion called Nausica didn’t exist today. Ya, you heard me right, they actually implemented a companion in the game specifically to limit Musketeers from being monsters. I can’t and won’t attempt to label this class as it would ruin its unique nature. So what I will say about Musketeer is: if you’re joining Pirates from Wizard101 or any other game and want a completely fresh experience, play Musketeer. Do realize they will take a lot of patience, commitment and perseverance to master.


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Well, hopefully this helps you decide what class to begin with when entering the world of Pirate101. It’s a familiar universe with some familiar faces but an entire new interface. We hope you will enjoy it, but don’t get too ahead of yourself. There is still plenty of other mechanics and goodies waiting to be unpacked that may seem exactly alike in Wizard101 but, that may not be the case entirely. Not sure what I mean? Well stick around for future guides on some of those potential things like Gear, Talents, Epics and much more. 

So, which class suits you best?

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