Improved Drop Rates Reported at Morganthe and Tartarus!

Improved Drop Rates!


AmuletofDivineInfluenceRecently across the Wizarding world, many have reported a strange phenomenon. The drop rates in Tartarus and Myth Amulet-Relic of the Shadow PalaceMorganthe seem to have been improved! While we have no official word from the folks at KI we do have several reports from multiple different sources.

Here at Wizard 101 Central, a thread has been started where multiple users have confirmed receiving drops at unprecedented rates. On the Wizard 101 Main Board Forum, a user has started a thread about the ease at which previously rare items such as the Amulet of Divine Influence are being acquired. I myself received a Blade of the Felled Titan, Hades Top Tier Wand, and Life Exalted Mastery in a single run of Cronus in Tartarus! What are you waiting for? Get farming!

Let Us Know if you’ve had any Luck in the Comments Below!


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