Lost Stories of the Spiral: A Wizard 101 Contest


Lost Stories of the Spiral

the book

The Summer Update is in full swing with lots of long-awaited fixes and tons of changes to the PvP scene. However many players have been itching for a story update for a long time. Well not to fear! While Duelist 101 can’t expand the storyline content we do have a fun contest for our story starved fans. Can you tell us some of the lost stories of the spiral?

The Contest

I hope your creative juices have been flowing wizards! In this contest you will write a story using one of the given scenarios to be presented below. Your story must

-Be written in 12 font and double-spaced

-Be a minimum of 1 paragraph/maximum of 10 pages long typed

-Follow the scenario you choose from a list provided below

-Be original, No Plagiarizing!

-The story must be PG, anything above a PG rating will be disqualified. Use your best judgment!

The Scenarios

Ice-SalamanderScenario 1: The Lost Story of Mindy Pixiecrown

Set in Wizard City immediately after our wizards persuaded the Gobblers to stop eating the local infrastructure. Your job is to tell the story of Mindy after this incident.

Scenario 2: The Lost Story of Dragonspyre Academydragonspyrethumb

What was it like to be a student of Dragonspyre Academy? You tell us! Set in the time before the Dragon Titan’s Invasion.

Scenario 3: The Lost Story of The Land Before Time

Set in Azteca before the first world shattered. What was life like with the Titan’s constant Warfare?

Scenario 4: The Lost Story of the Manders

Set in Krokotopia before their enslavement by the Kroks. Tell us the story of a land where Manders lived free!

Scenario 5: The Lost Story of the Kings

Set in Zafaria after Morganthe’s ouster. Tell us the story of the various tribes as they try to reunite after the actions of Tse Tse Snaketail.


Contest Details

-The Contest will run for 5 days, from July 28th 2016 to August 2nd 2016 at midnight

– Winners will be announced on August 5th 2016.

– To enter the contest: email your entry to duelist101contests@gmail.com(ensure you have parent or guardian permission if you are <13 years old)

-Ask any questions you may have in the comment section below


1st Placegearlook

The First Place Winner will Receive

-Their Story featured on the Duelist 101 main site

The Witchhunter’s Bundle

The Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet Bundle

-5,000 Crowns


2nd Placelooks

The Second Place Winner will Receive

-Their Story Featured on the Duelist 101 main site

-Their Choice of the Witchunter’s Bundle OR Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet Bundle

-5,000 Crowns



3rd Placecrownsiconnew

The Third Place Winner will Receive

-Their Story Featured on the Duelist 101 main site

-10,000 Crowns



Honorable Mentions

Seven Honorable Mentions will receive 2,500 crowns.


Are you Ready to Tell us some Stories Wizards?


The post Lost Stories of the Spiral: A Wizard 101 Contest appeared first on Duelist101.

from Duelist101 http://ift.tt/2aA3TKG

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