Magus Death 1v1 Guide: The Cruel Smite of Death

Magus Death 1v1 Guide

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Magus Death 1v1 Guide

At level 30 there are many fearsome schools. Ice has its insanely high health and aggressive minion. Balance can deal astounding damage with Judgement and their Helpful Mander minion. Myth can hit with a plethora of effective spells, and these can surpass shields along with leaving their opponents helplessly stunned. Myth also has a large amount of minions that can easily take down their opponents. One school that is an outcast at the Magus PvP range is Death. However, Death can prove to be the most powerful of them all. Utilizing the advantages of a Death and a Myth via a Myth mastery amulet, this Magus Death 1v1 guide will allow you to triumph over your enemies and complete astounding feats.

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Before we get into the decks (I’m going to give a few options that have worked out well for me), let’s go over the gear. 

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Initial Gear

Your initial gear doesn’t matter all too much aside from the wand, athame, mastery, and deck. If you have any gear from Mount Olympus you can put that on, but bazaar gear would also be suitable.

Here’s the gear I used as a private:

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Obviously you don’t need to have an enchanted armament. However, it is helpful. Talents that are great for this setup include may cast Enfeeble, Spell Proof, Spell Defying, Pain Giver, and any type of ward.


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Eventual Gear

Gear that you should eventually aim for:

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Jewels honestly don’t matter too much. Don’t waste your time grinding for them. Nevertheless, if you happen to have any, affix health jewels, power pip jewels, heal boost jewels, and any jewel given card that you may find useful.


Ending Statistics

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Deck Setup

As I previously mentioned, there are a few deck options. I have used all of these, and I found that you can be successful with any of them. If you find one that you like better than another, either due to the types of treasure cards I use or due to a specific combo you particularly like, feel free to only use one. 

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Experimenting with either with trained Ninja Pigs or Otomo Fury may be worthwhile, but I simply haven’t found a need for these two spells in particular.

A quick note about drains: Death is the only school that has drains, so make sure you take advantage of this. Sometimes it is better to go for a drain even if you have a heal in hand. They can give quite a substantial amount of health back while being impervious to Infection and other healing debuffs. 

Main deck (same for all three variations)

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Description of each spell:

  • Tower Shield – Rather self explanatory. It’s an all purpose shield that’s good for nullifying incoming damage. This is also the only shield that can save you from Balance damage. 
  • Volcanic Shield – Good to use against Fire and Storm wizards along with those with a Fire or Storm mastery amulet. If you are fighting an enemy who doesn’t fit this description, discard any volcanic shields immediately.
  • Cloak – An often underrated spell that keeps your opponent guessing. It is beneficial to use it on debuffs such as Weakness, Plague, dispels, and Infection along with any shields. They also multiply the spells if you happen to Reshuffle.
  • Pixie – These Pixies will be the primary heal during matches. Drains will often account for any other healing that occurs.
  • Conviction – Helpful protection from stuns along with criticals that you’ll face as your rank rises.
  • Animate – One of the most useful spells for Death. 95% percent of the time this minion should be used when you have three to five pips. The other 5% includes when you have a high amount of pips such as fourteen pips. This will only be utilized during a long match such as against an ultra defensive foe. Each pip is equivalent to 100 health for your minion and the three to five pip minion is a great shield breaker along with being capable of spamming both Plague and Weakness.
  • Deathblade – A must have for this Death strategy in order to bolster damage.
  • Dream Shield – Great to use against both Life and Myth wizards in order to mitigate damage. It can also be used against those with a Myth or Life mastery amulet. Discard any Dream Shield right as it comes up if your opponent does not fit the preceding description.
  • Feint – An effective spell to use from first to drastically boost damage. It can also cancel out a feint from your opponent making it so they can only use the +30% portion for the next hit on you before making their way to their +70% feint.
  • Infection – A more convenient way to stop heals over Doom and Gloom due to the fact that it cannot backfire on you.
  • Plague – A great way to use up pesky normal pips while weakening your opponent’s damage.
  • Sacrifice – A rarely used heal that will often times be used to free you of Feints, stacked debuffs, or a life dispel that prevents you from using a Pixie. You can also kill yourself with sacrifice, and this can sometimes be useful. It should be noted that you will lose all you pips when doing so.
  • Death Dispel – This is a great spell to rob another Death of their pips. This also can be used with Cloak to relieve you of a potential dispel when you’re going second.
  • Vampire – A simple way to deal with minions when you have few blades without having to draw. Can sometimes be used as finishers as well. An important thing to note about drains such as Vampire is that they are able to completely ignore absorbs.
  • Spirit Blades – Gives you a Mythblade and Deathblade along with using up a normal white pip. What more could you ask for?
  • Weakness – A somewhat pesky (and effective) way to preserve your health. Hopefully you minion uses some of these to keep your enemy in an endless stream of Weaknesses.
  • Sharpened Blade – Very effective in order to stack more blades. Not a necessity, but it is very helpful to have.
  • Minor Fire Scorch – A good way to easily dispense with Tower Shields, Weaknesses, and the like.
  • Deer Knight – Could be used as a finisher or just to take out a minion before you start stacking blades. This majestic spell is also more of a luxury. 

Side Deck #1

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Description of treasure card deck:

Triage: A good spell to use in order to get rid of Life dispels and get rid of any threatening DoTs.

Basilisk: A hard hitting Myth DoT that will also stun your opponent. 

Medusa: A hard hitting Myth spell that leaves your opponent a sitting duck for two rounds. It can be used to relieve pressure or act as a useful aspect of a combo. 

Frenzied Minotaur: A low pip double hitting spell that deals significant damage. It also does more damage than a normal tc Minotaur.

Infallible: A large accuracy and pierce boost to strengthen your attacks. Great to use before a combo. 

Dr. Von’s Monster: Your most potent drain that gives health back along with leaving a healing debuff on you opponent to hinder their recovery. 

Skeletal Dragon: A hard hitting Death DoT that is a must have for Death wizards.

Vampire: A good way to get health back and deal some damage with low pips. Make sure they are enchanted with Monstrous treasure cards. 

Reshuffle: Useful for long battles when you need to get spells back into your hand.

Scorpion: Powerful minion killers that can also act as a way to whittle down your opponent’s health. Enchant these with Monstrous treasure cards. 

Spirit Blade: Gives you another powerful blade for both Death and Myth.

Favorite Combos:

Skeletal dragon into Frenzied Minotaur: Allows for your Death blades to go towards the powerful overtime while the Myth damage is there to guarantee your victory. 

Medusa, Feint, Vampire: Allows for a powerful string of attacks that makes use of Medusa’s stunning ability.

Basilisk into Vampire: Great at leaving your opponent open for a devastating attack with Vampire.

Scorpion into Dr. Von’s Monster: A great combo to pull off from first. The Scorpion can deal significant damage if an Infallible is first put up.

Side Deck #2

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Description of tc deck:

Triage: A good spell to use in order to get rid of Life dispels and get rid of any threatening DoTs.

Basilisk: A hard hitting Myth DoT that will also stun your opponent. 

Orthrus: A powerful double hit that can be used when you want to deal a large sum of Myth damage while bypassing pesky shields. 

Infallible: A large accuracy and pierce boost to strengthen your attacks. Great to use before a combo. 

Deadly Minotaur: The Death version of Minotaur deals even more damage while also acting as an effective double hit spell. 

Poison: A weak, low pip, Death DoT that deals a decent amount of damage. It also is back loaded to ensure that the overtime deals the most damage.

Vampire: A good way to get health back and deal some damage with low pips. Make sure they are enchanted with Monstrous treasure cards. 

Reshuffle: Useful for long battles when you need to get spells back into your hand.

Scorpion: Powerful minion killers that can also act as a way to whittle down your opponent’s health. Enchant these with Monstrous treasure cards. 

Spirit Blade: Gives you another powerful blade for both Death and Myth.

Skeletal Dragon: A hard hitting Death DoT that is a must have for Death wizards. 

Favorite Combos:

Poison into Orthrus: Poison is great at breaking shields and dealing just enough damage to ensure that Orthrus can finish out the match. 

Basilisk into Enraged Minotaur or Vampire: Leaves you opponent open for one or two Death attacks in addition to the Myth DoT. Enraged Minotaur is often the best option here due to the higher base damage and the ability to get through a shield. 

Basilisk into a Scorpion Spam: When faced with Death shields a simple Scorpion spam is needed in order to get you opponent’s head spinning. 

Side Deck #3

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Description of tc deck:

Triage: A good spell to use in order to get rid of Life dispels and get rid of any threatening DoTs.

Basilisk: A hard hitting Myth DoT that will also stun your opponent. 

Medusa: A hard hitting Myth spell that leaves your opponent a sitting duck for two rounds. It can be used to relieve pressure or act as a useful aspect of a combo. 

Frenzied Minotaur: A low pip double hit spell that deals significant damage.

Orthrus: A powerful double hit that can be used when you want to deal a large sum of Myth damage while bypassing pesky shields. 

Infallible: A large accuracy and pierce boost to strengthen your attacks. Great to use before a combo.

Dr. Von’s Monster: Your most potent drain that gives health back along with leaving a healing debuff on you opponent to hinder their recovery. 

Deadly Minotaur: The death version of Minotaur deals even more damage while it acts as an effective double hitting spell. 

Vampire: A good way to get health back and deal some damage with low pips. Make sure they are enchanted with monstrous treasure card. 

Wraith: A nice drain that lies right in between Vampire and Dr. Von’s Monster. It gives substantial health for its average pip cost.

Reshuffle: Useful for long battles when you need to get spells back into your hand.

Scorpion: Powerful minion killers that can also act as a way to whittle down your opponent’s health. Enchant these with Monstrous treasure cards. 

Spirit Blade: Gives you another powerful blade for both Death and Myth.


Favorite Combos:

This deck allows for the most combos. Despite the claim that having only one of each spell can clog your hand, I never have a problem with this setup. That is mostly because you can find every single treasure card that you need within three rounds. Also, combos can be changed midway through them depending on the situation. 

Medusa, Feint, Vampire: Allows for a powerful string of attacks that makes use of Medusa’s stunning ability.

Medusa, blade, Enraged Minotaur: This combo is often easier to pull off than the previous one due to the sheer amount of blades that are in this deck. It deals a great amount of damage as well.

Basilisk into Deadly Minotaur or Vampire: Leaves you opponent open for one or two Death attacks in addition to the Myth DoT. Enraged Minotaur is often the best option here due to the higher base damage and the ability to get through a shield. 

Basilisk into a Scorpion spam: When faced with Death shields, a simple Scorpion spam is needed in order to get you opponent’s head spinning. 

Skeletal Dragon into Frenzied Minotaur: Allows for your Death blades to go towards the powerful overtime while the Myth damage  guarantees your victory. 

Basilisk into Deadly Minotaur: This combo compliments the previous one and is just as effective. 

Double Minotaur (the order of the Frenzied Minotaur and Deadly Minotaur does not matter as long as you use one of each): This combo deals hefty damage while ignoring a set shield to both death and myth. 

Scorpion into Dr. Von’s Monster: A great combo to pull off from first. The Scorpion can deal significant damage if an Infallible is first put up.

In preparation for going over the overall strategy, I have to admit that Death and Myth are my favorite schools. This is due to the flexibility that these two schools have when it comes to utilities along with the paramount finishing options that these schools employ.

General Strategy

Be hyper aggressive when you need to and discard rather quickly. Right as the match starts check the school of your opponent along with their mastery if they have one.

Try to get a minion up when you have three to five pips. If your opponent summons a minion, I recommend that you draw for a scorpion and kill it as soon as you can unless you have some way to kill it with your main deck.

Stack blades from your main deck first, and then from your side deck. Heal if it is absolutely necessary. Also, be sure to debuff or blade to do something while gaining pips. Once you have enough pips to initiate a combo, put up an Infallible and finish your opponent in a few calculated attacks. This means that once you have a few blades and whatever else you need in your main deck, don’t be afraid to mass draw for different spells.

Lastly, if your combo fails don’t be afraid to simply start preparing another one. 


Strategies for specific schools


Mainly watch out for Loremaster and Judgement.

Due to a lack of diversity in their hits, a Balance will often need to conform to relying on spells that you can easily reduce with debuffs. They should not be too difficult to kill, as long as you keep them busy with weaknesses and other debuffs. It may be a good idea to use Volcanic Shield in order to protect yourself from any elemental damage.

Using a cloaked Death dispel on these guys could be helpful in order to prevent a Feint into in Judgement combo.  If you are getting hit with loremasters respond with high aggression.


Take a look at your hand. Take out a box of tissues and hit the flee button. Allow for tears to hit the tissues so you don’t completely mess up your computer.

No, but seriously, these guys aren’t really as bad as people make them out to be. They are often wickedly predictable. If you don’t need anything else in your side deck I’d recommend drawing for a Triage to keep in you hand.

Against these wizards, a minion along with heavy blade stacking will be effective. Attempt to get your minion into the battle as soon as possible. Try to use an Infection before hitting if they have a life mastery and kill any minion as soon as it comes up.

All in all, these guys shouldn’t be too difficult. Expect to face many Ices (magus and grandmaster) in the arena! Ice is a very popular school.


Be wary of Burning Rampage, Heckhound, and Efreet. I often pre-draw a Triage against this type of opponent.

I would not recommend hitting big from second when a Fire has eight pips, as an Efreet could completely destroy any combo. Take advantage of their lower health in order to quickly force these opponents down.


Storm is ridiculously easy… in most cases. The only thing you really have to worry about with these guys is a lucky Wild Bolt.

I honestly wouldn’t suggest summoning a minion in this matchup. This is due to the fact that many Storm wizards carry and use Storm Lord, and it is always a shame when your minion gets to do nothing more than cast a blade on itself before it is killed.

Discard heavily in order to get shields up. I would suggest using only a blade or two or going right into Infallible before hitting them with a barrage of devastating attacks. Take advantage of their low health and go for any stun opportunities when you see them.


Lifes have a hard time bypassing shields even if they utilize Spinysaur since it is a front loaded DoT spell, and this makes it unlikely for them to deal any significant damage in one hit once you get a life shield up.

These wizards will often use a myth mastery. Look out for similar combos as with Myth. Kill the life minion before going in for any major attacks. This is especially important because their minion can revive them the round that they are killed. Infections will be your best friend in this match up so be sure to make use of them.

They will probably have Triage so overtimes are not recommended against these guys. However, if you use one the same round as your minion Fire Elves, they can be an extremely tricky way to avoid a triage. Lastly, be wary of stacking too many blades since most Lifes carry Earthquake to coincide with their myth mastery.



Death shouldn’t be too bad to deal with. Make use of your Death dispel and don’t be afraid to rely more heavily on your Myth attacks for this match up. Both set shields and dispels are commonplace among this opponent.

Their health shouldn’t be very high, so a well-placed Basilisk or Orthrus is usually enough to finish out the match. This is especially true if you manage to hit them a bit via your minion or a Scorpion treasure card.




Myth will be a very common match up. Kill a golem minion immediately if they bring it up, yet you should only use a wand to do so. In this battle I’d rely mostly on Death attacks due to the threat of a Myth dispel. Try not to blade too much because of the threat for an Earthquake, and don’t stake too many shields or your opponent will likely shatter. Having extra resist from your pet can really be useful against this opponent.Also, use you Convictions to prevent devastating stuns.

A Myth will usually use a life mastery so it will be helpful to use some Infections while a steady Weakness spam will greatly inhibit their offensive prowess. 


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After all this, I am obliged to show you proof of how effective this strategy is. Below there is a picture of my Death wizard’s rank at the end of the second age along with his third age rank that I have earned thus far. I personally use Deck #3 when I PvP simply for its enormous diversity.


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By the end of the second age I was taking down wizards from level 60 to level 80 every other match.

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The only two losses in the third age were from bad connection. With this gear and deck setup, getting to overlord should be a cakewalk. 

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Have fun with this guide, and feel free to leave any questions in the comments below!

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