Pirate101 Kane Gear Guide



Pirate101 Kane Gear Guide


Kane-with-gunValencia 2 was released for Pirate101 last week and includes some gear with new powers!  If you’d like more info on the new powers, check out Eric’s Pirate101 new class powers guide.

The new gear is dropped by Kane in the final battle of Valencia 2 and Captain Handle, who you fight at the end of the your Presidio companion promotion quest.  Since the Captain Handle battle is not repeatable, Kane is going to be the main source.

Kane drops several hats, outfits, boots, totems, charms, and rings for every class.  We’ll attempt to gather as much of it as we can below.  If you get a drop and it’s not listed, please let us know in the comments.

On a side note, the Kane dungeon provides a lot of gold for a full team (roughly 75-100K in gold and another 40-50K from gear).  So if you need gold and grow tired of the Moo tower drop rates, you now have the option to spend some quality time with Kane…

Happy farming!

Many thanks to Sierra who provided the gear to help start this guide…


Buccaneer Hats

 Sabueso Busby

Sabueso Busby



Buccaneer Outfits

Sforza Field Jacket 

Sforza field jacket



Buccaneer Boots

Brogans of the Torear 

Brogans of the torear

 Brogans of the Lidiar

Brogans of the Lidiar

Cutthroat Barbanti Brogans 

Cutthroat Barbanti Brogans - bucc

Buccaneer Totems




Buccaneer Charms

 Soldato Amulet

soldato amulet



Buccaneer Rings






Musketeer Hats

 Mija Campaign Hat

mijas campaign hat - musk

 Murica Campaign hat

Murcia Campaign Hat - musk

 Nerja Campaign Hat

nerja campaign hat - musk

Musketeer Outfits

 Bardigiano Cloak

Bardigiano Cloak - musk



Musketeer Boots




Musketeer Totems

 Fulsileer’s Precisio Stone

Fulsileer's Preciso Stone - musk



Musketeer Charms

 Bresciani Chain

Bresciani Chain - musk



Musketeer Rings

Bresciani Band 

Bresciani band- musk

 Bresciani Signet

bresciani signet - musk




Privateer Hats

 Retana Cordoba

retana cordoba

 Muserola Cordoba

muserola cordoba - privy

 Mosquera Cordoba

Mosquera cordoba

 Frontalera Cordoba

Frontalera Cordoba

 Villarroel Cordoba

villarroel cordoba - privy

 Cordoba of Tirante

cordoba of tirante - privy

Privateer Outfits

 Baretta Bandolier

Baretta bandolier

 Dardi Greatcoat

Dardi Greatcoat

 Liberi Greatcoat

Liberi Greatcoat

Privateer Boots

 Pangare Sandals

Pangare sandals

 Brindle Sandals

brindle sandals

 Galician Sandals

galician sandals - privy

Privateer Totems

 Admiral’s Medal

Admiral's medal



Privateer Charms

 Capitano Chain

capitano chain - privy

 Capitano Necklace

capitano necklace - privy


Privateer Rings






Swashbuckler Hats

 Inesite Chilote

Inesite Chilote - swash

 Altafulla Chilote

Altafulla Chilote - swash

 Jalon Valley Chilote

Jalon valley chilote

Swashbuckler Outfits

 Catania Mantle

Catania mantle



Swashbuckler Boots





Swashbuckler Totems




Swashbuckler Charms




Swashbuckler Rings






Witchdoctor Hats




Witchdoctor Outfits

 Fabris Greatcoat

Fabris Greatcoat

 Agrippa Greatcoat

Agrippa Greatcoat - witch


Witchdoctor Boots




Witchdoctor Totems

 Magus’ Gildeed Globo

magus gilded globo



Witchdoctor Charms

 Benandanti Amulet

benandanti amulet



Witchdoctor Rings





If you receive something not listed, please crop it and post it in the comments!

The post Pirate101 Kane Gear Guide appeared first on Duelist101.

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