Rotating NPCs – Could It Be Expanded?

With the new Darkmoor bundle – comes a very interesting mechanic, something that wasn’t picked up on until a few days after the bundle had been discovered. The bundle house comes with a rotating set of NPCs, which coordinate with what type of item the sarcophagus gives. While the NPCs in the current house don’t offer much besides telling you what type of item is currently available (and a backstory as to how they got the glorious position of gatekepper of said set of items), a possible expansion on this idea would be quite interesting – and a possible feature in the future.

halloween_spookybob-iconHow would this work, you ask? Quite simple actually, and it already exists in a certain capacity. As it stands, the seasonal NPC vendors are in a sense Rotating NPCs, but not on a consistent basis. They come around when their respective holiday comes, and then leave within a few weeks after that.  It is possible to introduce the idea of a set of rotating NPCs on a more regular, and consistent basis, however.

Take, for example, a shop NPC in the commons of a world. As it stands, there is one NPC that sells a certain type of item (amulet, ring, etc. etc.). What if we inserted rotating NPCs, 3 different ones (NPC A one day, NPC B the next, NPC C the next, then back to A and rinse and repeat.) It could depend on what they could sell, but the most practical could be pets, housing items, or things like reagents or pet snacks. Gear could work, but it would be a lot of work to put in 3 different days worth of gear into the game.

Tnpchere obviously would be some problems, with the main one being if one NPC had ‘better’ stuff than the others, people would complain that they would have to wait for that specific NPC to come back around – but overall, I could see this being a great addition into the game. It would add more variety to a part of the game that not many people think too much into, but definitely has endless potential to grow.

Would you like the idea of Rotating NPCs? What would your NPCs sell? Chime down in the comments below!

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