Strange Magic: A Quiz

A quiz


How well do you know some of the more mysterious magics in P101 and W101?

Take this short quiz to find out!


1. Which school does not have a mWizard101 Khrysalis Level 98 Spells - Ice Shift Dread Paladinoon school shift and moon school polymorph? 

  1. Storm
  2. Myth
  3. Balance
  4. Death 


2. True or False: The Shrimpy Shelmet will remove a character from hide when it consumes a debuff.


3. Which is the only school that has a trained spell that can naturally deal damage from a school of magic taught in Celestia?

  1. Balance
  2. Shadow 
  3. Moon
  4. Storm 


4. The P101 pet talent time warp will not boost which attribute?time warp

  1. Player Movement Speed
  2. Epic Talent Rank
  3. Summon Movement Speed 
  4. Player Health


5.Which school does not have a trained spell to manipulate accuracy? (excluding minions)

  1. Death 
  2. Ice
  3. Life
  4. Storm


6. The Pirate 101 boss specific talent pestilence provides this effect:

  1. Enemy loses health each round
  2. Defeated enemy companions revive on your team
  3. Enemy loses accuracy when fighting this character
  4. Defeated enemy companions cannot be revived for the rest of the battle.


7. Which school has the highest base damage AoE in the game?doodle-quest2 quiz

  1. Fire
  2. Storm 
  3. Ice
  4. Life


8. Which pair of bosses is immune to damage in battle in both of their respective games?

  1. Malistaire and General Tso 
  2. Morganthe and Captain Blood
  3. Meowiarty and The Duck of Death
  4. Rasputin’s Titan and Stormzilla


9. Which is true of Windstones aquestion quizccording to Pirate 101 author Blind Mew.

  1. A single Windstone can be used on every stormgate regardless of color
  2. Windstones protect ships from the stresses of the stormgate 
  3. Windstones are single use only and must be exchanged after every stormgate
  4. Windstones are constantly manufactured on several worlds most prominently Valencia. 


10. Which School did Morganthe fail to master when she initially tried?

  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Shadow
  4. Star


Did you know all the answers to this quiz?

You can add what you think are the correct answers in the comments if you want to, OR wait until Monday to get the correct answers from this post. We will add them at the bottom of this article once you’ve had the chance to think for yourself!


The post Strange Magic: A Quiz appeared first on Duelist101.

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