Arena Awards: Card-Giving Jewels and Socket Molding

Arena Awards

Card-Giving Jewels and Socket Molding

With the recent update to the game a variety of jewels were introduced some with game changing effects. Of the new jewels recovered, some of the most intriguing are the card based jewels. Card based jewels are intruiging as they offer a type of “permanent” treasure card. These cards can add to the strategic variety of the respective schools offering utilities they did not have access to before. Cards such as some of the Avalonian utilities can have a major effect on the playstyles of various schools. As such I believe an excellent idea for the game would be to add jewels as PvP rewards that can be redeemed at certain ranks and for a certain amount of tickets. I believe that having the arena offer card-granting jewels would be an excellent way to encourage PvP participation while also offering KI an oppurtunity to add unique cards and mechanics.


The implementation of jewels is a fairly simple endeavor. KI could simply add jewels to the existing arena vendors. Or they could create an entirely new NPC that sells jewels for tickets. The system is already in place for an easy transition to jewel vending. Jewels would be restricted at point of purchase by lvl and rank. Jewels acquired via arena would be No Trade/No Auction.

Jewel Options

I believe that the jewels offered via PvP should be useful in PvP. As such some jewels I would like to see include:

  • Sun Enhancements(Tough-Collossal, Accurate-Extraordinary, Primordial) Lvls 20-Max: Sun enhancements would allow lower level schools access to a limited enhancement.
  • Grizzleheim/Wintertusk/Avalon Utilities Lvls 35-Max: These utilities are some of the most game-defining spells added to wizard 101. Allowing access to these via jewels will allow a diversification of strategy at all levels.
  • Unique TC Spells Lvls 15-Max: Spells such as Ice Bird, Firezilla, Krokopatra offer utilities and even damages to schools that are previously inaccessible.
  • Shift Spells Lvls 50-Max– Shift spells are some of the most utility extensive spells in the game. Offering the Shifts on Jewels(particularly at a lower pip cost) would give more options to max lvl players.

shiftspells 2Icebird Triage TCMonstrous

Socket Molding

jewel-iconAnother option I would love to see added as an arena reward is the ability to change the shape of an item’s socket. As I envision it: This option would allow for one to change the shape of an item’s socket for a certain amount of arena tickets.

The only limit to this system would be the inability to mold the sockets into an additional circle shape therefore limiting maximum pierce to 18%. Socket molding would allow people to diversify their gear even more. Perhaps you want more triangle sockets: Sacrifice some tears. Allowing socket molding would lead to an increase in strategic options for all schools and lead to more diversity in builds.

What do you think? Let us know down below!



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