The Queue #26: Life’s…..Rebirth?

The Queue

What is “The Queue”?

Wait times between matches have always been good opportunities to reflect. The Queue is a ‘question’ column by Psylent Night, where he asks readers their opinion on various PvP topics.



Life has always been an interesting school at top level. Any Wiz player who’s been around a few years has heard the phrase “the Life school isn’t weak!”, or been in that group one time where the Life decides to play offense without letting everyone know ahead of time. In PvE and PvP, Theurgists talents have, by and large with notable exceptions, been relegated to team battles. Healing and support. 

Life’s 1v1 track record has pretty much reflected that over the years. There have been notable, individual standouts. Nick was one of the primary people to showcase Life’s ranked arena prowess back in the Dragonspyre days. Our friend Challenge Accepted (who’s since retired) mained a Life Wizard and brought it to almost every top level Central Tournament. Life has even won these tournaments, with guys like Gorman behind the wheel. There was also the surge in popularity of the Angel strategy for a time. These and others withstanding, though, Life has been viewed across the board as a bottom tier school in 1v1.

Life Satyr

One of the match pictures. Critical Satyr more than heals off multiple turns of damage.

And I feel like that’s changing right before my eyes.

The other day, I headed to spectate a few random matches to grab some pics for articles. I found a decent Exalted Life vs Balance. And I saw her pull off the win from second. I needed more pictures, so I followed her into the next match, this time second vs Storm. Throughout the match, she weathered two critical Wild Bolts a barrage of attacks under Darkwind and Shrike, and Weavered at 500 health for the win.

This is all anecdotal evidence, but for a while now I’ve been hearing things just like this about post-Darkmoor Life. While talking with Eric Stormbringer, he told me he now considers Life one of the top tier schools at max level. Hungry Catepillar is a good card, but more and more I’m hearing it’s a good card.

With that, Luminous Weaver, Guardian Spirit, and gameplay shifts (something we’ll be covering soon), are we seeing a Renaissance for Life wizards in 1v1?


What do you think about Life post-Darkmoor? Good? Mediocre? Worse?

Let me know in the comments!


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