Pekrons and Pekuliarities (Daily Assignments)

Daily Assignments: Pekrons and Pekuliarities

daily assignment Pekrons and PekuliaritiesAs you might know by now, you can now do a daily quest to get rewards: gold, arena tickets, crowns and mystery items, e.g. a housing item, a jewel, or a 7 day mount. Whether these prizes are worth your time depends entirely on you. I kind of like them for nostalgic reasons: it’s fun to visit old places and see old enemies. I wouldn’t mind if, some day, these quests would also make you redo certain instances. So far, they don’t: your assignment is either a place to visit, or a mob to kill.

The 12th day is special, as it gives you a quest related to Pekrons and Pekuliarities. If you’re not someone who reads the lore, you’re missing out! So far, only the three first times you do the daily assignment cycle result in an exclamation point quest. After that, the day just gives you a bit of gold.

Here’s the full quest dialog for all three Pekrons and Pekuliarities quests:



Let’s skip all the dialog and just come to the point, shall we! Here’s what the dialog reveals:

The Gravulum Order

  • This is a group that investigates Pekuliarities
  • Currently the only members we know are Aegon Statz and Jordan Malniz

Aegon Statz

  • He’s a member of the Gravulum Order, a group that investigates Pekuliarities
  • His name is a reference to Ghostbusters: his first name (Aegon) comes from Egon Spengler and his last name (Statz) from Ray Stantz.
  • He believes the end of the Spiral is near. However, he still occasionally doubts if Pekuliarities really exist
  • He thinks he knows the reason why some areas have a higher concentration of Pekrons, but doesn’t want to tell us yet

Jordyn Malniz

  • Her name is a reference to Janine Melnitz, the receptionist from Ghostbustersjordyn malniz pekrons and pekuliarities
  • In Wizard101 she’s a Necromancer
  • She’s accustomed to experimenting with the dark arts
  • Her lab is in Marleybone
  • She quits the Gravulum Order after getting possessed by a Pekuliarity

Pekuliarities and Pekrons

  • moros the doom treePekrons possibly is a reference to Ghostbusters as well (PKE = psychokinetic energy)
  • Pekuliarities are “instances of pure impossibility”, created when there is a high concentration of Pekrons
  • Pekrons are invisible micromagic particles that exist and dont exist at the same time
  • The number of Pekrons is increasing all across the Spiral
  • Air in different parts of the Spiral can have high or low concentrations of Pekrons, or there might not be any Pekrons at all
  • Bark (cursed with shadow magic) from Moros the Doom Tree seems to counter the impossible possibility

The Gravulum Badgegravelstone

  • It gives Aegon the chance to remotely get a reading on the concentration of Pekrons in an area or mob
  • The reading will result in different colors: so far we’ve had yellow, orange, red, green and purple
  • We don’t know if the color is significant, but purple seems to be the worst


What could this all mean?

Where is this going to lead us?

Let us know your take on the whole thing in the comments!

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Wizard101 Witch Hunter’s Bundle

It’s that time of the year.. a new bundle has arisen from the depths of Gamestop.. the Witch Hunter’s Bundle! All credit for the following information is from @korge on Twitter!

This bundle will run you $39 USD, and it is available at Gamestop (not officially yet – so make sure to call before you go if it’s a lenghty drive!)

Darkmoor Manor & Midnight Rider Mount:

A gravestone item which can give you a daily clothing reward – no stat sets including Archangel’s, Royal’s. It can also give new furniture items.

Picture 2016-05-26 16-17-41

An area to fish – which has two new fish – the Morganthe Doodlefish and Ghost Shark fishes! Both are death fish, and in coordination with that fact, the entire fishing pond is death fish. (Insert joke about death fish in a Darkmoor house here.)

Picture 2016-05-26 16-19-08

A random, but beautiful, but also random gazebo. No interactions (although it’d be awesome as a housing item, KingsIsle!)

Picture 2016-05-26 16-20-08

This is the new mount – the Midnight Rider mount! Gives a 50% boost – no stats.  It IS dyeable.

Picture 2016-05-26 16-25-17

Witch Hunter Set & Vampire Squirrel

The 110 set – same cards throughout all the levels.


This is how snazzy you look (Credit to Jared Shadowbreaker from Twitter for this pic!)


It is me.. the vampire squirrel! I have come…. FOR BLOOD (muahahahaha…?)


And, as always – your choice of a 1 month sub to either Wizard101 or Pirate101 OR 5000 Crowns.

What is your favorite part about the Witch Hunter’s Bundle? Will you buy it? Leave your comments down below!


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Pirate 101: New Clandestine Trainer Powers

Pirate 101: New Clandestine Trainer Powers

In the Pirate 101 Test Realm each Clandestine Trainer has New Powers for your pirate to train including the coveted Mojo Echo Rank 2! Pirates can head over to Devilfish Hollow to visit each of the three secret trainers: Firenzian the Ranged Trainer, Kuratodori the Witchdoctor Trainer and the Lost Hoplite the Melee Trainer. For the Original list of Powers Click Here.

Special Thanks to Sierra for Images!

Secret Trainers Location

Clandestine Trainer Location

Kurotadori – Spell Trainer

Picture 2015-07-16 22-09-08-949

New Powers and Talents

New Witch Readied

New Witch Mojo

Lost Hoplite – Melee Trainer

Picture 2015-07-16 21-33-08-622

New Powers and Talents

New Melee Flanking

New Melee Cheap Shot

Firenzian – Ranged Trainer

Picture 2015-07-16 23-18-20-572

New Powers and Talents

New Musket Parting Shot

New Musket Overwatch


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Pirate 101 New Class Powers!

The Pirate 101 Test Realm has Revealed New Powers for Each Class. This Post will go through each power our Pirate earns along with some hidden item specific powers as we discover more details.

-Special Thanks to Technomage(The Feisty Orange) for Images of many Item-Specific Powers.


Swash New

Trap Sense Rank 2

(Seems Bugged-Unavailable at Class Trainer)


Musket Power

 Musket Power 2


Witch 1

Witch 2


Privvy New

Privvy 2


Bucc New

 Bucc 2


New Item-Specific Powers


WD unique


Musketeer Unique

Note: Musketeers also have a high level gear offering True Grit but this is not a unique power as it is already offered on English Bill’s Jacket.


Privateer Unique


Bucc Unique 1Bucc unique 2


Swash Unique


What do you think of these new Powers and their potential impact on PvP?




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Pirate 101 Test Realm Released (Book 15)!

The long awaited conclusion to Pirate 101, Book 15 is finally on Test Realm! Explore what this Test Realm has to offer in the notes below!

Valencia Continued!

Pirates are returning to Valencia the home of Kane-leader of the Armada-the main protagonist’s in the Pirate 101 story. In returning to Valencia Pirates gain 5 levels, New Powers, New Ships and New Equipment. All this will no doubt be necessary to defeat Kane who has been describes as faster, smarter and stronger than any living being. What Secrets does Valencia hold?

New Powers and Talents!

All classes can expect 2 new powers in the 5 level update along with several additional powers available at the Clandestine Trainer’s for Practice Points.

Swashbuckler: Swashbuckler’s gain the coveted Riposte 3 and Trap Sense 2(possibly a renaming of the talent Alert)

Witchdoctor: Witchdoctors gain Mojo Echo 2 and Mojo Burn

Buccaneers: Buccaneers learn turn the Tide 3 and Double Tap 3

Privateers: Privateers learn Repel Boarders 2 and Blast of Discord

There are also several item specific powers for our Pirates to discover. Will you be the first to find these unique abilities?


A New Companion and Companion Upgrades!



Pirates obtain a new Unicorn Fencer: Contessa Argento. A swashbuckling champion and darling of the Royal Court, she now joins our cause in opposition to Kane. Will she be a powerful new ally or will she be spending some time Pet Wrangling?

In addition to the Contessa, our Presidio companions also receive a promotion. Pirates can upgrade Lucky Jack Russell, Milo Graytail, Dead Mike, Gaspard De Vole, Birgus Latro and their crown shop counterparts.




New PvP Rewards!

Pirates will be able to obtain new mounts, new pets and new weapons for Scrip in the Pirate101 Arena. The Champion Weapons now have a Lvl 70 variant. Head to your local Brawling Hall or Smuggler’s Arena and start earning Scrip today!

More Fun Updates!

Ships– Pirates can now acquire ships of any style of their choosing at the Florenza Docks in Valencia. Along with these ships come the corresponding Equipment.

Puppet Shows– Story-Oriented Pirates can expect 3 new puppet shows (an unprecedented amount for only 5 levels) that will explore the Story of the Armada and El Dorado in greater detail.

Henchmen, Gold and Badges– With new lvl 70 henchmen, an expanded gold cap and several new badges, Pirates have all the tools and incentives they need to hop into Valencia.

Read the full update notes here!

Final Battle?

For the first time, Kingsisle has withheld the final battle of this world. This means that Pirates who are quick to complete this update will find that they cannot complete the last boss battle, and cannot finish the story. This is not a glitch, but rather Kingsisle’s attempt to give the epic finale some finishing touches before being released to live realm. What could Kingsisle have in store for its Pirates?

What do you think about the new Pirate101 Book 15 update that has been 3 years in the making? What do you think was done well, and what things need to be improved on? Let us know in the comments below!





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Why Every Serious PvPer should play Pirate 101

Why Every Serious PvPershould play Pirate101

Swashbuckler Wallpaper

Hello there young wizards! Do you often find yourself drawn to the arena when you are not paying attention? Do you have a piece or several pieces of arena gear or an arena mount? Do you have a gold deficit? Do you have no idea what the storyline is about? Are you reading Duelist 101 right now? If any of these apply to you, you may be a PvPer. If that is indeed the case, this article will attempt to illustrate exactly why you should be playing in Pirate101’s arena.

Pirate101 PvP: A Primer

p101 pirate Pirate101 PvP

Pirate101 Ranked PvP is an entirely unique experience that has not been replicated in any MMO I have seen. In Pirate 101 the player controls their captain and up to 3 companions on a battle-board. Players move themselves and their companions while s

electing powers to activate. Many passive abilities are in play and must be considered each round while simultaneously balancing your limited list of powers. Much like Wizard101, Pirate101 utilizes a turn based system that includes 1v1 PvP.  Unlike Wizard101, Pirate101 has a unique PvP mode called Battle Royale. In the Battle Royale 4 Pirates duke it out on the same battleboard but every pirate for themselves. Think the hunger games but with Pirates (including all the fun of temporary alliances and betrayal!). Pirates can even enjoy Wizard101-esque Team vs Team PvP in Practice or house-based arenas.


Why Should I Play Pirate101 PvP?

1. A Balanced Turn Based System

Unlike Wizard101’s turn based system, Pirate101 models it’s system like a game of chess. The first player makes their move and then that move plays out. After seeing the move play out, the second person makes their move, while the first player observes. This combined with some other mechanics (such as no movement first round) make for an extremely balanced turn based system where turn advantage is not a defining feature of the match.


2. Different Gameplay Methodologies per Class

Unlike Wizard101 where the battle between classes typically revolves around very few shared features between classes (blade, shields, hits) each class in Pirate 101 plays completely differently. A witchdoctor may use a summon game to deny movement and apply pressure, whereas a musketeer uses long range shots and traps along with clever positioning. A buccaneer depends on charges while a swashbuckler depends on damage spikes while utilizing hidden as a defense. The unique philosophies of each class allows for a much more diversified PvP match.

Witchdoctor Wallpaper

3. Multiple Viable Strategies per Class

Within each of the classes there are multiple viable strategies that can be used in the Pirate101 arena. No two pirates need be alike and while there are many powerful strategies that become commonplace due to their viability; you can be sure that you can run a completely off the wall set with a high degree of success.

Witchdoctor Powers and Talents

4. Multiple Viable gear Options

Unlike wizard101 pvp where you are limited to one meta-effective set of gear in most cases (think commander, waterworks or darkmoor gear), there are multiple viable gear options per class. In fact the variety of viable gear is simply mind-boggling in scope and really needs to be seen to be believed.

Pirate101_Empire Bundle_Gear_lvl60 Pirate101 PvP

5. Separation of PvP and PvE  

One of the biggest gulfs separating players in Wizard101 is the effect changes or nerfs have on PvE and the effect certain PvE gear sets or spells have on PvP. Pirate101 neatly solves this issue by having PvP specific rules that apply as soon as you step into the arena. For example at one point in the game a particular robe was too dominant in PvP. The developers modified the robe for PvP while leaving its function unchanged in PvE. Similarly certain spells and talents are banned in PvP while they are allowed in PvE. This does a whole lot for the community. PvE players are left free to enjoy the powers to their full extent while PvP players are allowed to play in a balanced environment mostly free of overpowering statistics.


6. Responsive Development Team

Finally, a huge plus for the P101 system is a responsive development team. Developer Ratbeard looks at and evaluates PvP concerns and addresses them in a timely fashion. He engages in conversation with players and addresses why he can and cannot make changes and even gives us some expectations for the future. An easy example of the level of responsiveness is this: In the early days of Ranked PvP-Privateers and Witchdoctors were struggling. Ratbeard responded with 2 well-placed buffs that instantly made the class much more viable relative to its peers.

Ratbeard Says Banner Pirate101 PvP


Not convinced yet?

Give Pirate101 a try and see for yourself!

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Pirate101: Book 15, Test Realm, and New Teaser!


Book 15, Test Realm, and New Teaser!

In what will come to be known by historians as the single greatest act of mercy ever bestowed upon mankind, the Kingsisle crew revealed the latest updates for Pirate101 this May. And it invovled everything longtime Pirate fans have been dreaming of since battling in Marleybone and sweeping the skies in Aquila. 

That’s right, in one of the latest KI Lives and also now in the May Producer’s Letter, Professor Falmea confirmed Book 15, otherwise known as Valencia Pt. 2. 

With that, I’m happy to confirm what was announced on KI Live: we’re able to offer a little more of the Pirate story with Book 15. Yes, we will be continuing the main storyline this summer. It’s two chapters, but they’re packed with revelations, resolutions, and rapscallions. We’re actually pretty far along with it, and we expect it to hit the Test Realm before too long.

Not only that, but we’ll also be seeing these new updates in test realm in the coming weeks. And of course with any new update, there will be a brand new level cap, new powers, and new gear to try out on opponents in PvP.

And to join in on the fun, Duelist101 received our very own teaser for the upcoming content.

Pirate101 Teaser

Excited for Book 15 and the new updates? What are you hoping will be included? Let us know below!

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Strange Magic: A Quiz

A quiz


How well do you know some of the more mysterious magics in P101 and W101?

Take this short quiz to find out!


1. Which school does not have a mWizard101 Khrysalis Level 98 Spells - Ice Shift Dread Paladinoon school shift and moon school polymorph? 

  1. Storm
  2. Myth
  3. Balance
  4. Death 


2. True or False: The Shrimpy Shelmet will remove a character from hide when it consumes a debuff.


3. Which is the only school that has a trained spell that can naturally deal damage from a school of magic taught in Celestia?

  1. Balance
  2. Shadow 
  3. Moon
  4. Storm 


4. The P101 pet talent time warp will not boost which attribute?time warp

  1. Player Movement Speed
  2. Epic Talent Rank
  3. Summon Movement Speed 
  4. Player Health


5.Which school does not have a trained spell to manipulate accuracy? (excluding minions)

  1. Death 
  2. Ice
  3. Life
  4. Storm


6. The Pirate 101 boss specific talent pestilence provides this effect:

  1. Enemy loses health each round
  2. Defeated enemy companions revive on your team
  3. Enemy loses accuracy when fighting this character
  4. Defeated enemy companions cannot be revived for the rest of the battle.


7. Which school has the highest base damage AoE in the game?doodle-quest2 quiz

  1. Fire
  2. Storm 
  3. Ice
  4. Life


8. Which pair of bosses is immune to damage in battle in both of their respective games?

  1. Malistaire and General Tso 
  2. Morganthe and Captain Blood
  3. Meowiarty and The Duck of Death
  4. Rasputin’s Titan and Stormzilla


9. Which is true of Windstones aquestion quizccording to Pirate 101 author Blind Mew.

  1. A single Windstone can be used on every stormgate regardless of color
  2. Windstones protect ships from the stresses of the stormgate 
  3. Windstones are single use only and must be exchanged after every stormgate
  4. Windstones are constantly manufactured on several worlds most prominently Valencia. 


10. Which School did Morganthe fail to master when she initially tried?

  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Shadow
  4. Star


Did you know all the answers to this quiz?

You can add what you think are the correct answers in the comments if you want to, OR wait until Monday to get the correct answers from this post. We will add them at the bottom of this article once you’ve had the chance to think for yourself!


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Max Lvl 1v1 Beginner Guide: Key Spells


Key Spells: A Primer

As one prepares to step into the max level PvP arena, he or she may wonder which spells should be included in a PvP deck. This post will examine three key trained school specific spells and three key non-trained treasure card spells that each school should consider putting into their arsenal as they begin their max level PvP journey. Note that this post will not highlight universally useful PvP spells that should be in every PvPers deck such as conviction and tower shield.


Key Trained Spells

Abominable WeaverAbominable Weaver

Ice’s defining spell since shadow-enhanced spells were released, Weaver allows Ice to do something it never could before: create high damage at the lower pip levels. Coupled with its defensive utility in a 75% tower shield aftereffect, this spell is Ice’s bread and butter, hitting hard and shutting down an opponent’s offense all in one round.

Winter Moon

One of Ice’s combo spell, Winter Moon allows it’s caster to leverage decent damage or break a shield, (Spell)_Frostbitepossibly opening the way for an unshielded Abominable Weaver.


Frostbite has always been a staple of Ice decks and this meta is no different. Allowing Ice wizards to work around shields and deal a surprising amount of damage, this spell also acts as a pressure tool that forces its target to play a guessing game with how and when they shield.  

Key Treasure Card Spells

coldiron tcColdiron

With the release of the Five Boxes event, the Ice school gained one of its best utility TC to date in Coldiron. Allowing its caster to leverage decent damage for 4 pips, the real benefit of this spell is the shield it provides as an aftereffect. Shielding from two top tier schools (Fire and partial Balance) while also defending from the occasional storm, this spell can be used as an excellent counter response to both remove an opponent’s shield and bolster one’s own defense.


Both of these cards are excellent spells that also allow Ice wizards to do two things in one round. They are mainly used as shield-breakers that also serve to boost the caster’s damage with very little loss in tempo.

Ice Elf

This card is useful against an opponent with multiple shields when you want to save pips that Frostbite would otherwise consume. In most cases, Frostbite is more useful due to the damage it deals, but Ice Elf finds its niche against mana burn users or to set up unexpected, pip intensive combos.



Key Trained Spells

Gaze of Fategaze-of-fate

The best of the first generation shadow pip spells added to the game (yes, better than FFA, comment section), Gaze of Fate provides Balance wizards with a lot of utility. It deals heavy damage, and its nature as a double hit with random damage both makes it difficult to shield against in the early game for opponents and benefits the caster because of the game mechanic that allows each of the two hits to performs an independent check for critical block (i.e., the second hit can critical on the opponent even if the first did not). Gaze of Fate also adds a Balance damage bubble, allowing Balance wizards to fight bubble wars and benefits from the fact that each half performs an independent check for critical block.


The dropped spell that defined all other drop spells, a spell so good that it forced KI to improve the dpp/effects of almost every other dropped spell in the game. Loremaster is, without a doubt, the best 4 pip spell this meta. It leverages great damage and leaves 2 debuffs. The -35% accuracy debuff it leaves as an aftereffect can be very useful in this meta, especially for off-school spells. It can even be useful for main-school spells since most PvPers in the meta are opting for pip jewels over accuracy. The other aftereffect, the -20% damage debuff, is always useful, forcing a clerical move such as a wand or removing almost as much damage as a weakness.

Mana Burn

A key spell since its inception, Mana Burn has multiple uses. It acts as a potent combo breaker, asserts pressure and assures that your opponent will be hesitant to build any significant amount of pips.

Key Treasure Card Spells


Balance has no access to a trained stun, so a TC easily fills the void. It is useful for forcing combos or buying some time to act defensively.


With the ability to deny opponents the luxury of pips, the low pip utility available in Loremaster, and a high health buffer, Balance is one of the few schools able to effectively use Empower offensively. Empower’s utility in removing weaknesses and stacked traps is also an important benefit.


One of the ways a high tier school such as Ice can take out Balance is with the use of bladestacks. Normally, Balance does not have access to a way to address this outside of Weakness and Mana Burn. However, with this TC, Balance wizards have a direct way to address one of their few weaknesses (pun unintended, but appreciated by the editor nonetheless).



Key Trained Spells

Fire From Abovefire-from-above

One of the best first generation shadow-enhanced spells, this spell achieves quite a bit in one round. As with all shadow enhanced spells, it deals a heavy amount of damage. Unlike most other shadow enhanced spells, however, it simultaneously acts as a potent combo card, leaving behind 3 traps that can be stacked with other tri-hits. This spell almost always becomes more powerful the later it is used in a match.

Burning Rampage TestBurning Rampage

The best 5 pip attack spell in the game, this is often referred to as Fire’s Loremaster. It is a spell that is literally uncounterable if the opponent is second while also being able to be utilized in a variety of potent combinations.


This spell has been putting in work for Fire since its inception and this meta is no different. Offering heavy damage with the best debuffing effect in the game this spell is equally useful offensively, defensively and for starting and ending combos.

Key Treasure Card Spells

Fire Beetle

This innocuous treasure card has become one of the defining features of the Fire school. Breaking a shield while leaving 3 traps, it is perfect for setting up combos. In addition, its cheap cost allows you to scout for shields/dispels from second. With multiple different versions that all stack, this TC is definitely a must have.


A defensive/offensive 4 pip TC that does for Fire what Coldiron does for Ice. This spell protects Fire wizards from the other top tier schools while also adding defense against the few Storm wizards present in ranked.Freeze TC


While Fire does have a high pip option for a stun combo, you really can’t go wrong with a 0 pip stun; it’s useful in a variety of scenarios.



Key Trained Spells

Hungry CaterpillarHungry Caterpillar

Life’s version of Abominable Weaver, this spell offers Life a powerful offensive weapon at a low pip cost that it simply did not have prior to the addition of this spell. The absorb is useful in the traditional sense, and additionally can also serve to protect shields from wands and low pip attacks.

Luminous Weaver

Offering Life its only charm debuff, this spell is one of the best 4 pip spells, fulfilling the role of the coveted low pip offensive/defensive hybrid tool at an enhanced dpp. It is good as a straight attack, a shield clearer, and a defensive tool.

(Spell)_Guardian_SpiritGuardian Spirit

A controversial spell at its release, this spell continues to do work for almost all Life setups. Made (in)famous by the Angel strategy, this spell is still useful for more conventional sets. Once cast, Guardian Spirit cannot be removed; the caster is  guaranteed a second chance at winning a match that they would have lost.


Key Treasure Card Spells

Brown SpiderBrown Spider

As Life is a school without a trained damage bubble, Brown Spider can be a lifesaver (again with the unintentional puns). It acts as a shield breaker that can also help Life to maintain its bubble and remove an opponent’s bubble. It can also be used offensively to boost Life’s damage prior to a combo, but this is less common.


You have seen this card before in other school lists and that is because it is so useful for a variety of schools, including Life. It can be used to help you set up combos, give you a chance to act defensively or buy you a turn while a DoT eats away at your opponents health bar.

midnight spriteMidnight Sprite

An underestimated card, this spell actually offers a lot of utility. At 1 pip and 90% accuracy, it removes shields and weaknesses while also leaving a +20% universal trap. This is especially great for the Life school, seeing as Life wizards often encounter only Tower Shield as opposition to their damage. The accuracy makes it more appealing than Storm Beetle.



Key Trained Spells

Witch’s Housecallwitch's housecall

This spell is a godsend to the Myth school, offering it some of the high damage/low pip power it lacks. This attribute is coupled with an aftereffect that has the potential to summon a very helpful supportive minion.

King Artorious (Myth)

The bread and butter spell of the myth school, this spell is the most backloaded DoT in the game to date and is incredibly difficult to defend against. If a Myth wizard can get one or two blades boosting this spell, the attack is almost always match-ending.

Keeper of the Flame

Offering Myth wizards one of their few low pip spells with utility, this spell can be very helpful under the right circumstances. While not spammable like Fire’s Brimstone Revenant, this spell does leave a trap, which can combo well with King Artorious and certain other spells such as Ninja Pigs and Celestial Calendar.

Key Treasure Card Spells

Rat Illusionist/White Rat Magician

This spell is a really great spell that should be in every Myth wizard’s deck. At the same cost of the “regular” Myth bubble Time of Legend, this spell breaks shields in addition to establishing a bubble, making it a great offensive and responsive spell.


Myth’s Coldiron, this spell serves the same purpose as its Ice counterpart. It provides defense against 2 top tiers … and Storm. The defense against Storm is particularly useful since Myth is also a low tier school and will spend quite some time at the lower ranks where Storm wizards tend to hang out.

midnight spriteMidnight Sprite

Once again this spell is another great option that for 1 pip leaves a buff. Much like Life, Myth encounters fewer shields since most of its functional hits preempt said shields. As such, Midnight Sprite acts as an excellent counter to Tower Shields and can also combo with King Artorious.



Key Trained Spells

Rusalka’s Wrath

Rusalka’s Wrath is one of the best damage spikes given to a school with great damage spikes. A potent finisher that does 3500+ damage at base with competitive gear, no Storm wizard should leave home without it.

wild boltWild Bolt

A spell that is sadly seen only as a spam tool by most Storm wizards, Wild Bolt actually has quite a bit more utility than that. Wild Bolt is Storm’s best option for breaking a shield. It is also a good option to throw at an open opponent without losing too much tempo as a sudden damage spike can decide a match. Where most Storms fail with Wild Bolt is trying to use it as a consistent hit (aka spam) when the very nature of the spell is inconsistency.

Storm Lord

Although it is Storm’s only reliable combo move, Storm Lord is nonetheless effective for closing matches against opponents without Stun Block or Conviction. If you can land an open Storm Lord to Rusalka combo, it is usually GG against most schools after a 2 pip hit.

Key Treasure Card Spells


Words cannot describe how much I love this spell. At 5 pips it deals about 1200+ damage to an unshielded opponent while also leaving three universal +30% traps on the opponent. Those traps will remain on the opponent and boost the next 3 hits (duh), which is extremely useful if your opponent shields and also very useful for executing combos.

storm elf cardStorm Elf

Storm’s one and only DoT that doesn’t consume its entire resource rack; this spell, although it is rare, is a godsend. It allows the removal of multiple stacked shields or an option for keeping the opponent clear of shields for several rounds.

Storm Beetle

A useful clerical card that also serves to buff the next damage spell, this spell acts as Storm’s version of Icebird but with a universal blade which is both a blessing and a curse: it is a blessing because it can be combined with Insane Bolt, but a curse because it can be triggered by anything, including a wand.


Key Trained Spells

Winged Sorrowinged sorroww

The stronger of Death’s shadow-enhanced spells, Winged Sorrow also comes with a nifty AoE weakness that can be used to reduce the damage of an incoming offensive strike or delay an opponent’s attack.

Poison SpellcardPoison

Death’s best low pip spell in terms of dpp, Poison offers damage in the form of a DoT, which is harder to counter than a single-hit spell at the cost of being slower to deal it’s damage.

Skeletal Dragon

Death’s bread and butter, this powerful DoT should not be underestimated. It is hard to shield against and quite powerful with a few blades. This spell does suffer from second against certain schools.

Key Treasure Card Spells


Once again, this spell is useful in a number of situations, particularly since Death has no natural stun spells.

Myth Banshemyth Bansheee

This spell is great to include in a combo to remove universal debuffs and stun an opponent while leaving Deathblades intact.

Shift Greenoak

A great spell for a blade dependent school, it also serves to leave a debuff as well.


Now go try these spells out in the arena!

Happy Dueling!


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