Wizard101 Energy – How much can you get?


Wizard101 Energy – How much can you get?

No doubt many of you know that Energy in W101 is highly essential, but what do you use Wizard101 Energy for? Doesn’t really matter, does it? In my opinion, you just need to increase your energy limit as much as possible. Whether you’re a pet enthusiast, looking after your garden, or enjoy the art of magical fishing, you want as much energy as you can possibly get! Thankfully KI keeps coming up with different gear that provides more and more energy. 

At this point we have seen a lot of different energy gear, but what is the maximum amount you can get? If I did the math correctly, it should add up to 270 energy!


How will I get that much?

Simple! Let’s break it down into pieces. The current best hat (+24), robe (+28)  and boots (+24) are the ones from the Winter Wonder Pack (Lvl 120). However, this is quite unfortunate since it is a holiday pack which only appears seasonally.

Snowdrifter’s ConicalWizard101 Energy

Snowdrifter’s OutfitWizard101 Energy

Snowdrifter’s ShoesWizard101 Energy

Therefore, you can consider the second best: the Greenwarden’s Energetic set (Lvl 100) from the Wyvern’s Hoard Pack. Also, the level 80 version of this gear can be obtained from Avalon’s Box when the 5 Boxes Event is in game. 

Greenwarden's Energetic Set

Greenwarden’s Energetic Mask (+21Wizard101 Energy

Greenwarden’s Energetic Shroud (+26Wizard101 Energy

Greenwarden’s Energetic Boots (+22Wizard101 Energy


However, if you are not interested in spending crowns for energy, you can try heading to the Arena. After you gain some tickets, you can buy this set from Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way.

Seafarer's Set

Seafarer’s Cloche Hat (+10) 
  200 tickets

Seafarer’s Overcoat (+7
500 tickets

Seafarer’s Galoshes (+7
  200 tickets


As for the best energy wand you can currently have, it’s the level 120 Snowdrifter’s Stave (+12) from the Winter Wonder Pack. On the other hand, you can go for second best and just farm Aphrodite II for a wand (+10) which only gives 2 less energy.

Snowdrifter’s StaveWizard101 Energy

Aphrodite’s Tanglevine StaffAphrodite Universal Wand

Furthermore, the athame (+6) and ring (+8) can be obtained from Aphrodite II. Actually, you will have a choice between 2 types of each:

  • school specific athame / ring
  • universal athame / ring

In addition, you can find a guide on how to defeat Aphrodite II with a complete list of the drops here.


The Pet

Another massive energy booster is the Dapper Corgi. You can obtain it from the wooden key boss, Billy the Cutter in the first part of Barkingham Palace. Still, it is possible to obtain one just by hatching with someone who has it, and gain that sweet extra +8 energy. Additionally, you will want to train it to ancient regardless of what talents it manifests and affix one of these jewels to it:

Energy Opal +5Wizard101 Energy

Big Energy Opal +10Wizard101 Energy

Huge Energy Opal +15Wizard101 Energy

Ultra Energy Opal +20Wizard101 Energy

Finally, you just need 4 jewels that give +5 energy to socket on tear slots. Regrettably, this isn’t as easy as you might think because they can be found in school jewel packs or Farley’s Gardening Pack only. In any case, the jewel’s name is called Cracked Energy Opal, and you need a total of 4 for the athame, amulet, ring and deck.


Will it be easy?

One simple answer, no! Of course I don’t mean to discourage you, but obtaining that much is no easy task. First, you will need to invest in the Wyvern’s Hoard Pack or the Winter Wonder Pack, and any of the school jewel packs for +5 Energy Opals. Second, you need a level 120 wizard that can naturally obtain 120 energy without any additional gear. Finally, you need to spend some time farming for Aphrodite II’s gear, the Dapper Corgi and a jewel to be socketed to it.

All things considered, this isn’t an impossible task. In conclusion, you don’t necessarily need 270 energy even though it would be a very nice achievement, and who knows what the future might hold for energy gear.


How much energy are you able to get?
Join the discussion in the comments below!

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Priority: A Potential Fix to the Turn System


Priority: A Potential Fix to the Turn System

In Wizard 101 thoughout every age of PvP one constant has remained true. Whether you are a Jade Angel, a standard meta player or a level 10 starting PvP for the first time you have probably at one point or the other wanted a change to the turn system. In today’s meta, turn advantage is huge and often game deciding. The ability to hit, heal, shield and dispel before your opponent while maintaining perfect reactive potential is huge. Many have advocated for a spell to reverse turn advantage or even a complete revamp of the system. While a spell could be beneficial depending on the mechanics, it is virtually impossible for KI to completely revamp the turn system this late in the game. Thus, the idea I am proposing would be an addition to the turn system without completely revamping said system. I call this concept: Priority.

What is Priority?

The concept of priority revolves around allowing certain spells to be cast first regardless of turn order. These spells would thus have “priority”. We have seen the concept before in PvE battles with bosses who interrupt a turn cycle to cast their spells(this also means this system could more easily be implemented). Priority would work similarly to this, allowing a spell to be cast at the beginning of the round even if you have turn disadvantage. This will help to mitigate some of the pain of going second and lead to a better PvP experience if correctly implemented. 

How will Priority be Assigned?

As I envision this new system: certain rules would be applied to determine the order spells would be cast. Spells would start at 0 and gain +1 or lose -1 priority for each criterion listed below that they meet. On the turn spells are cast, the spell with the highest priority would go first. If spells are tied on priority then the spells are cast in the usual turn order. Here are my rules for assigning this feature.

1)All 0 pip debuffs/shields are given a +1 priority when cast by the second turn player

Explanation: This allows the second round player to cast defenses before the first round player’s attack mitigating the effect of taking constant open shots without appropriate countermeasures.

2)Dispels are given -1 priority when cast by the first turn player

Dispels have become an increasingly large problem ever since the meta has sped up. In the prior ages dispel spamming was ineffective due to the neutral tempo gain and necessity of an advanced set-up. In this age, shadow spells require no advanced set-up and deal massive damage for very little pips. As such the tempo neutrality that balanced dispels is no longer effective in today’s arena. By preventing dispels from being a perfect counter from first, they become more of a strategic play rather than a lock-out till shadow enhanced death.

3)All damage spells with an effect are given -1 priority. Note- Burning Rampage’s unique mechanics will be counted as an effect.

Explanation: The current meta is dominated by spells that leverage damage and an effect. Spells such as Loremaster, fire beetle and the like are very potent because they leverage damage while simultaneously granting powerful effects. By reducing the priority of these spells they are no longer an auto cast even from first and players have a small incentive to include less dominant cards in deck. 

4)All shadow enhanced spells are given terminal priority

Explanation: Shadow enhanced spells are humongous match deciders that completely dominate the meta. With no buffs a shadow enhanced spell can still take out 1/3-1/2 of a player’s health. Thus I propose giving shadow enhanced spells “terminal” priority. This means these spells will always be the last cast regardless of turn order. By assigning these spells a “terminal” designation, players will be afforded the maximum opportunity to defend from these spells or to offensively challenge these spells from second.

4)Creation of a “Prioritize” Button

Explanation: The prioritize button would be an option that appears when you select a spell on your turn. When you select a spell and the prioritize button is active you can click this button to add +1 priority to the spell you are casting. The prioritize button could only be used on the spell you selected to cast that round. The prioritize button would activate every third round for the second turn player and every fourth round for the first turn player. Note that the button cannot be accumulated. In effect, you have one activation that refreshes after a period of time if used. If you do not use it you keep it until it is used without gaining additional activations. Finally, the prioritize button is not free. Using the prioritize button from first will result in 5% of your max health backlash damage. Using it from second will result in a 2.5% backlash. A prioritized shadow enhanced spell would still cast after every other spell but would be cast before a non-prioritized shadow enhanced spell. This adds an interesting way for players to attempt to tweak the priority of cards relative to opponents while giving the second turn player some much-needed love. 

How could Priority be Implemented?

Wizard101 Dueling DiegoPriority would have to be implemented as a PvP only consideration. This will allow it to have no impact on the PvE community at large which would ease implementation. This will also allow PvE to maintain the status quo that many PvE players enjoy while also allowing that portion of the game to remain relatively simple. This system could be implemented with the start of a new age in PvP. Diego would have a tutorial explaining the basics of the new system to anyone entering the Arena.

What do you think of this Idea? Let us Know in the Comments Below!

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Grizzleheim Main Quest Line Guide


Grizzleheim Main Quest Line Guide

First of all, yes, Grizzleheim is a side world, but it does have a main quest line as well as side quests. By following this guide, you can see your progress while questing through areas. This guide is meant to motivate you, because it makes it easier to track your progress. I hope it will help you keep going, as you see the list of quests get shorter and shorter with every step you take.

Starting Grizzleheim

Grizzleheim begins at level 5, with the quest “Bear Market”, given to you by Zeke in the Commons. These first few quests just require you to talk to some people. You can do it at a later level too, of course, nothing’s forcing you to do it at level 5! Afterwards, at level 20, you will be invited to Merle’s office to officially begin your journey through Grizzleheim. This quest is simply named “Grizzleheim”. Important: if you haven’t completed the level 5 quests, Merle will have no quest for you at level 20 yet!

Level Limitations

Grizzleheim is a world full of level limitations. Maybe you’ve never noticed this, because you’ve done it after first questing in other worlds. However, if you start immediately at level 20, you will keep running into moments where you need to first reach a certain level in order to continue questing. For this, you will be sent to Merle’s office every time. If you are higher level when you start, you will notice nothing and just quest from one Grizzleheim area to the next.

Practical matters

I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Double boss: Quests that require the defeat of two bosses at once.
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.

About Grizzleheim

Grizzleheim has a total of 69 quests. Among those quests are 15 regular mob fights and 14 defeat and collect quests. Furthermore there is a total of 28 bosses, with 2 battles where you face more than one boss at the same time. There aren’t any cheating bosses in Grizzlheim. Grizzleheim is in fact much shorter than I always thought!

My favorite battle has to be the one against the Helephant called Gurtak Barrier Demon in Ravenscar before you get to the final battle. I like it mostly because it was such a surprise for me the first time around when I did Grizzleheim. I also appreciate the quest called The Bigger They Are in Nidavellir.


Wizard City / Northguard

  1. Bear Market (talk 4x)
  2. Trade Voyage (talk 4x)
  3. Grizzleheim (explore + talk)

Savarstaad Pass

  1. I’m with the Band (talk)
  2. Face Your Fate (mob + talk)
  3. Spiritual Father (talk + boss + talk + talk)
  4. A Lesson in Manners (mob + talk)
  5. Bear Behind Bars (D&C + explore + boss + talk + talk)
  6. My Brother’s Enemy (talk 4x)
  7. Making the Blade (talk)
  8. Hammer and Tongs (D&C + talk)
  9. Metal Health (collect + D&C + talk)
  10. The Spider Queen (explore + boss + talk)
  11. Thrice-Blessed Blade (explore + explore + boss + explore + talk)
  12. The Sword is Forged (talk)
  13. Watch Your Back (mob + mob + talk)
  14. The Gates of Draugarth (explore + talk + boss + talk)
  15. Fate Awaits (boss + talk)
  16. Immigrant Song (talk)

Vigrid Roughland

  1. Lending a Paw (talk)
  2. Hunter-Gatherer (D&C + collect + talk)
  3. Bears in the Woods (talk 4x)
  4. Wolf Scouts (mob + talk)
  5. Grimnir and Bear It (talk + talk)
  6. That Old Ice Magic (talk)
  7. Nine is Enough (talk + talk)
  8. Grendel’s List (collect + D&C + D&C +talk)
  9. The Eye of Truth (instance: mob + mob + mob + boss + interact 4x + talk)
  10. Finding Ivar (talk)
  11. Holm Sweet Holm (boss + talk + talk)
  12. The Traitor Within (instance: talk 4x + boss + interact + talk)
  13. Acting Boarish (instance: talk 3x + boss + talk)
  14. The Eye Has It (instance: talk 3x + interact 3x + boss + talk + talk + boss + explore + boss)
  15. Holm Sweet Holm (talk 3x)

Mirkholm Keep

  1. Full Grizzle Jacket (talk)
  2. One in the Snout (mob + talk)
  3. Throwing Stones (D&C + interact + talk)
  4. Wolves at the Gate (mob + explore + talk)
  5. A Wolf Among Bears (talk)
  6. The Bear Truth (talk)
  7. Healing Helping (D&C + interact + talk)
  8. Walking Wounded (interact 3x + talk)
  9. Leaders of the Pack (boss + boss + talk)
  10. Where Wolves? (explore 3x + talk)
  11. Clean Them Out (D&C + interact + talk)
  12. Grendel with Care (talk)
  13. Good Eats (collect + mob + talk)
  14. From Dusk the Dawn (boss + talk)
  15. On Second Thought… (boss + talk + talk)
  16. All is Revealed (interact + interact + mob + interact + mob + interact + explore + boss + talk + talk)
  17. The King and I (talk)
  18. The Bigger They Are (triple boss + talk)

The Bigger They Are is an interesting quest, because you can choose two paths to defeating the boss. If you want to, you can go traight to the Hall of Valor and face three bosses and one minion at once. If that seems too daunting, you can also defeat two of the bosses one at a time (Ullik and Grettir) in seperate dungeons. Ullik is located in Helgrind Warren (on the left of the Hall of Valor) and Grettir in Winterdeep Warren (of the right of the Hall of Valor).


  1. Dark Wings (talk)
  2. Blackbird in a Cage (explore + mob + talk)
  3. Bustin’ Loose (boss + talk + talk)
  4. A Wing and a Prayer (D&C + talk)
  5. No Substitutions (interact 3x + talk)
  6. Cauldron of Plenty (interact + talk)
  7. The Tower of Lore (explore + boss + talk + talk)
  8. Talons of the Coven (D&C + talk)
  9. Chip Off the Old Block (interact + talk)
  10. Taking Names (boss + interact + talk)
  11. The Unusual Suspects (boss + interact + boss + interact + talk)
  12. Cups and Hearts (mob + interact + boss + interact + talk)
  13. Time of Their Side (explore + talk)
  14. The Long Way (explore + talk)
  15. Dusty Roads (D&C + talk + interact + talk)
  16. A Fistful of Feathers (D&C + D&C + talk + interact + talk)
  17. Blood Brother (explore + boss + interact + talk + interact + boss + explore + quadruple boss + talk)


Do you have a favorite quest in Grizzleheim?
Tell us which one in the comments!

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Picking the Locks – Ixcax CursedWing


Picking the Locks – Ixcax CursedWing

Can you believe that Ixcax CursedWing has been around for almost a year? How time flies! Time to take a trip down memory lane. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to duel this mysterious Pterodactyl yet, head on over to the Black Sun Pyramid in Three Points for a new challenge and a chance at very interesting rewards.

Ixcax CursedWing

Fair warning, you will have to fight your way through the first 2 levels of the pyramid every time. In the first room you will fight a pair of death minions, and the second room you will face 2-4 storm minions. Finally, you will encounter a face we know too well… Belloq! Fear not! You can skip this battle if you like but you will have to flee because he will indeed pull you in. 

On top of that, you require a stone skeleton key to fight Ixcax. This is probably the main reason this boss isn’t as popular as other bosses. If you want quick and easy ways to obtain stone keys, I recommend visiting some of these spots:

  • Lower Zigazag – 1st fire boss (Kus’Bhid) + wood key room
  • House of Scales
  • Ra
  • Avalon bosses – Pendragon, Bane Wyrm, etc.


What to expect

Ixcax CursedWing

Ixcax CursedWing – Rank 13 Storm Boss – 24,000 hp

3 Tzeltan Cohort – Rank 12 Death Minions – 6,200 hp


Be prepared to get hit with multiple Crows as minions tend to cast them quite often. As you cannot completely prevent the chance to be beguiled, hope you always start first or carry death dispels just in case. Another way you can avoid accidentally defeating an ally is to defeat the enemies with single target hits but that might take longer.



Ixcax CursedWing

If a feint is cast on the boss, Ixcax will cast a regular feint back on the caster. To counter this, either death dispel or use any feint except regular on her. That way the boss will have 2 traps: +80% and +30%.


Ixcax CursedWing

If a Death Blade is casted on Ixcax CursedWing, she will disarm it and instead cast a Virulent Plague on you. Therefore, make sure you keep a couple cleanse charms handy, just in case Ixcax’s minions feel generous with blades.


Ixcax CursedWing

This is a particularly interesting cheat! At the end of round 5 (and every other 5 rounds after that), Ixcax will cast a mass cleanse ward on her team. This will remove every single negative trap as well as any prisms. She will then cast a mass prism that converts any damage to a specific school.

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing


Ixcax CursedWing

When you defeat an enemy, the rest will go ahead and cheat cast auras. Ixcax will cast Berserk and the minions will cast Fortify.



I recommend inviting an entire team including a healer just in case things go sideways. Storm hitters need to carry storm prisms for Ixcax, and make sure your hitter isn’t directly facing the boss as Ixcax tends to use enfeeble. 

  • Support / Support / Healer / Hitter
  1. Potent Feint / TC Feint / Blade / Blade or Prism
  2. Buff / Buff / Buff / Buff or Aura
  3. Buff / Buff / Buff / Hit

This process will vary because of the beguile effect from Crow the minions tend to use.



The gear might not be the most attractive out there but it does bring a few interesting choices, specially with ward hats and boots. The mounts will most definitely interest you the most. There aren’t that many bosses that drop mounts in the Spiral so far!

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing


Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing

Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing
Ixcax CursedWing

  • Gold Skeleton Key
  • Stone Skeleton Key
  • Supernova treasure card
  • Mote of Severity / Eternity / Transport / Wisdom
  • Various Aztecan themed furniture

If you would like to contribute by providing any of the missing drops in the comments below, you will be credited in the article.


Ixcax CursedWing

After defeating Ixcax CursedWing for the first time you will be granted the badge ‘Ixnay on the Ixcax‘.


Will you take on this challenge? If so, let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Changes to Rasputin Encounter and Mirage


KingsIsle pushed an update last night, which included many things, including a new tapestry recipe from Ignes, various bug fixes, but most importantly, some balancing of the Rasputin fight and Mirage fights. Read on to see what exactly changed!


  • Health reduced from 70,000 to 35,000
  • Minion cheats can now once again be dispelled
    • Trap minions – death dispel
    • Blade minions – storm dispel
    • Healing minions – life dispel

Various Mirage Encounters:

There are a TON of enemies with health values reduced, but I’m just going to recap a few of the bigger ones:

Generally speaking, bosses have had their HP reduced by between 5,000 and 6,000 HP, for example

  • Frenzy Cat’s HP reduced from 21,000 to 14,700.

  • Mirror Image health reduced from 15,300 to 6,100
  • Invincibility cheat still works as before.

  • Yakhal Ice Foreman was changed from a Rank 15 Boss with 22,000 HP to a Rank 15 Elite with 5,300 HP.
    • Doctor Yooh in Baron’s Retreat and Assistant Sigh-Amm in Goofang’s Lab also fall under this – going from a boss to an elite.

Many of the fights in Mirage have changed, so be aware of that in your adventures through the newest world of Wizard101.

Have you come across any major changes? Leave your comments down below!

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Wizard101 – Mirage Master Guide


Wizard101 – Mirage Master Guide

Wizard101 - MirageThe latest world for Wizard101 – Mirage – has been around for quite a while now, but shall we reverse the sands of time once more? On the last day of November (best month ever), Mirage hit the live realm bringing with it some very cool changes, such as:

  • Level 120 and ‘Champion’ titleWizard101 - Mirage
  • Divide spells
  • Pip conversion
  • Faction vendors
  • Castle Magic
  • The Arcanum Apartment
  • Legendary Weapons
  • New lvl 120 Henchmen available from the Crown Shop
  • Other cool art and sound changes

Read the full update notes here. If you are still to venture into this mysterious desert world, you should read up on what to expect to be more prepared! You will also want to make use of misthead’s ‘Mirage Main Quest Line Guide‘ to track your progress.


 Zone Pricing  

Mirage is divided in a total of 6 sections, each priced at the regular price of 1995 crowns.



Wizard101 - Mirage

Ice School: Climaclysm

Fire School: Scorching Scimitars

Storm School: Iron Sultan 

Myth School: Snake Charmer

Life School: Llamasu

Death School: Qismah’s Curse

Balance School: Sand Worm

Click here to take a deeper look at the brand new lvl 118 spells’ animations, and to read Eric’s explanation on how the new divide mechanic works.


Familiar faces

Zeke and Eloise somehow found their way to Mirage… before us! How do they keep pulling that off? Anyway, walk up to them in Caravan to get their training point quests (click the images!).

Wizard101 - Mirage

Wizard101 - Mirage


Time for a challenge

Head over to the Sands of Time (Mirage’s finale) and duel against the greatest of shadows thanks to Vanessa Mythdust’s Sands of Doom Guide!

Wizard101 - Mirage

Ready for a challenge!


Gear Up!

Check out the newest lvl 120 gear dropped from the Sands of Time.

Sands of Time Gear

New lvl 120 PvP gear from Brandon Mistborn.

Lvl 120 PvP Gear

Legendary crafted weapons from Ignus Ferric.

Legendary Weapons


Faction Vendors and Housing

Wizard101 - Mirage

Brand new to Wizard101! Check out these Faction Vendors.

Faction Vendors

Wizard101 - Mirage

If you are a creative wizard, Castle Magic is what you were waiting for!

Castle Magic


Wizard101 - Mirage

Find out more on the brand new tapestries that came with this update.

Mirage Tapestries


Miscellaneous Updates


Mirage Pet Bosses: Roaming the deserts

Reshuffle Changes

Critical Decay – What is it?

Cave of the Wyrm Guide


Wizard101 - Mirage

Big thanks to everyone involved in the creation of these guides!


What are your thoughts about the Mirage update? Is there anything you wish to add or change? Let us know in the comments below!

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Power Management in Pirate101! So You Want To Be a Champion? #3


Power Management in Pirate101!
So You Want To Be a Champion? #3

In the previous part of this series we talked about the simple mistakes that could mess you up in the long run of things while on your journey to that juicy Champion weapon! If you’re scared you might’ve fallen into one of these minor mistakes, stop right now and check out the last part located here

This time around I’ll be breaking down tips and tricks on managing your Power set-up. The “deck” of Pirate101. Hopefully after this short guide you’ll find your key powers appearing just on time! 


BecomeChampion2 Prepping Your Pirate


Power Management

Managing your powers is extremely important. However, in Spar Chamber matches you can adjust them depending on your opponents class and gear. In ranked you have to set up to have the most important powers show up for every match up as well as be flexible. 

The Rules to Powers

1. “The Stairs”

This rule is quiet simple: keep your protections spread out. Having protection available to you when required is important. However, having 2-3 Valor’s Fortress up at the same time creates a cloggy hand. Discarding a Fort never feels good, so using this method it should reduce the likely hood of this happening.

Power Management in Pirate101



 2. “Ranged Pressure First – Defense Last”

Secondly, here’s another rule that many people tend not to know even exists. You should put up your ranged pressure hits first over your protection. While protection is definitely important so is having immediate tempo of the match. Bombs and Mournsongs are definitely key powers for that.  

Power Management in Pirate101

As shown in the picture, I moved up my 2 Mournsongs (1 trained, 1 from my hat) up to my 2nd and 3rd power. Alongside my slow I can limit the enemies main threats movement then begin to Mournsong down enemies. Mojo burn acts as a mournsong itself damage wise on normal companions. Versus Old Scratch it’s an insane punish. 

My defense is mostly in the middle/end of my first page. This is because most of the time you’re throwing out many of your long ranged attacks and setting up summons and banners. You normally don’t need to use any of your protection until very later on in the game when you’re forced to do so. However, if you’re against a Swashbuckler in the sparring chamber you should most definitely move the Valor’s Fortress up!



 3. “Key Powers”

Having your key powers up in your first row is extremely important. Every class has those key powers and learning them just comes down to experience and practice. I personally put my key power at #5 or #1 depending on the class. You can try finding the sweet spot for yourself. Sometimes these powers are more late game or situational. Regardless, it’s OK for them to be cloggy in your hand, because these key powers are well… key! For a very good reason as well. 

My Buccaneer has Reckless Frenzy at #5. Reckless Frenzy is a card most consider a game finisher or a wild card. However, there are some matches or situations where you just want to Frenzy for a weird reason.

This is Buccaneers’ key power. Having it always in my starting hand is the goal. Some matches I use it to just completely kill teams with just my Pirate. In other matches I don’t play it until after I’ve killed key units so I can just OHKO my opponent’s Pirate. Alternatively, in some matches, I simply use it to kill a key companion (eg. Nausica) so I completely out-tempo them.

Key cards like this, Widow’s Touch as seen in my previous example, and even Discipline or any summons are definitely big contenders. Having these cards is your top priority. Even if you just plan to hold onto them, having them when you need them is extremely important. As such make sure to learn the key cards for your class. Find a good spot in your powers where you always have it when you need it. 


And finally…

The final bit of advice I can give too you future champions is: mess around with your powers! Try different stuff out! Some people like certain powers in certain spots because to them it seems that slot shows up more than normal. I love my main summons being at 5, as I just often find my 5 slot power showing up in my hand consistently on round 1 of every match I play. However, this is just a personal thing.

If you always find yourself getting powers at slot 8 or 9, try moving a key power there. Is a power normally useless early on in the game for you? Try moving it back! Don’t feel afraid to move weaker attack powers up early on as well. This way you can use those before using the big hits. I have a backstab before my 2nd assassin on my Swashbuckler because I normally use my first Assassin when under Black Fog for pressure. I then save my last 2 Assassins for the late game, after timing out my opponents buffs. However sometimes I like to use my hidden to attack with a backstab early on.

Experimenting with your powers and finding out new ways to improve the efficiency of your draws is key to improving your gameplay. Everyone plays differently so find what works for you. Never stop trying something new! 


Have any weird way you set up your powers?
Let us know in the comments below!

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Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest


Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest

While questing in High Road in Avalon, you will have to talk to Sir Pike del Lago in Caliburn. When you do, he will have a side quest ready for you called “Down in the Bayeux”. This quest will send you to talk to Francis Lux, who will then have a training point quest for you, called “From Whole Cloth“. Important to note might be that the quest itself will not say that you’ll get a training point, but it leads to a quest that will.

High Road

The High Road Tapestry is inside Red Thorn Tower, where you will have to defeat two bosses. Firstly, you will be pulled into the battle with Sir Terrance Thornwhip, a Balance boss with 10,750 health, with a Life minion by his side. After defeating said boss, head down the stair on the right and face a Myth boss called Porridge with Storm minions. After the battle, look inside the alcove farthest on the right. The Tapestry is hanging from the wall there.


Caer Lyon

To get to Caer Lyon, take the teleporter on Caliburn. Head up the stairs, down the tunnel, past the Whiptail Pantera and the Amber Knights. Use the sigil and rejoice, because for this tapestry, you don’t have to fight the boss. Just sneak past him to the right, up the winding stairs. The tapestry is laying on a small coffee table.

The Wild

You have to have quested to this place in order to retrieve your Tapestry, because you can’t teleport into the White Owl Tower. This tower is located behind the Wildfire Treants. You first face Keela White Talon (10,400 health) with some Death minions. Open the cage for the unicorn and climb up the vine. There’s a puzzle

If you fail to do the puzzle correctly, you will face Kayla White Talon (Balance, 10,750 health) with three minions (Fire, 2,100 health). Ater this room, follow your arrow and pick up the Tapestry at the top of the stairs. You don’t need to do the final battle.

Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest

The Wyrd

The Wyrd Tapestry is inside the Tomb of the Nameless. You can find it in the far South of the map. You will not be able to port into this place! It’s an instance that starts with four Disloyal Knights (Balance, 3,645 health). After that, there’s a puzzle, of which the solution is here. There is one final battle after that, in which you face a Storm boss with 15,150 health. The Tapestry is next to the tomb.

Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest

Dun Dara

The next Tapestry is inside the Tower of Belle Regard. You will have to do only one battles for this one. It’s against a Black Knight boss (Fire, 13,200 health) with some Storm minions.  After the battle, go through the teleporter and pick up your Tapestry from the floor!

Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest


The Catacombs

And finally, the Tapestry in the Catacombs! For this one, use the teleporter in Caliburn and work your way to the sigil. You don’t actually have to do the battle in this place, as you can just sneak around the monsters.

Avalon Tapestry Training Point Quest


That’s all of the Tapestries! Return to Abbey Road and talk to Francis Lux. He will give you a new quest. For the quest “Uncut History” you need to go hang the Tapestries on the walls. Enjoy the story of King Artorius! Then go back to Francis Lux to get your training point.


What are you going to use your training points for?


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What Birthplace and Second Class? Pirate101, So You Want To Be a Champion? #2


What Birthplace and Second Class
So You Want to Be Champion? #2

So you really wanna be Champion in Pirate101, huh? Well, keeping up with all these awesome guides definitely shows you’re determined so far! Because of that I’ll reward you all with some insight! In part one we discussed the pirate101 tiers and companions. Now, let’s talk about one of the smallest factors which is also one of the keys to success in Pirate101.

Let’s simplify the process of Character Creation

What birthplace and second class


Where You Were Raised

Deciding where your character was raised at the start of your game during the character selection seems straight forward. You might think it’s more for your own custom story than anything else. Well, if you’re into pvp, this is actually an extremely important choice. It could give you a slight advantage over those who didn’t correctly select the right world. Prepping your pirate correctly starts from the character selection!

birthplace krokotopia What birthplace and second class

So what world should I pick and why? 

Pick Krokotopia!

Simply said, every class besides Buccaneer should use Krokotopia as where they were raised. If you’re a Buccaneer and didn’t pick this, don’t worry! If you decided to go with Grizzleheim, you picked the more dominant choice for your class. However, the other 3 worlds will either do very minimal positive effects or have none at all. Comment if you were silly like myself when creating a Musketeer and chose Marleybone!


So why do KT and GH stand out over the rest? Wkrokotopia pirate101ell, this is because they’re the only 2 worlds out of the 5 choices that give +5%. The percentage is what makes the difference. For choosing Krokotopia, you get an additional +5% to your spooky stat. Likewise, if you choose Grizzleheim, you will get an additional +5% to your Health.

The other choices of Mooshu, Marleybone and Skull Island only give you +5 as a stat point. This may be extremely valuable in the beginning of your journey. However, over time that +5 accuracy for your Buccaneer will become almost useless when our accuracy stat is way too high for it to have any impact on matches at all.

The +5% HP on the other hand may only be “1 extra hit” at the beginning of your leveling, to use NinjaPikman’s words. However, later on that will be an additional +300 or more health. At some point it may even become an entire 1,000 additional HP. This then will make +5 accuracy look like a joke.

Now the reason why the best choice across the board is hands down Krokotopia is due to it increasing your Spell Power by +5%. This continues the situation with overtime becoming better and better but also in PvP our Pirates are almost always using Spell Power for majority of the match. Musketeers bombs, Swashbuckler’s bleeding and poisons, Privateer’s bombs and heals, Witchdoctor’s spells. Buccaneer is the only class that doesn’t use much Spell Power, well powers. But they still rely heavily on Assassin Strikes and heals from gear which makes it just as worth it. 

So when making your character, just go with Krokotopia as where you were raised. 


The Myth and Legend: “The Second Class”

One of the greatest mysteries and commonly asked questions I’ve ever received is “What should my second class be”. This is completely a myth, as there is no “Second class” in Pirate101. For anyone who already knows this and may wonder why people ask this, it’s due to the style of using your training points acquired in Wizard101 to train into another class. The most common style is to train into another class specifically. This was popularized and deemed the norm during the early Wizard101 era, and continued when masteries were released. It’s not unreasonable for someone to come up with the assumption that Pirate101’s and Wizard101’s secondary out of class training is the same. However, that’s why I’m writing this. DO NOT FALL INTO THIS LIE. It’s a complete lie. In Pirate101 you will not benefit from training into a specific class in the long run!

Differences from Wizard101 to Pirate101 

There are some huge differences with Pirate101 and using your practice points. In Wizard101, with their straight forward training point system, you will train into a class to get the spells you want, then move onto the next class.

Pirate101 has 3 different mechanics which they allow you to train into:

  1. Powers: These are the “spells” or abilities we use to deal damage to our opponent. It’s an ensured hit that cannot miss, fizzle or be dodged.
  2. Talents: These are additional side traits that are passive, they don’t give any additional attacks though they do increase stats such as movement, accuracy, dodge, damage, etc
  3. Epics: They give your Pirate (or your companions) an additional hit when the requirements are met. Though for some they have a chance of activating when a requirement is met. E.g. Relentless, though it’s only requirement is to land a hit/physical power on a enemy unit, it has a certain % chance to trigger with additional ranks/ways to increase the odds of it activating. 


So What Do I Need?

There are very little needs but it really comes down to your class. You can use the Duelist101 Practice Point calculator to help you (though it does need an update). So I will give you a list of all the things that are priority trains universally.

Elusive 2

Training into the Privateer Talents is important for every class: everyone but witchdocters should train into Elusive 2 base. Witchdoctors only need to train up to Tough 2. Add in an Elusive grant pet and you got yourself Elusive 2. If you’re a Privateer or Musketeer you already have this though, so you simply save the points.

Valor’s Shield

I highly recommend training this, though you should not train anything after it. If you’re a Witchdoctor you can train the 10 turn will buff, but refresh has very minor use. 


For Privateer and Witchdoctor specifically, barricade is extremely helpful with dealing with Buccaneers and Swashbucklers in both ranked and Spar Chamber. As such, I highly recommend training this and even +1 Practice Point (if you have enough) to train the 10 turn Agility buff. This is advisable due to Swashbucklers and Musketeers currently being the most popular companion classes. 

Spooky 2

EVERY CLASS should train this, except for Witchdoctor obviously who already gets this and even rank 3. Spooky is great for every class. Even Buccaneer will benefit from it, because it boosts your Assassin Strikes and heal gear pieces value quite a lot. It’s only 4 points as well, making it almost insane not to train it.


Fast 1 is important for everyone. Buccaneers and Melee Privateers should definitely train into Fast 2. This gives you an additional +1 or +2 movement depending on the rank. This means your normal 4 movement will become 5-6! Therefore it helps you both run away from threats and charge in with your Pirate faster. Extremely important!

Witch Hunter

I don’t think I have to stress enough how powerful this is. It helps you extremely vs Witchdoctors. The only class that shouldn’t train it is Swashbuckler, this way nobody can abuse it to remove your hides. 

Relentless/Burst Fire

If you’re a Musketeer, you NEED to have Burst Fire. If you’re melee Privateer, Buccaneer, or Swashbuckler YOU MUST train Relentless. They’re the most powerful epics in the game. Witchdoctor doesn’t rely on their epics much and they already have Mojo Echo rank 2. 




Walk in Shadows: This is ok to have on any class. I recommend this for everyone if you have the 2 points to spare

Overwatch Rank 2: Currently this is optional but I recommend it. Mostly if you have a grants Overwatch Pet as a Musketeer. This way you can get Overwatch 3. In the future this will become a staple when it’s easy to achieve Rank 5 without giving up too many items. 

Readied Spell Rank 2: Another choice that is in the same boat as Overwatch. Currently it’s optional but when you’re able to naturally achieve Rank 5 by training into this it will become staple. Readied Spell is extremely good for the Mirror match, as this is when summons take a huge role. Being able to remove a couple for free without using up a turn is extremely efficient and valuable. Readied Spell also currently breaks the +50% protection to the first spell played during the turn that Witchhunter gives. This means you can Readied Spell, land, now your actual spell will no longer have its damage reduced by 50%. Though Witchhunter will still trigger and allow them to get a free hit in. But let’s focus on the positives to such a horrible situation regardless. 

Anything unique that you trained on your Pirate?
Let us know in the comments!

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Ways to Increase Spell Variety – Wizard101


Ways to Increase Spell Variety
spell variety

In Wizard101, we’ve seen some great spells over the years, and fortunately we can learn most of them. But what about the others? By others, I am talking about every other non-trainable spell! Ok, maybe that is a bit of a stretch, but just take a quick look at the treasure card section in the bazaar. There is a wide spell variety, and half of them are only available to us as treasure cards only.

Think of the treasure card spells with Marleybonian and Krokotopian themes you can find in the bazaar. For fire, for example, there are O’Leary Swindler and Mander. Both found in the Bazaar. Both only deal some damage without any additional effects.

spell variety
spell variety

Personally, I never use them because they lack purpose. Their idea and concept is nice, but I can’t think of a situation where I’d use them. However, if they were to be revisited and changed in a way they could be of use in either PvP or PvE? Then I would highly consider carrying them in my deck. Loremaster’s spells are famous all over the Spiral, so what if KI introduced a loremaster 2.0 (by carefully making sure they carry the appropriate amount of power).

Let’s take a look at PvE! How many times did you feel you are repeating the same thing? Using the same spells to defeat a creature for a D&C quest in lower level worlds. What if Kingsisle introduced new trainable/learn-able spells that don’t necessarily have different effects, but different animations instead? I think more people would be attracted to the gameplay. However, this has to happen from the very beginning: all the way from Unicorn way, when your wizard is just level 2. At that level you start with a deck just carrying ice beetles, thunder snakes, and other whatnots. If there were to be different spells with nearly similar effects (so there isn’t a favorite), the feeling of repetition might be felt less often.

spell variety

Later, in Firecat Alley, we face mobs that carry spells such as Fire Serpent. Even later on, we see random mobs using more spell variations such as Rat Illusionist and Bonetree Lord. All those spells should be available for a wizard to use while questing in order to increase variety and enrich your gaming experience.


spell variety

spell variety

Different variations of Forest Lord have been sighted all over the Spiral. So what if they could be drops from school specific bosses? Or maybe they could be available to craft? Or even given as a reward from certain side quests that don’t necessarily have to be given from your professors? Most of us will always remember the first time we entered Darkmoor in test realm and got hit by Lord of Atonement!

Also, how many times have you PvPers out there been able to predict your opponent’s next move or strategy? That is definitely an advantage so you can think of a counter move ahead, but it could be made more fun with cards with similar effects but different animations. Eric had some amazing spell ideas in his articles, but what if some of them were actually implemented on spells that already exist instead? 






Current Situation

In recent updates we’ve seen more implementation of these spells. With ultra jewels came a lot of treasure cards such as Bonetree Lord and the Oni No Death/Jade/War/Plague variations. The Polaris update brought a bunch of mutate spell treasure cards and the cool Baddle of the Bands’ spells such as Punklops. There is also the Yeti pets that give the ice and death Forest Lord variations.

Let’s not forget Korsten Bloodscorn down in Stormriven Hall, Celestia! He sells a set of mutate spell variations. We’ve been seeing more mutate spells recently. Mainly because some are dropped from Polaris, and others are being sold from treasure card vendors around the Spiral. Some mutate spells such as Midnight Sprite might be a good asset for PvP (if you play your cards right ;)). 

spell variety

There is still the issue of not being able to enchant a mutated spell. However, they can open the door to a new set of mutate spells that can have some cool and maybe useful effects. Take into consideration the Fire Beetle many fire wizards like to use for the tri traps. If it was available to us as a mutate spell, I’m sure many would go for it! Same thing goes for other spells such as Storm Beetle and Life Scarab. These spells can be dangerous indeed, but if they are limited to no enchant, they might not effect PvP in general in a bad way.


These are all great ways to be able to use different spells:

  • treasure cards
  • pets
  • mutate spells

But none of these can be enchanted (which can be a huge disadvantage). You also have a very limited way to cast them due to their nature. On the other hand, we are beginning to see more spells available from our friends in the Arcanum, so there is hope for the future!


What are your thoughts on different spell variations? Let us know below in the comments!

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