Reagents Worth Collecting: A Hoarder’s List

Reagents Worth Collecting: A Hoarder’s List

Hello, I am misthead and I’m a hoarder. I hoard lots of different things, but today’s topic is reagents! While you could go out into the Spiral to collect reagents, there’s always the Bazaar as well. During certain periods, I spend hour upon hour in the Bazaar checking out Elik’s supply.

If you want to be a hoarder too, I will list some of the rarer reagents to look out for in the Bazaar (hence me not listing amber, as you can’t get that reagent from the Bazaar). I’m obviously not listing everything that would be nice to collect. So I will focus on the reagents I personally collect. For each reagent I will mention what it is used for. This is a highly personal list, which does by no means include every rare reagent there is.

Please note! In addition, there are certain reagents that are in high demand that I will skip in this article. These are for example Sandstone, Sunstone (and debatebly Scrap Iron, Aether, Black Lotus and Golden Pearl). I get these reagents from gardening, so I’m usually the person SELLING these, not buying them.

Agave Nectar is used to craft:

  • Crafted spell: Loremaster — 50 needed.
  • Crafting quest: The Azteca crafting quest requires 5 agave nectar.

Ancient Scrolls are used to craft:

Reagents Worth Collecting

  • Crafted spells: Loremaster — This recipe calls for 100 Ancient Scrolls, which you do see fairly often in the Bazaar compared to Fossils for example. Still worth collecting!


Blood Moss is used to craft:

  • Crafted spells: Deer Knight (100 needed), Keeper of the Flame (100), Queen Calypso (120).
  • Crafting quest: To make the two Crimson Book Stand in Dragonspyre, you will need 20 Blood Moss.

Brass is used to craft:

  • Monstrodome (50 needed!) (also see here).
  • Pet Jewel recipes (Balance, Ice, Death) — Especially popular with PvPers, since Balance-Ward and Ice-Ward are very popular pet jewels. For those into damage talents, these packs also drop Balance-Dealer, Ice-Dealer and Death-Dealer.

Diamonds are used to craft:

Reagents Worth Collecting

  • Crafted spells: Brimstone Revenant (100 needed), Handsome Fomori (100).

Fossils are used to craft:

Reagents Worth Collecting

  • Crafted Spell: Savage Paw requires 50 fossils.
  • Training point quest: You need 8 fossils to craft the Tea Set for Ogden Peake in Celestia Base Camp.
  • Crafting quest: the Zafaria crafting quest also requires fossils.

Glass Slivers are used to craft:

  • Tapestry to Arcanum Forge — This isn’t a reagent you will need very often, because it’s only used in this one recipe. However, collecting it in Mirage takes centuries because it’s such a rare drop.

Grendleweed is used to craft:

  • Crafted house: Wyrd House (only 10 needed).
  • Crafted spells: Athena Battle Sight (60 needed), Goat Monk (100), Winter Moon (50).

Nightshade is used to craft:

  • Crafted spell: Lord of Night — 50 needed.
  • Crafting quest: To make the two Crimson Book Stand in Dragonspyre, you will need 24 nightshade.

Scales are used to craft:

Reagents Worth Collecting

  • Treasure Card: Gargantuan TC — Lower level PvPers can’t buy gargantuan from TC vendors, so often they craft it. One Gargantuan TC only requires 2 Scales, but avid PvPers burn these TCs like there’s no tomorrow.
  • Transmute: Fish Fin — There’s a variety of recipes that require Fish Fin, which can be transmuted from Scales!
  • Wands: The Celestia crafted wands all require 14-18 scales.

Stardust is used to craft:

  • Crafted wands: The Khrysalis crafted wands all require 2 stardust.

Steel is used to craft:

  • Pet Jewel recipes (Fire, Life, Myth, Storm) — For those into damage talents, these packs drop Fire-Dealer, Life-Dealer, Myth-Dealer and Storm-Dealer.

Turquoise is used to craft:

  • Crafted spells: Athena Battle Sight (40 needed), Lord of Night (25), Savage Paw (25), Winter Moon (25).
  • Treasure Card: Loremaster — You will only need 7 turquoise per Lore Treasure Card. Loremaster TCs are not only used to craft Lore, but also for the statues in Mirage, which require 5 Loremaster TC each.

Water Lilies are used to craft:

Reagents Worth Collecting

  • Crafted spells: Catalan (100 needed), Luminous Weaver (100), Samoorai (100).


So there you are. Those are the first reagents that came to mind when thinking about which reagents I like to hoard. Do I plan to use them to craft all the things listed here? No, probably not. Reagents are meant to be looked at, not to be used, as I keep telling Jeremy.

The only exception are the Scales. When I PvP I do love using my scales to make enchants. As such, my scales collection will probably never hit 999 like many of the other reagents in this list have done. That won’t stop me from trying though! Also, please spare me and don’t buy all these reagents before me now lol.


Which reagents do you need and/or want?


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From Zero to Hero Part 1: Beginner’s PvP Guide – Before Starting with Ranked PvP

From Zero to Hero
Beginners’ PvP Guide

Part 1 – Before Starting with Ranked PvP

PvP is a fantastic Wizard101 endgame activity but it’s also the hardest one. Requirements to even survive in private ranks are insanely high, not to mention obtaining this shiny warlord badge. Sounds pretty scary, right? Don’t get discouraged though, we’ve got you covered.

This From Zero to Hero guide will be divided in four parts and hopefully we’ll cover everything you need to know to start being competitive in the Arena. Don’t get scared though about this wall of text, which is aimed to privates. The road to higher ranks become significantly easier once you master the basics. Imagine this as a life process. It’s really hard to learn how to walk. However, once you do learn it, figuring out how to jump and run becomes a much easier task.

Part 2 link coming soon!
Part 3 link coming soon!
Part 4 link coming soon! 


Gear up!

From Zero to Hero Part 1 Malistaire gearThis is probably the most common thing you hear if you ask anyone for advice – get better gear. And they’re right: just getting the proper gear will make your battles much easier. Of course it’s possible to reach good ranks with bad gear, but to achieve that you’ll need lot of experience and a lot of game knowledge – which we don’t have at this moment. You’ll understand the theory of what you have to do in PvP after reading this guides, but fighting and experience are the key to make these things work.

Luckily for you, getting good enough starter gear isn’t as crown-costly as it used to be years back. There is some bad and some good news when it come to obtaining the required gear. The bad news is you will have to grind – a lot! The good news is – there are a lot of other things you need to grind for as well, so your wizard’s life won’t be too monotonous!

Anyway, let’s proceed to what gear you should wear. You can probably find some better pieces that don’t require high rank, but the gear is this article will only be crown-free pieces. 

Levels 1-10

There really aren’t any viable crown-less gear options for these levels. Duelist gear is not available yet, there aren’t any dungeons until higher levels and having Bazaar gear only will give you nightmares.

Levels 10-59

There are a few options until you reach level 60. The best and hardest to obtain is duelist gear. It costs a lot of tickets, but it’s worth the grind. It’s true that the gear doesn’t give any resist, which is probably the most important stat in PvP. However, here’s the thing about resist: it’s better to have high damage and pierce with no resist than to have average damage and resist without pierce. Almost everyone carries TC infallible at lower levels. What infallible does is pierce (aka lowering the value of) the resist. 20% pierce reduces your resist for 20% – simple math. But in other words, having 0% resist is often exactly the same as having 20%. They can’t pierce your resist if you don’t have any!

If you’re level 30 or higher you can farm Mount Olympus for Zeus/Senator gear. It’s not as offensive as duelist gear, but it’s still a good substitute if you don’t want to spent weeks (or months) doing tournaments for tickets. The last option is Bazaar gear, which is okay gear if you really want to challenge yourself (hint: you don’t want to challenge yourself) or you need it to do tournaments. In that case focus on gear with health, damage and pips/accuracy.

As for accessories, there  isn’t really much to discuss. Use the Sky Iron Hasta wand if you’re already level 30. If you’re not, then you’ll have to go with the duelist wand for the extra pip at the beginning and some extra stats. The best ring and athame are also the duelist ones, so you’ll need to spend some extra time farming for tickets. Before getting them though, try to get ones with extra health and power pip chance from the Bazaar. If you’re level 50 already, go with Wintertusk gear that gives extra damage. 

From zero to hero Mount Olympus

Levels 60-99

This is the level range where getting gear become much easier. That’s because the only things you need from Brandon Mistborn are the ring, athame and wand. As for the hat, robe and boots, there’s one option you want – Waterworks gear. There is another dungeon with a bit more offensive stats, House of Scales, but drop rates are much lower there. Stick with Waterworks gear — you’ll have plenty of time to experiment once you’ve become a bit better in PvP. You can try with crafted gear, but it doesn’t have as good stats. Bazaar gear is a no-no here.

Unfortunately, this is a level where pack wands become really strong. Sky Iron Hasta still does its work, but for PvP purposes it’s a bit outdated. As an alternative, do some tourneys and buy yourself the duelist wand. You’ll get some critical and block chance as well as the valuable armor pierce. 

Levels 100-120

The higher we go, the less ticket-reliant gear we need. The only duelist piece of gear you need at this level range is the ring. To be more specific, the level 100 ring. Since 110 and 120 don’t add any pierce boost, the ring for exalted wizards is the best choice for PvP at any level between 100 and 120.

Moving on to the athame, we have two options. The one dropped by Morganthe or the one dropped by Yevgeny. They are almost the same, but Yevgeny’s gives some extra accuracy and is known as best athame at the moment. For wands, go with the crafted one from the Arcanum or the one from Malistaire if you’re not high enough level yet. 

For the hat and robes you should choose between Darkmoor and Krokopatra/Rattlebones exalted duel. Some schools are straight forward when it comes to which one is better, but most of them have pretty similar stats. Just pick your poison. The decision is a bit easier when it comes to boots. Pick the ones from Darkmoor or if you’ve finished Mirage, use the ones from the bosses in Sands of Time.


From zero to hero Lower ZigZag amuletWhile Mastery amulets can be dropped around the spiral, we’ll focus on non-mastery builds. If you’re lucky enough to get one as a drop, go ahead and use it (as long as it’s relevant and useful). But if you don’t have any, we can improvise a little.

For low levels there are a few options. The easiest is the level 10 amulet from the Bazaar that gives 2 weakness cards. It used to be really popular and was by far the best choice in the past, but it got overtaken by masteries. It’s still a good choice though, since it gives you the ability to stack weaknesses! The second choice is the duelist amulet – if you want to spend some extra hard earned tickets then go ahead and buy it. It gives a nice amount of health and cool cards.

In the mid levels it becomes a bit more interesting when it comes to amulet choices. While everything written above still applies, there is one better choice. Stroll your way to the Lower ZigZag dungeon, where you can get an amulet with a 2% damage boost. You can get it either from the last boss or the chest in the room, opened by a wooden skeleton key. While there are small differences between them, they’re really small and it doesn’t really matter which one you choose.

When you hit level 100 though, you’ll get access to a whole new power in amulets. There are a few available options, all dropped. You can get the amulet from the rat, the last boss in Polaris, which gives a nice chunk of block, 6% universal resist and shield enchanting cards. Or you can choose the one from Shane von Shane in the second part of Darkmoor. This one will give you 4% pierce and 4% universal resist. Or you can choose the one from Morganthe with a bit lower resist and pierce, which will also give you extra blade cards. All amulets are good, but my personal suggestion is the one from Shane von Shane.


Mounts with stats are not a necessity and since they require purchases we won’t pay too much attention to them. This part is just to let you know that they exist and if you manage to get one, don’t hesitate to use it.


Decks are the only part of gear we haven’t covered yet. Regardless of your level, you should always have a deck with a triangle socket. If you’re level 100+ you should also pay attention to getting a deck that gives an extra pip at the beginning of the match as well some other minor stats.



Jewels are an addition to some pieces of your gear and they also play a big role in PvP. Especially at higher levels! The extra stats are pretty low at low levels, but they’re good enough to make a difference every now and then.

We need to differentiate between two terms when it comes to jewel values. First flat increases and second percentages. Percentages are usually the better choice because they provide you with a higher additional value. For example, a damage boost jewel will add only 20 extra points to your attack, while 4% pierce will reduce your opponent’s resist from 50% to 46%. That’s 540 damage dealt instead of 500, if the base damage of your attack is 1000.

Tear Jewels

There are the following options to affix to Tear sockets:From zero to hero tear jewel

  • Health
  • Mana
  • Energy
  • Fishing luck

For PvP purposes there’s only one useful option – extra health.

Circle Jewels

There are the following options to affix to Circle sockets:From zero to hero circle jewel

  • Damage (flat)
  • Pierce (percentage)
  • Outgoing healing (percentage)
  • Critical chance (flat)

Things become more complicated here. For levels 55+ there isn’t any discussion. Percentages offer way more of a boost than flat values, so pierce is the way to go. Some players prefer a healing boost, but they have really specific strategies and you don’t need to worry about those right now.

At lower levels you can just go with flat damage. Critical and pierce jewels aren’t available yet and healing boost jewels are way too hard to obtain.

Square Jewels

There are the following options to affix to Square sockets:From zero to hero square jewel

  • Resist (flat)
  • Stun block (percentage)
  • Incoming healing (percentage)
  • Block (flat)

These jewels are just there. They don’t offer any significant advantage, but it’s still nice to have them. Similar to the circle ones, healing boost jewels are rare and hard to obtain. Unless you’re running specific strategies (which you won’t) you don’t need to worry about them. We can ignore extra block as well, since right now critical and block chances are often neglectable. And it doesn’t add too much anyway. Which leaves us with stun or flat resist. It’s up to your personal preference, but I’d suggest chosing flat resist. It’s more useful in my personal opinion and you can simply buy them for arena tickets.

Triangle Jewels

There are the following options to affix to Triangle sockets: From zero to hero triangle jewel

  • Power pip chance
  • Shadow pip chance
  • Accuracy
  • Additional cards for your deck

The extra shadow pip chance applies only to level 100+ wizards. They’re a rare drop and offer a small boost and, as such, they’re not really worth the hassle. The additional cards might sound tempting, but generally accuracy or power pips are a better choice. If you do decide to go for extra cards, choose something like a double blade or an extra bubble. As for the decision between extra power pips and accuracy – it’s really hard to tell and it often comes down to preference. As a rule of thumb, you can go with accuracy until you won’t be fizzling your attack spells anymore and add powerpips to any leftover spots.


Make a good pet

Pets are another necessary evil, which will cost you a ton of gold, time and mega snacks. But like it or not, you’ll need one if you want to be good in PvP. But before you start looking for the pet you find good, we’ll have to set up priorities. Some things are more important than others, so watch out so you won’t start wrong. Creating pets is like building a house: first you set the base, then the walls and the roof at the end. Anyway, here is order of importance when it comes to pets. 

1) Pet talents 

2) Pet cards 

3) Looks of the pet 

Pet Talents

Now, depending on your skill level and PvP needs you may skip to the second point, but I wouldn’t recommend this to a beginner. We’ll need every bit of help we can get in order to succeed. 

Now that we set up the priorities, lets check what your pet talents should look like. There are two must have talents, regardless of the level and school you’re playing: Spell-Proof and school dealer. Sometimes you’ll see people without either of these talents, but don’t stress about that. They’re using specific builds and play styles that aren’t important to you just yet. The third talent in line is Spell-Defying. Depending on the level you’re playing, you can skip this one. At lower levels and if you play with offensive gear there’s no problem if you replace defy with an offensive talent. However if you’re at least level 60 where farmable gear gives nice amount of resist and damage, then you should try to get defy. 

The last three talents are up to your personal preference. The easiest decision is again with offensive low level builds. In this case, just fill your pet with other offensive talents: damage boosts, may cast infallible, pierce if you can find it or even critical. It get a bit complicated at mid levels. Since you can afford to play more defensively you can throw some wards, enfeeble or may cast fortify into the mix. It all depends on your play style.

Pet cards

From zero to hero Pet cardsThe chance of getting a pet with a useful card is pretty high, if you’ll be hatching with experienced players. While some cards are better than others, there really isn’t a set rule which pets are the best. By far the most popular pet across all levels is the Enchanted Armament and you can’t go wrong by choosing it. It gives 3 sharpen blade cards – a sun card which you can apply to your blades to make them 10% stronger AND which stack with regular blades.

Other popular choices are pets that gives an extra blade. That could be for example a Rain Beetle, which hits and leaves a balance blade, or one of the little Beasts, which give a normal blade you can stack. At low and mid levels you’ll also see the Clockwork Paladin pet. It gives minions, which are arguably the best in the game. The only minions that are better are Talos (but it’s Myth only level 55+) and Death’s Animate (and its high pip costs makes it a really situational spell).

The last popular but a bit less frequent option you can see are pets with defensive cards. The Flamenco Tocador gives Availing Hands, which are pretty nice cards for Balance wizards or wizards that use a Balance mastery amulet. Or you can choose any other pet sold by Sir Nigel in pet pavilion, and receive 3 90% dual shield cards. There are plenty of options available and you don’t even need to browse through the wizard101 wiki. Just go to the Arena and check what kind of pets are used by warlords.



Gardening is the best way to make training pets easier. Your pets will fail a lot and you will need a ton of mega snacks and gold to compensate for this. Plants are a good way to do this, since they’re a passive provider of gold and snacks. While you’re farming for gear or training pets, they’ll automatically grow in your home. One visit a day is enough to ensure that they will keep growing. 

So, what plants should you have? For mega snacks there are two options that stands out – evil magma peas (EMP) and couch potatoes (CP). Which ones are better is up to your personal preference, but I’d say couch potatoes are more suitable for beginners. While you can squeeze more emp seeds into a large circle and they drop a ton of rare reagents, CP’s have other benefits. It’s much easier to obtain them and they’re a real goldmine. Selling the treasure cards and regular snacks they drop will net you a nice amount of gold. 

But wait, there’s more! These are only the plants that are good for your pets. There are some other types of seeds that will come in really handy in your PvP journey. Unfortunately, they’re also crowns seeds and are a bit harder to get as a drop. So, focus on the following ones AFTER you get everything else: 

  • Sunions: drop various useful tc’s such as supernovas, gargantuans and colossals. 
  • Ivy leagues: the best source for triage tc’s. They also drop healing cards like availing hands and sacrifice.
  • Sword ferns: drop all kinds of blades if you want to save some gold and loremaster tc’s.
  • Ultra king parsleys and saw palmettos: drop bad juju tc but since they don’t reseed it’s not the best idea to spend too much time farming for those. 
  • Jewel seeds: they drop all kinds of jewels. They’re good, but come only as a rare drop from a pack. Don’t waste crowns on these, since there are much better options. 

Protip. If you’re a member you get a chance to double your seeds when Kingsisle gives us double gardening rewards. Make sure to add all the likes to your plants so you ensure the fastest growth possible and don’t miss this chance. You can also split your seeds in half (especially the ones that grow slow). Plant half of them and when they’re half way to the elder plant the rest of them.  That way you’ll have double the chances to multiply your seeds, but unfortunately you’ll Murphy only half of them. Another chance is leaving them at elder and waiting for the benefit. But if you’re just starting you might leave this for later. EMPs and CPs grow really fast with all the likes anyway, so in the worst case scenario you’ll only double them.



Here it is, yet another chore. It’s not as important as it used to be regarding gear requirement, but it’s still a really good thing to do. You can get most of the gear either as a drop or buy it with tickets, but from time to time you’ll still see something juicy that requires a crafting level.

From zero to hero Crafting

From the low levels until grandmaster (level 50) you might want to have a high crafting level to craft those gargantuan tc’s. It’s true you can buy Monstrous at any level (Gargantuan becomes available at level 58), but remember – every little bit count. Monstrous adds 175 damage to your attacks, while gargantuan adds 250 damage.

Things become more interesting once you hit Zafaria. You can become a legendary crafter here and unlock the ability to craft Lore spells. These are usually really strong additions to your school’s arsenal and are an addition you shouldn’t miss out on.

The next levels don’t offer too much when it comes to crafting needs for PvP. There is some decent gear – it should be good enough for starting ranks, but waterworks/house of scales is generally better. If you’re doing PvP at max level, crafting offers a great alternative to pack wands.


When should you start/do a ranked match?

And finally, no matter how tempted you are, be patient and don’t rush into a ranked match. Take your time and make sure that you’re really prepared – that you have all the gear you need and a pet you’re satisfied with. Before you’ll get all the required gear you’ll probably need a lot of tickets – that’s where tournaments come to play. They are a much better way to get tickets. You’ll preserve your rank while you’re still learning and you always get at least 250 tickets – even if you end up in the last place. It’s still a long way since Brandon Mistborn is the greediest badger I’ve ever seen, but there’s another positive thing to gain from doing tournaments.

Doing tournaments is good practice for ranked PvP. There is an option called Practice PvP, but you won’t learn too much from there. It might be a good introduction if you’ve never done PvP before, but it won’t prepare you to the slaughter that is going on in ranked PvP. Tournaments, on the other hand, have plenty of good players and just by getting smashed by them you can watch and learn how they play.

Okay, so – you got all the gear, read all the guides and got destroyed countless time in tournaments to study good tactics. Despite it being time to finally test your skills in ranked, there are still some limitations to when you should stay away from it: 

  • Age reset – everyone went back to 500 rank, so it’s better to wait until the warlords get their rank back.
  • Try all opponents – don’t click that, go fishing instead. Unfair matches are extremly tough for experienced players, so for beginners that’s pretty much a suicidal mission.
  • When RNG messed you up/upset you. Being angry in such a situation is understandable, but it will only lead to making more mistakes. Take a break!


Are entry barriers for PvP too high or are you prepared to take the challenge and start the long road towards warlord?



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Shadows of the Spiral – A Trickster’s Tale

Shadows of the Spiral
– A Trickster’s Tale

Last Thursday, those of us who happened to be watching KI Live witnessed the Shadow Trickster in all its glory. Shadow Trickster appears to be an upcoming new shadow-self spell that should provide quite some fun. As this content hasn’t been released yet, be warned that it can be subject to change. In order to obtain this spell you’ll have to face the Trickster himself in one of the Arcanum’s mystery rooms. He is a rank 17 Shadow Boss with an arsenal of spells at his disposal (including a shadow version of Glowbug Squall).

Shadow Trickster

shadow trickster

The spell provides the wizard that casts it with an additional 60% universal critical and a decrease of 30% in block. On top of that, it has a ‘Trick 1’ feature added to it. As some of you may know, Trickster played a trick on Kingsisle a few weeks back, it slipped in the live version of the game and us wizards were able to fight him and obtain a spell. However, the spell wasn’t Shadow Trickster but it was actually ‘Trick’. Trick didn’t have any pip requirements and its effect was to steal a power pip from the enemy. This might suggest that ‘Trick 1’ might be an auto-cast of Trick itself, which might depend on the Tricksters likes and dislikes (if it works like the other shadow-self spells).


Donate Shadow

Wait! That’s not all! This next bit might have been an unintentional reveal from Kingsisle, but the viewers were able to see another brand new shadow spell offered by Velma von Venkman – Donate Shadow. That’s right! The much requested spell has actually become a real possibility. This might become a real asset to support wizards despite the 2 shadow pips restriction.

What are your thoughts on these
brand new shadow spells?

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Autumn 2017: Pirate101 Test Realm is Back!!!

Pirate101 Test Realm is Back!!!

Avast fellow pirates, test realm has sailed into our skyways once again. Read on to see what’s new in store for Pirate101!


Diplomacy Forged on a Party Barge!

Captain Avery’s dream is coming true – Skull Island is going to be a republic! For players, this means new adventures await those who have completed the quest “Gunn’s Gold.” Avery’s new quests will take you across Skull Island and always guide you back to Zeke’s Party Barge.

Once you complete Avery’s initial quests, every 24 hours the diplomats on the Party Barge will offer you a level-banded repeatable quest that has a chance to reward you some of the rarest jewelry and totems from around the Spiral.

Once you earn your new badge from completing these quests, a new vendor will unlock on the Party Barge. Drop by the Party Barge often! You never know who or what you might see there!


Practice Ship PvP

We finally get to see what a real skyway showdown will look like. Test out your cannons vs your friends and see who truly rules the skyways!

Players have long requested a zone where they can faceoff in Broadside battle with other players’ ships. Consequently we’re happy to see this new form of “practice” ship PvP… with the hopes for more to come! For all those who are at least level three (and nautical level three), Mickey Dugan has a new quest titled “Broadside!” This quest will direct you to the Skipper and open the portal to a random location in our ship PvP zone. It’s sure to be a dangerous place!

Special Notes:

  • You won’t be able to change your ship in the zone.
  • You will spawn into the zone in a random location.
  • The only way to exit is to use your shortcut teleportation keys (…or to get sent back to a life fountain from being defeated).
  • There are new badges for both sinking ships and for being sunk in Practice Ship PvP.

Team Up Ledger

Wizard101’s team-up kiosk has finally made its way over to Pirate101 as the team-up ledger. No more going around asking around for a team to do the Tower of Moo Manchu or Kane with, those pirates will now come to you! This is also great so that lower levels can get the assistance they need with that dungeon they can’t seem to solo. The only downside is that you’ll need to have a membership or spend crowns to have access the Tower of Moon Manchu now.

The Team Ledger will display a list of all teams that are waiting for additional members. However only the dungeons and worlds that your Pirate already has access to will be in the list. Press the “Refresh” button at the bottom right to update the list and look for additional teams.


  • If you leave an incomplete dungeon after using Team Up, you will have to wait 10 minutes before you can Team Up or use the Join a Team kiosk again.
  • In minor dungeons, such as those with only one battle, the penalty is removed after a single battle.
  • When you leave a dungeon after using the Team Up Ledger, you will return to Skull Island.
  • Players won’t be able to play mini-games while waiting in a queue for Team Up!
  • Four new badges for helping players using Join a Team have been added. Enjoy!


In addition, Pirate101 now has emojis! Click the skull face icon on the right hand side of your chat window, and this will open up a menu of emojis you can add to your conversation. Click on the emoji you want to use and you’ll notice that this adds a keyword shortcut to the chat window (For example, the Swashbuckler school emoji is “:Swashbuckler”.) When you press enter, the keyword shortcut becomes an emoji in chat. (NOTE: there is only a very basic set of emojis for now. They’re the same ones that can be found on the official message boards. Kingsisle has plans to add more in the future!)

If you’d rather not see emojis, there is a toggle now to turn these on and off from your options menu.



Showcased in the previous episode of KI Live, the Auto-Companions option is a neat new tool. If you’re not in the mood to plan out your companions attacks one by one, this new feature has got your back. This can be useful for farming, questing, or when you get a little lazy (it happens to all of us). Having units move on their own makes battles less complex which is ideal for newcomers who are still learning the game. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but there will certainly be handfuls thankful pirates.

Now your companions have been given intelligence to act of their own accord! The “Automate Companions” option now defaults to “on,” but you can toggle this off through your options menu.

Autumn 2017: Pirate101 Test Realm

While Automate Companions is on, whenever you don’t issue a command to a companion, they will approach and fight the enemy as they see fit. This also works for Henchmen!



  • Fixed a bug causing the Yule Trogg to not use the jump ability correctly.
  • Added the Scrip Only icon to the Clock-o-gators.
  • Fixed a bug causing some mount names to not be usable in chat.
  • Increased the max-friends limit to 150 for subscribers.
  • The Tower of Moo Manchu is no longer marked as a free to play zone and is now a part of the premium area for Book 12, Chapter 29.


That’s all for now. What are you most excited for
this update? Let us know down below!


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Pirate 101: New Talents and Powers Ideas

Pirate 101: New Powers 

Musketeer Powers

Pirate 101 had an exciting Producer’s letter for the month of August. The letter confirmed an episodic storyline update, Ship PvP and a bunch of other new features such as automated companions. One of the most intriguing parts of the letter concerns our next storyline update which centers around our diplomatic efforts to establish Skull Island as a legitimate republic. Thus, in keeping with the spirit of the update I will be designing 2 powers/talents for each class that match up with the theme of diplomatic exploration. Please note these powers were designed with a 5 lvl increase in mind.


Name: Magna Carta

Lvl Acquired: 72

Target: All players

Range: Infinite

Effect: No units may activate “chain” and “response” effects for 5 rounds.

Explanation: A powerful pacifying effect. This power prevents chain effects such as burst fire, double tap, relentless from activating. It also stops effects such as first strike or vengeance strike which wait for an opponents attack to activate. The only talents that are unaffected are approach talents such as repel boarders or cheap shot and passive talents such as hold the line or scent.


Name: Age of Exploration

Lvl Acquired: 74

Target: Self or One Friendly Companion

Range: Weapon Range(Minimum 3)

Effect: This unit is unaffected by all additional effects for 3 rounds

Explanation: A powerful tool- Age of Exploration turns your unit into an unstoppable force. It ignores any effects in play. Opponent has valor’s fortress? Doesn’t matter- your unit would deal damage as if it wasn’t there. Had your accuracy lowered? Doesn’t matter- your unit will ignore the accuracy debuff. It is balanced by the fact that it is a double edged sword since the unit also ignores all positive effects.(meaning you cannot shield the unit or buff it’s accuracy, crit chance etc)


Name: Demarcation Zone

Lvl Acquired: 72

Target: Self Only

Range:  Weapon range

Effect: All damage dealt to this unit is also dealt to every enemy unit within weapon range. Lasts 5 rounds.

Explanation: A powerful defensive ability, this allows a witchdoctor to relieve pressure at close range or to severely damage the enemy’s team if they decide to continue their offensive.


Name: Jobu’s Fanaticism

Lvl Acquired: 74

Target: One friendly unit(excluding self)

Range: Infinite

Effect: Sacrifice the selected unit to resurrect and control one random companion that has died this match with twice the health of the sacrificed unit(capped at full health)

Explanation: A powerful spell that allows a witchdoctor to quickly turn the tide of a match. Balanced by the fact that it revives a completely random companion(from either player’s pool), costs a unit and affords the opponent a chance to kill the resurrected unit before it comes into play.


Name: Manifest Destiny

Lvl Acquired: 72

Target: All Friendly Units

Range: Infinite

Effect: For the next 5 rounds- all friendly ranged companions can move and then shoot in the same round. -1 range for the duration of this effect

Explanation: A deceptively powerful buff- This allows ranged companions the ability to move and then shoot opening up a huge variety of options for both offensive and defensive plays. As this is a very powerful buff it reduces ranged companions range by 1 to compensate.


Name: Ceasefire

Lvl Acquired: 74

Target: All Units

Range: Infinite

Effect: All units cannot target adjacent enemy units. Lasts 3 rounds

Explanation: A powerful defensive spell that neuters melee units while allowing musketeers to retain offensive leverage(musketeers can aim at non-adjacent targets), Balanced by the fact that it doesn’t affect AoE damage and melee units can target non-adjacent units.


Name: Counterintelligence

Lvl Acquired: 72

Target: One Enemy Unit

Range: Infinite

Effect: Negate and discard the next power your opponent attempts to use, cancel any attempted opponent movement at time of cancellation.

Explanation: A spell that forces one of your opponent’s units to waste a power and a round. This power is useful because it will only activate when triggered by attempted power use, forcing your opponent to choose when and how the selected unit will be crippled for a round.


Name: Extradition

Lvl Acquired: 74

Target: One Friendly Unit + One Enemy Unit(Enemy Captain cannot be targeted)

Range: Infinite

Effect: Switch the locations of the targeted units

Explanation: A very powerful move that allows a swashbuckler to switch the positions of any 2 units on the board. It is balanced by the fact that you cannot target the enemy captain with this effect.


Name: Mutual Protection Pact

Lvl Acquired: 72

Target: Self and all adjacent companions

Range: All companions adjacent to self

Effect: If any unit is hit, all adjacent units will use a natural attack against the attacker, Lasts 5 rounds

Explanation: A powerful ability that is especially fearsome with some strenght buffs and the potential for chains. Balanced by the fact that ranged enemies can almost avoid the effect completely(unless the bucaneer is also using ranged companions)


Name: Carry a Big Stick

Lvl Acquired: 74

Target: All players

Range: Infinite

Effect: Players/Companions cannot use non-damaging or ranged powers from the power bar for the next 3 rounds. Melee damaging powers deal 25% more damage.

Explanation: A melee power up for the melee class, it allows them to run roughshod on ranged based units but as a consequence the player also cannot heal or shield their companions or themselves.

What Do You Think Of These Powers? Let Us Know In The Comments Below!


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Crafted Khrysalis Wands

Crafted Khrysalis Wands

Time for a new wand, right?! You’ve been using the one you have for long enough! Have you considered the crafted Khrysalis Wands? They’re pretty awesome staffs! Let’s take a look at them and how to craft them.

Most of the ingredients of these wands are the same for each recipe. We’ll first look at those ingredients and then look at the ones that are different for each wand in turn. Of those ingredients that are shared, you might have trouble getting the 3 Loremaster Treasure Cards, and the 2 Stardust.


Where to get Loremaster Treasure Cards

There are four ways to get Loremaster Treasure Cards:

  1. Farming the Bazaar: These TC do show up in the Bazaar periodically, but it will take you time to get them. You’re definitely not the only one trying to get them! People use them to craft Lore and also use to craft the statues of the Arcanum teachers, which require 5 Lore TC each. This makes them rare and hard to get.
  2. Farming bosses: You have two options if you decide to get these TC by fighting for them: Loremaster herself or Deep Spawn. Neither option is perfect, as Deep Spawn are quite a tough battle and Lore is very stingy with her drops. Still, if you need a spell from Loremaster anyway, you could try.
  3. Gardening: You could get some Loremaster TC from Sword Ferns. I haven’t personally tried this, so I’m not sure about the drop rate. They do reseed, but they’re hard to get. You can buy them from the Crowns Shop for 1500 crowns or get them from bosses in Khrysalis and Mirage. Not the best option, I would think, but if you’re an avid gardener, why not.
  4. Crafting: This is probably the preferred method for many, but not particularly easy either. You can buy the recipe from Grady in Avalon if you’re a legendary crafter. The problem with crafting them is that each TC will require 7 turquoise, which is another rare reagent.



Dawn of the Reaping Season Crafted Life Wand

Crafted Khrysalis Wands




  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 20 Black Lotus: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (200 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.
  • 4 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 1 Goat Monk: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (91 available when I checked).
  • 4 Fortify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.


Fragment of a Dream Crafted Myth Wand

Crafted Khrysalis Wands




  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 20 Pearls: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (500 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.
  • 12 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 20 Cyclops: Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (253 when I checked).
  • 4 Amplify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.
  • 4 Celestial Calendar:Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (200 when I checked).


Heart of Darkness Crafted Death Wand

Crafted Khrysalis Wands




  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 15 Blood Moss: Rare in the Bazaar. Can be transmuted from 15 Red Mandrake. Avery Templeton in Celestia Base Camp sells the recipe.
  • 12 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 20 Skeletal Pirates: Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (265 when I checked).
  • 4 Fortify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.
  • 4 Avenging Fossils:Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (100 when I checked).


Heart of Ember and Ash Crafted Fire Wand


Crafted Khrysalis Wands





  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 15 Fire Blossoms: Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (454 when I checked).
  • 2 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 2 Phoenix: Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (408 when I checked).
  • 4 Amplify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.
  • 4 Sun Serpents:Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (99 when I checked).


Lost Horizon Crafted Storm Wand





  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 20 Water Lilies: Very rare in the Bazaar. Can be transmuted from 15 Cat Tail with the recipe from Avery Templeton in Celestia Base Camp.
  • 2 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 2 Stormzillas: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (58 when I checked).
  • 4 Vengeances: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Killiman Copperleaf in Baobab Crown, Zafaria
  • 4 Storm Owls:Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (103 when I checked).


Root of Spring Crafted Life Wand





  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 15 Kelp: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (306 available when I checked). You can also collect Kelp in the Grotto in Celestia for example.
  • 2 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 4 Rebirths: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (75 available when I checked).
  • 4 Mend: Available in the Bazaar. Not rare (300 available when I checked)
  • 4 Spinysaurs: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (78 available when I checked).


Scales of Time Crafted Balance Wand





  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 15 Stone Blocks: Occasionally available in the Bazaar. I would head to the Doom Tree area in Khrysalis (near the Shadow Palace with Morganthe) to collect these.
  • 4 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 4 Ninja Pigs: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (111 available when I checked).
  • 4 Amplify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.
  • 4 Sabertooth: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (100 available when I checked).


Soul of Winter Crafted Ice Wand




  • 2 Stardust:Rare in the Bazaar. You can transmute 15 Comet Tails into 1 Stardust with the recipe from Zellozosia in Sardonyx. I personally would just go to the area with the doom tree in Khrysalis and change realms a couple of times. I tried it for this guide and got 4 Stardusts to drop within 9 realm changes.
  • 5 Astral Shards: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (442 available when I checked). A drop in Khrysalis and Mirage.
  • 25 Frost Flowers: Rare in the Bazaar. If you don’t have the patience, I’d go gather them in Grizzleheim in the cave lake in Mirkholm Keep.
  • 2 Aether: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (377 available when I checked). Ask a friend with Evil Magma Peas to sell some if those run out.

Treasure Cards

  • 3 Loremasters: See above.
  • 20 Colossus: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (160 available when I checked).
  • 4 Fortify: Can be bought in the Bazaar or from Treasure Card vendors, e.g. the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia.
  • 4 Lord of Winter: Available in the Bazaar. Not particularly rare (92 available when I checked).


Which one do you like most?

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Do’s and Don’ts in PvP

Do’s and Don’ts in PvP

So I’m a misthead. For those of you unfamiliar with that name, it means two things. First, it means I do things without thinking too much about them. Planning is overrated, you can worry about the consequences later. Second, it means I forget things. Memories are overrated too! Reality is just a social construct! 

It’s easy to claim things are overrated, especially when they really aren’t. So just know, you do need to plan in PvP. You need a strategy in order to know where you’re headed. You also have to remember things: how many reshuffles you’ve used, what school your opponent is and what kind of spells they could use.

This is a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do kind of article. I make a lot of silly mistakes in PvP. It occasionally costs me matches. I say it keeps things interesting, but if you’re sensitive to losses, interesting is not THAT interesting. The following are all things I have actually done. Even the stun block thing, yes.



DO: Check what school your opponent is through the menu chat options. Knowing what school you’re fighting should have a huge impact on how you play.

DON’T: Check what school your opponent is, then forget, then check again, then forget again, then check again. That’s what mistheads do.



DO: Keep an eye on your opponent’s pips. Since people cloak stun blocks, it’s important to know whether they used pips for their cloaked spell. If their spell used pips, it’s most probably a dispel. If it didn’t, it’s either a weakness or an infection. Knowing this could prevent a major pip loss due to fizzling!

DON’T: Forget that you are dispelled. It’s all good and well to know that they used pips for their cloaked spell, but if you forget about it 2 rounds later, you’re going to fizzle that high pip attack spell and suffer the consequences.



DO: Put Stun Blocks on yourself. This is especially important when facing Myth, Ice and Storm. Think about it: the stun from Medusa lasts two rounds, that could totally cast you the match. So make sure you discard aggressively in search of those Stun Blocks at the beginning of the match!

DON’T: Accidentally put Stun Blocks on your living puppet. It’s a great conversation starter though, if you want to get a laugh out of your opponent!



DO: Use your school bubble! Most bubbles cost two pips, which at times can feel like a lot, but don’t forget that compared to a blade, a bubble is much more permanent. Plus, you might make your opponent dig for a bubble too, which might make them discard things they really need.

DON’T: Use your school bubble when your opponent has a mastery amulet of your school. Say you’re a Myth and your opponent is a Life with a Myth amulet. Do you really want to give them a boost when they try to attack you with a Myth spell? I do this on purpose sometimes just to speed up matches though!



DO: Always keep one Reshuffle in your hand. I don’t care if you’re sure that you have more in your deck! Keep one in your hand so you can be sure that you will have one when you need it. Discarding your last reshuffle is a sad sad way to lose a match.

DON’T: Discard your last Reshuffle when you’re sure you’ve won. Nothing’s ever sure! Even if you need to dig for that attack that will kill your opponent, discarding your last reshuffle is a pretty bad idea. People survive in the most amazing ways possible. If they crit heal themselves, you’ll need to restart, which would be impossible if you’re out of reshuffles.



DO: Remember to fill up your side deck after every match so you won’t end up in a battle without vital TCs. Do double check before you accept your next match. You might also want to take a screenshot of your full side deck, so you don’t have to rack your brain over which TC is missing from it.

DON’T: Sign up to the queue and then port to a friend’s match without first checking your TC. You won’t be able to see them inside your friend’s Arena, so you can’t make sure everything is set.



DO: Panic! At least for me, panicking makes me more focused and more prepared to take calculated risks. Accept that PvP is scary. Maybe I’m alone in this, but it’s rare that the panic in my head feels so good as in PvP.

Do's and Don'ts in PvPDON’T: Panic! If panicking makes you unable to focus or unnecessarily defensive, remember that it’s just one match. Dying is not the end of the world. As Kevin the Noob once put it: YARN, You Always Respawn Closeby”. In PvP that’s not even true, but the sentiment is still the same. Plus, you look adorable with your head spinning like that!



DO: Dig for Triage or Shift when you’re facing a school that likes DoTs like Burning Rampage, Skeletal Dragon or Basilisk. Especially from first, it’s very satisfying to use Shift on a big DoT. And when second, it’s still worth a try. Maybe it won’t remove anything, when you predict wrong, but at least you tried!

DON’T: Dig SO far that you’ll have to reshuffle 3 turns into the match. They’re not going to Rampage right away, so focus on keeping them too busy to do that. Kill their minion, get your own minion out, put up your bubble, put weaknesses on them. Meanwhile, discard what you don’t need, but don’t go too heavy on the TC.



Do's and Don'ts in PvPDO: Learn what the most typical way to play a certain school is at a certain level by watching other people of that level PvP. You can learn a lot by paying attention to how others play. Knowing what is typical for a certain school and level will help you predict better what they will be doing to you when you face them.

DON’T: Assume too much about your opponent’s play style before you see what they really do. While there are always the stereotypical turtle Lifes and Lore spammers, not everyone fits into those categories. I recently lost a match because I assumed my Balance-with-Life-mastery opponent was a turtle when he disregarded all healing and just went all damage on me with Life spells.



DO: Accept the compliment graciously when people call you a noob! Noobs unite! Always say “gg” at the end of a match, no matter what the match was like. You tell people “good night” when they go to bed even when you don’t care if their night is good, so say “good game” at the end of a match. I think it’s just polite.

DON’T: Lose your temper when you lose due to RNG; be it pip fails, deck fails or lucky crits. Don’t call your opponent names. Come on, do I really need to tell you this?


Share your own good advice in the comments!


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Wizard101 Player’s Wishlist 2


Player’s Wish List

“Have you ever been in game and said “I wish we could…”?  Would you like to see new fields such as Weakness, Stun Block or Critical Block? If you designed a spell, what would it be? If Kingsisle were looking for ideas to enhance your experience, what would you ask for?” – Heather Shadowslinger

Any of you remember Heather’s article from 3 years ago? I don’t blame you if you don’t. I’ve recently stumbled upon it and came to realize how many of those wishes actually came true. 

Heather’s article

Wishes that Came True

  • Heather: Turn gear cards off
  • Azoresgirl: More functional PvP chat, which we just recently got
  • misthead: Different colors for the stars in friends list
  • Apollo: Different cards were labeled
  • Zane: Wished for an auto-planter – this wish saved lifes!
  • Kevin the Noob: beat a lost soul… keep dreaming Kevin!

Therefore, I figured why not keep those fresh ideas coming? I asked the current Duelist101 staff to share their wishes for Wizard101 with the community. After all, aren’t birthdays all about blowing candles and making wishes, specially for Wizard101’s birthday?

Cody RavenTamer: I wish that there was a street or a dungeon that featured 7 different bosses that each appeared on a separate day. Meaning that on Mondays we get to fight Boss 1, Tuesdays Boss 2 and so on.


I wish we could name our jewel vaults according to type and shape (e.g. “tear jewel vault” or “damage jewel vault”). I would also love a message board in game to leave messages for offline friends.

Alex Thunderstaff:

With the addition of mount stats, I would like to see mount stitching become a real feature for Wizard101. However, there would be one exception. When a mount with 50% speed is stitched, it gets to keep the speed, because can you imagine the Road Warrior’s Chopper drive at a regular 40% speed?

Wishlist - Mount Stitching

Morgrim Shadowfist:

I wish that Kingsisle would incorporate more fanmade ideas. There’s just a lot of promise in the community, and it’d be a great way for Kingsisle to better connect with players if the players knew that their ideas were directly contributing to the game in some form. There’s amazing ideas out there and it’s just up to them to really hop on the great ideas and work with the playerbase to really launch their game out into the stars.


My biggest wish is for Kingsisle to make turn based PvP the main system for PvP entirely.

Eric Stormbringer:

A PvP board that is in direct communication with the developers.

Charles Darkflower:

Being able to choose who goes first if both teams agree in a PvP match. It’s a feature more aimed for practice and housing arena matches rather than ranked PvP. Due to the fact that both teams probably won’t agree in ranked, then it could default to random like it currently is.

Jeremy RavenHunter:Wishlist - PvP

I wish for a closer collaboration between Kingsisle and Duelist101. I’d love to see a huge rebalance of the spells that have the biggest impact in PvP – buff the underpowered spells and nerf the op ones. I think Duelist101 (maybe with other experienced and non-biased PvP players) could work like a filter to forward ideas that would benefit PvP.



I want to see new arenas for the worlds that still don’t have one, like Khrysalis and Polaris. Additionally, I’d like to see mount racing become a feature as well.Wishlist - Arenas



I wish for farming/grinding/etc to be completely removed from the game. Having good stats should be an easy mouse click instead of a second job that can pretty much take you hours.

Wishlist - Mote craftingSierra:

I wish we were able to transmute motes so that farming wouldn’t be the only way to get them.


Wishes to see more variety in spell secondary effects and also make Monster Mash and Headless Horseman trainable spells for Necromancers. Additionally, introduce Myth, Ice and Balance mash up spells so that each school gets one.

Wishlist - Kevin!Kevin the Noob:

I would like to figure out how to beat lost souls, so that I can finally be level 2.


What’s YOUR WISH for Wizard101?

Comment your wish and the reasoning behind it below and you might be one of the random winners to win a Dragonclaw Blade. Additionally, we are going to choose one of your wishes that we really want to come true and award the winner with a random code. One comment/wish per person as multiple entries will disqualify you. One day we’ll look back at this article and see if any of them came true!

Happy Wishing!Wishlist - Doodle

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Mental strength in PvP

Mental strength in PvP

Did you ever hear “s/he choking” in the arena and have no clue what they were talking about? Do you have a good pet, gear and deck set up and still fail to achieve your goals? Mental strength is an intangible factor that plays an equally strong role as some other things in PvP matches. It’s the final move that pushes us to a higher step. It’s a factor that distinguishes the good from the best players.

In this article we’ll check the psychology of mental strength in Wizard101 PvP. We can describe it and give you some tips, but its final execution is on you. You have to go over all of the barriers by yourself – hopefully we can make your journey much easier.


Let’s start with motivation. Why are you PvPing… what motivates you to keep returning in the Arena? Is it the Warlord rank/badge, commander gear, to be the very best like no one ever was, getting arena tickets, climbing out of the sub-private ranks or just completing the daily assignments? Motivation is something that keep us pushing towards achieving our goals. Something that increases your desire to learn, practise and become better.

Make sure that you don’t forget what motivates you. If you do, you can quickly turn into mindless zombie who’s just there, straying further away from your own goals. Unless you don’t have anything that motivates you and you PvP just to casually spend an afternoon and don’t mind losing.

But we should be completely honest here. Unfortunately, PvP isn’t designed for getting wins from casual afternoons. You can of course squeeze in a win every now and then, but progression without willingness to learn and improve is really hard here – if not impossible.


Confidence can be divided into two parts:Mental strength in PvP - confidence

  • Overall approach in arena
  • Card selecting in actual fights

It’s highly probable that you’ll keep getting smashed after taking your first steps in the Arena. It can be hard to keep a positive attitude in situations like this, but you have to do it. You need to push away the “I can’t do it” attitude and focus on the one for winners: “I can do it”. Even if you’re keep failing and seeing that you can’t do it – never say this to yourself. “I want to do it” or “I will do it” are much better options. Be confident in yourself – you can’t have success if you don’t have any confidence and if you don’t believe in yourself.

The second part refers to confidence about decisions when you’re in an actual PvP match – especially when you’re going second. Don’t worry if you can’t predict all the moves accurately – even the best players can’t do that. In the end it’s still better to try and fail than not to try at all. We tend to remember the bad things more easily than the good ones. Which means that next time you’ll face a simillar situation, you’ll remember the previous experience and you’ll act accordingly. Every action has a reaction. Even when you fail to predict, having the confidence to try will give you experience and a better game sense. This experience can and will help you in the long run.

Mental strength in pvp - which step have you reached today?

Always stay 100% focused

It’s easy to say “staying focused isn’t that hard”. Which might be true. But can you stay 100% focused during all matches? Can you put away all the distractions? Can you stop playing around with your phone, and not pay too much attention to facebook and skype chats? Don’t watch videos on youtube at same time, because all of these things represent unnecessary distractions. I know there is some spare time during the spell animations – but you should use this time to think about strategy and tactics you’ll apply in the fight.

There is more time for actions in Wizard101 than there is in other games. Use it in your advantage! Use your time to think about possible scenarios. What will you play if opponent does X and what if Y? Or maybe if they’ll do something completely different. Even though 30 seconds sounds like a lot, they can pass really quickly. There’s 5 seconds left to pick a card and the pressure is getting high… You can’t decide what to choose and end up passing instead… If only you would have been focused during the animation, so you’d be able to pick the spell right away instead of passing, eh?


You should always try to be relaxed while in PvP. Being relaxed means less pressure and less nervousness in general – another set of things that can cause you to lose a match because of being unable to pick the correct card.

And how do you stay relaxed to get rid of all the nervousness? Well, the first thing is experience. While some players can jump right into a ranked match and have no problems at all, others will need to go through a period of matches to obtain this skill. Maybe you can try to add some external factors – add some music in the background or use a fidget spinner. Just be careful what you choose, so you won’t get in conflict with the previous paragraph. Or even if you do, this won’t be too big of a problem as long as it would only be a temporary solution.

Don’t get irritated

OMental strength - don't get irritatedpponents can and some will taunt you or try to provoke you. The majority are just trolling or geniuly trying to make you miserable. However, there is small and almost non-existent percentage who do it in order to throw you out of your comfort zone and gain tactical advantage (you’re welcome for giving you a nice excuse for your bad behaviour, you meanies!). When you’re angry you will make mistakes. You will be filled with anger/sadness and this will have an effect on your decisions. Unfortunately this effect is negative.

Luckily, there are some methods that can help you with that. You can turn on “PvP team chat only” in the options and you won’t be able to see what your opponent is saying. You can turn off the chat bubbles and close the chat window – that way even their friends/second accounts won’t be able to provoke you. Or you can use the ignore button. Don’t be afraid to use it, it’s there for a reason and you won’t get punished for using it – even if you’ll use it on regular basis.

Don’t underestimate anyone

Mental strength - don't underestimate anyoneYou hear this everywhere in everyday life and not just in Wizard101. It’s exactly the same in wizard101 as it is in any other competition – Do not underestimate anyone. It doesn’t matter how big the rank difference is and the difference in gear and pets between you and your opponent. While there are lots of chances for you to win, they stay at “a lot”. Not 100%, but “a lot”. Being careless for 2 or 3 rounds, combined with the opponent having some luck can quickly turn an easy win into a disastrous loss.

Human brains are complicated thing and by underestimating the opponent you open yourself up to all kinds of mistakes. Unfortunately, underestimating isn’t like an on/off switch. You can say to yourself that you’ll be absolutely serious in the fight, but deep inside your mind – in your subconsciousness you’ll still treat the opponents as weaker beings after seeing them with an epic pet and unstitched gear. Even I, who am preaching how wrong this is and fully aware of problems that can occur, can’t get rid of that completely. It’s something that comes with experience and having a lot of finished matches under your belt.

Don’t be too concerned about TC

Or with other words – don’t be scared of using your TC’s. Especially when it comes to rare treasure cards. These can often make the difference between winning and losing. And having doubts whether you should use them or save them for the next fight can be a deal-breaker. It will distract you and make you think about wheter you really need to use them now or if you can risk saving them. It will distract you from thinking about things that matter – how to beat your opponent. Remember the paragraph about always staying 100% focused?

If you really want to save them for important matches (like a warlord match for example), then completely remove them from your deck and add them later. Or try to look for a steady supply. Gardens can help a lot here, since various plants provide various useful tc’s. For example, go and plant Ivy League if you’re keep hesitating about using triage. Or train Myth school so you can get Deadly Minotaur mutation.

With a steady supply and no fear to run out of cards, you can incorporate them into your strategy. If you want to check our article about Top 10 PvP plants in Wizard101, click here.

When you shouldn’t play

Now, of course we can’t say “You shouldn’t play when…”, but you need to be aware that certain situations can have an effect on your gameplay. When you’re in front of important life decisions for example. While video games are a good thing to free your mind, doing a ranked PvP match at this time can have a negative effect on your thought process. You’ll still think about this important life decision, which can quickly make you use the wrong card.

There are other situations as well – do you have an important exam tomorrow? Did someone you know in real life have an accident? Were you just fired from your job? Are you too tired? There are plenty of situations where doing a PvP match will help you free your mind, but you’ll still be distracted and won’t be able to fully commit to it. It’s up to you to judge whether you want to do ranked right at that moment, or whether bashing some monsters would be more appropriate.

The post Mental strength in PvP appeared first on Duelist101.

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New Pirate101 Update Coming Soon!

Hear ye, hear ye, this be no joke, matey – a new Pirate101 update will soon be hitting the waters of the test realm. Keep on reading to see what the update may contain!

A new Producer’s Letter was released (if you want to read all of it, go HERE ), which contains some details on what the new Pirate101 update may contain. First off, we have some story content! Captain Avery is looking to get Skull Island to become a true republic – and he needs our help! From the way they word this, this won’t be an entire world and rather an extensive series of quests to get Avery some wealth (and power!)

The second update they teased is a new side activity – ship v ship combat! It’ll be in a free area, and you can go all out with ships in a free-for-all rampage of ships. Best be prepared with all the best gear, otherwise your ship will be sinking!

Also, Team-Up Kiosk and Companion Auto-Fight are features coming to the update soon! And, as always, other goodies that they didn’t mention (can’t reveal everything at once!), with all of it coming to a test realm soon.

Gear up pirates, and prepare yourselves for the new update!

Are you excited? Leave you comments down below!!

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