Wizard101 Rasputin Gear Guide



Wizard101 Rasputin Gear Guide


Polaris is out and along with it is some new gear! We’ve seen the best drops come from Rasputin and Baba Yaga.

Rasputin drops level 110 hats, robes, boots, wands, amulets and decks. Below, we’re compiling a list.

If you’ve got a drop not listed, please let us know in the comments and we’ll add it. For info on Baba Yaga’s drops, check out our Baba Yaga gear guide. Happy farming!

Note: This guide is a work in progress and may have a few mistakes here and there as we add content.  It just goes faster that way…



Balance Hats

Tier 1: Majoris Helm of Cohesion

balace hat tier 1

Tier 2: Titan Warrior Honesty Cowl


Tier 3: X


Balance Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Balance Boots

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Balance Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Balance Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Balance Decks

Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: X

Sqaure Socket: X



Death Hats

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: X


Tier 3: X


Death Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Death Boots

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Death Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Death Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Death Decks

Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: X

Square Socket: X



Fire Hats

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: Titan Warrior Skyfire Helm


Tier 3: X


Fire Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Fire Boots

Tier 1: Shimmering Majoris Footgear

fire boots tier 1

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Fire Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: Titan Warrior Skyfire Relic

fire wand tier 2

Tier 3: X

Fire Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: Arcanum Exile Burning Charm

Tier 2 fire amulet

Tier 3: X

Fire Decks

Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: X

Square Socket: Arcanum Exile Pack of Fever

fire deck square



Ice Hats

Tier 1: Majoris Helm of Diligence

ice hat tier 1       

Tier 2: X


Tier 3: X


Ice Robes

Tier 1: Majoris Armor of Diligence

ice robe tier 1

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Ice Boots

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Ice Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Ice Amulets

Tier 1: Orlov’s Icesheet Charm

ice amulet tier 1

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Ice Decks

Triangle Socket: Rasputin’s Cards of Numbing

ice deck triangle

Tear Socket: Horizon Hold Set of Verglas

ice deck tear

Square Socket: Arcanum Exile Snowflake Set

ice deck square



Life Hats

Tier 1: Majoris Cover of Impulse


Tier 2: Titan Warrior Cowl of Mettle



Tier 3: Timeless Borealis Helm


Life Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Life Boots

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Life Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Life Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Life Decks

Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: X

Square Socket: X



Myth Hats

Tier 1: Majoris Cowl of Insight

myth hat tier 1

Tier 2: X


Tier 3: X


Myth Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Myth Boots

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Myth Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Myth Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Myth Decks

Triangle Socket: X


Tear Socket: X

Square Socket: Case of Arcanum Exile Ideas

myth deck square



Storm Hats

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: Titan Warrior Brim of Waves


Tier 3: X


Storm Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Storm Boots

Tier 1: Majoris Shoes of Fortitude

Storm boots tier 1

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Storm Wands

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: Titan Warrior Brim of Waves

Storm Rasputin Wand

Tier 3: X

Storm Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: Chill Venom’s Maelstrom Charm

Storm Rasputin Amulet

Tier 3: X

Storm Decks



Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: Horizon Hold Deck of Icefog

Storm Rasputin Tear Socket Deck

Square Socket: Arcanum Exile Galeforce Set

Storm Rasputin Square Socket Deck



Universal Hats

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: X


Tier 3: X


Universal Robes

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Universal Boots

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: Boots of the Titan Warrior

universal boots tier 2

Tier 3: Polarian Borealis Footgear

universal boots tier 3

Universal Wands

Tier 1: X


Tier 2: X

Tier 3: Borealis Majoris Artifact

universal wand tier 1

Universal Amulets

Tier 1: X

Tier 2: X

Tier 3: X

Universal Decks

Triangle Socket: X

Tear Socket: X

Square Socket: X


If you receive something not listed, please crop it and post it in the comments!

The post Wizard101 Rasputin Gear Guide appeared first on Duelist101.

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Guide to New Morganthe & Aura Jewels



Polaris is now live, and just in time for the chilly seasons. But, unlike the setting of Polaris, the release has brought some sizzling jewels!

With the release, KingsIsle released a new pack.. 7 in fact! Each school got their own “Jewel Pack”. For 599 crowns, you can get all the hard to get jewels, such as the 6% pierce, 10% accuracy, health, resist, critical, everything! Along with this, there are the jewels from the Zeus one-shot (9 pip spells for each school based off of one of the gods in each of the three dungeons in Aquila), and an interesting mount for each school.

However, the two types of jewels that have been making headlines are the new 4 pip AOE Morganthe Jewels and the new aura may cast jewels.

You can now cast Morganthe.. if you are so lucky to get one of these jewels. You can try to get them in the pack, or they are dropped from Baba Yaga in Forlorn Taig in Polaris. Each one is 4 pips, and varies in damage.

NOTE: You can get these from the new Jewel Packs or from Baba Yaga in Forlorn Taig in Polaris.










Thanks to Autumn Starwalker from Twitter for this image.

There are also new auras – that may cast! The first type of may cast jewel, each school gets 10% damage (first damage aura for life!), and 3% block (to help with the changes of block?)

NOTE: You can get these from the new Jewel Packs or from Rasputin in Sky Anchor in Polaris.



Thanks to Evan Kitty Eyes on Twitter for this picture.







Thanks to Crusader Kyle from Twitter for this image.



Thanks to Swordroll & Autumn Starwalker for this image.

These new jewels are sure to make a splash – but which one are you most excited to get? Leave a comment down below – and happy dueling!


The post Guide to New Morganthe & Aura Jewels appeared first on Duelist101.

from Duelist101 http://ift.tt/1Ha11yk

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Polaris: A Review from Shadowfishy


With the Polaris update out, it might be a good time to review what was Good and Bad about the update. It’s important to review the entire test realm before it gets to live realm, especially since Test Realm is where your comments matter most. After reading my review, maybe you should review everything about the update yourself and make suggestions as to what you think was good and what you think needs improvement.

The Good

Graduation! We finally graduate from Ravenwood, and honestly it was a moment I’m sure everyone was anticipating, for better or worse. It seems like many people have felt at least some sort of emotion while watching the scene, and I too felt like this was necessary. Perhaps the most emotion-provoking scene in Wizard101, and I’m proud of KingsIsle to deliver this so well. 

Sight and sound. The two most important senses in gaming. Polaris has a very well constructed city. The graphics have definitely improved and that’s a good thing. The music also adds so much atmosphere. Every area in Polaris has its own Combat theme, and every single one of them sounds somewhat different but also somewhat similar; they all have their own uniqueness to them. Walruskberg’s is very patriotic and sounds like unity within people (PO-LA-RIS chanting), while the Frozen combat theme is very distress-y, and has aspects of what you’d hear in an actual frozen forest horror/distress movie. Thumbs up on this aspect too.

Spells! The actual effects of the spells are so spot on this update. There are semblances of what the community wanted in many of the spells. Myth got a solid single hit that’s akin to the effects of Van Der Borst spell used frequently by low Myth wizards. Fire’s got a nice solid hit AoE with a smokescreen. Balance no longer ‘needs’ a balance convert, especially since the new spell is so good for PvE too. Life actually got a hit AND heal, which was something that was moderately requested or a ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ sort of discussion among players.

Elik Silverfist Doodlefish

Fishing! I’m always biased towards fishing (I AM Shadowfishy after all). The new fish are all so cute, especially in their doodle forms. Adding a larger benefit for catching certain fish and obtaining some nice gear for your efforts is also fun and revitalizes fishing as having another reason to fish other than for crafting. Good job on this too KingsIsle. Housing fishing was always something many people wanted.

Assistant to the Master Artist

Badges! There are a ton of new badges. Personal favourites include Wizard101 Excelsior (achieving level 101, of course), and Ravenwood Alumnus. My favourite discovery has been the side quest badges. For helping a certain painter penguin with three side quests in Walruskberg, you get a special badge displayed above. Now, you’ll have to do side quests to get some badges that some people might have missed. It’s these small discoveries that add to the fun of the world.


Critical and Block. I’m not going to talk much about this. There are many active conversations about what’s going on with Critical and Block, but it’s definitely out of whack right now. The only good thing about critical and block so far, is that mobs are actually unique in their chance at blocking or not. Just because you landed a critical on one mob, doesn’t mean that the one beside it won’t block, and this is how I think it should be.

Gear. Tagging along the Critical and Block mistake, we start seeing gear that just really doesn’t make sense. The stats on many pieces of gear seem to be nerfed in exchange for a seemingly high NUMBER for block, which in reality adds just about the same amount at 101+ than a lower number should have for 100. For example, an athame gives 7% (school) damage, and 80 block, which sounds like a good deal, but in reality, 80 block doesn’t give you what you’re expecting because of the weird 101+ nerf, and so the gear from Darkmoor still gives you ‘better’ stats, because they actually give you damage, health and power pip percentage. Some of the gear’s stats also make no sense for the school. Randomly adding 7% resist to Fire and Myth on a boot for an elemental school doesn’t really make sense to me. This was an issue in the Ultra one shots too.

Spells. The big issue here is that the numbers are so off and random, that some schools feel like they got the short end of the stick. Life and Fire in particular seem moderately low.

Underdevelopment. Many of the storyline aspects in Polaris are really not fleshed out. Polaris goes by extremely fast, you get to level 110 (and suffer the pains of critical and block nerfs), and you’re left wondering what to do now. There’s not a lot of hype after you get the side quest badges. For such a short world, I’d hoped that there would be more of a reason to stay in the world. Much of the world seems underused (especially Walruskberg with so many buildings and areas, but so few reasons to stay).

Next Steps

What can you as a community member do? Submit the bug reports as usual. There are a ton of bugs, naturally (no wisps?), and your bug reports help fix the game up for Live Realm standards. You want a change to be made on the critical and block problem? Say something. Gear not what you wanted? Perhaps give a suggestion! But be polite about it. Providing an alternative is always better than just saying ‘this needs to be fixed. KI fix it now.’

What can KingsIsle do to improve? I truly believe that KingsIsle should take a break in world updates. The biggest problems seem to be things that were overlooked. Gear that hasn’t been balanced properly, mechanical or graphical glitches in different worlds and battles still exist. Drop rates might also need a good fixing. For the next update, a big old broom and red pen might be the best remedy before further continuing on in the third arc. 

My final suggestion might be to have players directly impact the game. There’s not a whole lot of this going on. There’s feedback fridays, but that’s sort of where it stops when it comes to player influence. Other games have done specialized surveys sent by email. For example, a wizard that spends most of their time fishing might get a fishing update survey about what they think of the current state of fishing, and maybe their opinion on a few suggestions KingsIsle has. This style would help the game improve significantly. Unfortunately, people would be excluded from the survey, but I believe that surveys should be sent to the right people. A wizard that hasn’t crafted before isn’t going to be that helpful for a crafting update. Likewise, a doctor might not be helpful for fixing a car in the real world. By getting player ‘expert’s’ opinions on specific topics, the game gets much needed improvement. Along that line, perhaps a direct ‘committee’ or player suggestion team can help out. Community Managers can only do so much. Perhaps assemble a team of more well known community players to collect ideas from respective groups and voice their opinions to KingsIsle. Player voice means everything, and if the overall ‘community needs’ are met or at the very least, listened to, everybody benefits: Players getting immense joy out of playing a game they helped with or wanted to see, and KingsIsle gets rewarded for doing a fantastic job.

What do you think of the new update? Where do you think the next update should focus? Leave your comments below!

The post Polaris: A Review from Shadowfishy appeared first on Duelist101.

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Wizard101 – Polarian Explorer’s Bundle


KingsIsle’s brought us yet another bundle, the Polarian Explorer’s Bundle! This one was given out as the secret bundle for the Extra Life event, and should be available in stores relatively soon!

Polarian Explorer Bundle

The Polarian Explorer’s Bundle comes with:

  • Polarian Shipwreck House
  • Battle Narwhal Mount
  • Polarian Explorer’s Gear
  • Polarian Explorer’s Pickaxe
  • Choice of 1 month membership or 5,000 Crowns

The gear itself seems to give a wide variety of stats, with a nice robe that gives block instead of the expected critical that most robes get.

Polarian Gear Level 0 Polarian Gear Level 100 Polarian Gear Level 110


The gear doesn’t seem bad for brand new wizards, with the boots giving a solid 4% universal resist. As we get to the max level stats, we find  a wide assortment of stats and some critical boots with high pierce and resist. The robe gives a heap of health as well as a large lump block value that most robes don’t have. The item cards are all very ice themed (with the shields warding off storm and ice), with stun blocks on the hat throughout and varying low damage ice spells on the boots. 

The wands are much better with being universal. Each wand gives an ice wand hit and Precision item cards until 40 and 50+ wands giving 2 infallible cards instead. These could be considered the universal Harrowing critical wands if you really wanted to compare them. They all also give accuracy, which isn’t bad, especially at the lower levels.

Polaris Pickaxe Level 10 Polaris Pickaxe Level 100 Polaris Pickaxe Level 110










As far as housing goes, this house is simply a shipwreck crashed onto a Polarian ice floe of some sort. The outside of the house is immense with tons of ice and snow and astounding lights in the sky:

Picture 2015-11-09 15-47-12

First view of the house. Beautiful.

A secret room inside the house that has icy windows. Look through them to spy on people!

A secret room inside the house that has icy windows. Look through them to spy on people!

A quaint arena built on ice right beside the house.

A quaint arena built on ice right beside the house.

Yes, those ARE mana wisps! The first house to have wisps is finally here!

The house also features ice. Walk on it and you go SUPER fast, and when you stop, you skid instead of fully stopping! Fun!

The house also features ice. Walk on it and you go SUPER fast, and when you stop, you skid instead of fully stopping! Fun!

The house also comes with Captain Shackleton, who allows you to take one roll of his cargo every day!

The house also comes with Captain Shackleton, who allows you to take one roll of his cargo every day!

The penguin pet IS dyeable and changes the hat trimming and bow tie color. Cute little Proper Penguin, comes with a Tower Shield (-50%) card at Baby.

Proper Penguin Pet


What do you think about this bundle? Are you going to buy it when it comes out? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think!


~Thanks to the slothman, @man0fbass for the information and letting us peek at the bundle~

The post Wizard101 – Polarian Explorer’s Bundle appeared first on Duelist101.

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Wizard101 Wallpapers


 Wizard101 Wallpapers

Have you ever stood in your dormroom wondering where you could find that one wallpaper you can’t quite remember the name of? Hopefully this wizard101 wallpapers guide will help you in your creative decorating projects!



Wizard City – Shopping District – Aubert Quickhammer

brickwork wallpaper

Brickwork Wallpaper

cornflower wallpaper

Cornflower Wallpaper

doodle wallpaper

Doodle Wallpaper

pink heart wallpaper

Pink Heart Wallpaper

purple wallpaper

Purple Wallpaper

puzzler wallpaper

Puzzler Wallpaper

stormwracked wallpaper

Stormwracked Wallpaper

winterblue wallpaper

Winterblue Wallpaper (also in Winterland and Yuletide packs)

wizardly wallpaper

Wizardly Wallpaper

wizdoodle wallpaper

Wizzdoodle Wallpaper

lavender wallpaper

Lavender Wallpaper (also in Wyvern’s Hoard Pack)




Krokotopia – Krokosphinx – Ea’rik

black stripes wallpaper

Black Stripes Wallpaper

blue stripes wallpaper

Blue Stripes Wallpaper

brown stripes wallpaper

Brown Stripes Wallpaper

cyan stripes wallpaper

Cyan Stripes Wallpaper

green stripes wallpaper

Green Stripes Wallpaper

grey stripes wallpaper

Grey Stripes Wallpaper

lilac stripes wallpaper

Lilac Stripes Wallpaper

lime stripes wallpaper

Lima Stripes Wallpaper

maize stripes wallpaper

Maize Stripes Wallpaper

orange stripes wallpaper

Orange Stripes Wallpaper

pink stripes wallpaper

Pink Stripes Wallpaper

purple stripes wallpaper

Purple Stripes Wallpaper

red stripes wallpaper

Red Stripes Wallpaper

salmon stripes wallpaper

Salmon Stripes Wallpaper

violet stripes wallpaper

Violet Stripes Wallpaper

yellow stripes wallpaper

Yellow Stripes Wallpaper

Calpwboard wallpaper

Clapboard Wallpaper

clouded wall screen

Clouded Wall Screen

hieroglyph wall decor

Hieroglyph Wall Decor

plaster wallpaper

Plaster Wallpaper

solar pattern wallpaper

Solar Pattern Wallpaper


Picture 2015-11-01 09-00-46

Marleybone – Regent’s Square Neville Cobblestone

black chainlink wallpaper

Black Chainlink Wallpaper

blue chainlink wallpaper

Blue Chainlink Wallpaper

brown chainlink wallpaper

Brown Chainlink Wallpaper

cyan chainlink wallpaper

Cyan Chainlink Wallpaper

green chainlink wallpaper

Green Chainlink Wallpaper


Grey Chainlink Wallpaper

lilac chainlink wallpaper

Lilac Chainlink Wallpaper

lime chainlink wallpaper

Lime Chainlink Wallpaper

maize chainlink wallpaper

Maize Chainlink Wallpaper

orange chainlink wallpaper

Orange Chainlink Wallpaper

pink chainlink wallpaper

Pink Chainlink Wallpaper

purple chainlink wallpaper

Purple Chainlink Wallpaper

red chainlink wallpaper

Red Chainlink Wallpaper

salmon chainlink wallpaper

Salmon Chainlink Wallpaper

violet chainlink wallpaper

Violet Chainlink Wallpaper

yellow chainlink wallpaper

Yellow Chainlink Wallpaper

black argyle wallpaper

Black Argyle Wallpaper

blue argyle wallpaper

Blue Argyle Wallpaper

brown argyle wallpaper

Brown Argyle Wallpaper

cyan argyle wallpaper

Cyan Argyle Wallpaper

green argyle wallpaper

Green Argyle Wallpaper

grey argyle wallpaper

Grey Argyle Wallpaper

lime argyle wallpaper

Lime Argyle Wallpaper

Maize argyle wallpaper

Maize Argyle Wallpaper

orange argyle wallpaper

Orange Argyle Wallpaper

pink argyle wallpaper

Pink Argyle Wallpaper

purple argyle wallpaper

Purple Argyle Wallpaper

red argyle wallpaper

Red Argyle Wallpaper

salmon argyle wallpaper

Salmon Argyle Wallpaper

violet argyle wallpaper

Violet Argyle Wallpaper

yellow argyle wallpaper

Yellow Argyle Wallpaper

arboreal wallpaper

Arboreal Wallpaper

coral brick wallpaper

Coral Brick Wallpaper

ironclad wall plating

Iron Clad Plating

opal wall tiles

Opal Wall Tiles

ornate wallpaper

Ornate Wallpaper

red and gold wallpaper

Red and Gold Wallpaper

rough stone wallpaper

Rough Stone Wallpaper

slate blue wallpaper

Slate Blue Wallpaper

slate brick wallpaper

Slate Brick Wallpaper

starfield wallpaper

Starfield Wallpaper


wallpaper mooshu

Mooshu – Jade Palace – Zhi Lan

black bamboo wallpaper

Black Bamboo Wallpaper

blue bamboo wallpaper

Blue Bamboo Wallpaper

brown bamboo wallpaper

Brown Bamboo Wallpaper

cyan bamboo wallpaper

Cyan Bamboo Wallpaper

green bamboo wallpaper

Green Bamboo Wallpaper

grey bamboo wallpaper

Grey Bamboo Wallpaper

lilac bamboo wallpaper

Lilac Bamboo Wallpaper

lime bamboo wallpaper

Lime Bamboo Wallpaper

maize bamboo wallpaper

Maize Bamboo Wallpaper

orange bamboo wallpaper

Orange Bamboo Wallpaper

pink bamboo wallpaper

Pink Bamboo Wallpaper

purple bamboo wallpaper

Purple Bamboo Wallpaper

red bamboo wallpaper

Red Bamboo Wallpaper

salmon bamboo wallpaper

Salmon Bamboo Wallpaper

violet bamboo wallpaper

Violet Bamboo Wallpaper

yellow bamboo wallpaper

Yellow Bamboo Wallpaper

crashing wave wallpaper

Crashing Wave Wallpaper

forester's wallpaper

Forester’s Wallpaper

imperial wallpaperImperial Wallpaper

khaki wallpaper

Khaki Wallpaper

red board wallpaper

Red Board Wallpaper

zen geometry wallpaper

Zen Geometry Wallpaper

zen pattern wallpaper

Zen Pattern Wallpaper


Picture 2015-11-01 10-01-38

Dragonspyre – The Atheneum – Nessa Lightblade

black concrete wall finish

Black Concrete Wall Finish

blue concrete wall finish

Blue Concrete Wall Finish

brown concrete wall finish

Brown Concrete Wall Finish

cyan concrete wall finish

Cyan Concrete Wall Finish

green concrete wall finish

Green Concrete Wall Finish

grey concrete wall finish

Grey Concrete Wall Finish

lilac concrete wall finish

Lilac Concrete Wall Finish

lime concrete wall finish

Lime Concrete Wall Finish

maize concrete wall finish

Maize Concrete Wall Finish

orange concrete wall finish

Orange Concrete Wall Finish

pink concrete wall finish

Pink Concrete Wall Finish

purple concrete wall finish

Purple Concrete Wall Finish

red concrete wall finish

Red Concrete Wall Finish

salmon concrete wall finish

Salmon Concrete Wall Finish

violet concrete wall finish

Violet Concrete Wall Finish

yellow concrete wall finish

Yellow Concrete Wall Finish

coral brick wallpaper

Coral Brick Wallpaper

opal wall tiles

Opal Wall Tiles

slate brick wallpaper

Slate Brick Wallpaper

underwater wallpaper

Underwater Wallpaper

wyrmscale wall tiles

Wyrmscale Wall Tiles


grizzleheim furniture wallpaper

Grizzleheim – Northguard – Thorlief Woodcrafter

crystalline brick wallpaper

Crystalline Brick Wallpaper

grizzleheim doodle wallpaper

Grizzleheim Doodle Wallpaper

pitch-sealed log wallpaper

Pitch-Sealed Log Wallpaper

runecarved bark wallpaper

Runecarved Bark Wallpaper

stars and stripes wallpaper

Star and Stripes Wallpaper

stitched hide wallpaper

Stitched Hide Wallpaper

wickerweave wallpaper

Wickerweave Wallpaper

wood plank wallpaper

Wood Plank Wallpaper


celestia furniture wallpaper

Celestia – Celestia Base Camp – Otto

black shell wallpaper

Black Shell Wallpaper

blue shell wallpaper

Blue Shell Wallpaper

brown shell wallpaper

Brown Shell Wallpaper

cyan shell wallpaper

Cyan Shell Wallpaper

green shell wallpaper

Green Shell Wallpaper

grey shell wallpaper

Grey Shell Wallpaper

lilac shell wallpaper

Lilac Shell Wallpaper

lime shell wallpaper

Lime Shell Wallpaper

maize shell wallpaper

Maize Shell Wallpaper

orange shell wallpaper

Orange Shell Wallpaper

pink shell wallpaper

Pink Shell Wallpaper

purple shell wallpaper

Purple Shell Wallpaper

red shell wallpaper

Red Shell Wallpaper

salmon shell wallpaper

Salmon Shell Wallpaper

violet shell wallpaper

Violet Shell Wallpaper

yellow shell wallpaper

Yellow Shell Wallpaper


wysteria furniture wallpaper

Wysteria – Pigswick Academy – Petunia Floribund

bejeweled wallpaper

Bejeweled Wallpaper

block illusion wallpaper

Block Illusion Wallpaper

boxes wallpaper

Block Wallpaper

hexagon tile wallpaper

Hexagon Tile Wallpaper

steel reinforced wallpaper

Steel Reinforced Wallpaper

theatre curtain wallpaper

Theatre Curtain Wallpaper

whitewash wallpaper

Whitewash Wallpaper


zafaria furniture wallpaper

Zafaria – Boabab Market – Jihane Abletusk

black vines wallpaper

Black Vines Wallpaper

blue vines wallpaper

Blue Vines Wallpaper

brown vines wallpaper

Brown Vines Wallpaper

cyan vines wallpaper

Cyan Vines Wallpaper

green vines wallpaper

Green Vines Wallpaper

grey vines wallpaper

Grey Vines Wallpaper

lilac vines wallpaper

Lilac Vines Wallpaper

lime vines wallpaper

Lime Vines Wallpaper

maize vines wallpaper

Maize Vines Wallpaper

orange vines wallpaper

Orange Vines Wallpaper

pink vines wallpaper

Pink Vines Wallpaper

purple vines wallpaper

Purple Vines Wallpaper

red vines wallpaper

Red Vines Wallpaper

salmon vines wallpaper

Salmon Vines Wallpaper

violet vines wallpaper

Violet Vines Wallpaper

yellow vines wallpaper

Yellow Vines Wallpaper

black palace stone

Black Palace Stone

lion plank wall covering

Lion Plank Wall Covering

rhino wall covering

Rhino Wall Covering

sandstone brick

Sandstone Brick

smile of zafaria wall cover

Small of Zafaria Wall Cover

tribal wall markings

Tribal Wall Markings

zafarian stripes wallpaper

Zafarian Stripes Wallpaper

zebu pictograph wall paint

Zebu Pictograph Wall Paint

zebu wall carving

Zebu Wall Carving

zebu wall markings

Zebu Wall Markings

zebu warriors wall paint

Zebu Warriors Wall Paint


Picture 2015-11-01 15-15-20 Azteca – Three Points – Old Man Huehue


black leaf wallpaper

Black Leaf Wallpaper

blue leaf wallpaper

Blue Leaf Wallpaper

brown leaf wallpaper

Brown Leaf Wallpaper

cyan leaf wallpaper

Cyan Leaf Wallpaper

green leaf wallpaper

Green Leaf Wallpaper

grey leaf wallpaper

Grey Leaf Wallpaper

lilac leaf wallpaper

Lilac Leaf Wallpaper

lime leaf wallpaper

Lime Leaf Wallpaper

maze leaf wallpaper

Maize Leaf Wallpaper

orange leaf wallpaper

Orange Leaf Wallpaper

pink leaf wallpaper

Pink Leaf Wallpaper

purple leaf wallpaper

Purple Leaf Wallpaper

red leaf wallpaper

Red Leaf Wallpaper

salmon leaf wallpaper

Salmon Leaf Wallpaper

violet leaf wallpaper

Violet Leaf Wallpaper

yellow leaf wallpaper

Yellow Leaf Wallpaper

dragonscale wallpaper

Dragonscale Wallpaper


wallpapers from sets

Wallpapers from Furniture Sets

avalonian stone wallAvalonian Stone Wall

Avalon Furniture Set 3

azteca wallpaper

Aztecan Brick Wall

Azteca Furniture Set 3

dragonspyre wallpaper

Dragonspyre Tan Wall Tile

Dragonspyre Furniture Set 3

krokotopian brick wallpaperKrokotopian Brick Wallpaper

Krokotopia Furniture Set 3

jade palace wallpaper

Jade Palace Wallpaper

Mooshu Furniture Set 3

grizzleheim wallpaper

Grizzleheim Wallpaper

Grizzleeheim Furniture Set 3

pigswick wall stucco

Pigswick Wall Stucko

Wysteria Furniture Set 3


wallpapers from packs

Wallpapers from Packs

bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo Wallpaper

Emperor’s Attic Pack

dojo screen wallpaper

Dojo Screen Wallpaper

Emperor’s Attic Pack

dragon stone wallpaper

Dragon Stone Wallpaper

Emperor’s Attic Pack

spirit sky wallpaper

Spirit Sky Wallpaper

Emperor’s Attic Pack

wall icing wallpaper

Gingerbread Wall Icing

Winterland Pack

Snowbound Yuletide Decor

Snowbound Yuletide Decor

Winterland Pack

yuletide paneling wallpaper

Yuletide Wood Paneling

Winterland Pack

night snow wallpaper

Night Snow Wallpaper

Winterland Pack and Yuletide Pack

holiday striped wallpaper

Holiday Striped Wallpaper

Winterland Pack and Yuletide Pack

spider web wallpaper

Spider Web Wallpaper

Harrowing Nightmare Pack

marble wallpaper

Marble Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack

stone block wallpaper

Stone Block Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack

wavy stalk

Wavy Stalk Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack (also dropped by Aunt Millicent in the Fire B.O.X.E.S Event)

lavender wallpaper

Lavender Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack (also sold by Aubert Quickhammer in Wizard City)

1 stuccowallpaper

Stucco Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack (also dropped in the Fire B.O.X.E.S Event)

blue vine wallpaper

Blue Vine Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack

yellow flowers wallpaper

Yellow Flowers Wallpaper

Wyvern’s Hoard Pack

castle darkmoor wallpaper

Castle Darkmoor Wallpaper

Terror’s Hoard Pack




Dropped Wallpapers

The *Colour* Waves Wallpapers are dropped in Castle Darkmoor and Kembaalung Village.

blue waves wallpaperpink waves wallpaper

brown waves wallpaper

black waves wallpaper

green waves wallpaper

grey waves wallpaper





red waves wallpaper

orange waves wallpaper







 Those are the current Wizard101 Wallpapers available! Which ones are you favorites?

Let us know in the comments!

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Wizard101 Polaris Master Guide


Wizard101 Polaris Master Guide



polaris_test_realm_1Finally, the wait is over!!! Polaris is HERE!!!

On October 26, 2015, Wizard101 announced the release of Polaris in Test Realm. In order to proceed into Polaris, you will have needed to finish Khyrsalis Part 2, “Light and Shadow”, you will then need to speak to Merle Ambrose in Wizard City to obtain the quest “Head of the Class” and then you will be able to quest in Polaris. Note: Those that have completed the quest, “Light and Shadow” will see this badge in the Khyrsalis tab of your badges.

Here is a quick overview of the changes and additions:

    • Critical system is now changed. The higher your crit is, the higher chance you have to crit, but you will now not always critical if your crit is higher than your opponent’s block.
    • Fish tournaments – and catch of the day.
    • Disable item cards.
    • Fishing in the bundle houses – 1 new fish per house.
    • Bread Crumbs – which lead your pets to a certain area in your house
    • New Level 110 Henchmen
    • New Level 108 Spells


New Spells Info


Myth School: Witch’s Housecall 

Storm School: Rusalka’s Wrath

Balance School: Nested Fury

Life School: Wings of Fate

Death School: Winged Sorrow

Fire School: Raging Bull

Ice School: Snowball Barrage




Training Points


Zeke has lost another load of critters. Here’s where to find them! WIP – will updated with link when article becomes available.





 crownsiconnew Crown Per Area: crownsiconnew

There are 5 premium zones for Polaris, each zone will cost 1995 crowns per zone.


New Teachers

Polaris has new teachers, one for each school! Located in the Arcanium, they serve as our new teachers to grab spells from since we  graduated from Ravenwood. (WIP – Will have article up as soon as we can)




 Misc. Updates:

  • Bread Crumbs
  • Fishing Tournaments & New Fish

Misc. Updates 

 Don’t forget to check out all the other Polaris articles. Did you find something in Polaris, leave in comments below.

 A HUGE Thank you to everyone that helped out with getting this guide together.



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Test Realm – Misc. Updates


There were a bunch of small, but important updates in this test realm, so we’re going to condense them all into this article, a one-stop shop!

Firstly, you can now deactivate item cards by simply clicking on them in the spell (P) menu.



Secondly, there is a new housing item called Bread Crumbs. With this, you can create a chain of them that will serve as the path for your pets to take. Each Bread Crumb will only allow 1 pet or mount to follow that path that you set.  Bread Crumbs can be purchased from the Crown Shop or crafted using a recipe from Jackie Whisperflame in the Wizard City Pet Park.


Lastly, the critical system has been re-worked slightly. As per the notes on Wizard101’s site:

The system for calculating Critical and Block has been altered to provide more variety in gameplay. Previously, if a Wizard’s Critical rating was higher than their opponent’s Block rating, they would always land a Critical hit against that opponent. The calculation has been altered as follows. When a Wizard casts a spell, the system will calculate a chance for them to achieve a Critical hit with a higher chance to succeed based on their Critical rating. Then the system will calculate a chance for the opponent to Block the Critical hit based on their Block rating. This will provide more variety in outcomes compared to the previous “all or nothing” style system.

There are many more small updates in this test realm, all of which you can read here – http://ift.tt/1mKGLSA

Will you be using the item card change? What do you think of the critical change? Comment down below!


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Test Realm – Fishing Updates


Another test realm brings some more fishing updates, and we have quite a few.


Firstly, fishing tournaments are here! Go talk to Lucky Hookline in the Wizard City commons, and he will give you a certain fish that he wants. Each week, the wizard who has the biggest whopper or the smallest small fry (it depends on what he wants) will receive a prize and a medal, and anyone who participates will get a prize as well.

Secondly, there is a new feature called Catch of the Day. With this, Lucky will have a special fish each day, and you can sell that kind of fish for extra gold, up to 3000 extra gold. Fairly simple, but cool!

Lastly, is that there are new fish in each of the bundle houses, which we will list down below once we know what they are.


Do you enjoy these fishing updates? Comment down below!

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Test Realm – New Level 108 Spells


As with any new main world, we have some new spells that each school can receive. Unlike other updates, however, we know EVERY affect, as posted via the notes. Each spell costs 6 pips + 1 shadow pip to cast. We will get videos of each spell up as soon as they become available to us.11-spells

Myth School: Witch’s Housecall attacks for 992-1132 Myth damage and summons a Myth minion. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Storm School: Rusalka’s Wrath attacks for 1352 Storm damage and applies +25% damage or -50% damage to next Storm spell. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Balance School: Nested Fury attacks for 818-866 Fire, Ice or Storm damage to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Life School: Wings of Fate attacks all targets for 460 Life damage and heals all teammates for 460 health over 3 rounds. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast. (just to note: both the heal and damage are a DoT)


Death School: Winged Sorrow attacks for 735-1005 Death damage and has a chance to Beguile the target. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Fire School: Raging Bull attacks all enemies for 514-802 Fire damage and applies -40% accuracy reductions to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Ice School: Snowball Barrage attacks for 85 Ice damage per pip to all enemies. This spell costs 1 Shadow pip to cast.



What is your favorite spell? Which do you think are too good/too bad? Comment down below!

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Wizard101 – Test Realm Opens!



Wizard101 Test Realm is Online

 Polaris is here!

Polaris is here, and with it comes a test realm. This update includes a NEW level cap of 110, new Enhanced Spells, Housing Bread Crumbs, Catch of the Day, Fishing Tournaments and much more! 


If you find an error or notice anything not working correctly, click the bug in the top right corner of your screen and submit a bug report.  Bug reports are not limited to the things they mention to test. Report on any issues you have in the game.

Things to test

This update includes the new world Polaris, level cap increase to 110, new Shadow-Enhanced Spells, Housing Bread Crumbs, Catch of the Day, Fishing Tournaments and more!

Test Realm Updates!

Crowns in test realm are free and do not effect your status in live realm at all!  As of the time of this writing, we have 15,000 crowns.  (No Mega Snack packs are available for pet testers.)


New pets are dropped – although we are unsure of how many.

spellbookSpells and Quests


New level 108 spells – 6 pips & 1 shadow pip. Descriptions are as of followed:


Myth School: Witch’s Housecall attacks for 992-1132 Myth damage and summons a Myth minion. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Storm School: Rusalka’s Wrath attacks for 1352 Storm damage and applies +25% damage or -50% damage to next Storm spell. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Balance School: Nested Fury attacks for 818-866 Fire, Ice or Storm damage to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Life School: Wings of Fate attacks all targets for 460 Life damage and heals all teammates for 460 health over 3 rounds. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Death School: Winged Sorrow attacks for 735-1005 Death damage and has a chance to Beguile the target. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Fire School: Raging Bull attacks all enemies for 514-802 Fire damage and applies -40% accuracy reductions to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Ice School: Snowball Barrage attacks for 85 Ice damage per pip to all enemies. This spell costs 1 Shadow pip to cast.

Boy-with-WingsGear and Item issues

Do you have issues with any of your gear or items?? Now is the time to speak up! 




How does Test Realm work?

If you haven’t been in test realm before, follow the instructions near the end of the Test Realm notes (click button below.)  Wizard101 Test Realm is limited to members and crowns users with recent transactions.  Test realm is copied from live realm.  It is completely separate from your live characters. What you do in Test Realm will NOT effect your wizards in live realm. The crowns you spend in test realm will not effect live realm.

Test Realm


Happy Testing!!



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