Pirate 101: Winter Champion PvP Rewards


Winter Champion PvP Rewards

Winter is here and with the frosty weather comes a new Pirate 101 Ranked PvP Season. Along with a rank reset players now have a new set of weapons and pets to strive towards.

Winter Champion Weapons

The winter champion weapons have the same design as the fall pvp weapons with a different color scheme. The winter PvP weapons come with an ice wall power which create 3 ice walls. Unfortunately this power is quite underwhelming compared to past champion weapon powers, as the ice walls are of limited scope and offer no other benefits. They also disappear after 4 rounds, relegating these weapons to aesthetic choices.

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Winter PvP Pets

The summer season offered us sharks and the fall season offered us raptors. This season offers us minotaurs (or maxotaurs in this case). The maxotaurs are once again differentiated by color scheme and — if prior incarnations were any indication — they may have unique talents to offer.

Winter Champion Maxotaur Rewards


Swashbuckler Winter Pet

Picture 2016-01-30 13-48-28-515

Picture 2016-01-30 13-48-38-038

The Swashbuckler Maxotaur did come with 2 useful talents:

  • Grants Brutal charge which allows doubled movement range and an accuracy debuff
  • Grants First Strike a swashbuckler specific talent.


Let us know what you think of the Winter Season Rewards!

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Card-Giving Triangle Jewels: part 1


Card-Giving Triangle Jewels


Triangle jewels can currently offer you three things: an added pip chance percentage, an added accuracy percentage or an item card. In this guide, you can find all the card-giving triangle jewels, organized into categories based on what kind of a card they offer. There are also pet jewels (star-shaped ones) that offer an item card as a pet talents, but those will be added in a different guide.

Listed for each of the triangle jewels are the level of the jewel and where to get it. For jewels that are dropped by bosses, I have added a handy link to the wizard101 wiki, so you can find out more easily where these bosses are located. Some information may still be missing, because jewels are still a fairly new thing.

In this guide, we take a look at Jewels which give:

  • auras,
  • single attacks,
  • global attacks,
  • enchantment spells


    Some of these jewels can be crafted. Here’s a list of where to find the crating recipe vendors:

    • WC: Eudora Tangletree (Olde Town)wizard city crafting
    • Krok: Wul’Yahm (The Oasis)
    • MB: Felicia Worthington (Regent’s Square)
    • MS: Toshio (Jade Palace)
    • DS: Balthazar Dragonthorn (The Atheneum)
    • CL: Aegeus (Crustacean Empire)
    • ZF: Marwa Jadetusk (Baobab Market)
    • AZ: Yaxche (Cloudburst Forest)


    Aura Item Card Jewels

    aura item card jewels


    Amplify Opal


    Fortify Opal


    Infallible Opal


    Vengeance Opal



    Empowerment Opal


    Mend Opal


    Chastisement Opal

    • Level 95+
    • Winterland Pack

    cycle of life

    Cycle of Life Opal

    • Level 95+
    • Winterland Pack
    • Hisser

    galvanic field

    Galvanic Field Opal


    Punishment Opal


    Reliquary Opal

    sleet storm

    Sleet Storm Opal

    • Level 95+
    • Winterland Pack
    • Hisser


    Virulence Opal


    Single Attack Item Card Jewels

    single attack item card jewels triangle jewels


    Troll Peridot


    Scorpion Citrine

    locust swarm

    Locust Swam Citrine

    spectral blast

    Spectral Blast Citrine

    skeletal pirate

    Skeletal Pirate Onyx


    Phoenix Ruby


    Stormzilla Amethyst


    Centaur Jade


    Colossus Sapphire

    insane bolt

    Insane Bolt Amethyst

    • Level 65+
    • Crafted: ZF

    power link

    Power Link Ruby

    shift krokopatra

    Shift Krokopatra Opal


    Shift Meowiarty Opal

    wrath of apollo

    Wrath of Apollo Jade

    wrath of aquila

    Wrath of Aquila Citrine

    Wrath of ares

    Wrath of Ares Ruby

    wrath of cronus

    Wrath of Cronus Peridot

    wrath of hades

    Wrath of Hades Onyx

    wrath of poseidon

    Wrath of Poseidon Sapphire

    wrath of zeus

    Wrath of Zeus Amethyst


    AoE Attack Item Card Jewels

    AoE triangle jewels

    morganthe's clamor

    Morganthe’s Clamor Amethyst


    Morganthe's Ardor

    Morganthe’s Ardor Jade

    • Level 15+
    • Life Jewel Pack


    Morganthe’s Burning Venom Ruby

    morganthe's gaze

    Morganthe’s Gaze Sapphire

    morganthe's requim

    Morganthe’s Requim Onyx

    • Level 15+
    • Death Jewel Pack

    morganthe's will

    Morganthe’s Will Citrine


    Blizzard Sapphire


    Scarecrow Onyx

    shift rattlebones

    Shift Rattlebones Opal


    Enchantment Item Card Jewels

    enchantment triangle jewel

    keen eyes

    Keen Eyes Opal


    Strong Opal


    Accurate Opal


    Giant Opal


    Monstrous Opal


    Sniper Opal


    Gargantuan Opal


    Unstoppable Opal


    Colossal Opal


    Extraordinary Opal


    It’s important to note that, once you affix a jewel on an item, it automatically becomes no trade. This means you can’t farm for these jewels on a higher level and then pass the piece of gear on to a lower level wizard.


    Part two of this guide will include jewels that give a bubble, dispel, blade, trap, shield, heal or minion.

    The post Card-Giving Triangle Jewels: part 1 appeared first on Duelist101.

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    Mighty Minions: How to put the “I” back in “Minion”



    Minions! How can we improve them?

    Okay, not THESE minions. Gosh, posting clearly an irrelevant picture. How despicable of me! It’s Mismagically, back with another PVP related article! This one is about a topic that really doesn’t come up in 4v4 play, but does in other forms of Team PVP: Minions!

    I’ll start off by saying that part of my inspiration for this article came from a Life & Death Perk 2v2 tournament I did last week where I encountered a death (typically) spamming dispels on my own death, and I also saw she had a myth partner who almost 75% of the time used Witch’s Housecall and had that hard boiled egg set out to scramble me! While the minion was not much of a threat by itself, I got to thinking: “What if it was as bad as half of a wizard?” Thus, we have a minion themed article!

    Lvl 75 minions

    What KI tried to do with new minions

    KI came out with a new group of minions for each school I’d say about 2 and a half years ago, obtainable for lvl 75+ wizards that also completed crab alley and were caught up on all their utility spells from Grizzleheim, Wintertusk, and Avalon. These minions functioned more like mini henchmen. What do we know about henchmen? They’re BANNED from PVP. With good reason mind you: Most of these minions had health around the 1500s, plus came with 30% boosts to their school and each had a crafted spell in their arsenal. I found myself questing to get some of these minions, but not all of them. Nowadays, the high pierce/critical meta would turn these minions into wet tissue paper faster than you could say “alakazam!” Nevertheless, KI did provide a nice, free alternative for the PVE crowd that didn’t want to spend bank on henchmen, and for that, they get kudos. (Also Malduit = Boss)


    What I propose we do to Minions

    There are a lot of ways to improve minions. We could completely revamp how they work and allow them to change as we level up; we could have them act like companions and just offer stats; we could make them more like the lvl 75 minions, but balanced enough to not be banned from PVP. My suggestion? We want a solution that is both effective and understandable to the PVP and PVE crowd alike. Henceforth, be born Shadow Minions!

    Shadow Minions would use the existing sprites for Shrike, Sentinel, and Seraph respectively. They would be available after completing the quests in the Solar Arc. Some innate qualities to all 3 minions:

    • All 3 minions would have their own custom spell deck, limited to just 5 main spells, and 3 sideboard slots (one copy allowed of any card). The spells and sideboard are based on your own spells and Treasure Cards available.
    • All 3 minions would have an innate shadow pip chance of 10%.
    • All 3 minions would have a cost of 1 shadow pip, 3 pips, and a backlash of 30%. 
    • These spells would not be able to be enchanted (includes elucidate/simplify).
    • These minions cannot use other Shadow School Spells (Shrike, Seraph, Sentinel, and the creatures)
    • These minions cannot use enchantments (cloak, colossal, extraordinary, etc.)
    • Once their main deck is exhausted, they will automatically use a moon version of reshuffle when they reach 3 pips.



    Shrike Minion

    • Rank 14
    • Health: 1,000
    • Power Pip Percentage: 50%
    • Damage boost: 30% to all schools
    • Resist: 15% to all schools
    • Pierce: 25% to all schools
    • Critical/Block percentage: 20% to all schools
    • Starts with: 2 Power Pips + 1 regular pip
    • Incoming Heal Boost: -75%

    This would be the ideal attacking minion for when you just need a crunch of offensive pressure. Outfit its deck well enough and it’ll pack a wallop. This also provides soloists an easier way to beat bosses like Belloq which require that you hit every single round to avoid painful cheats. 


    Shadow minion

    Sentinel Minion

    • Rank 14
    • Health: 2,000
    • Power Pip Percentage: 50%
    • Damage Boost: 0%
    • Resist: 35% to all schools
    • Pierce: 0%
    • Critical/Block percentage: 0% critical/50% block
    • Starts with 2 Power Pips + 1 regular pip
    • Stun Resist: 80%

    This minion is a solid defender! Give him access to shields and maybe a few heals and it’ll certainly stall long enough for you to regain some momentum.


    shadow2 minion

    Seraph Minion

    • Rank 14
    • Health: 1,500
    • Power Pip Percentage: 50%
    • Damage boost: 10%
    • Resist: 25% to all schools
    • Pierce: 10%
    • Critical/Block percentage: 30% critical/30% block to all schools
    • Starts with: 2 Power Pips + 1 regular pip
    • Outgoing Heal Boost: 40%

    This minion will certainly be a boon for those who like to solo – set him up to heal, then get on with your boss battle. In PVP, this will definitely be a big help while you set up your big hit to end the match. 


    So, these are my ideas – totally open and welcoming feedback. Let me know what you think in the comments, or any ways that you think we can make minions relevant again! (All those Minion spells in Krok are just gathering dust, after all!)


    The post Mighty Minions: How to put the “I” back in “Minion” appeared first on Duelist101.

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    Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 3


    Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 3


    wizard101 main quest line spiral

    Questing through the higher worldscan be time consuming. Especially if you’re questing by yourself, you can take ages to complete a world. In times like those, it can be helpful to see your progress: see which areas you’ve done and which ones are still ahead of you. This guide is meant to give you courage while questing. By following the quests in this guide, you can see exactly how many more collect and defeat (C&D) quests you still have before you can move on to the next area. I hope this guide will help you keep going, as you see the list of quests get shorter and shorter with every step you take.

    Part 1: Wizard City to Dragonspyre

    Part 2: Celestia to Avalon


    This is part 3: Azteca to Polaris


    I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

    I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

    • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
    • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
    • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
    • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
    • Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss.
    • Double boss: Quests that require the defeat of two bosses at once.
    • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
    • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
    • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
    • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
    • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.



    Azteca Main Quest Line


    Azteca has a total of 198 quests. Of those quests, 45 contain regular mob fights, and 26 Defeat and Collect quests. There is a total of 57 bosses, with only 6 of them real cheaters. Not counted as cheaters are the ones that only have a mastery of another school.

    Azteca is a difficult world to cut into areas. So much running back and forth between areas! It’s really hard to see your progress when you keep having to go back to old areas. I’ve always prefered the old worlds divided into clear areas to finish before moving on to the next one. Some people might find Azteca more enjoyable exactly because it doesn’t work that way. Azteca is LONG. It’s not as long as Khrysalis, but it sure is a long journey to take.

    My favorite quest has to be the one where you have to catch the cute little fish in Pitch Black Lake. They’re just SO adorable! Pitch Black Lake as a whole was very enjoyable for me. The Floating Mountains is an area I consider one of my favorites throughout the whole spiral. I love the view, the bridge of fire, the rain and the fact that it’s not too long of an area.

    The Commons + Marleybone

    1. First Star I See Tonight (interact + explore + mob + talk)azteca1
    2. A Little Knowledge (talk + talk)
    3. Way of the Dodo (interact + talk)
    4. Land Before Time (talk)
    5. Life Finds a Way (talk)

    The Zocalo + Three Points

    1. Million Years in the Making (talk)
    2. The Savage Land (D&C + talk)
    3. Walk the Aztecosaur (talk)
    4. Toward Shadowed Places (explore + talk)
    5. A Stranger in Paradise (talk)
    6. Brief Encounters (talk + talk + D&C + talk + collect + talk)


    1. Break Stuff (interact + talk)
    2. Into the Maw! (mob + talk)
    3. The Everbroken Axe (D&C + talk)

    The Zocalo + Three Points

    1. Back from the Brink (talk)
    2. Here There Be Dinos (talk)
    3. Trouble in Paradise (explore)
    4. The Black Sun’s Wake (instance: mob + mob + talk + boss + interact)
    5. Trouble in Paradise (talk)
    6. Tides of Dreads (talk)
    7. The Highway (talk + talk)
    8. Outsider (interact + interact + talk)


    1. King of Fang and Claw (explore + talk)azteca2
    2. Black Orchid (mob + mob + talk)
    3. Healing Light (collect + talk)
    4. The Lightless Depths (explore)
    5. Cold Dead Hands (instance: mob + mob + explore + boss + interact)
    6. The Lightless Depths (talk)
    7. Broken Idols (collect + interact + D&C + talk)
    8. Living Dead Girl (explore + boss + interact + talk)

    Three Points

    1. Day Watch (talk)
    2. Center of the Sun (explore)
    3. The Clamor and the Chaos (instance: mob + mob + explore + boss + explore)
    4. Center of the Sun (talk)
    5. Geometry of Shadows (talk + talk)
    6. Little Talks (talk)

    Mangrove Marsh

    1. The Truth May Vary (talk)
    2. Screams All Sound the Same (mob + explore + boss + talk)
    3. Don’t Know If I Am Wrong (mob + talk)
    4. War, What Is It Good for? (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    5. They Say We Must Fight (explore + mob + talk)
    6. War Means Tears (talk + talk)
    7. Induction Then Destruction (collect + mob + talk)
    8. Nothing But a Heartbreaker (talk)
    9. Enemy to All Azteca Kind (instance: talk + mob + interact + boss)
    10. Nothing But a Heartbreaker (talk)
    11. There’s Got to Be a Better Way (talk + talk)
    12. Thorn in My Pride (interact + talk)

    Saltmeadow Swamp

    1. My Only Hope (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    2. Rattle and Horn (explore)azteca3
    3. Funky Monkey (mob + talk)
    4. Monkey Men (collect + mob + talk)
    5. Monkey Business (mob + talk)
    6. Brass Monkey (mob + talk)
    7. Monkey Racket (mob + talk)
    8. Monkey Shine (explore + cheat + talk)
    9. Monkey Wrench (talk)
    10. Art of Song (talk)
    11. No Time to Cry (explore + boss + talk)
    12. Dino Days Are Over (D&C + talk)
    13. Raise It Up (explore + collect + talk)
    14. Snake Song (interact + talk)
    15. Floodland (D&C + collect + talk)
    16. The Damage Done (collect + talk)
    17. Vision Things (interact + explore)
    18. This Corrosion (mob + talk + interact + talk + explore + boss + interact + explore + boss)
    19. Vision Things (talk)

    Cenote/Zocalo/Three Points/Mangrove Marsh/Saltmeadow Swamp

    1. Under the Spear (talk)
    2. Shadow of the Past (talk)
    3. Hungry Like the Lizard (mob + explore + boss + talk)azteca4
    4. Into the Marsh (interact + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    5. King and Stoneheart (talk + interact + talk)
    6. Slow and Steady (talk)
    7. Carnosaur (talk)
    8. Journey to the Cenote of the Earth (mob + explore + boss + collect + talk)
    9. Grave Concerns (talk)
    10. 13 Death (D&C + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    11. The Hour of Dark Dawn (talk)
    12. Apocalypto Now (explore + boss + talk)
    13. Hollow at the Core (explore + collect + talk + collect + explore + mob + interact + talk)
    14. King of the Lost (talk)
    15. How Do Dinosaurs Fly? (interact + boss + interact + talk)
    16. Flying Boats Need Rudders (talk)
    17. Welcome to the Monkey House (D&C + talk)
    18. The Monkey and the Serpent (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    19. Tail Rudder (interact + talk)
    20. Secrets of the Wind (boss + boss + boss + talk)
    21. How Do Dinosaurs Build a Raft (explore + interact + talk)
    22. Mystics of a Feather (talk)

    Zultun Dock

    1. Fine Furry Friend (interact + talk)
    2. Sideways (mob + talk)
    3. Feel the Pain (explore + boss + talk)
    4. Getting Rough (D&C + talk)
    5. Start Choppin (explore + talk)
    6. Back to Your Heart (talk)
    7. Pieces (collect + D&C + talk)
    8. Imagination Blind (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    9. Lemon Scented (interact + explore + boss + collect + talk)
    10. I Live for that Look (talk)
    11. Out There (D&C + interact + talk)

    Cloudburst Forest

    1. Blue Bird Rockies (mob + talk)azteca5
    2. Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    3. Don’t Be Long (talk)
    4. Wind Driving In My Face (mob + boss + interact + talk)
    5. The Smell of Prickly Pear (mob + boss + interact + talk)
    6. Touch the Sky (interact + talk)

    Alto Alto

    1. Last Known Surroundings (mob + talk)
    2. Look into the Air (collect + talk)
    3. Give Me a Sign (talk)
    4. Keep Us Together (collect + talk)
    5. Need for Seed (D&C + talk)
    6. Cloud Sign (talk)
    7. Painting Clouds (talk)
    8. Idlewild Blue (D&C + interact + talk)
    9. Bookpeople (explore + boss + talk + talk)
    10. Paint the Past (talk + talk)
    11. Red Paint (collect + explore + boss + talk)
    12. Brush with the Blues (D&C + talk)
    13. Painting the Invisible (interact + talk)
    14. Shadow of the Day (explore + boss + talk + talk)

    Cloudburst Forest

    1. Chasing the Sun (talk)
    2. Broken Sun (D&C + talk)azteca6
    3. Yellow of Sun (explore + talk)
    4. The World Drags Me Down (D&C + talk)
    5. Element of Boldness (D&C + collect + interact + talk)
    6. Universal Language (mob + talk)
    7. Attractive Force (D&C + collect + talk)
    8. With Teeth (talk)
    9. The Hand that Feeds (D&C + talk)
    10. Underneath It All (talk)
    11. Wilting Flowers (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    12. Head Down (interact + talk)

    Tierra de Brea

    1. Lost Key (mob + talk)
    2. Tarnished Gold (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    3. Children’s Lament (mob + talk + talk)
    4. Dead Man’s Will (mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    5. Reforging the Bond (talk + talk)
    6. Major Key (interact + talk)
    7. Sign of Cipactli (collect + talk)
    8. Lying in Bait (collect + talk)
    9. Sign of Hunger (explore + talk)
    10. Proper Challenge (talk)azteca10
    11. Showing Teeth (collect + talk)
    12. Safe Guard (talk)
    13. Properly Petrified (talk)
    14. Old Wounds (interact + D&C + talk + talk)
    15. Fan Service (talk + talk)
    16. Snake Bite (D&C + talk)
    17. The Jaws of Defeat (explore + cheat + interact + talk)
    18. Black Hole Moon (mob + explore + interact + talk)
    19. In My Eyes (explore + talk)

    Pitch Black Lake

    1. Straight and Narrow Track (D&C + talk)
    2. Six Days at the Bottom (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    3. When the Thunder Rolls (interact + mob + talk)
    4. Don’t Have to Worry (explore + talk)
    5. Walk Through the Garden (D&C + interact + talk)
    6. Pretty Teeth Dear (talk + boss + talk)
    7. Scarlet Billows (collect + talk)
    8. A Fish Called Vonda (collect + explore + talk)
    9. Schooling Fish (mob 3x + boss + talk)
    10. Friend Not Food (collect + talk)
    11. Go With the Flow (interact + explore + boss + talk)
    12. Hum a Few Bars (interact)
    13. The Moon is Down (instance: mob + mob + explore + boss)
    14. Hum a Few Bars (talk)

    Cloudburst Forest

    1. Let the Only Sound Be the Overflow (talk)azteca8
    2. World’s a Beast of Burden (talk)
    3. Smart Food (D&C + talk)
    4. Land that Time Forgot (talk)

    Alto Alto

    1. Wasn’t Born to Follow (talk)
    2. Catastrophe and the Cure (D&C + talk)
    3. Chimes of Freedom (interact + talk)
    4. Hickory Wind (talk)
    5. Your Hand in Mine (interact + talk)

    Floating Mountains

    1. Lost Land of the Jaguars (boss + interact + talk + interact + talk)
    2. Place of the Cactus Stone (interact + explore + talk)
    3. The Fire and the Fury (explore + boss + interact + talk + talk)
    4. The Wrong Hands (explore + boss + talk)
    5. Sky Walker (interact + interact + mob + explore + boss + talk)
    6. The Sun is Down (talk + explore + boss + talk)
    7. Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (explore + talk)
    8. Snow and Lights (explore + cheat + talk)
    9. Eagle of Fire (interact + talk)

    Twin Giants

    1. The Walking Dead (mob + talk)azteca7
    2. Glittering Blackness (boss + talk)
    3. Behind Closed Doors (explore + talk)
    4. Explosions in the Sky (interact + mob + talk)
    5. Strong Smooth Words (collect + explore + interact + boss + talk)
    6. The Sun Will Light the Way (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    7. Have You Seen Her Face (interact + talk + D&C + boss + talk)
    8. One Voice Above the Din (explore + cheat + interact + talk)
    9. The Long March (mob + talk)
    10. Birth and Death of the Day (instance: mob + explore + mob + explore + boss)
    11. Not a Cold Dead Place (talk)
    12. Remember Me As a Time of Day (talk)
    13. Sky Above, Fields Below (talk)
    14. Jaguar Pounces on a Wizard (boss + talk)
    15. It’s the End of the World As We Know It (explore + talk)
    16. The Lost World (talk)
    17. Song of the Swamp (interact + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    18. Tall Enough to Meet the Sun (interact + explore)
    19. This Is the Way the World Ends (instance: boss + interact 3x + explore + cheat + interact 3x + boss + interact 3x + explore + cheat)
    20. Tall Enough to Meet the Sun (talk)
    21. Speaker for the Dead (talk + talk)


    Khrysalis Main Quest Line


    Khrysalis has a total of 279 quests. For those quests you have to fight 86 regular mobs, and 30 Defeat and Collect quests. There is a total of 76 boss fights, with 19 of them containing real cheaters. In Khrysalis, you get to fight multiple bosses at once in some fights!

    I think Khrysalis is a very pretty world, but that it is a bit too long. Most of it is a blur for me, because it was just such a long journey. It’s also a very unorganized qorld if you’re used to doing on area at a time. There is lots of running back and forth between areas (which made writing this guide difficult as well)! Khrysalis is the first world where you get NPCs accompany you as you run around. They even join your fights and boost your stats!

    My favorite part of Khrysalis is everything near the end. I loved everything from the point where you free Old Cob from the Black Hole. I LOVED the Doom Tree, I enjoyed the challenge in the Galleries and the final fight against Morganthe. The animations are so lovely in each of those areas.

    1. Letters of Light (talk 4x)
    2. Calling the Council (talk + interact + talk)
    3. Emissaries of Light (talk)khr1
    4. Proof of Life (mob + talk)
    5. The Last Seed (talk)
    6. Last Rites (mob + talk + talk)
    7. The Third Point (talk)
    8. Diamond Forge (interact + talk)


    1. Cruel Forces (interact + talk)
    2. Quality of Mercy (mob + boss + talk)
    3. Silent Meditation (explore + boss + talk)
    4. Way of the Wisp (explore + talk)
    5. Vanishing Dream (explore + talk)
    6. Secret Heart (talk + boss + interact + talk)
    7. Free Mouse (instance: talk + mob + explore + mob + explore + interact + talk)

    Silent Market

    1. Market Street (talk)
    2. Lost Sign (explore + talk)
    3. War Plans (instance: explore + boss + interact + talk)
    4. Fading Footsteps (interact + interact + talk)
    5. Window Shopping (talk + talk)
    6. Blind Leads (explore + mob + talk)

    Moon Cliffs

    1. Mouse in the Moon (explore + talk)
    2. Tunnel Trouble (explore + mob + talk)
    3. Long Way ‘Round (D&C + talk)
    4. One of Uzzz (explore + talk)
    5. Lazy Dayz (mob + interact + talk)khr2
    6. Taproot (D&C + talk)
    7. Nightwatch (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    8. Bumbler Town (talk)
    9. Z-Z-Zabotage! (explore + mob + interact 4x)
    10. Pollen Days (mob + collect + talk)
    11. Honeymill (mob + talk)
    12. Rat in a Cage (boss + talk)
    13. Wing Tips (collect + talk)
    14. Test Pattern (D&C + explore + mob + talk)
    15. Blowing Smoke (interact + talk)
    16. Detention Block (D&C + talk)
    17. Smoke Rings (explore + interact + interact + talk)
    18. Warrior Blood (boss + talk)
    19. Escape from Apiary (mob + interact + talk)

    Last Wood

    1. Mouse Tracks (explore 4x + mob + talk)
    2. Foothold (talk)
    3. Head to Foot (mob + mob + interact 4x + talk)
    4. Pepper Grass Nook (talk)
    5. Mouse Days Are Over (explore + explore + talk)
    6. Lake Noise (explore + explore + boss + talk + talk)
    7. Code Switchers (talk)
    8. Good Times (talk + talk)
    9. Cry Havoc (explore + mob + explore + boss + explore + mob + talk)
    10. The World Is Closing In (talk)
    11. Lost Signal (mob + boss + talk + talk)

    Silent Market

    1. Carry On (talk)
    2. For All the Tea (collect 3x + boss + talk)
    3. You Shouldn’t Have (boss + talk)

    Tyrian Gorge

    1. Crack in the Mask (explore 4x + mob + talk)khr3
    2. Rebel Sign (explore + explore + talk)
    3. Break Out (collect + talk)
    4. Can’t Take the Sky (interact + talk)
    5. Dig Dug (mob + talk)
    6. Cut the Cords (interact + interact + talk)

    Last Wood

    1. Soaring Free (talk)
    2. A Cunning Plan (talk)
    3. Siege Warfare (collect + mob + talk)
    4. Take a Message (talk)
    5. Build Up (mob + mob + talk)
    6. New Plan (talk)

    Tyrian Gorge

    1. How I Learned to Stop Worrying (explore 5x + talk)
    2. Eggs on the Side (instance: mob + boss + interact + talk)
    3. Baa Baa Goatweaver (collect + talk)
    4. Sticky Situation (mob + talk + explore + boss + talk + talk)
    5. Feed Me (talk + explore + mob + interact + talk)
    6. Barrels of Fun (collect + talk)khr14
    7. Local Expertise (mob + talk)
    8. Hypothetically Speaking (D&C + D&C + talk)
    9. All You Need to Do (talk)
    10. Take Me In (explore)
    11. Blind Eye (instance: mob + talk + explore + mob + cheat)
    12. Take Me In (talk)

    Last Woods / Moon Cliffs / Bastion

    1. Fly Me to the Woods (talk)
    2. Planning the Attack (mob + mob + interact + talk)
    3. First Through the Breach (mob + explore + boss + talk)
    4. Face of a Queen (talk)
    5. Lair of the White Worm (talk + cheat + talk + talk)

    Tyrian Gorge

    1. Winter Comes Early (talk)
    2. Scorpion in Winter (explore)
    3. Love at First Sting (instance: mob + interact + mob +  explore + boss + interact)
    4. Scorpion of Winter (talk)

    Bastion / Moon Cliffs

    1. Broke Her Crown (talk)
    2. The Future’s in the Air (talk)
    3. Queensrych (explore + cheat + talk + talk)
    4. Fix the Moon (talk + talk)

    Tyrian Gorge

    1. Hole Cards (talk)khr4
    2. Darkest Darkness (D&C + talk)
    3. Gravel in the Gizzard (D&C + talk)
    4. Pass of the Spider (explore)
    5. Abyssal Cave (instance: explore + mob + collect + explore + boss)
    6. Pass of the Spider (talk)

    Last Wood

    1. Two Pieces (talk)
    2. Broken Glass (talk)
    3. Shape of My Heart (D&C + D&C + talk)
    4. Mended Tears (D&C + talk)

    Moon Cliffs (with a few quests in the Bastion)

    1. Heart of Glass (talk)
    2. Darkest Night (explore + talk)
    3. Moon Aria (explore)
    4. Moonlight Shadows (instance: mob + explore + cheat + interact + interact)
    5. Moon Aria (talk)
    6. Free Shadows (talk)
    7. Shadow Dancer (explore)
    8. Touching Shadow (instance: cheat + explore + cheat)
    9. Shadow Dancer (talk)
    10. Shadow Self (interact + talk)
    11. Restoring the Past (talk)khr15
    12. Kingless (talk + talk)
    13. Uneasy Allies (talk)
    14. Let’s Bee Friends (talk)
    15. Toe Biter (talk)
    16. Waggle Dance (D&C + explore + boss + talk)
    17. Up All Night (D&C + explore + talk)
    18. Feel the Rhythm of the Night (explore + interact + explore + cheat + talk + talk)

    Last Wood / Bastion / Moon Cliffs

    1. Bastion Found (mob + mob + talk + talk)
    2. Lost Seat (mob + talk)
    3. Fit for a King (interact + talk)
    4. Strange Allies (talk)
    5. Amber Tomb (mob + talk)
    6. Unstuck in Time (D&C + talk + explore + interact + talk)
    7. Irreplaceable (talk)
    8. The Dread Fort (talk 3x)

    Tyrian Gorge

    1. Twilight Days (talk)
    2. Blackout (instance: explore + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    3. Fort Rachias (explore + talk)

    Fort Rachias

    1. Into Rachias (mob + explore + cheat + interact + talk)
    2. Bees in Their Mouths (mob + explore + boss + collect + interact + talk)
    3. Devil’s Flowers (mob + explore + mob + talk + talk)
    4. Fifth Column (talk)
    5. Black and White (explore + mob + talk)
    6. King of the Plains (explore + mob + talk)
    7. Twelve Toes (instance: explore + mob + cheat + explore + talk)
    8. Sage Advice (explore + talk)
    9. Not a Number (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    10. We Want Information (mob + talk)
    11. Invaders (explore + mob + collect + talk)
    12. Hold Off (talk)
    13. Way of the Samoorai (interact)
    14. Dying Star Stugg (instance: mob + explore + mob + explore + boss + cheat)
    15. Way of the Samoorai (interact + talk)khr5
    16. Edge of Forever (explore + talk)
    17. Back in the Saddle (talk 3x)
    18. Beach Comber (interact + talk)
    19. Pod People (mob + talk)
    20. Through the Barrier (interact + talk)

    Crescent Beach

    1. Single File (D&C + talk)
    2. Old Man of the Desert (talk + boss + talk)
    3. Tame the Wind (interact + D&C + D&C + explore + talk)
    4. Hopping Mad (explore 3x + boss + talk)
    5. Band of Brothers (explore)
    6. Hear Me Road (instance: boss + talk + explore + boss + interact)
    7. Band of Brothers (talk)
    8. Bug Works (D&C + D&C + talk)
    9. Mariner’s Tale (explore + boss + talk)
    10. Spirit that Plagued Us So (explore + talk + D&C + talk + talk)
    11. Star-Dogged (talk + talk)
    12. Oh Hai (mob + talk)
    13. Nor Any Drop to Drink (talk + talk)

    Fort Rachias

    1. From Their Bodies Fly (explore + talk)
    2. The Horned Moo (mob + talk)
    3. Thy Glittering Eye (talk)
    4. Alone, Alone, All, All, Alone (explore + boss + talk)

    Crescent Beach

    1. And They All Dead Did Lie (talk)
    2. Living On (talk)
    3. Curse in a Dead Bear’s Eye (explore + boss + talk + interact + talk)
    4. Oh Happy Spirit Things! (talk)wizard101 main quest line
    5. From My Neck So Free! (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    6. He Shone Bright! (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    7. The Mariner Hath His Will! (interact + talk)
    8. He Heard the Loud Bassoon (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    9. He Was Tyrannous and Strong (explore + explore + talk)
    10. Diver Down (explore)
    11. The Full Bug (instance: talk + interact + talk + interact + talk + interact + talk)
    12. Fair Warning (instance: interact + mob + talk)
    13. The Tide is High (instance: interact + talk + interact + interact + talk)
    14. Sea of Heartbreak (instance: interact + mob + talk)
    15. Edge of the Maelstrom (instance: interact + talk + interact 4x + talk)
    16. Maelstrom Rising (instance: interact + explore + quadruple boss + talk)
    17. The Last Mile (instance: interact + talk + interact + interact)
    18. Diver Down (talk)

    Ruined Alcazar

    1. Moar Ghosts (talk)khr10
    2. Memento (D&C + talk)
    3. Fragments of a Life (explore + mob + talk + talk)
    4. Skyfall (explore + boss + talk + talk)
    5. Star Talker (D&C + talk)
    6. Deep Blue Something (instance #1: interact + mob + double boss + talk + talk)
    7. Hart of a Star (instance #2: interact + boss + talk + mob + interact + talk)
    8. Cor Serpentis (instance #3: interact + mob + explore + boss + talk + talk)
    9. The Rarest Egg (instance #4: interact + talk + interact + boss + interact + talk)
    10. Ashes on Your Eyes (interact + talk)
    11. Stairway to Heaven (interact + talk)

    Radiance Reborn

    1. Radiance Reborn (talk 5x)
    2. Chambers of the Mind (explore + talk)
    3. A Dream of Avalon (explore + talk + talk + boss + interact + talk)
    4. A Dream of Wizard City (explore + boss + talk)
    5. A Dream of Khrysalis (explore + talk + boss + talk)
    6. Ray of Light (interact + talk + talk)
    7. Take Me Down to Mantis City (interact + talk)


    1. Lost Light (talk)
    2. Swirling Leaf (boss + interact + talk)
    3. Like Minds (D&C + boss + interact + interact + talk)
    4. Heart it Through the Leaf Vine (talk + interact + boss + interact + talk)
    5. Shoulders of Giants (explore + talk)
    6. Postcard from the Edge (explore + talk + talk)
    7. Can’t Go Home Again (explore 4x + mob + explore + talk)
    8. Sending a Message (talk + explore + talk)
    9. Zed’s Dead, Baby (talk)
    10. On the Outs (talk)khr7
    11. Wild Hornet Chase (talk 5x)
    12. Tower of Pale Beauty (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    13. Zed’s Place (interact + talk)
    14. Let’s Step Inside (talk + mob + talk)
    15. Locus of the Apocalypse (explore + mob + talk)
    16. Two of Three (explore + talk + mob + talk 3x)
    17. Calmer Heads (talk + talk)
    18. Garrison (explore + boss + talk)
    19. Common People (interact 4x + interact 4x + interact + talk)
    20. Broken Fang (instance: talk + talk + mob + talk + cheat)
    21. The Eleventh Movement (talk + talk)
    22. There Will Be Blood (talk + talk)
    23. Walking Flower (D&C + interact + talk)
    24. Charred Leaf (mob + interact + talk)
    25. Beauty Revisited (talk)
    26. Black Roller (interact + talk)
    27. Right Here Right Now (talk)
    28. One More Campaign (talk + talk)

    Kondha Desert

    1. Badlands (talk)
    2. Free Pattern! (explore + mob + talk)
    3. A Kondha Tail (mob + collect + talk)
    4. No Country for Old Mice! (explore + interact + talk)
    5. Meet the Family (talk 3x)wizard101 main quest line
    6. Desert Fruit (collect + talk)
    7. Joshua (D&C + talk)
    8. Jasper (D&C + talk)
    9. One Of Us (talk 3x)
    10. Under Their Noses (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    11. Shame About That (explore + mob + explore 3x + boss + talk)
    12. Creeping Water (mob + talk)
    13. Treebeards (D&C + interact + talk)
    14. Valley of the Dark Sun (explore + talk)

    Solar Arc

    1. Solar Power (explore + talk)
    2. Sun Storm (boss + talk)
    3. Life Giving (explore + talk)
    4. Sun Fire (boss + talk)
    5. Underworld Sun (explore + talk)
    6. Frozen Sun (boss + talk)
    7. The Eye of the Sun (explore + talk)
    8. Solar Justice (explore + talk)
    9. Sun’s Shadow (explore)
    10. Creatures of Shadows and Light (instance: cheat + boss)
    11. Sun’s Shadow (talk)
    12. Higher Learning (talk)
    13. Last Pillar (talk)
    14. Tri-Stat (talk)

    The Hive

    1. Into the Lair (D&C + talk)khr8
    2. The Warp (instance: mob + boss + talk)
    3. Way of Gloom (D&C + talk)
    4. Panopticon (mob + talk)
    5. One Bad Rat (explore + boss + talk)
    6. Pit of Despair (instance: explore + mob + mob + talk)
    7. Some Web (interact + explore)
    8. The Black Hole (instance: mob + mob + boss + explore)
    9. Some Web (talk)
    10. Open Doors (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    11. Reclusive (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    12. The Weft (instance: mob + mob + explore)
    13. Palace of Fangs (explore + mob + talk)
    14. Shadow Smith (explore + mob + talk + talk)
    15. Night Orb (instance: boss + cheat + talk)
    16. Price of the Blade (interact + talk)
    17. House of the Magi (mob + explore)
    18. Adepts of the Magi (explore + mob + talk)
    19. Reflection of Shadow (explore + boss + talk)
    20. Metastasis (explore + boss + talk)
    21. Unweaving Shadow (explore + cheat + talk)
    22. Antivenin (interact + talk)
    23. Way of Night (explore + cheat + talk)

    Shadow Palace

    1. Doom Tree (talk + explore + quadruple cheat + interact + talk)
    2. Shadow Palace (explore)
    3. The Galleries (instance: double cheat + interact + double cheat + interact + double cheat + interact)
    4. Shadow Palace (talk)
    5. Final Challenge (quadruple cheat + talk)
    6. Light and Shadow (interact + interact + talk 3x)


    Polaris Main Quest Line


    Polaris only has a total of 100 quests. For those quests you have to fight 20 regular mobs, and 6 Defeat and Collect quests. There is a total of 40 boss fights, with 7 of them containing real cheaters. Such a short world!

    I’ve only played through Polaris once, so I only have a vague idea of the quests. I never really read things until the third of fourth time through a world. So I guess I’ll ask YOU: what was your favorite quest, boss or animation? Let me know in the comments!

    Wizard City

    1. Head of the Class (talk)
    2. Pomp and Circumstance (interact + interact + talk + talk)
    3. Tree Talk (talk + talk)
    4. Where Land Meets the Sky (talk)


    1. Polaris Bound (explore + talk)wizard101 main quest line
    2. Scene of the Crime (explore + talk + explore + boss + talk)
    3. Red Rosa (talk)
    4. Down to the Harbor (explore + talk)
    5. Fishy Business (interact + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    6. Poisson Party (explore)
    7. Sea Chicken (instance: talk + mob + boss + interact + explore + boss + interact + explore + interact)
    8. Poisson Party (talk)
    9. Revolution Without a Leader (talk)
    10. Private Dancer (talk)
    11. Papers, Please (explore + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk + talk)
    12. Dance Revolution (interact + explore + interact + talk + interact + talk + talk)
    13. Storming the Basstille (explore)
    14. The Basstille (instance: explore + mob + talk + explore + mob + explore + boss + explore + cheat)
    15. Storming the Basstille (talk + talk)
    16. The Flag Tower (instance: talk + mob 3x + interact + talk)
    17. Viva la Penguinonia (explore)
    18. The Imperial Palace (instance: mob + boss + boss)
    19. Viva la Penguinonia (talk)

    Forlorn Tayg

    1. Into the Bleaks (explore + talk)polaris2
    2. Hazard of the Road (talk)
    3. Highway Bullies (D&C + talk)
    4. A Hand for a Handmaiden (explore + boss + talk 3x)
    5. Flapjack Dreams (D&C + talk + talk)
    6. New Blago Bridge (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    7. Snowbeard (explore + boss + talk)
    8. Scorched Earth (D&C)
    9. The Sunken Tower (instance: mob + cheat)
    10. Scorched Earth (talk)
    11. The Veiled Vale (explore + talk)
    12. The Witch’s Garden (explore)
    13. The Statue Garden (instance: mob + cheat)
    14. The Witch’s Garden (talk)

    River of Frozen Tears

    1. The Witch’s Daughter (talk)wizard101 main quest line
    2. River of Frozen Tears (explore + talk)
    3. Don’t Tease the Yeti (D&C + talk)
    4. The Other Yeti (explore + boss + explore + boss + talk)
    5. Icefall (explore + interact + talk)
    6. Sunless Shrine (explore + D&C + interact + interact)
    7. Trial of Courage (instance: mob + talk)
    8. Trial of Wisdom (instance: double cheat + talk)
    9. Trial of Valor (instance: boss + talk)
    10. The Auroracle (instance: explore + talk + talk)
    11. The Witch’s Wisdom (talk + talk)

    Urville Station

    1. Infiltrating Urville (talk)
    2. The One Who Sees (explore + talk)
    3. Nostradonimus (mob + talk)
    4. A New Vision (talk)
    5. Darling Clementine (explore + boss + talk)
    6. Divide and Conquer (talk)
    7. Master of Beasts (explore)
    8. The Kennels (instance: mob + interact + puzzle + cheat)
    9. Master of Beasts (talk)
    10. The Commandant (explore)polaris6
    11. The Commandant’s Quarters (instance: boss + interact + boss)
    12. The Commandant (talk)
    13. Cage-Free (talk)
    14. Ivan’s Charge (explore + mob + explore + talk)
    15. Into the Maw (explore + talk)
    16. The Pebble Trough (mob + interact + talk)
    17. Secrets of the Mine (explore + talk)
    18. Charm of the Mine (explore)
    19. Lair of the Pit Boss (instance: boss + explore + boss + explore + boss)
    20. Charm of the Mine (collect + talk)
    21. Borealis Majoris (explore)
    22. The Secret Dock (explore + boss)
    23. Borealis Majoris (talk)
    24. Pebble and the Penguin (talk + talk)

    The Arcanum (with quests in Avalon, Zafaria and Celestia)

    1. Back to the Witch’s House (talk)
    2. The Arcanum (explore + talk)
    3. Polaris in Perspective (talk)
    4. Arcanum Initiation (explore + interact 4x + talk)
    5. Chasing a Shadow (talk)
    6. Morganthe’s Legacy (explore + boss + talk)polaris4
    7. The Truth About Old Cob (talk)
    8. The Myth Scholar (talk)
    9. Spider’s Spawn (talk)
    10. Knowledge and Information (talk)
    11. Ancient Insights (talk)
    12. Cave of Bad Seeds (boss + talk + talk)
    13. Rasputin the Rat (talk)
    14. Gemstone Secrets (talk + talk)
    15. The Desert Star (explore + boss + interact + talk + talk)
    16. The Auroracle’s Riddle (talk)
    17. Sundering of Land and Sky (explore + boss + interact + explore + boss + interact + explore + boss + interact + talk)
    18. Story of the Sky Anchor (talk)
    19. Hunting a Rat (talk)
    20. Back to Walruskberg (talk)
    21. The Empress and the Rat (talk + talk)polaris7

    Kataba Iceblock

    1. The Kataba Iceblock (interact + talk)
    2. Yummy Sushi (interact + talk)
    3. Operation Ice Bath (explore)
    4. Iceblock Infiltration (instance: talk + collect + talk + explore + mob + explore + mob + explore + mob)
    5. Operation Ice Bath (talk)
    6. Rasputin’s Surprises (D&C + talk + explore + boss + explore + mob + explore + talk)
    7. Rise of the Titan (explore)
    8. The Titan Forge (instance: double boss + explore + cheat)
    9. Rise of the Titan (talk + talk)
    10. Chasing the Rat (talk + explore)
    11. Voyage of the Kalypso (instance: interact 4x + explore + boss + talk + interact)
    12. Chasing the Rat (talk)

    Borealis Peaks

    1. Climbing the Peaks (explore)polaris3
    2. The Jeweled Slopes (instance: boss + explore + boss + explore + boss + explore)
    3. Climbing the Peaks (talk)
    4. Saving the Sky Anchor (explore)
    5. Horizon Hold (cheat)
    6. Saving the Sky Anchor (talk)
    7. Back to the Arcanum (explore + talk)


    Part 3 complete!

    Do let me know if you notice something that’s obviously missing! However, let the small mistakes slip for now, if you can… They will be fixed sometime later!

    Happy questing!

    The post Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 3 appeared first on Duelist101.

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    2nd Gen Shadow Enhanced Spells Review: 1v1 PvP and PvE


    2nd Gen Shadow Enhanced Spell Review:

    1v1 PvP and PvE

    Polaris Shadow SpellsOnce players hit lvl 108 they have access to several 2nd gen Shadow enhanced spells. While these spells are universally less powerful than their DM counterparts, they do bring something to the table for each school and are still powerful standalone spells. 

    This post will analyze their potential utility in 1v1 PvP and PvE


    General 1v1 PvP Impact

    These spells do offer some interesting utility for PvP for a variety of schools. Storm gained its first realistic combo spell since Storm Lord — although its variable effect probably designates it as a finisher in most Storms’ decks. Life’s spell gives it a relatively low cost DoT/HoT great for opening combos and clearing infects (which may see more of a use now that the critical system prevents easy critical heals). However, the real winner for 1v1 PvP this update is Myth. Witch’s Housecall gives Myth a heavy damage spell (its second strongest non-DoT hit) while also adding a minion.

    General PvE Impact

    These spells offer some great PvE benefits to a variety of schools. Fire gained its first high damage non-DoT AoE, allowing it to more effectively compete in instances such as Aphrodite and giving it a more solid monster killer than Sun Serpent. Balance has gained its long coveted off school AoE allowing it to destroy balance mobs without an advanced set-up. The relatively high damage of Balance’s spell also allows it to be used to kill balance bosses and makes effective use of feint unlike Chimera. The school with the most disappointing spell on the PvE side is Life. The heal is relatively weak and the DoT nature of the spell means that it would probably be a better idea to wait an extra turn for Forest Lord.

    School By School Breakdown


    Fire: Raging Bull

    1v1 PvP

    raging bullThere really isn’t anything much to say about this spell especially compared to Fire From Above. This spell does less damage overall and leaves a laughable -25% debuff that will often have no effect in today’s high accuracy meta. The spell as a standalone is not a bad one, dealing a relatively high damage per pip. However, it falls short when compared to some of the other tools in Fire’s arsenal. If you want accuracy debuffing utility you are better off using Krampus, and if you want high damage and a great effect for less pips then use FFA. In fact, most smart Fires will not pack this spell in their 1v1 PvP deck.


    2nd gen shadow enhanced spellsWhile Raging Bull falls short in 1v1 PvP, it is a great spell for PvE. Raging Bull offers fire its first non-DoT AoE since meteor. This allows fire to more quickly dispatch mobs while also seeing use as a great boss killer that also takes out the minions. It also allows fire to avoid DoT based cheats such as those present in Aphrodite and allows fire an option that effectively uses traps such as feint. The debuff is also more useful in PvE where monsters have no accuracy stats and use the base accuracy on any given spell.

    Ice: Snowball Barrage

    1v1 PvP

    While this spell isn’t completely useless in 1v1 PvP like Ragisnowball barrageng Bull, it does not offer much to Ice either. Ever see Storm use tempest in 1v1? No? Same thing applies here. Snowball Barrage offers ice a dpp that is usually equal to or less than it’s associated pip cost spell normal spell while also having no additional effect. This makes this spell hard to justify placing in a deck especially when compared to Abominable Weaver. That being said, the spell does have some marginal use as Ice’s strongest spell at 14 pips. It can also be used at any point in the match allowing Ice to free up deck space that it would previously use for cards such as ice serpent. It also allows ice to be a threat at any pip level rather than its easily predictable 5 pip, 8 pip and 10 pip levels.


    Much like Raging Bull, where Barrage falls short in 1v1 PvP it does great for PvE. snowball barragePreviously Ice in PvE was restricted to the use of Frost Giant for most of it’s kills. At a relatively low damage base of 475 this meant that Ice had to do a lot more buffing to take out mobs. Barrage changes that, allowing ice to deal a much larger amount of damage  — with the potential to be the Strongest AoE in the game. This is great for taking on both mobs and bosses, allowing Ice to make more effective use of feints while simultaneously giving it the option of utilizing less buffs. Even at 7 pips (the same cost as Frost Giant) barrage deals 595 damage which is 120 more than Frost Giant. All in all this spell is a great addition to any Ice wizard’s PvE deck.

    Storm: Rusalka’s Wrath

    1v1 PvP

    Rusalka’s Wrath offers a solid rusalka's wrathdamage spike in PvP for storm. At 1445 damage it is a great follow up to Storm Lord, even more so than Bugs. In fact a base damage Rusalka deals more damage than a colossal enhanced Bugs! This allows Storm to set-up quicker kills (although this is mitigated by the increased health buffer of all schools). The spell also has some combo utility. It gives a positive blade back in most scenarios giving storm just enough of a follow up if it fails to kill. The negative effect is regrettable and prevents this spell from being used as a reliable combo set. However, this spell is an overall positive spell for the Storm school (especially when used as a finisher).


    This spell is a useful boss-killer in PvE, that can offer a decent follow up buff. The ability 2nd gen shadow enhanced spellsfor it to be used at low pips makes it an effective owl replacement. In fact I have rarely used Storm Owl in PvE with this spell in my deck. The spell is even potentially more useful than bugs while soloing, simply due to its high damage. The damage often means you can use less buffs to kill off the boss and then frequently leaves a buff that makes a follow up minion killing tempest even easier to pull off. Couple that with the fact that it is (in my opinion) the best animated Storm spell, and this spell sees a lot of use.

    Death: Winged Sorrow

    1v1 PvP

    Winged Sorrow offers Death a solid, low pip attack with a decent effectwinged sorrow. Best of all for Death this is not a drain spell so it receives the full offensive benefit of the damage enhancements. This allows death to more reliably spike damage and gives it an option to deal 2k+ damage without an advanced setup. The debuff  is only slightly stronger than weakness but even that is beneficial allowing death to survive a potential fatal attack or by preempting an opponent’s strike as they attempt to remove the weakness.  This spell is also death’s first non-DoT, single target hit allowing it to pose a solid OHKO threat.


    winged sorrowWinged Sorrow gives death a strong boss killer with a decent effect that can help deal with minion attacks. Unfortunately this spell finds itself overshadowed by Call of Khurulu which offers the benefits of both an AoE and full health revival. That being said Sorrow does offer death the option to use less buffs or to take out bosses in specific circumstances (such as the dual boss in the sunless shrine).

    Life: Wings of Fate

    1v1 PvP

    wings of fateThe most underestimated spell added this update, this spell is actually pretty useful for 1v1. It offers life a cheap DoT, allowing it to deal decent damage while also preempting shields and specific shields. The heal is a lot less potent with the update to the critical system but still offers some use. The real charm in Wing’s of Fate is its lack of an initial hit. Most PvP players can use the initial hit of a DoT to judge how much damage a DoT attack will do. With no initial hit, Wings of Fate’s damage is hard to quantify and may surprise even experienced players.


    Sadly, Life received thwings of fatee worst PvE spell this update. As a DoT it cannot make very effective use of feints or other types of traps. The damage from the DoT is also evenly distributed, meaning the spell will often take 2 or more rounds to kill. The DoT also has no large initial hit unlike deer knight meaning it will take a round longer to deal damage. The heal portion of the spell cannot revive a defeated player and in PvE does not offer the spike heal that is so often coveted. Life players are better off waiting for the extra pip for Forest Lord instead of using this spell.

    Balance: Nested Fury

    1v1 PvP

    2nd gen shadow enhanced spellsBalance’s new spell does not offer much to the school in 1v1 PvP. Gaze of Fate trumps it in every category: damage, utility and versatility. The elemental damage of the spell is easily shielded and random. It has no additional effect to justify it’s use. However, it does have the small saving grace in that it allows balance to blade stack. Sadly, much like Raging Bull, Nested Fury is not likely to see much use in any serious balance PvPer’s deck. It is simply overshadowed by Gaze of Fate.


    While this spell falls short in 1v1 PvP itnested fury is great news for balance in PvE. Balance has for a long time asked for an off school AoE  to deal with same school mobs in a timely fashion. Now Balance has that long awaited tool. The relatively high damage of the spell also makes it an excellent choice for balance to deal with balance school bosses while the single hit properties of the spell allow balance to effectively use feints. Definitely a great PvE spell for the balance school that will see a ton of use.

    Myth: Witch’s Housecall

    1v1 PvP

    witch's housecallMyth’s new spell is exactly the type of spell the class needed in PvP. Myth’s biggest failing in the current fast paced meta is its reliance on high pip spells. Often this preempted myth from establishing many combos especially against balance’s mana burn. Couple this with no native heals, and trying to run a late game strategy was a struggle. Housecall mitigates this to great extent by offering a heavy damage spell at the lower pip levels that also offers some utility with the minion. Unfortunately the meta is too fast for the minion to offer much use, but it is a semi-durable minion that offers some great utility if fighting a set-up or non-spam opponent. At the very least in can act as a one turn stun if the opponent is forced to take it out. The damage is the real draw point here, allowing myth to hit almost as hard as Celestial Calendar for a fraction of the cost.


    T2nd gen shadow enhanced spellshis spell offers myth a boss killer for a lot cheaper than Celestial Calendar while dealing very similar damage. The minion can be helpful if soloing or if the hit failed to kill the boss. Mystic Colossus is the better options in most cases as it is an AoE and deals sufficient damage to handle both the bosses and the minion. This spell will see a lot of use in PvE and coupled with Mystic Colossus makes life a lot easier for the myth solo player. 


    Let us know what you think of the new spells in the comments below!


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    Shifting Shadows: A Crash Course on the Shadow Infused Spells


    Polaris Shadow Spells



    “From the darkest of shadows, comes the light.”

    It’s me, Mismagically! I’m totally alive and well, just got caught up in a new career of teaching! It’s wonderful, and exciting, and BUSY! So, to kick off a new meta of PVP and our new world Polaris, here’s a crash course in all the new Shadow-infused spells and their impacts in Team PVP! (Take out your notebooks, class!)


    Witch’s Housecall: This big hitter of a spell doesn’t see much action in a 4v4 setting, but it’s a great spell to have on hand if you need an anti beguile piece for your spell arsenal. The minion will have zero impact on a 4v4, unless someone has fled and it’ll take the empty spot. Overall, I’d say this is more suited to be a 1v1 spell, clearly, but props for the animation. 

    Mystic Colossus: The Myth AOE everyone ever dreamed off! With it’s base power set at 880 coupled with an AOE Shatter effect, this is a definite all-star in the myth 4v4 deck. Seeing as we’ve had a negative charm emphasis for quite some time, Mystic gives us what Earthquake can’t: Selective removal of Shields, and more bang for our buck. Best used with weaknesses, smokescreen, or even dispels. 



    Wings of Fate: This is an interesting spell. It’s the first life spell that does damage and heals at the same time. We’ve seen a similar mechanic with Power Link from the school of fire, which is why I speculate this spell was left as a DOT (damage over time) and a HOT (heal over time). I haven’t seen it used personally but I imagine that, in spite of the DOT/HOT distinction, it’ll be a nice tool for life hitters who want to do double duty on healing and hitting. Additionally, the jades (of all schools if they get the TC) might find some interesting use out of this spell as a shield breaker/heal pivot. 

    Hungry Caterpillar: Everyone’s favorite childhood story brought to scary life! As far as 4v4 usage goes, this falls into the same category as the witch’s housecall: definitely more of a 1v1 spell, but is useful for a surprise burst in damage on a target, or as your anti-beguile spell.

    Death-buttonCall of Khrulhu (affectionally known as lulu): Everyone’s got a love/hate relationship with this spell from Darkmoor, I’m pretty sure. You love it for being epic, cool, and extremely useful! You hate it for the long animation, the criticals that literally suck the life out of you, or simply because you’ve farmed Darkmoor too many times and have it burned into your eyelids. This is definitely a big threat in the 4v4 setting, as a necromancer can often go from zero to 4400 in just one move. Your biggest defense against this spell is death dispels, but barring that, watch their pips, and use shields/weaknesses accordingly. 

    Winged Sorrow: Let me start out by saying that I really would’ve enjoyed the multiple beguile effect as a way to really keep people on their toes in a 4v4 setting, but given how complicated beguile mechanics can be, I’m happy that the effect of plague is AOE. That being said, this spell hits hard, from jades and non-jades alike, and I’ve personally used it as a jade simply for the extra layer of weakness, so be wary before making any big hits from second going against a death (which you should be anyway due to certain OTHER spells *cough* juju *cough*).

    Balance-buttonGaze of Fate: Also another 1v1 tailored spell, however, this one makes a special note in the 4v4 realm for it’s ability to provide the only balance damage bubble in the game. Since the school damage is completely random, nothing you can really do to prepare against this, except for simply throwing down some weaknesses like a true visionary. 

    Nested Fury: Easily one of my favorite new spells. This trio of temperature temperaments is basically that AOE Hydra everyone wanted in actual spell form! This spell is easily a great pivot for balance in 4v4 by capitalizing on elemental teammate’s buffs and strategies. My best suggestion for dealing with it? Bring your Volcanic and Glacial shields.

    Fire-buttonFire From Above: A great spell for both 1v1 and team, and what makes it notable for team play is the “Fuel” after-effect, setting up nice hits for fellow teammates or even a DOT that might already be making the rounds. Pack extra flame shields!

    Raging Bull: I’ve already seen a LOT of this spell in team play, and rightfully so: Fire got a nice, all-in-one hit damage AOE with a mild smoke effect and it’s really burning up the arena! So much in fact, that many are opting to “quench” the pyromancer’s thirst for Red Bull. My suggestion? Definitely use those dispels if you have them. Deny them any buffs they play if you can, and even target them early with some single hits to douse those fiery passions. Get out your matador cape and stop the trailblazers!

    Ice-buttonAbominable Weaver: Ah, our chilly friend from Yevengy’s Nightmares. This monstrous menace just loves to deal a nice chunk of damage, then effectively neutralize your retaliation with that big, nasty, -75% shield. Best solution to this would be any multi-hits if attacking from second, or DOTs which won’t have their full value neutralized by the one shield. 

    Snowball Barrage: My favorite new spell out of the bunch! Ice gets a nice Tempest equivalent with the only hitch that the shadow pip is required for use (so we don’t have Temp/Barrage spam war). This spell hits very hard when given some setup, so it is not to be underestimated. Easily a popular 4v4 spell after ices have used Giant for their stun. Start packing some ice shields to survive this absolute-zero assault. 

     Storm-buttonGlowbug Squall: Easily the most hated spell in the 4v4 metagame since it’s introduction, Squall has both power and an amazing effect alongside it. The “charm” counterpart to Mystic Colossus (not surprising at all), this duo will have an AOE enfeeble effect as well as doing a truckload of damage. Given the high critical and pierce running around, I’d say start packing some storm dispels to continue to ward off this barrage of shocks. 

    Rusalka’s Wrath: Another controversial spell, mostly while it was in test, this spell is basically a cheaper version of storm owl, but with the “minor” chance of a self-imposed weakness. Again, I’d at least consider this tool as an anti-beguile measure, especially since storm is a very popular beguile target in team play, given the sheer fortitude needed to weather some of those powerful attacks. 

    That’s all I got for now! I’ll try to at least get an article up once every two weeks if I can. But I’m back. I’m in action. You’d better be ready for it. Class dismissed!



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    Wizard 101 Lifehacks


    Wizard101 Lifehacks

    Lifehacks are tips and tricks to make your life a little easier, and just like real life, Wizard101 has many little tricks that can make your gaming more enjoyable. Here are a few of our favorites. Read them and share your own below!

    Switching Realms for Reagents, Chests and Quest Goals.

    This one is a well known trick but when you are reagent hunting or simply need to pick up any enviromental drop then switching realms will allow you to hunt for more.

    Girl-with-HouseLogging out in your house will port you to your last in game location when you return.

    This is a less commonly known trick but simply going to your house and logging out there will put you at your last in-game location when you return. Useful for when you need to go to the bazaar fast.

    Using menu chat to see your opponent’s school in PvP

    This is a lifehack known to the majority of PvPers. Simply using your menu chat will tell you your opponents school based on a school specific sprite that appears in the menu chat phrase selection. Check out our guide here.

    Using Silver Chests for health

    When you are in a place with no health wisps you can use silver chests to recover health. The longer you remain in the silver shest interface the more health you will recover.

    morosMoros the Reagent Tree

    In Khyrsalis right before you reach the shadow palace for your final confrontation with Morganthe you will encounter Moros the Doom Tree. All around Moros base are a wide assortment of rare and hard to get reagents such as stone blocks, ore, comet tails, scrap iron etc. Simply switch realms and in no time at all you will have a mass of reagents For more help, check out our Crafting guides.


    Use Housing Tours for Free Stuff

    Housing Tours are a great way to appreciate the decorating skills of fellow wizards but they are also a great way to get free stuff. Many bundle houses offer rewards daily and using housing tours you can access all of them. They are also a great way to access bundles and fish you may not otherwise be able to acquire.

    Unequip your house to avoid gardening

    Gardening-MoleGardening needs can spawn whenever you visit a house with a garden. To avoid this when you are low on energy simply unequip your house. This will default you to your dorm room and allow you to avoid triggering your plant’s needs when unprepared. More info here.


    What are your W101 and P101 lifehacks? Let us know your best time saving tips in the comments!

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    Frankie Forearms Pet – How to Get Yours.


    Frankie Forearms happened to make an appearancece on the  KI Live stream yesterday, and not in the game he’s knon for.. Well, good news for you, there is a new pet in the spiral!


    Frankie Forearms, one of the creatures you can play in Rise and Destroy, and also can be seen running around the Arcanum, is now available for a LIMITED time. To download Rise and Destroy, go to Google Play/App Store and download Rise and Destroy, it’s free to play!

    Now through the 21st at 11:59pm CST, anyone who plays Rise and Destroy Levels 1 – 3 will be eligible to receive a Frankie Forearms pet in Wizard101. If you have previously played Rise and Destroy, and have beaten levels 1 -3, you will automatically get the pet in 24 – 48 hours. If there are any new talents or such, we will let you know within this article as soon as we get our pets.

    Get out there and destroy to receive your free pet!

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    The Making of Duelist101 Merch!


    Because we at Duelist101 are always interested in how things work, in games or otherwise, we’re going to show you how the Duelist101 shirts are made! I’ve been a part of the process from making the art, all the way through shipping the orders, and I’ll show you what happens behind the scenes in this article!

    It Starts with Art

    duelist-artworkThe process starts, of course, with something you want to print on a shirt. For this design, I wanted something that embodied the look and feel of Duelist101.

    I felt it was appropriate to have a Knight character, since the site really started when the Knights Who Say Ni migrated here and started creating killer PvP articles. The slogan “Game to Win” was chosen because it reflects our attitude towards gaming. In PvP the object is always to win, but in every aspect of the games we play, you’ll find Duelist101 players pushing the boundaries.


    Don’t Mock Me

    duelist-tshirt-preview-2015Once the artwork is created, it needs to be “mocked up” on a shirt. This is basically just photoshopping the art onto a shirt template. It serves two purposes:

    1. Give customers a good idea of the product, for pre-sale.
    2. Give the printer a clear picture of what the finished product should be.

    This is done by sandwiching a copy of the artwork between a shirt image and copies of the shirt which are edited to provide only the shadows, highlights, and texture of the shirt itself. The result is a semi-realistic concept of the finished shirt.


    Digital to Analog

    Taking artwork from a picture and printing it on shirts is a complicated process. Here, I’ll briefly explain the steps that make this transition possible.

    Halftone It

    In screen printing, we simulate transparency, fade colors, and create gradients by using halftone dots. These are small dots of ink that give the visual effect of transparency through size and spacing.

    We use Photoshop to separate out each ink color we will be using, and create the halftones for that color. Below is an image of the Duelist101 artwork, seen as halftone dots.


    Print the Film, Burn the Screens

    The next step is to print out these halftone images onto transparent film. We then use that film and a powerful light table, to burn the image into silk screens with light-sensitive emulsion.

    My apologies for the photo quality, but it’s hard to get a good picture in a darkroom. Heh.

    Duelist101 Film


    Silk Screen


    Burning the screens hardens the emulsion, except where our film has blocked out the light. The screens are then washed out with a pressure washer, and the printed image falls away while the rest of the screen stays in tact.


    6-color-automatic-pressPictured above is the press we used to print the Duelist101 order. It’s a 6-color Automatic press, one of several in the print shop which are used regularly.

    Make a Mess with Ink!

    Once the screens are burned, washed out, and dried, we equip them on the press and load them up with ink. We line all of the images up using “registration marks” that we put on the artwork, and start printing. A squeegee is dragged across the ink to push it through the screen and put the print on a shirt.

    This is actually one of the most tedious parts of the print process, as there are lots of variables that contribute to a good print. From registration to squeegee pressure, it can be a bit maddening.


    An Extra Step

    Duelist-Transfer-PrintNormally this is the end. The ink is printed to the shirts and they are sent through a conveyor drier that cures the ink, all done! Because I cannot do anything the easy way, this was not the case for our shirts.

    I wanted to offer Duelist Readers as many options as possible, meaning different clothing types and colors, and we don’t have the budget to just print hundreds of items that might not sell. So our answer was to print onto a transfer paper, and transfer the print to items as needed.

    Now we can offer lots of different options!

    Finished Product

    Finally, we use an industrial heat press to apply our ink to the items, and Duelist101 Merch is born!



    Haven’t gotten yours yet?

    Support Duelist and Look Awesome!


    Special Thanks to Randall and Tammy at CSSEPrinting for working so hard on this with me. All of your late nights and patience are appreciated!

    The post The Making of Duelist101 Merch! appeared first on Duelist101.

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    Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 1


    Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 1

    wizard101 main quest line spiral


    This guide is meant to give you courage while questing. By following the quests in this guide, you can see exactly how many more collect and defeat (C&D) quests you still have before you can move on to the next area. I hope this guide will help you keep going, as you see the list of quests get shorter and shorter with every step you take.

    This is only part 1, Wizard City to Dragonspyre.

    Part 2 will follow soon!

    I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

    I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

    • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
    • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
    • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
    • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
    • Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss.
    • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a dungeon.
    • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
    • Interact: Quests that require interaction with certain objects.
    • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.

    Warning: I made this with the help of the awesome Wizard101 Wiki, which doesn’t always list every single battle, because they’re not added in the quest description. I’ve gone and checked places where I was pretty sure there were additional mob fights (like in Big Ben), but there are other ones missing. Next time I quest from zero to hero, I will update this guide.


    1. Wizard City
    2. Krokotopia
    3. Marleybone
    4. Mooshu
    5. Dragonspyre


    Wizard City Main Quest Line

    wizard101 main quest line

    Wizard City has a total of 39 quests. Among those are 8 bosses, 5 mobs and 9 Defeat and Collect quests.

    It has three areas that you can do in whichever order you please: Triton Avenue, Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane. Yay for freedom of choice! I usually start with Triton Avenue.

    When I’m in Cyclops Lane, I spend some time killing enough Cyclops Legionnaires or whatever to get the Giant Hunter badge. I love that badge!

    Unicorn Way

    1. Unicorn’s Folly (talk)
    2. Ghost Hunters (mob + talk + talk)
    3. Fairies Weaorielr Boots (mob + talk)
    4. They’re Not Bad… (D&C + talk)
    5. Finding Out Why (D&C + talk)
    6. Freedom! (interact + talk)
    7. Sinister Skeleton (talk)
    8. Stop the Maker (boss + talk)
    9. Rattlebones Report (talk)
    10. Enrollment (talk 8x)
    11. Sergeant’s Orders (talk)
    12. Olde News (boss + talk)

    Cyclops Lane (interchangeable with Firecat Alley and Triton Avenue)

    1. A Giant Problem (talk)
    2. The Dark Cave (D&C + talk)
    3. Taken (D&C + talk)
    4. An Important Note (talk 5x)
    5. He’ll Let Us Pass (D&C + talk)
    6. General Akilles (talk + boss + interact + talk)
    7. Rescue Report (talk)

    Firecat Alley (interchangeable with Cyclops Lane and Triton Avenue)

    1. Puttinprivate quinng Out Fires (talk)
    2. Investigate Alley (explore + talk)
    3. Point Taken (D&C + talk)
    4. Dire News (talk + D&C + talk + talk)
    5. Hair Stylin’ (boss + talk + talk)
    6. Administer Cure (mob + boss + talk 3x)
    7. Danger, Danger! (talk)

    Triton Avenue (interchangeable with Cyclops Lane and Firecat Alley)

    1. Triton Avenue (talk)
    2. In Search of Arthur (explore + talk + talk)
    3. Something Rotten (mob + mob + talk + talk)
    4. Strange Bedfellows (D&C + talk)
    5. By the Old Mill (talk)
    6. Got a Light? (interact + talk)
    7. Crystal Clear (talk)
    8. Who’s in Charge? (D&C + talk + talk)
    9. Bitter Harvest (boss + talk)
    10. Triton Report (talk)

    Olde Town (after doing Cyclops Lane + Triton Avenue + Firecat Alley)lord nightshade

    1. A Look of Horror (boss + talk)
    2. The Dark of Nightshade (boss + talk)
    3. The Sixth School (explore + talk + talk)


    Krokotopia Main Quest Line

    wizard101 main quest line krokotopia

    Krokotopia has a total of 68 quests, with 36 bosses, 7 Defeat and Collect quests and 6 regular mobs.

    This is the first world that has instances! Krokotopia has 4 instances: Throne Room of Fire, Vault of Ice, Emperor’s Retreat and Temple of Storms. Temple of Storms is where you defeat Krokopatra.

    I love Krokotopia because of the puzzles that you have to complete. I still remember having absolutely no clue what my team mates were doing with one of the puzzles and messing it up for them XD The second time I tried, I stood there and tried random combinations that didn’t work until I finally figured out that I should interact with the book with instructions.

    Royal Hall

    1. Krokotopia (explore + talk 3x)
    2. Digging in the Dirt (talk)
    3. Make Some Rubbings (explore + talk)
    4. Fragments of a Key (D&C + talk)
    5. The Final Rubbing (boss + talk)
    6. Speak to the Assistant (talk)

    Chamber of Fire

    1. Find My Colleague (talk + talk)winthrop
    2. New Digs (interact + talk)
    3. Quarter Master (boss + talk)
    4. Back to the Archeologist (talk)

    Palace of Fire

    1. Assault on the Palace (talk)
    2. Gather the Troops (talk 5x)
    3. Payback (mob + mob + talk)
    4. Give ‘Em Another Round (boss 4x + talk)
    5. Back to Winthrop (talk)
    6. Into the Map Room (talk)
    7. Serpent Staff (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    8. Eye of Krok (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    9. Use the Map Room (instance: talk + interact + talk)
    10. Into the Map Room (talk)
    11. Permission to Enter (talk)
    12. Fangdango (talk)

    Instance name: Throne Room of Fire (7.-9.)

    Hall of Champions

    1. Order at Last (talk)
    2. The Great General (talk)
    3. Minion Massacre (mob + talk)Picture 2015-12-10 18-57-23
    4. Search for the Seal (boss + talk)
    5. General Admission (talk)
    6. Coin of Destiny (boss + talk)
    7. Lay of the Land (talk + talk)
    8. Blades of Ice (D&C + talk)
    9. Armor Handle (D&C + talk)
    10. Get Some Bling (interact + talk)
    11. Grip It! (D&C + talk)
    12. Forge Key (D&C + talk)
    13. Taking It to the Tuts (boss + interact + talk)
    14. Back Among the Fold (talk)

    Grand Arena

    1. Quest for the Warrior (talk)
    2. Mark of the Gladiator (D&C + talk)
    3. Gladiator Games (talk)
    4. Are You Experienced? (mob + talk)
    5. Battle of the Sunbird (boss + talk)
    6. Along Came a Spider (D&C + talk)
    7. Stonechin (boss + talk)
    8. Enter Sandman (mob + talk)
    9. Malletmane (boss + talk)
    10. Krokotopian Idol (mob + talk)
    11. Who’s More Amazing? (boss + talk)
    12. The Ultimate Battle (boss + talk)

    Entrance Hall

    1. Return to Shalek (talk)
    2. Find the Fang (talk)hetch
    3. Breaking the Vault (instance: boss 3x + puzzle 3x + boss + talk)
    4. Find the Fang (boss + talk)
    5. Retribution (talk)
    6. Guardians at the Gate (instance: talk + boss 2x + talk + explore + talk)
    7. New Allies (instance: talk + interact + talk)
    8. Overpower the Overseer (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    9. The Right Combination (instance: talk + boss)
    10. Retribution (boss + talk)
    11. Back to Balance (talk + talk)

    Instance names: Vault of Ice (3.), Emperor’s Retreat (6.-9.)

    Tomb of Storms

    1. Tomb of Storms (talk + talk)
    2. De-Cipher the Ahnics (boss + talk)
    3. De-Cipher the Djeserits (boss + talk)
    4. The Key to the Temple (boss 4x + talk)
    5. Test of Strength (instance: talk + boss 3x + talk)
    6. Get Smart (instance: talk + puzzle + talk)
    7. Temple Dweller (instance: boss + talk)
    8. Triumphant Return (talk)
    9. Missing Souls (talk + talk)

    Instance name: Temple of Storms (5.-7.)

    Marleybone Main Quest Line

    wizard101 main quest line marleybone

    Marleybone has 56 quests. It has 22 bosses; the biggest one being against Meowiarty. There is only 1 Defeat and Collect quest, but 23 regular mob fights (17 of which are in the last three instances).

    My favorite quest (Stop that Cat!) is the one where you chase Meowiarty as he runs away and summons mobs to slow you down. It feels so real and I love how the “quest completed” sound keeps coming over and over again. Maybe I’m easily entertained!

    The high point of Marleybone is Big Ben, which I have done approximately two million times. I love spilling the milk!

    1. Sacrophagus Search (talk)
    2. Not So Fast… (talk)
    3. A Cat-tastrophy (talk)

    Hyde Park

    1. Back Up for Bones (talk)kinchley
    2. Garden Secret (boss + talk)
    3. House Hunt (explore 3x + mob 3x + talk)
    4. Springing the Snitch (boss + talk + talk)
    5. The Right Tools (D&C + talk)
    6. Open Says Me (talk + boss + talk + talk)

    Chelsea Court

    1. Out of Control (talk)
    2. For Whom the Bell Tolls (explore + mob + talk)
    3. A Guide… (talk)
    4. Keeper of Secrets (boss + talk)
    5. The Only One Left (boss + talk)
    6. Sweet Success (talk)
    7. Password, Please! (explore + boss + talk + talk)
    8. Collar Me Impressed (talk)
    9. A Private Meeting (explore + talk 4x)


    1. Ticket to the Ironworks (explore)sherlock bones
    2. Internal Investigation (talk)
    3. No Entry (instance: talk + boss + talk + explore)
    4. Gate Crashers (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    5. Purloin the Plans (instance: talk + interact + talk)
    6. Bully the Boss (instance: talk + explore + talk)
    7. Knock on Wood (instance: talk + boss + explore + boss + talk)
    8. Internal Investigation (boss + talk)

    Newgate Prison

    1. Ring the Alarm (talk)
    2. Prison Break (talk)
    3. Stop that Cat! (explore & talk multiple times + boss + talk)

    Knight’s Court

    1. Scratching Post (talk)officer
    2. Wildcat Woes (talk + boss + talk)
    3. Cat Scratch Fever (mob + talk)
    4. Investigation… (talk + talk)
    5. Location, Location… (talk + talk)
    6. Gimme a Hand (explore + mob + talk)
    7. Cross Examination (talk + talk)
    8. Doctor of Deception (explore + boss + talk)
    9. Case Closed! (talk)

    Katzenstine’s Lab

    1. Weird Science (talk)
    2. The Right Combination (talk + boss)
    3. Locked Door (interact)
    4. Gate Is Enough (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    5. The Second Door (instance: interact)
    6. Weird Science (instance: boss)
    7. If You Build It… (instance: talk + interact + talk)
    8. It’s Alive! (instance: interact 3x + talk)
    9. Weird Science (talk)

    Instance name: Katzenstein’s Lab

    Royal Museum

    1. Fetch Bones! (talk)meowiarty
    2. Stolen Away (talk)
    3. Metal Madness (instance: talk + mob 4x + interact 4x)
    4. Stolen Away (instance: boss + talk)
    5. Weights and Measures (talk)
    6. More Metal Madness (instance: talk + mob 4x + interact 4x)
    7. Weights and Measures (instance: boss + talk)
    8. The Last Meow (instance: mob + talk + mob 3x +  boss + mob + puzzle + mob 4x + boss)
    9. Stealthy Stuff (instance: boss + talk)

    Instance names: Counterweight East (3.-4.), Counterweight West (6.-7.) and Big Ben Tower (8.-9.)

    Mooshu Main Quest Line

    wizard101 main quest line mooshu

    Mooshu has a total of 95 quests. There are 29 bosses, 9 mob fights (Really? So few?) and 5 Defeat and Collect quests.

    The world has 3 instances, with Crimson Fields being the longest. That one takes a lot of time if you do it with level appropriate characters! The first time I did it, I loved setting up the barricades inside this instance. It just felt so real!

    Let’s mention some other of my favorite quests! There’s the Scout Towers you get to set on fire, with the screen zooming out automatically to see the flames. Beautiful! Then there’s the boss called Maito (which means “milk” in Finnish). I also remember the running back and forth when Sesshu Nedaki in Kishibe Village didn’t want to be a guardian or something. Take the job already, mr. cow!

    Jade Palace

    1. Bad News (talk)lo pang
    2. MooShu (explore + talk)
    3. Welcome to MooShu? (talk)
    4. Mind Games (talk)
    5. Do You Mind? (explore + interact + talk + talk)
    6. A Test of Strength (talk + explore + boss + talk)
    7. The Great Mooddha (explore + talk + talk)
    8. An Ailing Emperor (talk)

    Hametsu Village

    1. War Pigs (talk)
    2. Counting Sheep (interact 4x + talk)
    3. Armed and Dangerous (interact + talk)
    4. Sneak Attack (mob + mob + talk)
    5. Never Again (boss + talk)
    6. Following Orders (boss + talk)
    7. Spies Like Us (talk)
    8. Inside Scoop (interact 3x + talk)
    9. Cold Cut (talk)
    10. Appetite for Destruction (interact + talk)
    11. Run Away, Run Away! (mob + talk)
    12. No Quarter (boss + talk)
    13. A Fighting Chance (talk)
    14. You’re Fired! (interact + talk)
    15. Key to Success (D&C + talk)
    16. Let Me Shek (boss + talk)
    17. A Tale of Two Brothers (talk)

    Crimson Fields

    1. To the Front! (talk)shojiro
    2. The General (instance: talk + talk)
    3. A Strong Defense… (instance: interact + talk)
    4. Is a Good Defense (instance: interact 3x + talk)
    5. Scouring for Scouts (instance: talk 3x)
    6. A Soldier’s Duty (instance: talk)
    7. Stone Cold (instance: boss + talk)
    8. Passing Stones (instance: interact + interact + talk + talk)
    9. To the Front! (instance: boss + boss + talk)
    10. Battle of Everymore (instance: mob + talk)
    11. Warlord Katsumori (instance: boss + boss + talk)
    12. To the Front! (talk)

    Shoshun Village

    1. Sword of Omens (talk)
    2. Clear Waters (talk)
    3. Patience (talk)
    4. No Disassemble (D&C + talk)
    5. Second Serving (boss + talk)
    6. Hut Hut Hut! (explore 2x + mob 2x + talk)
    7. Pagoda Puzzle (boss + talk)
    8. The Final Peace (boss + talk)
    9. Forest Flowers (interact 3x + talk)
    10. Spiritual Offering (interact + talk)
    11. Jade Scepter (talk)

    Kishibe Village

    1. Due Diligence (talk)mossback
    2. Earth Day (talk)
    3. Crazy for You (interact 4x + talk)
    4. Shrining Example (interact + talk)
    5. Happy Earth Spirits (talk)
    6. Water Everywhere… (mob + talk)
    7. Monknapping! (boss + talk + talk)
    8. Did You Miss Me? (interact + talk)
    9. Beauty Is Shrine Deep (talk)
    10. A Good Guardian (talk + talk)
    11. …Is Hard to Find (talk)
    12. For the Emperor! (mob + talk)
    13. Stolen Food (talk + D&C + talk)
    14. Monk Follies (talk + talk)
    15. Worthy Acts (boss + talk 3x)
    16. Air Apparent (talk + interact + talk + talk)
    17. The Stuff of Epics (talk)

    Shirataki Temple

    1. Release (talk)
    2. River Temple (instance: boss + talk + boss)
    3. Summoning the Spirit (instance: talk + interact 4x + boss)
    4. Release (instance: boss + talk)

    Ancient Burial Grounds

    1. Contemplation (talk)death oni
    2. Oni of Death (talk)
    3. The Only Way (explore + talk)
    4. A Hand from Beyond (interact + talk)
    5. Shadowy Secrets (explore + boss + interact + talk)
    6. Third Time’s the Charm (boss + interact + talk)
    7. Torchure (boss + talk)
    8. A Dirty Job (interact + talk)
    9. To the Great Beyond (boss + talk)
    10. Grandpa Says Hi! (talk)

    Village of Sorrow

    1. Desperate Measures (explore + talk)
    2. Be Very, Very Quiet (mob + talk)
    3. Or Call a Locksmith (D&C + talk)
    4. Spiritual Awakening (talk + boss + talk + talk)
    5. Chain Request (talk)
    6. Soooool Chain (D&C + talk + interact + talk)
    7. A Good Forgery (talk)
    8. Smells Like Spirit (boss + talk)

    Yoshihito Templeemperor

    1. Carried Away (talk)
    2. Oni No Death (interact)
    3. Left Behind (instance: talk + explore)
    4. Question of Faith (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    5. Tree of Life (instance: interact + boss)
    6. Oni No Death (instance: boss + talk + talk)

    Instance name: Tree of Life

    Emperor’s Throne Room

    1. An Imperial Cure (interact + boss + talk)
    2. The Key At Last (talk)

    Dragonspyre Main Quest Line

    wizard101 main quest line dragonspyre

    Dragonspyre has a total of 107 quests. It has 34 bosses, though 4 of those are in lower worlds, when you collect the Obsidian Chests. It has 9 Defeat and Collect quests and 29 regular mob fights.

    Dragonspyre is maybe best known for its final instance: Malistaire’s Lair. I ran it again for this guide (my lvl 103 ran out of cards in one battle and had to flee *hides in shame*) and noticed that it’s been simplified considerably. I think I like it better now!

    Interestingly, 5 of the instances are the tower type. I remember doing all of those alone, in the days when I was mostly playing when no one was around. They were hard for my little Balance! I also remember The Labyrinth, a place I grew to hate, since I had to redo it 15-20 times to help friends and to get the stone rose.

    1. Bad Blood (talk + boss + talk + explore + talk)
    2. Crystal-Matic (explore + talk)
    3. Holger’s Crystals (interact + talk)

    The Tower Archives

    1. Stone Tower Pilot (explore + talk)cyrus
    2. The Crystal Towers (D&C + talk)
    3. The Towering Crystal (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    4. Friend of My Friend (talk + mob + talk + interact + talk)
    5. Key to Trust (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    6. Wizard and Crystal (boss + talk)
    7. The Last Key (explore + mob + interact + talk)
    8. The Dragon’s Claw (interact + talk)
    9. Portal Combat (mob + interact + boss + talk)

    Plaza of Conquests

    1. Warkeeper (talk)
    2. General Recommendation (talk)
    3. Battle On (boss + talk)
    4. Blood From a Stone (talk)
    5. Recommend This (talk)
    6. The Art of War (instance: mob 4x + interact + talk)
    7. Stone Soup (talk)
    8. Application Procedures (talk)
    9. The Best Defense (boss + talk + talk)
    10. No Weaklings Allowed (interact + boss + talk)
    11. Fighting With Dishonor (talk)
    12. Trapper Keeper (boss + talk + talk)
    13. Foe of Foes (interact + boss + talk)
    14. Going Portal (talk)

    The Grand Chasm

    1. Don’t Fall In (talk)
    2. The Paper Chasedude (talk)
    3. So Little Time (interact + talk)
    4. Crystal Crawlies (D&C + talk)
    5. Charged Up (talk)
    6. Just Charge It (instance: mob 4x + interact + talk + talk)
    7. The Time Is Right (interact + talk)
    8. Forward… Into History! (interact)
    9. Back to the Beginning (instance: talk + interact 7x + talk)
    10. The Vault of Fire (instance: talk + boss)
    11. Forward… Into History! (instance: talk)
    12. One Good Deed (explore + boss + talk)
    13. Stone Free (talk)
    14. Attune Town (interact + talk)

    The Drake Hatchery

    1. Portal Decay (explore + talk)
    2. The Glamorous Life (instance: mob 3x + boss + interact + talk)
    3. Control Ring (explore + talk)
    4. Welcome to the Academy (talk)
    5. Textbook Example (D&C + talk)
    6. Et Tu, Statue (interact 3x + talk)
    7. Enter the Dragon Rider (talk + talk)
    8. The Drakester (interact + talk)
    9. The Good Old Days (talk + talk)
    10. Rein It In (boss + talk)
    11. Rein Check (interact + talk)
    12. Feels So Good (interact + interact + talk)

    The Crucible

    1. Passing Out (talk)milor
    2. A Strenous Course (talk)
    3. Back in Session (D&C + talk)
    4. A Brief History (interact + talk)
    5. Justice Hurts (interact + interact + boss + talk)
    6. You Call This Easy? (boss + talk)
    7. Judge Not (interact + boss + talk)
    8. It’s an Honor (interact + interact + boss + talk)
    9. Feeling Defensive? (interact + boss + talk)
    10. Pick Up the Spare (talk + interact + talk)
    11. Obsidian in Crystal (interact + talk)
    12. The Last Lesson (interact + boss + talk)
    13. Acceptance at Last (talk + talk)

    The Labyrinth

    1. Bridge to Over There (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    2. Jail Break (instance: talk + interact + interact + boss 3x + talk)
    3. The Den of Dean (instance: talk + interact + explore + talk)
    4. Cloak and Danger (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    5. Staff Direction (instance: talk + boss + talk)
    6. The Lesser Evil (instance: talk + interact + talk + boss)
    7. Stay for Detention (instance: interact + talk + explore + talk)

    Dragonspyre Academy

    1. Fire Shield (instance: mob + mob + mob + boss + talk)
    2. Win of Go Home (explore + talk)
    3. Wizard Tours (Wizard City boss, Krokotopia boss, Marleybone boss and Mooshu boss + talk)

    Crystal Grove

    1. Headless Rider (explore + talk)zaratrax
    2. Quest for Perfection/Root of the Problem (interact 6x + talk)
    3. Cutter’s Way (mob + talk + talk)
    4. Room to Breathe (mob + talk)
    5. A Quiet Place to Work (talk)
    6. Sit and Spin (D&C + talk)
    7. Tools of the Trade (interact + talk)
    8. Table Where? (boss + interact + talk)
    9. Staff Assembly (talk + talk)
    10. Forged in Fire (interact + talk)

    The Drake Hatchery

    1. Earn Your Wings (talk)
    2. Mother of Fire (talk + talk)
    3. Don’t Count Your Eggs… (instance: mob 3x + boss + talk)
    4. Over Easy (explore + interact + talk)
    5. Hammer Time (D&C + talk)
    6. Break an Egg (boss + interact + talk)
    7. Words of Wisdom (talk 4x)

    The Forum

    1. Fly Free (explore + talk)
    2. Hit the Books (interact + talk)
    3. Read the Manual (interact + talk)
    4. Training Wings (explore + talk)
    5. Overdue Fees (boss + talk)
    6. Third Time is the Charm (explore + interact + talk)malistaire
    7. Fuel and Flame (D&C + D&C + talk)
    8. Forging the Fire (interact + talk)
    9. Repo Mage (D&C + talk)
    10. Ancient Dragon Secret (interact + talk)
    11. He Who Smelt It (interact + talk)
    12. Scales of the Dragon (mob 3x + talk)
    13. Armor for Baby (talk)
    14. The Last Dragon Rider (talk)
    15. The Final Countdown (instance: interact + mob + mob + boss + interact + mob 3x + boss + talk)


    So there you have it… Part 1 complete!

    Do let me know if you notice something that’s obviously missing! However, let the small mistakes slip for now, if you can… They will be fixed sometime later!

    Happy questing!

    The post Wizard101 Main Quest Line: Part 1 appeared first on Duelist101.

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