Daily Assignment Rewards


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Daily Assignment Rewards

daily assignment

Daily Assignments have been in the Spiral for 15 days now, so we can finally report what you can expect from them! All in all, I’d say they’re worth doing. I’m definitely going to keep doing them on my 4 top level wizards. It’s a small effort to go to a certain place and kill/visit something. Plus, having a reason to go back to forgotten places is pretty nice actually! I will not do them on every single wizard of mine though. That would be tiresome.


1. Starting Daily Assignments

To do your Daily Assignments, you have to be level 12 and above – and talk to Aegon Statz in Ravenwood. He will send you on a quest to defeat a mob in Colossus Boulevard, and then you will recieve the housing item “Gravulum Order”. You can either talk to the NPC or use the housing item to initiate the daily assignments. Don’t worry if you forget to do your Daily Assignment on a certain day! You won’t lose your progress. You just continue where you left off.


2. Daily Assignment Quests

The Daily Assignment quests can be fit into two categories: kill quests and go to area quests. Apparently there are different level groupings, so wizards of more or less the same level will get the same quest. I can verify that all my level 110 wizards got the same quest every time. Here’s some examples of kill quests for a level 110 wizard:

Daily Assignment Quests

Daily assignment questDaily Assignment QuestDaily Assignment QuestDaily Assignment Quest


Day 12 of the Daily Assignments is special and I think more will be revealed about this later. On the first day 12, you will do your quest as usually, but once you complete it, you will get a new quest.

daily assignment day 12

Don’t expect too much of this quest reward-wise! I got a measly 100 gold, while I was expecting something amazing. Anyway, the new quest has the following quest dialog:

Daily Assignment Day 12 quest dialog

daily assignment day 12 quest dialog

Once you go to Unicorn Way, this is what awaits you:

Picture 2016-04-17 13-45-59


Daily Assignment Day 12 quest dialog in Unicorn Way

daily assignment day 12 quest dialog unicorn way

My theory is that this is a story quest that will continue the next time you get to day 12. Maybe we will learn more about Pekrons and Pekuliarities and what exactly the colors of Aegon Statz’s readings mean! We’ll have to wait another 12 days to find out!


3. Daily Assignment Rewards

daily assignment rewards


On day 1, 2, 6, 7, 11 and 12, you receive a gold reward, ranging from 900 to 1200. On day 3, 8 and 13, you receive arena tickets. The highest amount of tickets you can get is 25 tickets. It’s not a lot, but over time, this could start adding up!

On day 4, 9 and 14 you will get crowns: first 10, then 15 and then 25 crowns. Totally worth doing the dailies for these, if you ask me! The crowns won’t appear in your inventory right away, so you might have to wait a couple of days. You can see when they’re added from the Wizard101 website.

daily assignment rewards.jpg


Days 5, 10 and 15 are the most interesting! On those, you get a mystery chest with a random item. There doesn’t seem to be a build up over time with the chests: the first one drops the same kind of items as the last one. These are the kind of daily assignment rewards you can receive:

daily assignment rewards

Housing items:

  • Customaizable Grizzleheim Signdaily assignment reward housing
  • Cash Register
  • Spiral Vine Rug
  • Wooden Bridge
  • Wooden Well
  • Sorcery Stones game
  • Hot Shots game
  • transporters


  • Manta Ray (7 day)
  • Sunshine Pony (7 day)daily assignment reward mount
  • Moonlight Pony (7 day)
  • Ancient Koi (7 days)


  • Sugar Khrystal
  • King Parsley
  • Bread Fruit Bush


  • Spell-Defying Opaldaily assignment reward see
  • Armor Piercer Opal
  • Fishing Luck Opal
  • Extra Mana Opal


There are also other Daily Assignment rewards: badges! You get one for doing the first day assignment, and one for getting to day 15. The badges are “Gravulum Adept” and “Gravulum Magus“.

badges daily assignment rewards


What do you think of the Daily Assignments?

Have you gotten any interesting drops so far?

Let us know in the comments!

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Pets in Polaris


Pets in Polaris

Bosses can have pets now! And the pets can even drop for you when you kill the boss. How cool is that! I love to think these bosses are going to miss their pets terribly when you run off with them XD

In this guide, I will first take a look at the pets named after a boss, and after that give an overview of which other pets are dropped in Polaris.


baba yaga pets in polaris

Baba Yaga’s egg

baba yaga's egg

Baba Yaga’s Egg is known to randomly cast stuns while still being under Baba Yaga’s protection, but loses that ability once it becomes yours. Instead, it comes with two Blinding Light item cards, with which you can stun all enemies for one round.

The pet has a pedigree of 59 and a hatch time of 5 minutes. It also — very important! — knows how to dance :) Baba Yaga is situated in Forlorn Tayg. Your best chances of defeating her would be in doing it quickly!




Beastmaster’s Eagle

beastmaster's eagleThe Beastmaster’s Eagle is a Balance pet that gives a Bladestorm item card. While in the battle, he will sometimes cast Bladestorm, but that talent is not in his talent list. May cast Dragonblade on ally is though! This was a new talent for me, and I find it weirdly specific… Only on ally, not on the owner? Why!

Ludus the Beastmaster is located in Urville Station in the dungeon called The Kennels. You will have to kill one mob and solve a puzzle to get to Ludus. He’s a cheat, but it’s not that bad. Don’t use feints, unless you’re prepared for Ludus to switch it so that the higher percentage is on the Wizard. He will summon a minion every 4 rounds.





numbskulll chieftain's pet

Chieftain’s Owl

chieftain's owl

The Numbskull Chieftain is a boss that wanders around the River of Frozen Tears with the Numbskull Ogres. This pet has a may cast as well: if you heal in the battle, the Owl will cast a Guiding Light on its owner. This is an actual talent on the pet as well, which you can unlock by training it up! The pet gets a Guidance item card, with which you can add ten percent accuracy to everyone on your team. This is actually a fairly good starter pet! A first generation Chieftain’s Owl has the possibility to manifest Spell-Proof, Pain-Giver, Life-Bringer and the may cast Storm heal.

Numbskill Chieftan is a cheater. Most of it can be ignored, but be aware that traps will cause the chieftan to cast a Legend Shield and a Dream Shield on himself. He also won’t allow you to blade 3 times in a row.



detolli pets in polaris

Detolli’s Dragon

detolli's dragonDetolli’s Dragon comes with a Meteor Strike card. While still under the possession of Detolli the Destroyer, you can expect the pet to cheat cast Meteors. It will no longer do that when you get it, unfortunately, but hey, you do have the card!

Detolli the Destroyer resides in the Sunken Tower in Forlorn Tayg. It’s a tower with one mob fight before you get to Detolli. Detolli cheats, but I mostly just ignore his cheats. They’re nothing really major.



ivanenko's tiger

Ivanenko’s Tiger

ivanenko's tigerThis awesome pet comes with 2 Insane Bolt item cards if you train it to mega! The Tiger is dropped by Colonel Ivanenko, who roams Urville Station with the Gulag Guards.

Just like the other bosses, Colonel Ivanenko cheats, but not majorly. Bring your shatter if you’re going to feint, because the Colonel will cast a tower shield for every feint.




vissarovich pets in polaris

Vissarovich’s Icehound

vissarovich's hound

You can get this adorable puppy from Warden Vissarovich in Cellblock A in the Basstille.  You need to do four battles: 2 mobs followed by 2 bosses. Vissarovich cheats, but nothing that has a drastic effect on the battle as far as I can tell (I was waching TV at the same time, so I can’t be sure).

The Icehound will come with an Availing Hands item card




Ygor’s Grimoire

ygor's grimoire pets in polaris

Here’s a pet that’s actually worth farming for! You can’t hatch for it, the result of any hatch will be your own pet or a Forgotten Grimoire. It gets a Poison item card at baby. The best talents you could hope for would be Death-Dealer and Armor Piercer.

The battle against Ygor takes place inside the Titan Forge in Kataba Iceblock. None of his cheats are very threatening. Just don’t be late, and carry shatter if your hitter is Life or Ice.




Other pets:

These pets are pretty cool as well — putting them down here doesn’t mean they’re less nice! I gave them a seperate little area because they’re dropped from so many different creatures in Polaris, unlike the earlier ones which only drop from one specific boss.

arctic ninja pig

Arctic Ninja Pig

  • Baba Yaga
  • Captain Loranzo
  • Colonel Ivanenko
  • Colonel Orlov
  • Commissionaire Maladay
  • Detolli the Destroyer
  • First Mate Cranetail
  • Gulag Guard
  • Iceblight Elf
  • Inspector Clooso
  • Ludus the Beastmaster
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Pit Fiend
  • Sea Lion
  • Snowbeard
  • Torcido
  • Watch Lion

glacier dragon

Glacier Dragon

  • Alorna
  • Baba Yaga
  • Bullhemoth
  • Captain Loranzo
  • Colonel Ivanenko
  • Dyomo the Bridgebuilder
  • First Mate Cranetail
  • Inspector Brigadier
  • Inspector General
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Marshal Kamensky
  • Numbskull Chieftain
  • Sea Lion
  • Snow Treant
  • Tundra Troll
  • Vigilant Jarilo
  • Warlord Minak

ice bird

Ice Bird

  • Baba Yaga
  • Broken Land Guardian
  • Bully Mammoth
  • Crevasse Troll
  • Detolli the Destroyer
  • First Mate Cranetail
  • Inspector Brigadier
  • Inspector Clooso
  • Iron Paw
  • Iron Paw Intake Captain
  • Lord Groff
  • Marshal Gill
  • Nightwing
  • Pit Fiend
  • Sea Chicken Pirate
  • Sea Lion
  • Shmo
  • Snowbeard
  • Terror Hound
  • The Rat
  • Warlord Minak
  • Watch Lion

intrepid seal pup

Intrepid Seal Pup

  • Baba Yaga
  • Boris the Boarder
  • Captain Loranzo
  • Captain Winters
  • Colonel Orlov
  • Commissionaire Maladay
  • Inspector Clooso
  • Ludus the Beastmaster
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Snowbeard
  • Tajniak
  • The Rat
  • Warlord Minak
  • Ygor

mountain yeti

Mountain Yeti

  • Baba Yaga
  • Boris the Boarder
  • Dyomo the Bridgebuilder
  • First Mate Cranetail
  • Imperial Justice Payne
  • Ludus the Beastmaster
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Marshal Gill
  • Snowbeard
  • Solitary Warden
  • The Rat
  • Warden Vissarovich
  • Warlord Minak
  • Ygor

nodori winged ram

Nodori Winged Ram

  • Algid Wyrm
  • Alorna
  • Baba Yaga
  • Broken Land Guardian
  • Bully Mammoth
  • Captain Kravchuck
  • Colonel Ivanenko
  • Colonel Orlov
  • Imperial Guard
  • Inspector Brigadier
  • Ivan
  • Marshal Kamensky
  • Numbskull Ogre
  • Polarian Evil Snowman
  • Sea Lion
  • Sundered Seam Guardian
  • Tajniak
  • Terror Hound
  • The Rat
  • Torcido
  • Tundra Troll
  • Warlord Minak
  • Watch Lion
  • Yolok the Listener

polar bear cub

Polar Bear Cub

  • Assistant Warden Porfiry
  • Baba Yaga
  • Boris the Boarder
  • Bully Mammoth
  • Colonel Orlov
  • Dyomo the Bridgebuilder
  • First Mate Cranetail
  • Gulag Guard
  • Imperial Guard
  • Inspector Brigadier
  • Inspector Clooso
  • Iron Paw Intake Captain
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Marshal Gill
  • The Rat
  • Tundarian Enforcer
  • Tundra Troll
  • Warden Vissarovich
  • Warlord Minak



  • Algid Wyrm
  • Assistant Warden Porfiry
  • Baba Yaga
  • Borealis Golem
  • Bully Mammoth
  • Captain Loranzo
  • Captain Winters
  • Colonel Ivanenko
  • Commissionaire Maladay
  • Frost Fin
  • Greater Borealis Golem
  • Imperial Guard
  • Ludus the Beastmaster
  • Mahon Starsearcher
  • Marshal Gill
  • Marshal Kamensky
  • Sea Chicken Pirate
  • Snow Treant
  • Snowbeard
  • Torcido
  • Tundra Troll
  • Warlord Minak

white winter owl pets in polaris

White Winter Owl

  • Bullhemoth
  • Commissionaire Maladay
  • Imperial Justice Payne
  • Inspector Clooso
  • Iron Paw
  • Ivan
  • Lesser Borealis Golem
  • Ludus the Beastmaster
  • Marshal Gill
  • Numbskull Ogre
  • Pit Boss Minak
  • Sea Lion
  • Snowbeard
  • Sundered Seam Guardian
  • Tajniak
  • The Rat
  • Torcido
  • Warlord Minak
  • Ygor


Which of these pets do you like most? Why?

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Fansite Festival – “Mid-Spring PvP Bash”


In coordination with Fansite Festival, we have a little fun party for you – with some PvP action of course (I mean.. this is a PvP site.. what else did you expect. :P)

On Saturday – our event will be starting at 2pm est (1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST) – and we’ll be meeting in Unicorn Way in Stormzilla realm – near Diego. Pickups will start 15 minutes before the event is scheduled to start (so 1:45pm EST). We ask that you try to be on time – as it’ll be an hour party (officially, but you’ll welcome to PvP more after the end of the hour, however!). We’ll be giving out some prizes during the party – so keep an eye out on how to snag yourself some nice prizes for yourself. 

As always – with our PvP parties, we have some guidelines to follow:

  • No foul language/cussing – you will be removed immediately – no exceptions.
  • No cheating or fighting.
  • No rudeness or unsportsmanlike behavior.

There are no specific PvP rules for this bash – so bring what gear you like – what spells you like – and have a smashing time!

We also have some prizes donated by Sheldon and the Fansite Festival team we’d love to give out!

Picture Time

Any time during the event – just snap a picture of anything! Your favorite moment, a friend, one of us, anything counts. Come back to this post – and post that picture (with a caption, it’s up to you). Everyone who successfully submits a picture by 11:59pm EST will be entered into a raffle to win one of four bundles (Hoodoo and Olympain for Pirate101 / Polarian and Jewel for Wizard101). 

Best Dressed

During the party, Seth will announce the start of this contest, and all wizards wishing to enter will move to an area of the house. The theme of the best costume will be Spring (since this is a Spring PvP Bash!). There will be one male winner, and one female winner – and each will walk out with a 10,000 crowns code. (After the winners are announced, we’ll be asking how best to contact you to give the code to you!)

Thanks to Fansite Festival and Sheldon for allowing us to host an event – and we hope to see many of you there!

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New Pets – Spring 2016 Update



With the update hitting live today, it appears Wizard101 snuck something underneath the radar: new pets!

Today, they tweeted the following: https://twitter.com/Wizard101/status/717805731685249024

Shh! There are a few new pets out there in The Spiral for you to discover with this latest update! Found any yet?


While we aren’t sure of exactly how many new pets there are – some have been discovered!

Also – as a note – going to be trying a new format since a common complaint about pet articles is how massive they can become.

Trendkill Pantra


  • Dropped from Trendkill Pantra mobs in Outer Yard in Avalon
  • Death – Gives 1 Death Prism Card at Baby

Dreamsong Seraph

Picture 2016-04-06 18-17-33

  • Dropped from Death Seraphs in Outer Yard – Avalon
  • Myth – Gives 1 Mythspear Card at Baby


  • Dropped from Bloodwing Mobs in The Floating Land – Celestia
  • Fire – Gives 1 Firespear Card at Baby

Resolute Bloodbat

  • Dropped from Curor Bat in Ragewood Meadow in Lost Wood
  • Myth – Gives 1 Mythical Fuel Card at Baby

Furious Krokomummy

  • Dropped from Shambling Ahnic in Ahnic Family Tomb – Krokotopia
  • Storm – Gives 1 Stormspear Card at Baby

Frosty Krokomummy

  • Dropped from Ra in Hall of Tombs in Krokotpia Library
  • Ice – Gives 1 Ice Prism Card at Baby

Blustered Scamp

  • Dropped from O’Leary Charlatan in Hyde Park – Marleybone
  • Storm – Gives 1 Wild Bolt Card at Baby

Specture Lord


  • Dropped from Lord of the Broken in The Wyrd – Avalon (Thanks to Mason_Legend from Twitter for this find.)
  • Ice – Gives 1 Articzilla Card at Baby

As previously said – when we get more info – we will update this!

What pet will you farm for? Which is the coolest? Leave your comments down below!

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Zafaria Fishing – Test Realm


Another test realm – and more fish enter our spiral, this time in the form of Zafaria fishing!

In the world of zebras and lions, there exist 10 new fish for you to find and claim your own. 2 of them are Sentinels, and introduce the first case of Rank 2 Sentinels – so fishing is extra tricky since the sentinel spell will NOT remove them (since it only removes rank 1 sentinels).

Duckbill Eel


  • Myth
  • Epic Fish
  • Rank 2
  • ZF – Baobab Market
  • 1900 XP

Ecto Slime Fish


  • Life
  • Epic Fish
  • Rank 1
  • ZF – Baobab Crown
  • 2000 XP

Elephant Fish


  • Storm
  • Rank 2
  • ZF – Elephant Graveyard
  • 1700 XP

Hippo Tang


  • Myth
  • Rare Fish
  • Rank 1
  • ZF – Waterfront
  • 1800 XP

Lion Fish


  • Fire
  • Rare Fish
  • Rank 3
  • ZF – Baobab Crossroads/Crown
  • 1900 XP

Ms. Pacuman


  • Fire
  • Sentinel Fish
  • Rank 2
  • ZF – Multiple areas
  • 1700 XP



  • Ice
  • Sentinel Fish
  • Rank 2
  • ZF – Multiple areas
  • 1700 XP

Rhino Fish


  • Storm
  • Epic Fish
  • Rank 1
  • ZF – Drum Jungle
  • 2500 XP

Yarn Squid


  • Balance
  • Rank 3
  • ZF – Baobab Crossoards
  • 1800 XP

Zebra Fish


  • Death
  • Rank 1
  • ZF – Baobab Crossroads
  • 1700 XP

What is your favorite new fish? (Mine is personally the slime, it’s cute!) – Leave a comment down below!

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New Jewel Vendor in Unicorn Way!


New Jewel Vendor in Unicorn Way!

In the newly released Wizard 101 Test Realm a new NPC has quietly joined the denizens of Unicorn way. Unannounced in the update notes this vendor is nonetheless one of the most important vendors to max level or any level PvPer.

New Vendor: Jordo Mistborn

jewel vendor unicorn way jordo mistborn jewel vendor unicorn way

Jordo Mistborn, the new Jewel NPC, is found standing across the street from Olivia Dawnwillow right past Unicorn Park in Unicorn Way. He sells 4 of the major jewel shapes at all the level ranges. His wares are available for arena tickets and for a decent price!


Jewels for Sale

Circle- Damage Opals for all levels.

öustrous damage opal jewel

jewel vendor unicorn way Picture 2016-03-18 01-26-16


Square- Defense Opals for all levels

lustrous defense opal jewel

Picture 2016-03-18 01-35-08 Picture 2016-03-18 01-25-58


Tear- Health Opals for all levels

lustrous health opal jewel

Picture 2016-03-18 01-35-11 Picture 2016-03-18 01-26-22


Triangle- Accuracy and Pip Opals for all levels

polished accurate opal jewellustrous pip opal jewel

Picture 2016-03-18 01-35-06 Picture 2016-03-18 01-26-08


Why is this Exciting?

Previously Pip Jewels and Accuracy Opals could only be acquired through farming or packs. This vendor is revolutionary as he offers easy, reliable access to these jewels. This is especially important at max level where the top tier block athames do not offer power pip chance. With the jewels from this vendor one can feasibly acquire 100% power pip chance and 100% accuracy while still maintaining relevant block statistics. Jorda also offers the best health opals currently available allowing wizards to more easily max out their health buffers.


Which ones interest you the most?

Let us know in the comments!

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New Key Bosses – Test Realm


Test has hit the spiral, and we have 3 new key bosses, one for each type of key.

For our bronze key boss – we have Ra – who is in the Krokotopia library. He is a rank 4 boss – picture below of him and minions.

Picture 2016-03-17 22-45-22

The stone key boss is Ixcax Cursedwing, a Rank 13 Boss in Azteca’s Black Sun Pyramid – picture below of him and minions.

Picture 2016-03-17 21-53-02

And, the big daddy of them all, the gold key boss is Omen Stribog, a Rank 17 boss in Polaris’s Riven of Frozen Tears – picture of him below and minions.

Picture 2016-03-17 21-34-05

Are you excited for the new key bosses? Leave a comment down below if you are!

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Daily Assignments – Test Realm


Just like every game.. Wizard101 now has Daily Assignments!

To get these, you have to be level 12 and above – and talk to Aegon Statz in Ravenwood. He will send you on a quest to defeat a mob in Colossus Boulevard, and then you will recieve the housing item “Gravulum Order”.  You can either talk to the NPC or use the housing item to initiate the daily assignments. These assignments can range from all sorts of different hings, in all different worlds.

The rewards are as followed:


It’s unknown as of now what Day 5, 10, 12, and 15 are – but over time – we shall know! We’ll keep ya up to date when we figure out just what is in those.

Do you like these rewards? What should be changed? Leave your comments down below!


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Wizard101 Test Realm March 2016


Wizard101 Test Realm is Online

Time for the test realm of March 2016! This update includes the Gear Vault housing Item, Zafaria Fishing, new Skeleton Key bosses, Daily Assigments… and much more!


If you find an error or notice anything not working correctly, click the bug in the top right corner of your screen and submit a bug report. Bug reports are not limited to the things they mention to test. Report on any issues you have in the game.

Test Realm Updates!

Crowns in test realm are free and do not effect your status in live realm at all! As of the time of this writing, we have 15,000 crowns. (No Mega Snack packs are available for pet testers.)


Daily Assignments

Eaaegon statzrn rewards for playing Wizard101 each day, with Daily Assignments. Wizards level 12 and above should visit Aegon Statz in Ravenwood to take on the quest “The Gravulum Order” for an introduction to Daily Assignments. Then, every day when you log in, you can either visit Aegon or the Gravulum Lodestone item in your home to see the assignment for the day. Assignments will send you all over the Spiral to defeat various foes and earn cumulative rewards.

Each day that you complete the Daily Assignment will grant a progressively better reward, with the 15th day providing the best reward possible. After you’ve completed the cycle, it will start over again and you can continue to earn more rewards.

Daily Assignments reward Gold, Arena Tickets, Crowns and more! If you are unable to complete a Daily Assignment, don’t worry. You’ll be able to pick back up where you left off at any time.

daily assignment wizard101 test realm march 2016
New Skeleton Key Bosses

Three new skeleton key bosses have been added for those Wizards in search of a new challenge.

  1. Wooden Skeleton Key: visit the Krokotopia Library to face off against the Rank 4 boss, Ra.
  2. Stone Skeleton Key: Rank 13 boss, Ixcax Cursedwing within Azteca’s Black Sun Pyramid.
  3. Gold Skeleton Key: River of Frozen Tears in Polaris, Rank 17 boss, Omen Stribog.



Spells and Quests

You can now learn additional off-school spells if you’re level 100+!

  • Life: Zander can teach Nature’s Wrath and Forest Lord.
  • Myth: Baba Yaga can teach Orthrus.
  • Balance: Jaki Whisperwind can teach Power Nova.
  • Ice: Tarrak Hadfield can teach Ice Trap and Frost Giant.
  • Fire: Ignus Ferric can teach Fire Dragon.
  • Storm: Ione Virga can teach Triton and Storm Lord.
  • Death: Qismah Shasa can teach Death Trap and Skeletal Dragon.


devotion-spellA new Star spell has been added to the Star School Trainer in Azteca. Devotion increases Life Damage by 25%, increases Power Pip chance by 5% and increases incoming Death damage by 10% for 4 rounds. To access this spell, Wizards must be at least level 84 and have completed the quest “Third Star on the Left” in Azteca.



  • Rejoice, Death Wizards! The spell Call of Khrulhu will now attack all targets at once.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some players from seeing the spell casting animation of a cloaked spell in PVP.
  • Camera angles during the spell Insane Bolt have been adjusted.
  • The Myth Imp spell card artwork has been updated.



Fish, including some new species, can now be found swimming in the waters of Zafaria!

Players will receive the badge Prodigious Angler for reaching Fishing level 20.



test realm march 2016

Wizards can now store additional items in their home with the new Gear Vault housing item. It can hold up to 100 items including Hats, Robes, Boots, Wands, Athames, Amulets and Rings. Place the Gear Vault in your house and click the “Open Gear Vault” icon while in the “Place Object” screen. This works similar to music players, aquariums and the Seed Vault. From there you can move items between the vault and your Backpack. You may only place two Gear Vaults in each of your houses, one inside and one outside. Gear Vaults can be purchased from the Crown Shop or crafted using a recipe available from Toshio in Mooshu.





How does Test Realm work?

If you haven’t been in test realm before, follow the instructions near the end of the Test Realm notes (click button below.) Wizard101 Test Realm is limited to members and crowns users with recent transactions. Test realm is copied from live realm. It is completely separate from your live characters. What you do in Test Realm will NOT effect your wizards in live realm. The crowns you spend in test realm will not effect live realm.

Test Realm

test realm march 2016


Happy Testing!!



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