Lost Stories of the Spiral Contest: Halloween Edition


Lost Stories of the Spiral: Halloween Edition!

halloween, skull, midnight, darkmoor

BOO! Did I scare you wizards? Not to worry, this Halloween Duelist 101 has more treats than tricks and you have a chance to win big! Due to overwhelming demand, we are bringing back the Lost Stories of the Spiral Contest with a Spooky twist! With all new creepy, scary scenarios to choose from…do you dare to tell us some more Lost Stories of the Spiral?

The Contest

In this contest, you will write a story using one of the given scenarios to be presented below. Your story must

-Be written in 12 font and double-spaced (If certain circumstances prevent you from meeting the format requirement don’t worry, we won’t penalize you for incorrect formatting)

-Minimum of 1 paragraph long typed

-Maximum of 10 pages long typed

-Follow the scenario you choose from the list provided below

-Be original, No Plagiarizing!

-The story must be PG, anything above a PG rating will be disqualified. Use your best judgment!

*Important* The story must be in the format of a book/fanfiction, NOT a questline

The Scenarios

Cyrus-HairScenario 1: The Lost Story of Cyrus Drake’s Scariest Halloween

Did you know that Cyrus Drake once had hair? That he was once an optimist with a sunny outlook on life? Rumor has it that one Halloween night changed all of that. Let us know what happened that made Cyrus Drake the man he is today!

Scenario 2: The Lost Story of Howling Chaney

Legend has it that Howling Chaney wasn’t always a werewolf. Your job in this scenario is to describe the events leading up to his terrible transformation.

Scenario 3: The Lost Story of Old Cob’s DreamsFire-Dragon-vs-Smoking-Mirror-Zombies-1v3

Old Cob was locked up for millennia with nothing but his dreams and the shadow…. His dreams were so foul that they spawned 3 Children of Night: The Rat, The Scorpion, and The Bat. What were those dreams about anyway? You decide!

Scenario 4: The Lost Story of The Night of the Living Dead(Azteca Edition)

Morganthe’s revival of Malistaire has caused the dead to rise all over Azteca! Tell us the tale of that terrifying night when the zombie dinos first escaped the grave.

Scenario 5: The Lost Story of Life after Artorious

King Artorious is missing (presumably dead), the Pendragon has risen and Merle Ambrose has left Avalon with his young student. What were those dark days like in Avalon when the light was dimmest?

Old Cob

Contest Details

-The Contest will run from October 12th 2016 to October 26th 2016 at midnight

– Winners will be announced on Halloween 2016! (October 31st 2016)

– To enter the contest: email your entry to duelist101contests@gmail.com (ensure you have parent or guardian’s permission if you are <13 years old)

-Duelist 101 will email you a confirmation email upon receipt of your entry and once again if you are selected as a winner

-Ask any questions you may have in the comment section below


harrowed-nightmare1st Place

The 1st Place Winner will Receive:

-Their Story Featured on the Duelist 101 Main Site

-1 Witchhunter’s Bundle

-10,000 Crowns and Goat Horns Hairstyle

-1 Nightmare and 1 Harrowing Nightmare Pack

2nd Placegoat horns wizard101 hairstyles

The 2nd Place Winner will receive:

-Their Story Featured on the Duelist 101 Main Site

-10,000 Crowns and Goat Horns Hairstyle

-Their choice of 5000 Crowns and Mummy Costume OR 5000 Crowns and Vampire Costume

-1 Nightmare and 1 Harrowing Nightmare Pack


crownsiconnew3rd Place

The 3rd Place Winner will receive:

-Their Story Featured on the Duelist 101 Main Site

-10,000 Crowns and Goat Horns Hairstyle

-1 Nightmare and 1 Harrowing Nightmare Pack

Honorable Mentions

7 Honorable Mentions will receive:

-Their choice of 5000 crowns and a Vampire Costume OR 5000 crowns and a Mummy Costume

-1 Nightmare and 1 Harrowing Nightmare Pack

*Please Note that choice of costume is dependent on the number available. Winners will be rewarded on a first response, first serve basis. If your choice of costume is not available Duelist 101 will gift you with the alternative costume.

Are you Ready to Tell us some Spooky Stories Wizards?


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Melee Musketeer Series Part 1: Best of Both Worlds


Melee Musketeer Series Part 1: Best of Both Worlds

We’re diving straight in this time like the daredevils we are! You can read more about this project here. No introductions this time around (because it’s part 1, obviously, heh) so let’s get right down to business.


The Hybrid Build

When you think about the best of both worlds, it really doesn’t get much better that a sword-wielding musketeer. With a shooty/melee (or hybrid) weapon and the proper pet talents and practice points, we can get access to relentless 2, burst fire 2, doubletap 3, and bladestorm (not essential). In addition to a normal melee hit, you can get up to 9 (10 with bladestorm) additional hits PER TURN. I repeat, PER. TURN.

If this sounds pretty amazing to you it’s probably because it is. Right next to our signature hail of cannonballs, these chains are the primary source of damage output. The naturally high agility and accuracy of musketeers (along with a sprinkle of rng) allows us to execute massive damage spikes. When you mix these tempo-changing, health-draining chains of pain with the trap-setting, hazard-weaving musketeer-ing we’re already capable of, you’ll create an absolute nightmare.

Side Note: While I was writing this section, I took out a full health privateer out in 2 turns. Winning the 1v4 scenario I was in (curse you Nausica) went from impossible to inevitable in a single chain.


The Gear

 musket-gear-1 Melee Musketeer Series Part 1

Gladiator’s Galea from the Empire Bundle



Top Serfeant’s Uniform dropped by English Bill or Ranchero’s Finery from Tyson(more optimal)

 musket-gear-3 Melee Musketeer Series Part 1

Gladiator’s Gaiters from the Empire Bundle


Marrozo Armaments dropped in Valencia Part 2 or The new Dreadnaught weapon(by far the best) but any hybrid weapon with good damage will do.


Orthrus’ Sinister Eyepatch dropped by Diskylos


 Jewel of Moo Manchu for the Tower of Moo Manchu


Apollo’s Necklace dropped by Diskylos


 Southern Cross Gem from the Turtle Temples in Mooshu

 Melee Musketeer Pet




Practice Points

4- Fast 2: We need every last square that we can. While we don’t want to let the opponent get too close, being in range of them gives us a few, more audacious options to explore.

5- Smashy Weapons 2 + Relentless: Maximize our potential damage output

1- Burst Fire: Well of course we want that extra hit or 2!

5- Spooky 2: Universal staple talent in my opinion

3- Gunnery, Rouse, Valor’s Shield: The famous privateer power trio


With the last 2 points, there are 2 routes one can take;

Mighty Charge + Witch Hunter: Mighty Charge is great for a late game “frenzy” or just to slash away your opponent’s health bar. The glancing blow hit adds to the chance of a follow up chain. Witch Hunter I would hope speaks for itself. *wink*


Sneak Attack + Walk in Shadows: Though the first route might help with overall damage output, the second hide could prove to be optimal in the long run. I periodically find myself in a tight spot where I could benefit from being “safe” for a round or two to regroup.

And of course, my power setup: (mighty charge + witch hunter)



And with that, buccaneers have their competition for deadliest unit on the battleboard! (Minus the utilities of course *evil grin*)

melee musket talent view



In the next part I’ll be going over companions and the stage by stage gameplan that has yet to fail me.


Stay tuned for part 2!

We want to know what you all think about this epic musketeer setup, so let us know in the comment section!

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Ashes of the Armada Pack: New Weapons!


New Weapons


Pirate 101’s third pack: The Ashes of the Armada has been released and with it come even more awesome weapons. Between these weapons and the Haywire weapons released with the Dreadnaught-pirates will be well equipped to handle most any enemy!

Melee Weapons

Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon

Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapona-new-weapon-2 a-new-weapon-3 a-new-wepon


Ranged Weapons

Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon Ashes Armada Weapon

Have Any Weapons not Shown Here? Let Us Know in The Comments Below!


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Rattlebones Exalted Duel Guide


Rattlebones Exalted Duel Guide

This one shot dungeon has been out for what feels like forever, yet we didn’t have a guide for it on Duelist101! That had to be fixed! This is also a good time to write a new guide for this battle, because now, wizards who have finished Polaris have access to the spells Aegis and Indemnity. Those spells are a huge help in these dungeons!

You can get the Rattlebones Exalted Duel from defeating Rattlebones in Wizard City. There are other locations (check here), but I find farming Rattlebones the most effective.


First off, this is how I see it: the Rattlebones Exalted Duel is not designed to be super easy. That’s why they have the chest at the end of the battle. In regular battles, you get the drops right when you defeat the boss. Rattlebones has the chest instead, so it doesn’t matter how many times you die during the battle. You will still get your loot. That being said, make sure nobody dies the exact round you kill the enemies. They will end up in the Commons and the chest will have disappeared when they use dungeon recall. No chest means no loot.

In the Duel, you face four enemies, two of which are bosses. One is Rattlebones, the other is the Fairy Queen. Both of these bosses cheat in different ways. They also have some very potent spells, with the most impressive one being Fairy Queen’s Dark Sprite that costs one pip and does about 1,500 base damage on all wizards. In addition, Rattlebones has a 4 pip attack that deals 3,400 damage to all wizards. Painful!

Rattlebones Exalted Duel

Death is never far away!


Universal cheats in Rattlebones Exalted

Rattlebones and Fairy Queen both hate feints. If you feint them, they “trade” the high end of the feint with the low end. In other words, with a regular feint, you end up with the 70% on you while they get the 30%.

trade-feint-fgairy-queen-rattlebones Rattlebones Exalted Duel

You can work your way around this cheat in two ways.

1. Dispels

You can Ice dispel the boss you are feinting. The trade cheat is of the Ice school, so they will end up fizzling when you dispel them before casting the feint. Additionally, if you have an Ice wizard with you, and you’re planning this adventure in advance, you might want to farm the Bazaar for a while for Double Melt TCs. They put two dispels on the enemy at once, for the cost of three pips. It’s useful to use a mix of regular dispels and double dispels.


2. Indemnity

If yindemnity-spellou have finished Polaris, you can also use the new spells you can learn there from the Astral teacher. When you enchant a feint with Indemnity, the trade will fail and the feint will stay on the boss the way we want it to. There will be a message on your screen saying “protection removed”, which theoretically means the next attempt to remove the feint would be successful. This is nothing to worry about though.




Another cheat is called “tardiness will not be tolerated”. Don’t be late! Anyone who joins the battle circle late will get mana burned. This mana burn does somewhere between 1500 and 3000 damage and takes all your pips. This will not only happen in the first round, but also in every subsequent round where someone dies, flees and comes back. In the beginning of the fight, it will be Rattlebones who casts the mana burn, but when he dies the Fairy Queen will take over his role.


Rattlebones cheats

In addition to the universal cheats I mentioned before, Rattlebones has one more trick up his sleave: Doom and Gloom.


Rattlebones will put up Doom and Gloom whenever someone (or someone’s pet) heals. I suggest you leave your pets in your dorm for this battle. Of course you could have a designated healer who keeps everyone alive and keeps replacing the Doom and Gloom with a bubble you like more. That sounds like a great idea!

Just know that this is a case of “do as I say, not as I do”. Personally, I don’t bring any heals to the party. I make sure everyone has their potion bottles filled up, and make everyone flee after dying. This means I have to deal with the strong mana burns after rejoining the battle circle, but I prefer that over healing. During one run of Rattlebones, I suffer approximately 7 deaths in total on my 4 chars. I can see how healing could be superior, but I can’t be bothered.

So: either find a good healer (or two) to help you, or prepare to get mana burned a lot. Your healer should pack a lot of bubbles, maybe empowerment and heals. They’ll be very busy!


Fairy Queen cheats

At the begining and every 4 rounds after the minions were defeated, the Fairy Queen will summon 2 minions of any school. They will have 5,200 health regardless of what school they are. Just ignore them until the end.


In addition, the Fairy Queen will occasionally enfeeble any wizard that casts a bubble or gets a blade. She seems pretty random with this cheat, casting it sometimes for every blade and sometimes not at all. As such, it seems best to first kill the Fairy Queen, so that you can blade freely to kill Rattlebones afterwards.

If you’ve finished Polaris, yoaegis-rattlebonesu can use Aegis to protect your blades. This means you won’t be able to use potent blades, TC blades or gear item blades at all until the Fairy Queen dies. Still, if you have a balance around, your hitter could have a protected balanceblade, a bladestorm, a stormblade and an elemental blade. Four blades is better than none! Once the Fairy Queen dies, regular blading is allowed again.


Strategy for Rattlebones Exalted Duel

I’d say the optimal team would have a Balance and an Ice at the very least. Your hitter can be of a school of your choice (I went with Storm).

  1. Get in touch with your own mortality. Accept that you will die using this strategy.
  2. Go fill your potion bottles in the Fairegrounds, or find a Life wizard willing to help. You might want to change my deck setups if you have a reliable healer (eg. put bubbles into most wizards’ decks so they can get rid of Doom and Gloom, and maybe add reshuffle or more cards).
  3. Go buy Ice dispel Treasure Cards in the Bazaar. You can hunt for 2 pip Melts, the occasional Double Melt and the rare 1 pip Melts. In addition, you could see if you have an Ice friend around who can do the dispel spamming.
  4. Take off your healing pets.
  5. Join the battle all together, don’t be late!
  6. Focus on the Fairy Queen first. Put a feint with Indemnity on her. Wait with putting other feints (pet feint, potent feint, amulet feint etc) until after step 5.
  7. Dispels galore! Spam the Fairy Queen with Ice dispels. Either every wizard uses the 2 pip TC version, or your Ice takes the responsibility of dispelling on him or her. If you have a Balance around and don’t have a healer, also spam Rattlebones with Balance dispels!
  8. Use as many different feints on the Fairy Queen as you have Ice dispels on her.
  9. Enchant your blades with Aegis. If you don’t have Aegis, don’t blade at all (or well, you could always try one or two blades, maybe you’ll get lucky and the Fairy Queen doesn’t enfeeble).
  10. Use a strong attack on the Fairy Queen. Hope that she dies. If she doesn’t, put more feints and more Aegis blades and try again.
  11. Whenever you die: flee, come back, suffer mana burn and carry on. Remember that if you have a Balance wizard with you, you can dispel Rattlebones’ mana burn!
  12. Once the Fairy Queen dies, start blading your hitter.
  13. Use Dispels and Indemnity when you feint Rattlebones!
  14. Use an AoE like Glowbug Squall to kill both Rattlebones and the minions.


Deck Setups for Rattlebones Exalted Duel

Here’s the decks I used for my 4 wizards. I went with Storm as a hitter, accompanied by Balance, Ice and Death. Of these 4, Balance and Ice are the most useful for their dispels. This is just a random combination though, you can do it with any wizards!

Note that I’m not the best deck builder ever and that you can probably make a better deck by using your common sense. I’m still sharing mine, because some people find this more useful than having the strategy spelled out. You’re allowed to think for yourself though!

I will die many times anyway, so there’s no need to add reshuffles. As you can see below, I dont add heals. This is because unfortunately I’m allergic to them.


My hitter starts off trapping the Fairy Queen and Indemnitying his blades. Storm dispel is useful for stopping Fairy Queen from enfeebling blades. Don’t use sharpened blades unless the Fairy Queen is dispelled! My Storm will die many times anyways, so the deck doesn’t really matter XD He’s squishy like a bug!



Ice has a lot of dispels. There’s the 2 pip ones in the main deck, and then a bunch of TC dispels in the side deck. While the Fairy Queen is still alive, enchant your elemental blades with indemnity. After she dies, you can use the elemental blade and the item card blades.

As Ice, your main job is dispelling before people use feints. Ideally, Ice is the first one to join the battle circle, so people can feint during the round Ice dispels.



Balance dispels should be placed on Rattlebones as fast as possible. Don’t be afraid to spam them. Dying will hurt less when you dispel the mana burns. Use Indemnity on Feints. Use Aegis on blades until the Fairy Queen dies. Refrain from using sharpened blades until the Fairy Queen is dead.



My Death doesn’t have all that many useful cards for this battle, so she mostly traps. I’m thinking of training elemental blades on her, so she’d have something else to buff my hitter with.



I hope this guide can help at least some people. Personally, I find it good therapy. I used to be just as allergic to dying as I am to healing. After countless deaths against Rattlebones, I am now cured of my allergy and don’t mind dying! XD After all, we always spawn in the Commons, right?

Do you have any other tips?

Let us know in the comments!


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New Ashes of the Armada Pack!



Pirates rejoice with the soon to be implementation of a new hoard pack! The New Ashes of the Armada Pack is the 3rd main pack ever to be added to the game but isn’t exactly out yet… It is announced on the main site that there will be new companions and weapons following the theme of Haywire companions. Those silly robots screamed Freedom is mine, only for them to become our faithful companions! 

 A Brand New Game Card Pack is here!

Kane is defeated, and the Armada is shattered! Clockwork generals run amok through the Spiral, and the triumphant Resistance has succeeded in reprogramming damaged Armada troops, creating “haywire” clockworks to join forces with your fellow Pirates. This newest gamecard pack is full of epic Armada loot, and your Pirate has a chance to gain cool new items like:armada-companions2

  • Haywire Battle Angel Companion
  • Haywire Musketeer Companion
  • Haywire Dragoon Companion
  • Haywire Marine Companion
  • Kraven Blade Weapon
  • Draconis Banner Weapon
  • Gargoyle Shield Weapon
  • Orb of Nefarious Death Weapon
  • Housing items from all over the Spiral and more!
Not much is known over these new items but feel free to share your excitement down below!

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Dreadnaught Fortress Weapon Drops!


Dreadnaught Fortress Weapons!


The Dreadnaught Fortress- Pirate 101’s Newest Farmable Instance is in the Test Realm! With this Haywire Dreadnaught Fortress setting its sights on Skull Island, Pirates everywhere are called to defend their home! Never Fear Pirates, with Great Challenge comes Great Reward in the form of Haywire Weapons! These Weapons include Long Awaited Combination Weapons with Brand-New, Unique Powers. Learn about them in this article!

Dreadnaught Melee Weapons

Dreadknaught Staffy/Slashystabby-staffy-dread swash-combo-dread


Dreadnaught Ranged Weapons

Shooty Dreadnaught Pirate 101shooty-staffy-dread

Yarr Mateys! Have Additional Loot? Let us Know in the Comments Below! 



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Pirate101 Test Realm – Dreadknaught Turret Boss!


A small update has been pushed to the Pirate101 Test Realm servers – and it brings forth some cool changes, including a new turret boss and a short dungeon for the max levels!


Welcome to the Fall Pirate101 Test Realm! First off – we have a brand new turret boss – the Dreadknaught! A level 70 turret – make sure to bring ALL your friends with you to take this bad boy down – and unlock a mini-dungeon, filled with some crazed armada soldiers looking to work their way up with the recent defeat of the High Court. There are a few “Haywire” Armada Mobs, who have higher HP and damage than normal armada mobs, but the Dreadknaught shouldn’t be too much of a problem for a seasoned group of pirates!

Also, here are a few of the notable drops (that I’ve managed to get) from the Dreadknaught, there are also a ton of housing items that are from Wizard101 originally! 



Secondly, we have some changes to the Epic Talents system! It brings forth a new fourth and fifth rank!

Before, you could only get to rank 3, even WITH weapons and pets. However, there are now new benefits and a reworked Witch Hunter talent.  (for the full list of changes – please go to the p101 website and go to the Epic Talents portion of the changes)

The new Witch Hunter is as followed:  Its new function is to reduce incoming damage to the talent-holder by 50%. (probably a WIP as -50% to all damage seems overpowered, but who knows!). Here is an example of what one of the new Rank 4 talents looks like.


Finally, we have some bug fixes, including the (hopeful) squash to the nasty Hydra bug that has plagued the pirates for ages!

While a small update – it brings some awesome changes! What is your favorite? Comment down below!


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Understanding The Lore of the Ice School


Understanding The Lore of the Ice School

As we wander around the spiral launching spells and defeating monsters, one may quickly lose touch of the lore. There is simply so much to do in order to be successful: crafting, gardening, pet training etc. As a result, we become lost in the mechanics of how to play the game and forget to check the lore of the spiral. This is unfortunate since Wizard101 has a rich history and lore.

This thread will examine the workings of Ice magic as it fits into the lore of Wizard101. Note- All information is drawn from the Wizard 101 main site, the history books throughout the Spiral and the Ice school specific quests.  All extrapolation present is based on the information given and is my interpretation of the information gathered.

The Creation Lore of Ice Magic


Ice Magic is one of the Original Schools of Magic in the Spiral. An Elemental School, Ice Magic is said to have been created by the Frost Giants, one of the Icy Children of Grandmother Raven and Bartleby. In Spiral Prehistory the three children of Bartleby fought a Great War against each other. The war was triggered by alleged grievances committed by each of the 3 children. The Giants. in particular were accused of stealing the Storm Lord’s/Triton’s Water to use to build their Icy Palaces. On the other hand, the Giants were angered at the Fire Dragons constantly melting of their creations. This war was so intense the Giants invented the magic of Ice to combat their enemies. This lead to the shattering of the First World and the eventual sleep of the Ice Titan.

The Source of Ice Magic

Kevin and the Frost Giant

As an Elemental Magic, Ice Magic comes from external forces rather than internal forces of the caster. Ice Magic, in particular, comes from the magic of the Ice Titan and the remnants of magic that circulate as the Giant sleeps. Ice wizards tend to channel their magic into defensive spells. They gain the only universal shield in the game and have a number of other defensive spells including x pip absorbs and a Shadow Spell that deals a ton of damage while leaving behind the strongest universal shield in the game.

How Ice Magic Works

Ice Wizards use Chants to plead and bargain with the Ice Creatures that they summon. As seen in a Thaumaturge’s quests- Ice Creatures are not known to be yielding or forgiving. Several times while completing the quests Greyrose expresses how happy she is that we were not destroyed and references several other students who were not so lucky. Ice Creatures tend to demand a lot of respect and will only obey the Wizard if that student meets their exacting standards. It is likely due to the ruthlessness of the creatures they deal with that Thaumaturges plead and bargain with them rather than try to exert more direct control like some of the other schools of magic. So if you see an Ice Wizard chanting while handing a large stack of cash to the nearby Snowman….run.



The Goals of Ice Magic and how it affects the Spiral


Unlike some of the other magic of the Spiral, Ice Magic does not have a particular stated goal when it comes to the larger overarching Spiral. Ice Magic’s motto is “with Persistence, Victory is Assured” reflecting their unique approach to magic. A Thaumaturge as such is built to endure. They will follow their goals unceasingly and strive to build the endurance necessary to achieve what they desire.

What Do You Think of Ice Magic? Let us Know in the Comments!


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Melee Musketeer Series Intro: A Pistol and a Dagger


Melee Musketeer Series Intro:
A Pistol and a Dagger

Let’s face it guys, dueling at times can get really boring!

sparring chamber melee musketeer series intro

Unless I’m in dire need of gold for making pets, I’m always staying sharp in sparring chamber. I always love trying new things (strategies/companions/gear sets) in PvP. I must admit though, the same problem keeps occurring for me. While it is fun and all, it still gets old!

Using different classes in PvP is a great way to become familiar with different matchups and learn to adapt to different playstyles. I always enjoy challenging myself on the battlefield; I often purposely get into sticky situations to see how well I can work around an early disadvantage. However, I’ve have recently been having a drought of ideas and am now seeking new adventures. Luckily enough, I happened to stumble over something I assume was fate at work.

melee musketeer series intro

In short, I am very fond of the musketeer class. It requires a very (a-very-Avery, terrible jokes are just inevitable) different playstyle than your typical melee class. Its unique niche in the meta prevents one from mastering it overnight. Don’t get me wrong, you can’t justly compare musketeer to witchdoctor, though the ranged approach to dueling of both classes can be very rewarding to learn.


Melee Musketeer Pet


I’m sure we all have are share of stories when it comes to pets. Fortunately for me, pet training doesn’t always go as planned. When I trained Lord Hunter here to super and saw “Grants Relentless” on my screen, I knew immediately that my drought of ideas was at an end. I had found my next project and no longer had a choice, it absolutely had to be done.

While it is not the most shrimpy of ideas I’ve seen (shoutout to Eric Stormbringer), I decided that I’d go in the ship bottle before taking aboard with my new project (that reference is great, no one will make me think otherwise). Forcing a class to work in a way that defies the norms is like a musketeer wielding a sword alongside his pistol, laughably foolish. Absurdity is giving up a utility that makes your class truly shine, and for what at that?!

At the gateway to my next adventure lies that exact absurdity: a pistol,

and a dagger.




Check back soon for Part 1 of my adventures with a melee musketeer
(I’d venture forth but there be spoilers ahead)!


Have you thought of or tried any “off the wall” strategies? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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Understanding The Lore of The Life School


As we wander around the spiral launching spells and defeating monsters, one may quickly lose touch of the lore. There is simply so much to do in order to be successful: crafting, gardening, pet training etc. We become lost in the mechanics of how to play the game and forget to check the lore of the spiral. This is unfortunate since Wizard 101 has a rich history and lore. This thread will examine the workings of Life magic as it fits into the lore of Wizard101. Note- All information is drawn from the Wizard 101 main site, the history books throughout the Spiral and the Life school specific quests.  All extrapolation present is based on the information given and is my interpretation of the information gathered.

The Creation Lore of Life Magic


Life magic is a spiritual school. Like the other spiritual schools, it was not an original magic but was derived from the primary magic of the elemental schools. According to the main site, Life magic lies between Fire and Storm. This suggests that these were the 2 magics the original theurgists chose to derive life magic from. This derivation can be seen in Life’s spells. It has Healing over Time spells(counterpart to Fire’s Damage over Time spells) and can easily disable Damage over Time spells via triage. Its heals are very potent(drawing from the power of Storm magic) and it also has accuracy buffs something only present in the Storm and Balance schools. In fact, heals are so potent that pip for pip most are stronger than any comparable attack spells(notable exceptions include the bolts and unicorn). The derivation of Life magic from Storm and Fire also explains why Post-Celestia Fire, Life, and Storm receive boosts against each other.(Fire boosts on Life, Life boosts on Storm, Storm Boosts on Fire)

The Source of Life Magic

Life magic is an internally sourced magic. Unlike the magics of Fire, Ice, and Storm which are derived from outside influences, the magic of Life draws from the aspects of the caster. Specifically, Life magic’s strength is derived from the body. This suggests that the stronger the Body the more magical potential the individual theurgist has. This fits with the theme of being alive as Life is most fervently expressed in a living, breathing body. This may also explain why Sylvia Drake was powerless against her illness. Illnesses weaken the body and Sylvia’s was described as sudden and severe. As her Body weakened, her Life magic (which derives it’s source from the strength of the Body) would have weakened right along with her explaining why one of the best Life professors was powerless to save herself.

How Life Magic Works

Write a Song ft
Life Magic works via the working of songs. Life wizards sing to work their magic. The Songs they sing are an echo of the original Song of Creation and allow them to create new Life where previously there was none. These songs are used to channel spirits into vessels (such as the songs that summon the pixies, fairies, and satyrs), Call upon powerful Earth Spirits(such as Gnomes!) or even call upon the aid of powerful Life creatures(such as the Forest Lords and Spinysaurs). Life wizards utilize the power of music to great effect and it is by the power of song that they are able to channel the energies need to create and preserve life. So if you tripped the theurgist walking down the hallway and she starts humming…run.

The Goals of Life Magic and how it affects the Spiral

The Goal of Life Magic is summed up in its motto: “As we have been created, so we must create.” Life Magic and the creatures that serve it are committed to protecting Life and allowing it to flourish throughout the spiral. They counter threats to Life(such as the Plague Oni in Mooshu) and protect those who seek to spread life(such as gardeners) Life magic impacts the spiral by spreading order and removing chaos. The spread of order likely refers to entropy or the tendency for things to devolve to the lowest energy state. Life wizards directly counteract entropy and perpetuate the spread of order. This means that life wizards play an extremely important role in the Spiral and are responsible for making sure the universe does not fall into decay.

What Do You Think of Life Magic? Let us Know in the Comments!

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