Melee Musketeer Series Part 2: Game Plan and Match Breakdown

Melee Musketeer Series Part 2:
Game Plan and Match Breakdown

In case you missed it or need to refresh your memory, you can read the first installment here.


Before I go any further I should note a noteworthy change to my gear.

I was simply too lazy to farm for this weapon before (happens to all of us). Haywire shot is comparable to assassin’s strike in terms of damage and it’s knockback is another huge plus. This weapon change was a no brainer.



Chantal Livingstone

  • Burst Fire 2
  • Doubletap 2
  • Overwatch 2
  • Quick Adjust

This companion choice shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Chantal is a staple for every musketeer team. Her sniper shots are EXCELLENT to spike damage early game. Together they can do upwards of 1300 damage without an agility buff. In addition, her cloud spirit provides the pirate with some much needed chaining potential. It’s the backbone of melee musketeer, and the super strike is a nice cherry on top.

Some might argue that overwatch 3 would be a better choice instead of quick adjust due to musketeer’s high accuracy. However, in Chantal’s case, I disagree. Aside from your pirate, she is your primary offense and can be viewed as a “win condition” if left around too long. Quick Adjust is more fitting in this case to maximize her chances of chaining when she does miss (which would be more common than one might think).


Contessa Argento

  • Riposte
  • First Strike 3
  • Relentless

What makes Contessa so great is Gallant Defense. Her hide and backstab make her ideal to use already, but gallant defense is MASSIVE in your arsenal. This gives cornering in the spar chamber insane efficiency. When used in combo with a fort, she can tank out enemy hits for your team while they focus on reducing opposing units to rubble.

Gallant defense is also an ideal utility to buy yourself a round or simply move into range, as shown above. Opposing ranged units will be completely prevented from hitting guarded. However, melee units can still target you as long as they are not adjacent to Contessa. As such, one should be mindful of proper companion placement.



For the last spot there are a two routes you can take:


  • Hold the Line 3
  • First Strike 3
  •  BladeStorm 2

In my opinion, Ratbeard is the best defensive companion in the entire game. He is very ideal for protecting your team early game with his Hold the Line 3. He’s also used to reduce enemies’ dodge for our pirate. As with Contessa, First Strike 3 gives him a break from hidden swashbuckler units that would want him down asap. BladeStorm 2 is really only ideal because his other epics can get him into unnecessary trouble with epic exchanges. Aside from being a much needed wall, Ratbeard can provide some nice damage spikes. He can use his clear the decks power to knock enemies into traps (most ideally) and bombs. He is preferable to me as the last companion, but that is not to discount…

Old Scratch

  • Enhanced Mojo Blast 3
  • Mojo Echo 3
  • Witch Hunter

Old Scratch is an ideal choice for one reason and one reason only: his mojo buffs. Using a valor’s armor with his biggest mojo buff makes your health bar almost untouchable for a decent while, especially if used with a fort. A 100% mojo buffed critical super hit hail of cannonballs is almost guaranteed to drop any unit under it’s line of fire. His skeletal corsair can also be summoned as another line of defense. If it isn’t dealt with asap you can bet on it to be a wingman to slowly chip away at the enemie’s health. Scratch is always a safe choice but he can make it difficult for your pirate to make some necessary plays since his buffs are only useful when next to the pirate.



Game Plan: Divide & Conquer


First of all, the less units alive, the easier the rest of the match will be. Singling out units and ensuring the kill on them allows us the breathing room to spike damage and get to our “late game” plans a lot sooner than our opponent. Also note, this is with Scratch or Ratbeard. The gameplay will exclude either one.


Early Game

In the opening rounds, you will want to embrace your roots as a musketeer and stay back. Use Chantal’s sniper shots to damage the most threatning enemy and let the opponent come to you. This is when you want to use your biggest scratch buff and throw down some bombs when an enemy is in range. Don’t forget to set up your barricade! Use Chantal’s agility buff and hide Contessa while keeping Ratbeard as a post. Depending on the immediacy of your danger, you can choose to…


A) Use a bear/claw trap and knock the opponent into it with Ratbeard, use gallant defense with Contessa


B) Shield up your pirate to rush in next round and have your companions single out one unit.


In both scenarios you will gain an upper hand on the following turn since your opponent has to prioritize a target to gain any ground. You can also follow Ratbeard’s example and use a knockback of your own: haywire shot from the dreadnaught weapon.


Mid Game

This is the messiest time in the match. It will set you up for an endgame that can be very much in your favor. On the other hand, it can also be the bane of this entire build. This is where you want to throw on an agility buff, a shield, and chain everything to death. Unless you are confident that you can get a full chain and take out the pirate, the companions should always be your primary target. Once companions are out of the picture, your opponent is at the mercy of rng that is very much in your favor. This is a great place to use a mighty charge and catch your opponent off guard with a likely chain with the help of your agility and an extra jab from glancing blow.


End Game

Finally, this is where you retreat back into what’s left of your fortress of bombs and traps that you set up at the beginning of the match. Heal up, have uncanny shot at the ready, have on a shield and whatever last agility buff you can squeeze out get ready to throw out your guaranteed critical hit.


 Class Specific Tips


As much as I hate to say it, this is a matchup that you should expect to lose. Between vengeance strike, relentless and bladestorms, the main source of damage output this setup offers is best left as a last resort. The best way to pull out a win here is to repeat the words of wisdom, “they have to be next to me to hurt me”.


The key to beating musketeers is massive damage spikes. A lot of the hard work needed in this matchup is already taken care of with the quickdraw and burst fire exchanges that will happen. Barricades are extremely helpful; they restrict the musket’s lines of sight and allow us to remain a threat. This is a great pressure tool to draw out their bombs, which can then be timed out.

Mighty charge and brutal charge can be used as “surprise” hits with their x2 haste. With an agility buff on you can often times drop a unit from full to red without too much notice. It’s these sort of spikes in tempo and damage that cripple opposing muskets and will find you wins vs them.


Privateers will struggle in the matchup. Their naturally low agility will prove to be their bane. Since they are companion oriented in terms of damage output, take advantage of the fact that you can one round the pirate and use it as a key pressure tool.


This is my favorite example of a tempo heavy match. Bombs and dodge reducing and other trick shots will be your best friends. Contessa can also help protect you from poisons with gallant defense. Bombs that are set up earlier on in the game can be used as minefields during mid game. It’s ideal to retreat through them to the direction opposite your opponent, forcing them to travel through your bombs again (after surely charging your crew early on). Applying constant pressure and giving them no breathing room is the best approach. Saving brutal charge and uncanny shot can allow you to be a threat later in the game since a single chain will go a long way if they are unable to dodge. Don’t wait to make a move until they can find their assassin strikes.


For witch you want to use the same approach as the privateer matchup. Hide > agility buff > shield > charge > chains + witch hunter threat. Opposing companions can wait when you have the capability to take out the pirate in a single round. Note that a simple purge magic play on their part can mean the end for you so charge in only when fully prepared. You might want to bring dispel magic with you to deal with the likely threat of slows.

Unless they use summons before you can reach them, the rest of the match should be a walk in the park. If they do get their summons up however, taking them out should become your only priority, as most witches like to use beast banner. If you can get through the waves of AI units and take out their companions, simply move next to them to attack and they will be at the mercy of witchhunter your chains.


Conclusion: Experience and Thoughts

Overall I find melee musketeer extremely fun to play and rewarding when used properly. It is an ideal medium between buccaneer and the normal/ranged musketeer. This set is an excellent, hands-on way to learn about tempo and controlling the pace of matches. I can also vouch for how well this can improve one’s adaptation skills.

After seeing the results I was able to pull off, I have definitely fallen in love with the idea of hybrid sets. The only issue of mine however is when it comes to practice points. Unless you have no desire to ever use a ranged shooty weapon, I don’t think that investing into relentless on musketeer is worth it. As you can see from my previous article, I had to choose between spending 2 points on walk in shadows, or on training witch hunter and another x2 haste charge. I could train all of the above and still have 3-4 practice points leftover when swapping between melee/hybrid and ranged weapons. I’d like believe that the popular opinion wouldn’t trade freedom of choice and a few extra practice points all for one measly rank of relentless.


In the next installment I plan to address several problems I’ve been having with this setup as well as some ideas and changes I wish to explore.


Do you like the idea of the melee musketeer?
What about it works/doesn’t work for you?

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New Ghulture’s Hoard Pack – Wizard101

Ghulture’s Hoard Pack


Time to say goodbye to any leftover crowns you have from the holidays, because the newest Ghulture’s Hoard Pack made a surprise appearance in the Crown Shop! This amazing new pack has a lot of exciting things. From mounts to housing furniture, and just for the regular price of 399 crowns!



First off, let’s take a look at the mounts. There are a total of 7 school themed mounts that offer damage stats. So far we observed a +3% damage stat for all schools except balance, which gets +2% universal damage instead.

ghulture's hoard pack


The Pets

You might also be lucky enough to obtain the new fierce Wurm Larva Pets! (They are actually cuter than you might think)

ghulture's hoard pack
ghulture's hoard pack

ghulture's hoard pack
ghulture's hoard pack

You can also get other previously seen pets like the Leopard, Sandman and the Raven as more common drops in this pack.


Gear and Weapons

You can immediately notice that this is an interesting new gear set. The boots are quite competitive with some other boots we’ve seen before and the wands introduced yet again another intriguing may cast spell! 


Mirage Themed Housing Items and House Guests

All sorts of housing items are available for you to get from this pack! Let’s not forget those lively house guests that add a certain vibe to your house. I certainly recommend this pack for all of you decorators out there. 

 ghulture's hoard pack

ghulture's hoard pack

Additional drops include:

  • Grandmaster Socket Wrench
  • Lycian Chimera and many more treasure cards!


What is your favorite new item from the Ghulture’s Hoard Pack? Let us know in the comments below!

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W101 Spell Ideas: Storm- Archetype [Card Surge]

Storm- Archetype [Card Surge]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

A seven part series with a single school focus for each article. This article will focus on the Storm School and it’s Archetype [Card Surge].

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School
Death School
Fire School
Ice School
Life School
Myth School

Storm School [Card Surge]

Archetype [Card Surge]

The Storm Archetpe focuses on augmenting the defensive abilities of Storm using damage while punishing the usage of buff cards. It has the ability to reverse buffs/debuffs and to cap damage potential. This is an extension of Storm’s ability to control the opponent’s offensive abilities which acts to augment Storm’s weaker defenses. 

Name: Surge Protector

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 70%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 570 Storm Damage and next incoming damage spell is capped at damage of highest pip opponent card in hand

Explanation: A powerful card that offers Storm some defense that it currently lacks. It caps the next incoming damage spell at the highest pip damage card in opponent hand. So if your opponent has an epic enchanted Efreet as the highest pip damage card in hand their next spell would deal a max of 1195 Damage.

Name: Ionic Flux

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 70%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 855 Storm Damage and Reverse positive and negative symbols on all cards in opponent’s hand. Opponent cannot discard next round.

Explanation: A powerful Storm spell that makes all cards in hand reverse their positive and negative symbols. This means shields become +70%  and cards like Loremaster will give a blade and accuracy buff to the opponent instead of a debuff. The discard prevention for 1 round means your opponent will have to cast a card or pass on the next round.

Name: Lightning Rod

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Your next cast card will always hit the maximum output. Place 0 pip copy of the cast card in opponent’s hand.

Explanation: A card that guarantees the maximum positive outcome for the next cast spell. This means wildbolt/healing current when cast will hit 1k damage and cards with a range of damage(such as Kraken) will always hit max value. Balanced by the fact that the opponent gains a 0 pip copy of the spell. Note that this card is not usable with insane bolt unless you like eating 10k points of damage…In which case have fun!(the maximum output of Insane bolt is the 10k self hit).

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!

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W101 Spell Ideas: Myth- Archetype [Card Petrify]

Myth- Archetype [Card Petrify]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

A seven part series with a single school focus for each article. This article will focus on the Myth School and it’s Archetype [Card Petrify].

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School
Death School
Fire School
Ice School
Life School

Myth School [Card Petrify]

Archetype [Card Petrify]

The petrify mechanic works via directly limiting your opponent’s card options by affecting their sideboard and ability to draw from it. It also allows Myth to utilize their sideboard to greater effect. This takes the stun concept built into a lot of Myth spells to an entirely new level while also emphasizing the “multi hit/effect” philosophy of Myth.

Name: Book of Gates

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 80%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 420 Myth attack to one enemy and opponent cannot draw from sideboard next round.

Explanation: A powerful 4 pip attack for Myth that prevents the opponent from using their sideboard for a round. This constrains both the opponent’s offensive and defensive potential as valuable cards tend to be stored in the sideboard.

Name: Janus’s Whimsy

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 80%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 620 damage to one enemy and can play a move from sideboard AND hand next round. 

Explanation: A spell that allows myth to play a card from their hand and their sideboard increasing the effectiveness of their turns. Playing a move from sideboard and hand works by allowing a player to select both moves and the move will play out in the order selected. You need to meet the TOTAL pip requirements for the spells selected. Once you select the first spell it will deduct from your pips then you can select the second spell. This creates huge potential situations such as a feint into a shadow enhanced or a shield and an attack.

Name: Skyquake

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Discard all cards from the sideboard present in both players hands

Explanation: A pressure tool that is particularly potent from second. It is balanced by the fact that it discards any sideboard card from both player’s hand which means it requires careful timing and play.

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!


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W101 Spell Ideas: Life- Archetype [Card Invigorate]

Life- Archetype [Card Invigorate]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

 A seven part series with a single school focus for each article. This article will focus on the Life School and it’s Archetype [Card Invigorate].

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School
Death School
Fire School
Ice School

Life School [Card Invigorate]

Archetype [Card Invigorate]

This archetype focuses on building card advantage over time. The Invigorate concept allows Life to prevent loss of cards, decrease the pip cost of their cards under certain conditions and slow down the opponent’s tempo. This emphasizes Life’s concept of reactivity in a unique way and allows Life to force a slower tempo match while speeding up their own.

Name: River Naiad

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 90%

Cost: 4

Description: 375 Life Damage to one enemy and add “Invigorate” effect to a heal or attack card in your hand. Shadow Spells cannot be targeted with Invigorate

Explanation: A card that leverages a decent amount of Damage while adding the “Invigorate” effect to a card in your hand. The Invigorate effect means that when the card is cast it returns to your hand immediately after with a 1 pip decrease and cannot be discarded the next round. A card loses “Invigorate” when it returns to your hand by this method. When you select a target this card also lets you choose a card in your hand to enhance with it’s effect. The “Invigorate” effect is a direct effect enhancement which means cards with this effect can be further enchanted.

Name: Harvest Bounty

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 90%

Cost: 6

Description: 465 Life Damage to all Enemies and replace all Damage spells in opponent’s hand with a Random Card with “Invigorate” that you used this battle. Cards with “Invigorate” cannot be discarded the next round and return to the caster’s hand costing one pip less when cast. Cards returned to the hand this way lose “Invigorate”

Explanation: A powerful AoE spell that replaces your opponent’s attack cards with a card you Invigorated this battle. This slows down your opponent’s tempo because they cannot discard any invigorated cards until one round has passed. If they choose to use the invigorated card it returns to their hand following Invigorate mechanics, further slowing down the tempo.

 Name: Amicable Terms

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Give one 4 pip or lower damage or heal in your hand “Invigorate”. When the enhanced spell is cast the card returns to your hand via “Invigorate” mechanics AND copy is placed in opponent’s hand via “Invigorate” mechanics. Opponent cannot discard this copy.

Explanation: A card that allows you to speed up your own tempo while slowing down the opponent’s. Balanced by the fact that your opponent is gaining one of your tools at a decreased pip cost.

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!


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W101 Spell Ideas: Ice- Archetype [Card Freeze]

Ice- Archetype [Card Freeze]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

 A seven part series with a single school focus for each article. This article will focus on the Ice School and it’s Archetype [Card Freeze].

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School
Death School
Fire School

Ice School [Card Freeze]

Archetype [Card Freeze]

This archetype focuses on slowing down the tempo of the match while slowly building power over time. The archetype slows down matches by limiting the opponent’s cycling options as well as encouraging the user to keep cards in hand so they can receive a buff. This fits well with Ice’s theme of slow but steady wins the race, rewarding persistence and a slower tempo match.

Name: Glacial Drift

Type: Attack/Manipulation

 Accuracy: 80%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 375 Ice Damage to one target and +50 base ice damage to one attack card of your choice in hand

Explanation: A powerful attack that buffs up a spell the more you keep it in hand. Note that this is a direct buff to base damage meaning the card can still be enchanted and it works on enchanted cards. When you select your opponent this card also lets you choose a card in your hand to enhance with it’s effect.

Name: Brain Freeze

Type: Attack/Manipulation

 Accuracy: 80%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 465 Ice damage to all opponents-place 3 Token shields in opponent’s hand(replaces cards in your opponent’s hand if it is full, replacement means the cards replaced are returned to the deck not discarded). Maximum of 5 tokens can be in opponent’s hand at any given time.

Explanation: A powerful card that slows down the tempo immediately. Token shields are 1 pip 20% tower shields that cannot be discarded. This slows the tempo by limiting your opponent’s draw options and costing a pip to cast the token.

Name: Convection

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Place 2 token shields in opponent’s hand and 1 in your hand. Max of 5 token shields can be in either player’s hand at any given time. Replaces cards if hand full. This spell while powerful is balanced by slowing down the caster’s tempo as well.

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!

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W101 Spell Ideas: Fire- Archetype [Card Burn]

Fire- Archetype [Card Burn]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

This article will be a seven part series with each article focusing on a particular school. This particular article focuses on the Fire school and it’s Archetype [Card Burn]

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School Spells

Death School Spells


Fire School

Archetype [Card Burn]

This archetype focuses more on using damage as a control mechanism rather than more direct control that the other schools may have. As such it has damage that is based on the opponent’s hand as well as the caster’s hand. The damage spells are DoTs which Fire has all but forgotten outside of Burning Rampage. These concepts emphasize Fire’s role as large damage but spread over time.

Name: Stifling Canopy

Type: Attack/Manipulation

 Accuracy: 75%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 50 Fire Damage+ 100 additional fire damage per attack card in opponent’s hand over 3 rounds to one target

Explanation: A powerful spell that punishes your opponent for keeping too many threatening cards in their hand.

Name:  Firestorm

Type: Attack/Manipulation

 Accuracy: 75%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 50 Fire Damage + 150 additional fire damage per attack card in your hand to one target over 3 rounds.

Explanation: A card that can become immensely powerful if you manipulate your hand correctly. At max it can deal 950 damage at base to your opponent- competitive with most shadow enhanced spells

Name: Contact Burn

Type: Manipulation

 Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: 5% of your opponent’s current health times the number of cards they discarded last round(backlash damage)

Explanation: A powerful spell that punishes discarding. It is balanced by the fact that it can almost never kill opponents(it deals a percent of their current health which means they can only die if at 1 health) as well as being risky to use. It deals backlash damage meaning it is unaffected by attack boost or buffs/debuffs on the field.

What Do You Think of These Concepts? Let us Know in The Comments Below!

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W101 Spell Ideas: Death- Archetype [Card Drain]

Death- Archetype [Card Drain]

In 120 levels of Wizard 101 we have seen all kinds of effects: buffs and debuffs, heals and attacks-all of which contribute to the game we know and love. One of the few concepts that wizard 101 has yet to explore in depth is direct card manipulation. This is likely due to the fact that unlike other ccg games Wizard 101 has unlimited card draw mechanics. Wizards completely fill up their hand on the next round while also having access to a sideboard that is a 1 for 1 trade. As a result, reshuffle is the only direct card manipulation spell we have, something I hope this post will change.

In order to bring some new mechanics to the table I have invented a few spell archetypes for each school. Each of these Archetypes will augment a particular aspect of the school. I invented a school limited 4 pip attack, a school limited 6 pip attack and a pure manipulation spell that can be trained by other schools (given for free to that school and trainable by the other schools for one training point). Since direct card effects are not often felt immediately these cards will be at or slightly above dpp and/or leverage powerful effects for their cost.

This article will be a seven part series with each article focusing on a particular school. This article will focus on the Death School and it’s Archetype [Card Drain]

Cards made with Legends of the Spiral’s Card Creator! Check it out here!

Balance School Spells

Death School [Card Drain]

Archetype: [Card Drain]

This archetype takes death’s unique drain mechanics and applies it to the player’s hand. Death players will be able to drain the power of their opponent’s spells and steal some advantages for themselves. This Archetype is very focused on synergy which used to be a key component of the Death School. Much like the school’s description- Death’s Archetype will build advantage over time.

Name: Lachesis Moirae

Type: Attack/Manipulation

Accuracy: 85%

Cost: 4 pips

Description: 385 death damage to single opponent. Steal the secondary effect of one random 6 pip or lower attack/effect card in your opponent’s hand and apply to this card. Change school specific symbols to death.

Explanation: A powerful card that punishes your opponent for keeping attack effect cards in their hand. For example, let’s say your opponent has a loremaster in hand. Casting this spell will deal Loremaster’s effect(mantle and weakness) and remove that effect from the copy of Loremaster in your opponent’s hand. The school specific symbols works like this: Let’s say your opponent has icebird in hand. When you cast this spell and steal the blade effect it will leave a death blade(ice symbol changed to death)

Name: Stagnant Lethe

Type: Drain/Manipulation

Accuracy: 85%

Cost: 6 pips

Description: 520 death drain damage to single opponent, Reduce all cards in opponent’s hand base damage by 50. Increase all drains in your hand base damage by 25.

Explanation: Following along with Death’s drain principles, this card allows death to gain some damage on it’s weaker base damage drains while also lowering the opponent’s damage potential directly. Remember that this is a direct buff/debuff to base damage which means enchantments can still be used on the affected cards.

Name: Vampiric Curse

Type: Manipulation

Accuracy: 100%

Cost: 2 pips

Description: Lower all cards in yourself and 1 player’s hand by 100 base damage. Drains remain unaffected

Explanation: A card that slows down the damage potential of your opponent. It is balanced by the fact that it also slows down your own damage potential. However, drains are immune to the effects of this spell.

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