Duelist101 Birthday Summer Clash 2017


Duelist101 Birthday Summer Clash 2017

Summer is out and what better way to start things off than with some fun wizard101 PvP! Here at Duelist the heat has really gotten to our heads (except if you’re Nora, her head is filled with Mist). We want to cool off to the excitement of RNG and some PvP of course. Duelist101 will host a PvP event and everyone is invited!



We will be having our Birthday Summer Clash on Saturday June 24. Yes, that’s next week’s Saturday already! While we do have an official ending time for the event, I’m sure you can hang around longer if you’re having fun.

  • Pacific time: 9 am till 12 pm
  • Mountain time: 10 am till 1 pm
  • Central time: 11 am till 2 pm
  • Eastern time: 12 pm till 3 pm



The event will take place at Peridot’s houses. Thanks to some simple housing magic, mounts will be disabled for everyone. That should help with the lag! Houses will be separated by levels so please try not cluttering an arena full of champions if your level is low I’m looking at you Kevin.

Pick-up location

Port buses will be in Unicorn Way by Diego in Lincoln realm. Kelvin will be the secondary Realm if Lincoln Realm happens to fill up. There will be buses there throughout the brawl. You will need to let them know to which house you want to be going and they will take you to the appropriate house.

There will be various duelist members such as Cody Raventamer and Peridot (to name a few) who will be hanging around outside the arena (Lincoln realm) to transport people.

The houses

There will be 3 official PvP houses for this event. There will be other houses you can visit to simply hang out or PvP in secret. Wizards of any level are welcome, but please don’t join the dueling circle for level 120s if you’re level 16. Let’s respect each other and have fun!

  1. Champions (level 120): OutLaw’s Refuge
  2. Grandmasters (level 50): Nomad’s Camp
  3. Magus (level 30): Pyramid of the Lost Horizon


Noobs welcome!

Even if PvP isn’t your strong point, there are some neat fishing spots scattered around the houses and a whole bunch of fun stuff to do. We are expecting a special someone to make an appearance… Guess who?!



YES WE WILL BE HAVING PRIZES! As mentioned above we will have prizes and this is how it works:

1. Kevin

Try to snag a picture of Kevin and his terrible tan and post it in the comments to be placed in a raffle for chance at a prize! Don’t hesitate to take pictures and share them! Post a picture with Kevin here in the comments to be entered into a random draw for a Vampire pet (10 available)


2. The Duelist Crew

Show the duelist crew some love and take pictures with us too! Post a picture with a Duelist Member to our email [duelistcontest@gmail.com] to be entered into a random draw for a Dragonclaw Blade (10 available).

*pictures of available duelist members will be posted soon so be on the look out for any updates to this article!

Julia Raventamer

Cody Raventamer

Cody Raventamer

Cody Raventamer

Morgrim ShadowFist

Alex ThunderStaff

Molly Misthead



3. The ant-sized Leprechaun

Find an ant sized leprechaun hidden in one of the houses. The leprechaun with his heeps of golden prizes will be shrunk down to as much as possible and will be hidden cleverly in 1 of the 3 houses listed above. The house will be announced on the day of the PvP event and will be listed right here:

[                                                   ]

Be the first to email a picture of the ant-sized leprechaun and you win! Send your picture over to duelistcontest@gmail.com

1 Mummy Costume with 5k crowns




Absolutely no foul language will be tolerated. You will not be warned for this, you will be removed from the brawl.

Absolutely no rude or unsportsmanlike behavior will be tolerated. You will be warned, and if you continue, you will then be removed from the brawl.

There are no restrictions on what spells may or may not be used.


Will you be attending?

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The Power of Enfeeble in PvP Matches


The Power of Enfeeble in PvP Matches

Enfeeble spellEnfeeble. We all love it when it help us and hate it when it removes all of our blades. In case you’re still not familiar with this wonderful spell, it removes all the blades that are spinning around your opponent’s head. Enfeeble is really popular at low and mid level PvP and can still occasionally be found in max PvP. However, due to the power we can achieve with shadow spells and the available pierce, there isn’t as much blade stacking at level 120 as there is at magus or grandmaster levels.

In this article, we’ll go over the sources of enfeeble as well as discuss strategies that involve this spell.


Trainable Enfeeble for Storm School Wizards

At level 72, Storm wizards receive the option to do a side quest, which will reward them with the trainable version of enfeeble. Make sure to finish Wintertusk first, since obtaining Insane Bolt is another requirement for this 3 pip spell.

Enfeeble Gear Card

Amulet with enfeeble cardThere are several items that come with an Enfeeble card, but unfortunately most of them require too big of a sacrifice in the stats division to make them a viable choice. The best option to receive Enfeeble as part of  your gear is to get the amulet from our friend Diego (Memento of Tragedy). You need to be at least level 45, have Knight rank and 500 spare arena tickets. Unfortunately, with all the power that Mastery amulets (and level 100+ resist and resist/pierce amulets) can offer, many players simply don’t have space for this gem.

Enfeeble Item Jewel

If you’re lucky (or dedicated), you can get yourself an Enfeeble jewel, which you can affix to either your deck or your athame. other useful jewels give you extra power pips and accuracy, which are really useful jewels as well. However, depending on the rest of your gear, maybe you’ll be able to squeeze one enfeeble card into your deck. Just like with with the gear card, the jewel’s card costs only 2 pips, which is really powerful when fighting blade stackers. Sources of the Enfeeble jewel can be found here.

Enfeeble Treasure Card

Another 2 pip variation of this spell and personally my favourite: the treasure card. It is marked as no trade and monsters that drops it are found in later worlds. This combination can make it quite tricky to get, and can cause some problems to low and mid level wizards who want to get it. But there is an alternative! An alternatively that isn’t written in the wizard101 wiki or mentioned in the majority of other places. It does require some grinding, but the reward is pretty big. You can farm silver chests in Mirage for a chance to get an Enfeeble treasure card – no fighting, just running and doing mini games.

Personally, I’m getting 1 TC per 2 full realm cycles which take me from 1 – 1,5 hour. Is this worth the grind? It’s up to you, but I’d say it’s worth taking a shot if you’re multitasking and want to do a wizard101 activity that doesn’t require too much thinking.

Possible enfeeble TC drop locations

Enfeeble Pet Talent

This is probably the most popular Enfeeble choice for non-Storm wizards. Sometimes pets can be pretty stubborn and won’t cast it at all, while other times they’ll win you matches. Some players love the talent, others prefer more stable talents. Whether you should use the talent or not is up to you, but I’d still suggest that you get one pet with it. You can always replace it later if you aren’t satisfied with the result.

As for now, only the Jack O Lantern and the Piranha Hunter have this talent in their first generation pool, so it’s probably much easier to find someone with an already established pet to get one of your own.



Enfeeble as a Card in Your Deck

Well, there isn’t much to say about using the card. From first it’s quite easy to use it, but there can be some problems if you start second. In order to assure that you won’t use it right AFTER your opponent hits, make sure to use it in conjunction with weaknesses. Stacking two weaknesses should be enough to hold your opponent back and allow you to safely remove the opponent’s blades. Another big indicator is infallible. This spell is really powerful, but it also gives away the opponent’s intentions – make sure to use this intel to your advantage.

Another thing to mention is that you’ll often have only 1 or maybe 2 copies of this card in your deck (unless you’re a level 72+ Storm). Keep in mind that this one card can be hiding at the bottom of the deck, so make sure to adapt your discarding and TC pulling accordingly. Of course there is always the RNG element involved, but if your strategy relies on using Enfeeble from an amulet or jewel, then try not to pull too many TC’s.

Enfeeble in side deck

Enfeeble as a Pet Talent

Pet with may cast enfeebleSuccessfuly using the pet talent is a whole different story. While having a chance to remove the opponent’s blades, using this talent isn’t always the best option. Sometimes it’s simply better to have an extra damage or resist talent than live with the RNG of enfeeble. Your pet should be an extension of your wizard – an extension of your play style. Having talents and a playstyle that don’t fit well together is a wasted opportunity. If you play offensively with a lot of blading and a lot of hitting, you might want to avoid getting this talent. On the other hand, if you’re more of a defensive player then getting the Enfeeble talent is a great choice.

The most important thing here is knowing the triggers. There are two things that can trigger your pet to cast Enfeeble: your enemy casting positive charms (like blades) or you casting negative ones (like weaknesses, infections and dispels). Maybe you have wondered why some players keep on using infections although opponents has several copies around their head already? Or why some players keep on casting irrelevant dispels? It’s not because they’re clueless dummies, but because they’re hunting for may cast enfeeble. They want their negative charms to trigger the talent. If you’re an agressive type of player who doesn’t pay too much attention to casting negative charms, then you’re just limiting yourself and your pet’s potential.

I know Enfeeble can also cast when the opponent casts their blades, but relying on that is too risky. In most cases it will get triggered when you don’t need and remain silent when you’re desperate for this maycast. Even those who actively hunt for enfeeble don’t always get it. So I’m strongly against having the talent if you don’t plan to incorporate it into your strategy.

Storm dispels

These are mostly used by Grandmaster wizards and their sole purpose is to have control over Enfeeble. Dispeling storm wizards is of course a nice addition, but these are kind of rare in Arena anyway.  If your strategy revolves around blade stacking then it’s certainly a good idea to add a Storm dispel or two to your deck. Not only will it prevent their pet from casting Enfeeble, but it will also prevent opponents from using their own dispels.

If you’re struggling with training points, you can always use the buy back training points trick. Wait for the member benefit, buy them back and cloak a bunch of storm dispels. It will require some time to get extra supplies, but it’s worth it.

Are you using Enfeeble in PvP? Did we miss any strategies or sources? Let us know!

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New PvP Changes on The Horizon!


New PvP Changes!

Recently on KI Live, the folks at KingsIsle had a major surprise for their PvP fans. It seems that this Summer Update will be one for PvPers to remember as 2 major changes were announced. Read on to find out more:

KI Live Video(PvP Coverage starts at 39:24)


Dispel Shields

One of the changes shown in the KI Live is the oft requested dispel shield. This shield (as shown on KI Live) acts similarly to a stun shield. As soon as a dispel is applied, a dispel shield is placed that automatically stops the next incoming dispel. Dispel spam is a real problem in max lvl pvp and in team pvp formats and this change should help to remedy that. It remains to be seen if Diego will offer a dispel shield spell similar to stun blocks for wizards to train.

Chess Based Turn System

The biggest change announced was of course: a tournament that uses an entirely new turn system. That’s right- A chess based turn system is coming to Wizard 101 PvP! The system works just like Pirate 101’s system. One player takes their turn and a spell is cast while the other side waits. Then the other side takes their turn and casts their spell while the first player waits.(It remains to be seen how this system will work in team pvp) Effectively, this allows both players to see and react to their opponent’s last cast spell. This is a HUGE change for PvP that could solve many of the issues with first turn advantage- a major problem that PvPers have been citing for years. It will be interesting to see if this system meets our expectations going in to test realm. Below is a comparison of the current system vs the Proposed system

Current System                                                         

-Planning Phase(Both Players Choose Spells)                           

+First Turn player’s spell casts                                                        

+Second Turn player’s spell casts                                                 


Proposed System  

-Planning Phase(First Round Player Chooses Spell) 

+First Turn player’s spell casts 

-Planning Phase(Second Round Player Chooses Spell)      

+Second Turn player’s spell casts            


Are You Excited For These Changes? Let Us Know In The Comments Below!


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Feedback and Communication Between the Community and Kingsisle


Feedback and Communication
Between the Community and Kingsisle

We all love feedback and communication when it comes to our releationship with Kingsisle. Most likely we have already given feedback at one point since we first entered the game. It could be in the form of a video on Youtube, threads or replies on a forum, or just chatting in game about what would we like to see changed. More often than not, we get the feeling that the developers don’t listen or care about us. But is this true? Are they really as ignorant as many players portray them to be or are they actually listening to us?

This article will be divided in two sections – one targeted to players and another to Kingsisle.
Combining them together, the article should help us:

  • understand why we often think that KI ignores our feedback;
  • provide you with some helpful tips of do’s and don’ts to craft a good feedback thread/post/article/video (we will call these a “post” in the rest of this article).


1. Players

Take your time

It’s hard to say what the most important thing is for making a good feedback post, but taking your time is definitely part of it. Good quality posts don’t simply appear in a few minutes; it can take hours or days to make one. You should always start with brainstorming – thinking about the key points which you’re going to talk about.

Personally, it always takes me days to finish the brainstorming phase. I’m never sitting in front of a piece of paper, but I’m just thinking about the topic during the day. I just came to the point where I’m doing it subconsciously. As such, it doesn’t have any effect on my daily life, yet I’m still thinking and crafting the outlook of a post.

After the brainstorming phase is finished, go ahead and write it down. Finish writing the post, but don’t click submit right away. First, read through it once or twice. You’ll find some typos, mistakes and maybe even some missing things. You can even leave the draft for a day or two to “reset” yourself and re-read everything with a fresh mind.


Don’t rage

Feedback and communication

Feedback is usually the result of negative ingame experiences. Don’t let the hate and anger get to your head. Having an amazing and thought-through reply won’t help you at all if you start swearing and sending developers to hell.

You might think it’s harmless, but look at it from the following perspective. Would you like to hang out/listen to someone in real life who’s just bad-mouthing you while trying to help you? Would you enjoy having an instructor who swears at you everytime you make a mistake?


Don’t assume the past

This is one of the common mistakes when people discuss various things/trends. “Since thing X happened, the game doesn’t have as many players…” While the second part about lesser amount of players is true, this thing X isn’t necessarily the reason for it. You might fool and convince some people with this, but the ones that matter and know their business will see you as bluffer who needs to somehow prove their own point.

We can only speculate about causes and consequences. KingsIsle, on the other hand, has actual data. They know exactly when the biggest declines occured and they definitely don’t need our speculations about this. Not to mention that game updates aren’t the only reason why people leave. Of course, some portion leaves because of this, but there are far more things behind that:

  • The market is oversaturated with computer games. The situation now is completely different from how it was 8 years ago.
  • There is way more variety when it comes to gaming platforms. While PC’s are still really popular, there are console alternatives and a mobile market which is rapidly gaining popularity.
  • People move on… they’re starting high school, college, getting families. They simply don’t have as much time/energy as they used to have.
  • People take breaks from the game. “I’ll skip only one month and than I’ll be back…” Then another month passes… and another… and suddenly they forget about the game or get other hobbies.


Offer a solution

While it’s perfectly fine to write a post that only states problems, it’s much better to also offer a solution. Identifying the problem is the easy part since it’s often pretty obvious which things need to be tweaked/changed. The hard part is coming up with a good sopp be someone else who can respond with a solution.

Keep in mind that the difference between good and great feedback is often in well-thought-out solutions. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. You can’t just randomly add/remove things because you think that would be best. One thing you should do is remove the bias toward your favourite school. We all have our favourite school and it’s understandable that we want the best for it. However, this isn’t the way to go in constructive critcism.


Feedback and communication

Think about negatives

When stating the changes you would like to see, you always need to think about negative consequences. If we want to see a buff to certain spells, we need to be careful not to make them too strong. The same thing apply for nerfing the spells: while all of us would love to see Loremaster and Rampage being nerfed, we need to be careful to not make them completely useless.


Programming is not easy

Coding plays a big role in whether implementation/change is possible or not. Only the developers know about game stability and how certain changes would affect other things. Maybe they like some ideas, but it’s simply too hard to implement them without causing additional problems. We need to understand which things require additional coding and which things don’t to see what kind of feedback has more of a chance of getting implemented.

For example, nerfing/buffing spells should be an easy task, since it’s a matter of changing the values. Fixing the turn system on the other side requires way more attention and effort. We have wanted changes to the turn system for such a long time and we’re only getting it after all these years. Is it because of KingsIsle ignorance or is it something else? We can’t know what’s going behind the scenes… We can’t know whether there were problems in programming or something completely different. Remember how massive problems appeared with the reshuffle update (enchanting mutations and dissapearing tc’s)? This was only one spell getting re-programmed. Now imagine how many potential issues changing the core mechanic such as the turn system can bring.


You’re not always right

It’s completely understandable that we all think that our own ideas/feedback are good and flawless. But that’s not always the case. You need to open yourself up and accept criticism and feedback about your feedback. Of course everyone would love that the game would implement their ideas, but we need to become united. We need to work together to come up with best possible solution.

I’ve noticed that this is generally a huge issue among the community. Instead of opening ourselves up, a lot of users become really defensive and remain stubborn with their own thoughts. This is really hypocritical, since people are often accusing KingsIsle of not listening to what we say.


Big names

While a lot of feedback, even from regular users, gets noticed, having a name in the community might increase your chance of being spotted or taken more seriously. Like it or not, that’s just the way it is – and there is a good reason behind this. Creating a name for yourself among the community requires an effort from you. It shows that you’re dedicated, have spent a lot of time in the game and have obtained a good understanding of its mechanics.

There is a difference between players who have 50k+ subscribers on youtube, and players who have only a few posts on a forum. Now, I don’t want to discourage anyone – I’m just trying to picture a more realistic situation.

Every well-known player was small once. Everyone started with being a random player with a few posts/videos who worked his/her way up. And trust me, even if you’re small and no one knows you, people will notice you if you’ll post high-quality content. Maybe not right away, but after repeatedly posting good content, people will start recognizing you. You just shouldn’t give up, you should work hard.



2. KingsIsle

Too much interaction doesn’t exist

KingsIsle is doing a pretty good job when it comes to interacting with their players. We have Feedback fridays, #askki at their live streams and we can even see Dworgyn lurking around the forums. But there is no such thing as too much interaction. We all love to hear from KI officials and be involved in the discussion with them. It’s such a simple and costless intangible thing that can create wonders.

Maybe getting more personnel on the forums – to provide us opportunity to interact with more KI employees? Getting involved in more topics and not just technical ones. There are plenty of topics across the forums and leaving one reply a day can cost you only few minutes. It can be as easy as adding 2 cents to What did you accomplish today? or more complex by suggesting Best Wand for Champion Death. It doesn’t matter whether the replies offer some insight or are simple spammy posts – the community love to interact with game developers.


Feedback and communicationTwo way communication

This one is a step forward from normal interaction and there are most likely some limitations here. People often leave feedback across the various platforms and they’d love to be included in KI’s thought process. We don’t necessary need too deep explanations – it can be as simple as “we’re considering to make these changes and would like to hear your opinion about that”. It’s similar to Feedback friday, yet completely different with lot of additional value.

Changes to Bad Juju are the perfect example of why two way communication is required. While Kingsisle did listen to community and the problems we stated, their approach wasn’t correct. The original (changing pip cost of tc) intention (to nerf bad juju) was great, but it didn’t solve anything. Two way communication simply provides a higher rate to succesfuly implement changes and can result in less wasted time for figuring out (and possibly later re-programming) necessary things.


Vocal minority

We all know them and we all know that every game has a vocal minority. I’m aware that there is a really high possibility that the PvP community falls in this category in Wizard101, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. PvE generally doesn’t suffer from unbalances, but that is the case in PvP. There is a reason why PvP players complain the most – because school/gear/spell disparity in the game hits us the most.

Of course PvE need to be taken into consideration if any changes are about to be made, but there is way more room to breathe than there is in PvP. The PvE enviroment is way more flexible and nerfing/buffing certain aspects won’t have too big of an effect on it.


Players do know the game

I agree that some feedback has unreal expectations and it’s actually good that some things don’t get implemented. But we as a community often have a feeling that the game could be more enjoyable for everyone if all of us would step together. If players and developers would step together to find best possible solutions.

I hope that this article will help us – the community – writing better and more constructive criticism and that it will give KingsIsle another perspective on feedback. Responding to each and every one migh be a bit too much, but there are a few individuals in the community that would be worth being consulted about possible implementations.

Show us that you care

Similar to interaction is showing appreciation. While KingsIsle is already doing a lot here (#askki crowns and answers, code giveaways, supporting fansites) there is always room for more. Intangible rewards can be equally satisfying than tangible ones. There are shoutouts in monthly newsletters, but why stop there?

Let us know if you implement any update that got inspiration from the community. It can be as short as leaving a link in the update notes or creating a whole new paragraph in the newsletter. It might look like a little thing that is not worth the time, but the impact can be big. Shoutouts from developers are often amazing for the user receiving it, but there is one more important thing: you show us that you’re listening to us and actually use our feedback as inspiration for the updates.


Did we miss any important steps? What do you think is most important thing when giving feedback?

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Wizard101 – Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle


Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle

A brand new bundle has just surfaced in Wizard101, the Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle! Avalon themed items can be found within this bundle such as the Dashing Outlaw gear, the Fairyfly pet, and the panoramic Outlaw’s Refuge. This bundle hasn’t been officially announced by Kingsisle yet, but it is starting to appear in some stores. Big thanks to Destiny Rain for letting us view the bundle.

Overall the bundle provides you with:

  • Outlaw’s Refuge
  • Vulpine Avenger’s Mount
  • Fairyfly pet
  • Dashing Outlaw Gear
  • Ranger Marksman Bow
  • Additional Castle Elixir
  • 5000 crowns or 1 month membership

Fairyfly Pet

Avalon Outlaw's Bundle Pet

I dare you to say that it’s not fascinating! Additionally, it grants you the spell card ‘Fairy‘ at Baby. Information about the pet’s stats and talents will be happily accepted and credited.

Vulpine Avenger’s Mount

Avalon Outlaw's Bundle Mount

A brand new foxy mount that offers +2% universal pierce just like the Clockwork Courser from the Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet Bundle. This will surely grant us more variety for when we want to go for pierce on a mount.



The gear and weapon are still a bit of a mystery for us at Duelist101, so if you have any information please do not hesitate to post in the comments below and you will be credited. This article will be updated with all the latest discoveries. The gear comes from any level (0) to level 120.



Outlaw’s Refuge

Quite a unique house for Wizard101! The Outlaw’s Refuge has all sorts of fun contained within it, including an intractable catapult (that was hinted in May’s newsletter), a fishing area, ruins, a dueling arena, and best of all a magically huge tree house with a panoramic view of Avalon including Castle Avalon.

Avalon Outlaw's Bundle Preview 1

Avalon Outlaw's Bundle Preview 2

Are you looking forward to obtaining this brand new bundle?

Don’t wait any longer and head to Gamestop right now!

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Introducing the Pet Talent Calculator


Introducing the Pet Talent Calculator

We’re sure that you’ve all noticed and probably used the ‘Tools’ section on Duelist101, but did you notice anything new as of late? That’s right! We’ve snuck in a brand new tool for you guys, the Pet Talent Calculator! Thanks to our very own Termagant who worked hard behind the scenes with the folks from Project O we can now use this amazing feature to help calculate pet talents, both main and derby.


A little history…

When the advanced pet system came to Wizard101 in 2010, pet talents and stats seemed mysterious and random but, through training and hatching, some patterns and rules started emerging:

  • Pets have 10 potential talents, and 10 potential derby abilities. One of each is unlocked at each level of development, up to 5 of each at mega.
  • All first generation (dropped or bought) pets’ potential talents and abilities are the same for a given species.  
  • All hatched pets’ potential talents and abilities are inherited from their parents’ pools.
  • Talents and abilities have a specific display order on every pet, and an assigned rarity. For example Spell-Proof is always an epic talent, and will always appear above Spell Defy and below Pain Giver, regardless of pet species, and any other talents which may be above, below, or in between those.

Armed with these simple rules, players set out to create a list of all the talents in the game, and their order. This was called the “Talent / Derby Ability Order Project“, aka “Project O”.

Using test hatching and records from hatches of pets with known pools, a master list has been created and maintained. It is not complete, but largely accurate, and constantly revised as fresh pets and new talents appear. Each talent is scored with a position or range of positions, which enables the relationship of an unknown slot to be compared to known talents.


Why do this?

Firstly, the immediate benefit is being able to tell if a desired talent passed in a hatch. Suppose you wanted a pet with Proof, Defy, Fairy, Ice and Balance Wards. You have a base pet that has Proof, Defy, and Fairy right in a row. Then, you hatch with a friend who has wards galore. You get an egg with lots of lovely ultra-rare slots. But are they the wards you’re looking for? You see your familiar pattern of Epic, Rare, Uncommon – Proof, Defy, Fairy, right in the middle where it was on your parent. Should you train to adult? Epic? Or trash it and hatch again?

Prior to talent order, you’d have no way of knowing. Now you do! As it turns out, your newly hatched pet is a bust. Since Balance and Ice wards always appear between Proof and Defy, the ultra rare slots on your pet must be something else. Knowing this before you train saves time and snacks. This is just one example of course.

Understanding talent order lets you create custom pools such as all-good; aka “clean”, or pets with only boosts for your specific school. This can greatly reduce the pain of “fails”. You can often avoid training bad hatches, and can usually train pets you are developing only to adult until you know that ALL your desired talents have been acquired.


How does our pet talent calculator work?

Firstly, simply fill in as much information about your pet as you can. Fill in the talent numbers right after hatching to help determine which talents might have transferred from the parents. Values are:

  • 0 (Common)
  • 1 (Uncommon)
  • 2 (Rare)
  • 3 (Ultra-Rare)
  • 4 (Epic)
  • or ‘-‘ for Any / All.

As you train up your pet and more talents manifest, the other un-manifested talents become more determined.

Additionally, you can save different pets to the Pet stable (you must be signed in to get your own private stable). If you hatch with someone and wish to share your pet’s data with them, just tell them your pet’s ID so they can make a copy of your pet in their stable. The database is currently using version 5.5 of the Project O order lists which may possibly change in the future.

To switch between derby and talents, just click on this button and the interface will switch. 

After that it’s pretty standard. You need to select the ‘Breed’, enter the name and any notes you’d like to add. Then start inputting any data you know about the pet and hit ‘Save’. In addition, next to the calculator you will find a reference table containing all the talents available in game, which can be sorted by rarity. Needless to say, the same goes for derby talents.

Feel free to post any questions you have about the calculator in the comment section below the calculator.

Pet Training Calculator

What are you waiting for? Push the big red button above and start pet training!

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Member Benefit – Double Monstrology Animus


Double Monstrology Animus

The weekend is finally here and with it comes a brand new member benefit! That’s right! Now that the Spiral was blessed with Monstrology, we also have Double Monstrology Animus to top it all off. If you’re a member, head over to Wizard101 right now and start fighting any creatures you can collect animus from. Not just that! You can also use a Triple Animus Elixir to get even more animus. Shall we do the math?

  • 3 Animus per usual reward: 3
  • Double Animus event: x2
  • Triple Animus Elixir: x3
  • = 18 animus from just one creature

Which means that you can get a maximum of 72 animus from a battle with 4 creatures in it! The place I like to farm with my max lvl storm wizard is the first 3 levels of Briskbreeze Tower. It contains 3 fights with purely undead creatures in it. After I complete the third level, I quit and start over in order to get the most of the elixir. On the other hand, it just costs 150 crowns.

Double Monstrology Animus Overload

You can also take a completely different way and farm high leveled creatures like the Vault Conscripts in Mirage’s Alkali Barrows. Those minions are easy and are also great minions if you want to start questing on a low level wizard… lifehack, shhhh. Additionally, this sounds like a great opportunity to go for the new animus and undead badges that have been added with the Monstrology update.

Double Monstrology Animus Undead Badge

Double Monstrology Animus Animus Badge

Hurry up! This member benefit only lasts till May 21st, so make the best use of this weekend. For a quick reminder on which creatures you can get animus from, here are links to each of our monstrology creatures lists.

Creatures List #1 Creatures List #2  Creatures List #3  

Which creatures are you planning to farm for animus? Let us know in the comments below!

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EverClicker – An In-Depth Look at KingsIsle’s Newest Game!


An In-Depth Look at KingsIsle’s Newest Game!

If you haven’t heard, recently.. KI officially launched its newest mobile game – EverClicker! After being backed through Steam Greenlight, it is now officially available to everyone on most devices, with Amazon devices soon to come. What is this mobile game, you might ask? Well.. keep on reading to learn more!

EverClicker is a mobile game, and is part of the “clicker genre”. In clicker games, the goal is simple – smash your way using clicks (tapping your device) and other forms of advancing through levels (in the case of EverClicker, you have click damage and then DPS – damage per second). EverClicker also has a vastly different progression system compared to any KingsIsle game so far, and can be confusing for users new to the clicker genre – so let’s break it down!

All photos were provided from KingsIsle – big shout-out to them!

Stage Progression


In EverClicker, users can progress through stages – each which have 10 rounds of enemies. Every 5 stages, you will have a boss enemy that is harder than the normal enemies. Once you defeat all the enemies, you move on to the next stage, and so on, until you hit The Star Devourer. This guy is the big bad guy of EverClicker, and first appears on stage 40. Once you defeat him, you gain Essence (read on a little further for the run-down on Essence!). 

Once you defeat The Star Devourer – you get a star, and you are done with that specific “world”. Also, you can use a hero trait point to receive various boosts through your journey. After that, you are warped back to stage 1, and it appears as if you are starting over from the beginning again. That is not true. Each time you finish a star, an additional 20 stages are unlocked, and you can progress further through the game each time you finish a star.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The hero levels you unlock are not transferred over once you complete a star, but permanent increases from using essence will stay through each star. Also, any power-ups you obtain will stay until you use them.



EverClicker has a wide roster of heroes, ranging from Tina, your first hero who enhances your click damage, to Hansky – a painter who uses his art brushes to strike down his foes, and many more! When you first unlock a hero, it will give their hero power – which range from additional clicks per second, to stealing items from enemies – how evil!

As you level your heroes up higher and higher, you will get to unlock power-ups for them, which will make your team even stronger. These can range from increasing their DPS, to gaining additional stats (crit chance, increased gold from enemies, and even adding a portion of your DPS to your click damage!). As you complete more stars and progress through the game, additional heroes will become available for you to fight with – making your progress through EverClicker even faster!

The higher you level your hero, however, the more gold it will cost to level them. Keep that in mind when you are choosing who to level and how far to level them!



Essence is a key part in EverClicker.. but what exactly is it? Well, this is a drop that you can obtain from:

  • The Star Devourer
  • Warped bosses (Warped refers to bosses that you have already fought once, and are re-fighting, they have a chance to become “warped”, and they will drop essence.)
  • Certain achievements, one for example is unlocking a certain amount of boosts from essence.

Speaking of boosts, Essence’s main function is to unlock your account PERMANENT stat increases to your account, in the form of spirits! These can be a ton of different things, some of which include:

  • DPS, in forms of click damage, idle damage (not clicking for an extended period of time), and normal DPS
  • Shorter hero power cool-downs, and extending the length of the hero powers.
  • More Gold Income
  • Increase the Stage you start on
  • Much, much more!

When trying to decide which spirit you may want, you also have the option to reroll your options. Fair warning – the more times you want to reroll, the more expensive it will get!

Please note, the reroll function has changed from Essence to Diamonds.


Spells are another way to get some temporary benefits. To get spells, you have to create them! How might you do that?

When you defeat enemies, they have a chance to drop items, which can be a number of different things. Over time, you will collect enough to craft spells, as shown on the left. Some of these items are more rare than others, so it may take time to collect the required number to cast these spells. Each spell is a one-time use, and lasts for varying amount of times based upon the spell (for example: Deadly Aura spells will last 30 seconds, and grant you 40/60/80% DPS depending on the level of the spell). There are even some rare spells – only obtainable through the store, or through the daily log-in rewards (Goldsplosion is on Day 3, which is a big chunk of gold that can level your team up very quickly, and Time Distortion on Day 7, which grants you Essence!)

There are quite a few types of spell you can craft, ranging from critical hit damage, to dropping rare items to help you along your journey!

Feast Hall

The Feast Hall is the main hub to spells, and various types of enchantments to your hero – let’s go over which each tab does!

Friendly note #2 – In the current live version of EverClicker, the order of the tabs is slightly re-arranged, but their functions are still the same! So, for this article, we’ll be going off this picture.

Spells – the green spiral tab on the far left! This tab is where you cast each spell you desire. There is an identical tab once you return to fighting! There is an option to sort spells by only ones that you can currently cast, so you aren’t searching through ones you cannot currently use.

Feast Hall Upgrade – the next tab over! This tab allows you to give your feast hall upgrades which result in quicker and longer hero powers. and additional critical chance on your click damage hits.

Hero Quests – this tab allows you to send your heroes on quests – which after a short duration (scales up after each completed quest) – increases their DPS by 25%! For Tina, it will increase her click damage by 25%. These are permanent, and carry over from star to star. Once you complete one of these quests, you will also get essence, and the amount varies on how many quests you complete.

Enchant Weapon – After collecting certain ingredients, you can enchant a random hero’s weapon – which will increase their DPS even more! There is an option to reroll which hero you can get, but it will get more expensive each reroll.

Cauldron – through your tapping, you may get certain foods as drops. These foods have varying EXP amounts, based on what level of food they are. In this cauldron, you can throw the foods in there, and gain levels, which give you 1% DPS per level.

KingsIsle’s newest game is off to a smashing start! There is a lot to this clicker, and hopefully this guide helps you transition into EverClicker a little more smoothly. Get smashing, and beating those baddies!

Have you tried EverClicker? Who is your favorite hero? Comment down below! Feel free to ask any additional questions you may have as well!

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Exalted PvP: A New Stopping Point in the Arena?


Exalted PvP:
A New Stopping Point in the Arena?

Players in the arena often decide to stop at certain levels. Some, like Grandmaster PvP, are more popular while others, like Promethean, are less. While some people already do level 100 PvP, it’s not too crowded and there is still a lot of potential for it to gain popularity. In this article, we’ll check out some things that can make Exalted PvP more appealing.

Major Gear Upgrades

Malistaire gear for Exalted PvP

If we exclude Commander and Warlord gear, there have been only two major gear upgrades so far: Waterworks and Darkmoor. There are a few other options like Zigazag, Poseidon and Hades gear,  but these can’t be counted as major upgrades. Zigazag serves as a Waterworks alternative and Poseidon and Hades are just additional upgrade choices. Many players still prefer Waterworks over the last two, but you’ll see almost every PvPer swapping their 60 gear for gear from a level 100 dungeon.

On the other side, there aren’t really too many upgrades to Exalted gear. There are a few pieces here and there that you can change, but a full upgradeable set is still non-existant. And if KI is going to wait another 40 levels for next major gear upgrade, we could definitly see a low amount of players choosing to PvP between levels 110 and 130.

Armor Pierce Trends

With the introduction of Shadow magic, KI also provided us with a massive amount of pierce. It was a nice solution to jading and you could find a pierce bonus behind every corner. However, the latest trends show that KI doesn’t have too much interest in keeping pierce as high as it was:

Armor Pierce from ring for Exalted PvP

  • We probably won’t see another spell like Shadow Shrike. And if we do, pierce probably won’t go over 50%;
  • The Infallible upgrade (Flawless) kept the same amount of pierce and increased only accuracy;
  • Level 110 and 120 Duelist’s Daredevil rings dosn’t offer any pierce bonus;
  • The wands don’t reach the pierce given by their Darkmoor counterparts;
  • Boots and other pieces of gear (which are currently irrelevant to max pvp) have completely lost their pierce bonus;
  • Pierce jewels also haven’t been upgraded for the last 20 levels. 

Shadow-shadow! I Love Shadow!

Next thing are shadow pips. While shadow pip chance will eventually go up, the increase won’t be as big as it is with regular pips. Triangle jewels receive only 1% extra chance every 10 levels and without major gear upgrades we’re bound to almost the same chance at levels 100 and 120.

Another thing is the amount of shadow pips we can accumulate. Khrysalis gave us the possibility of storing 2 shadow pips. Twenty levels later we can still store the same amount of shadow pips. While the ability to store 2 shadow pips is good enough, having one extra slot would definitely have a lot of potential to have an effect on Exalted PvP’s popularity. 


Shadow School spell we can use at Exalted PvPWhile spell upgrades are notable – especially with level 118 spells – I feel that the difference simply isn’t that important. Since level 1 we have slowly progressed and have gradually been getting access to stronger spells. That was until we reached Darkmoor part 2, which provided us with a massive upgrade. After that, the situation calmed down again and we have gone back to the old track of slowly gaining more power.

There also isn’t any sight of more Shadow school spells. In Khrysalis, we can train a total amount of 6 shadow spells and that’s pretty much it. There is nothing after that – no upgrades, no nothing.

Opponents We Face

Doing PvP at levels that aren’t max gives us more variety in the opponents we face. At max level, we’re stuck to face either equally ranked players who are the same level or higher ranked lower levels. However, when we decide to stop at a certain point, we get access to one more group of players: higher levels who have lower rank than we do. This often result in an easier path toward reaching high ranks.

Of course there are also disadvantages to fighting at lower levels. If we keep ranking up, we will eventually reach the rank where our opponents will be higher level warlords. But overall, there are still more advantages than disadvantages. Well, at least for now…

Changes in the Critical System and Decay

One of the best amulets for Exalted PvPWhile changes in the critical system have the same effect for all levels, there is an extra benefit for Exalted wizards. When critical was still doing x2 damage we received an amulet, that helped us with this: the dropped amulet from the Rat with high resist and high block. This amulet alone was a great reason to level up to at least 110. With critical losing importance in PvP, we can now chill with Darkmoor or Morganthe amulets.

Another thing is critical and block decay. While it’s not nearly as important as it used to be, it still exist. But at the end it’s still there and having these few extra percents because we’re not effected with decay is always nice.


PvPing at Exalted is no exception when it comes to negatives. We already mentioned hitting ranks to face higher level warlords, but that’s not all that can happen. Another big disadvantage is being in a close range to Archmage jades. While there are lot of tools to face them, it’s still really unpleasant to fight them – especially the juju spammers.

Last thing is the unpredictable future. The situation with no major upgrades can drag on for 20 or 30 more levels or we can get the next big thing in few months. An update with an impact as big as the Shadow/Darkmoor update can put Exalted PvP in a bit of a tricky situation.


Do you think Exalted PvP has what it take to become next popular stopping point or will it quickly diminish?


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Monstrology for PvPers?


Monstrology for PvPers

As monstrology spreads through the spiral, many PvPers have expressed mixed feelings about it. On the one hand many are happy that it’s super overpowered minions won’t be making an appearance in PvP. On the other hand many are disappointed as the system offered some unique possibilities(particularly for the myth school). This thread will go over some ideas on how both parties could be satisfied and how monstrology and PvP could co-exist. Ready to get excited about Monstrology for Pvpers?

Monstrology Minions

One of the biggest parts of monstrology is the introduction of minions that can be summoned based on the animus of collected monsters. The minions come with all the base statistics of the creature(minus the cheats) including health! This is likely why they were not introduced in PvP. However, there is a way to include these monsters in PvP without overwhelming the system. The way to do this is via a few simple steps:

Adjust health based on rank

In the arena monsters health could be made equal to their rank x 100. So a rank 1 monstrology minion would have 100 health while a rank 15 minion or boss would have 1500 health. In this way monstrology minions could come into play in pvp without overwhelming players due to a massive health pool.

Limit tc by rank                  

 In order to prevent low levels from exploiting higher rank monsters, the monstrology tc that could be used would be limited by rank of the monster. Lvl 1-10 Wizards would only be able to use rank 2 and below monsters for example. Pretty much KI could lock monstrology tc by the highest rank monster your wizard can face via the main questline.

Monstrology TC return to deck after PvP battles

In order to stop Monstrology from being something that only players with a max lvl character on their account can realistically utilize- Monstrology TC would return to your deck at the end of a PvP match. In this way the amount of farming required to effectively utilize monstrology would be kept at a reasonable level ensuring that monstrology for pvpers does not become part of the barrier to entry that is already quite steep in PvP.

For PvP offer class “expel monster” TC

Due to the large variety of potential monsters that could be in use at any given time- Diego should offer class specific expel TC that are for PvP only. What this means is that for each monster type available- PvP would have a class expel for it(such as expel undead or expel parrot). In this way, schools without access to cheap AoEs have a reasonable way to take out monstrology minions without making the very concept of monstrology for pvpers useless. Since monstrology TCs would return to deck after pvp battles Diego could offer these expels for a reasonable amount of arena tickets.

Monsterdome Rewards

One of the most underutilized concept in the current monstrology system is the “unique loot” that was promised at the beginning of the system. Right now minions in the Monsterdome simply offer gold and the occasional housing item, nothing that really screams unique. An easy way to fulfill this “unique loot” promise while simultaneously making monstrology for PvPers (and PvE) more interesting is to allow the Monsterdome monsters to drop the unique spells in their repertoire as TC. Things like death ninja pigs, natural attacks, boreas ifrit are all TC that could easily be added to Monsterdome loot tables. Best of all it would require very little additional programming as these TC already exist(only as monster only spells). Of course these TC would need to similarly be rank restricted but with thoughtful implementation and a decent drop rate(im thinking 80%+ of the time these unique TC should drop) then the Monsterdome could see an explosion in popularity while also expanding and enhancing the PvP experience.

What Do You Think Of These Ideas? Let Us Know In The Comments Below!

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